HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-12-19, Page 1FIRST SECTION W ulghant, i ntako, Thursday, ' Dec. 1 8$ Cite difficult mokitenoroce.problem • Single Copy Not Over Fit Off. PRESENTATION -- Retiring members of Wingham town council, . Alan Williams, left, and Reeve Joe Kerr, . right, were pre- sented with silver' trays on Monday even - ing.: Mayor DeWitt Miller made the pre- sentation to Mr. Williams and Councillor Margaret Bennett to Mr. Kerr. ' —Advance -Times Photo. Budget may be reduced 4t Hospitals warned that less oney will be provided At the regular meeting of the board ofthe Wingham and District Hospital on Friday evens ing a letter from the chairman of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission was read. The let- ter pointed out that the present "tight money" situation de- mands that all hospitals lower their costs and although no fig- ures were quoted; ,it was plain that less: money will be avail- able to Ontario's hospital dur- ing the coming year.. Since the budget of the local hospital for 1969 has not yet been approved by the Commis,— ion ornmiss -•ion there is considerable appre- hension that its stated needs for the coming year may be sharply curtailed. Board Chairman R. B. Cous- ins also pointed out that another worry, of a completely contra- dictory nature is confronting hospitals at the present time. WAN ALONG THE MAIN DRAG The Pedestrian BACK IN ENGLAND -- The annual greeting from Joyce and Ian Hammerton ar- Ff rived this week and we are pleased to see the entire fam- ily, Mom, Dad, Coralie, War- wick and Roger looking well, nicely tanned and happy in the photograph aboard their boat, M. Y. "Sunfish". They reap- ed to England in September after spending a couple of years hi Spain living afloat, of course. - 0--0--0 CHECKS CONTINUE -- The Wingham detachment O.P. P. will continue to make ° vehicle checks for drinking drivers in this area throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday season. For most, the festive season will be a happy one but H. B. McKittrick, O.P. P. safety officer, warns that there will be isolated cases of persons suffering in hospital as a result of motor vehicle ac- cidents. The checks being made now and in the weeks to come should help to lower the accident risks. THANKS AGAIN -- All the photographs taken at the official opening of the new addition to the F. E. Madill Secondary School were shot by The Student Scene Photog- raphers, Kerry Stuckey and Jim Beecroft. The A -T man- agement says thanks again, kellowt. O -YO --O THANKS FOR THE SPECS -- A couple of weeks ago a parcel wag received at fhb of- fice containing spectacles to be pasted on to the Wingham Lions Club. Our thanks, and that of the Lions, to Rev. B. C. Attweli at the rectory in South March. The glasses will be put to good use. if any other sub scribers have glasses that are not in use the Idontclub would d td receive them„ e Attending a meeting. of 22 hos- pitals in Kitchener a week prev- iously, he had heard many speakers commenting on Ontar- io's latest labor legislature. One of the requirements in the new law is that' work done on statutory holidays be paid for at overtime rates --orae and a half times the normal rate. Since no hospital can suspend services on, a holiday, Mrs. I. E. Money, administrator, pointed out that the overtime require- Iment Gould increase the wage costs here by as much as $10, -000. a. -years-. In other business the progress of construction on the new train- ing school on Catherine Street was reported ,to be up to sched- ule. The building has been closed in and the roof andshing- ling completed. - It was announced that a sur- vey-team ur=veyteam will visit the hospital and will spend several days ex- amining its procedures and equipment. The team will be composed of three doctors and one administrator. A few problems in connec- tion with the building program completed last year were aired, one of them being the fact that electrical installations near the main switch.coritinue to over- heat and blacken. The Ontario Hydro inspector.has refused to pass the work until this condi- tion is rectified and the board agreed that the final payment to the architects will be with- held until the installation is passed by Hydro. Barry Wenger proposed that the regular meeting night of the board be changed from Fri- day to Wednesday, due to tie pen business night in town fall- ing on Friday and because sev- ral members have expressed preference for the mid -week meeting. A poll of those in ttendance was taken and all ere in favor of the change. hent members will be inform - d by mail of the proposed change, which will be voted pon at the next meeting. STATISTICS In her statistical report Mrs. orrey said there were 214 ad- issions at the hospital during ovembei; 15 births, 198 dis- harges, 4 deaths, 172 opera - ons, 239 paid emergency eatments in the outpatients' partment and 163 treatments y doctors where no charge was ade by the hospital; 399 x- ys, 17 blood transfusions, 23 laboratory procedures, 47 ectrocardiographic examina- ons, 66 at the cancer clinic, e post mortem examination, 5 physiotherapy treatments. otal patient days were 2540 r a daily average of 85 pa - 0 e a a w A e u m c ti tr de b m ra 69 el ti on 72 fo tients. Finance chairman R. R. Hunt- er read the list of accounts paid for the months of October and November. Barry Wenger, chairman of the management committee read the current nursing depart- ment report which showed a totakof 84.2 all categories. The report from the training school indicated that 22 stu- dents are taking the nursing as- sistants' course at the present time. An inspector from the College of Nurses had toured the hospital and gave a satis- factory report. Mrs. Morrey stated that four registered nurses from India are expected to arrive here next month to join the staff. They have been cleared by the De- partment of Immigration and the College of Nurses,. PROPERTY E.E. Walker, chairman of the property corrirnittee, re- ported that routine maintenance work has been carried'out and that new cupboards have been • built°at various points within the hospital.' There was also a good deal of favorable co m - ment on new tables in the board roorh which had been construe- , ted by the engineering staff. Mrs. Morrey reported that the Hospital Auxiliary has do- nated $1500, which will be used for the purchase of a portable surgery lamp -in addition to the whirlpool bath already in use. Holiday hours at post office ' There will be no postal service, no street letter box collections, and no rural mail service on either Christmas Day or New Year's Day. On Bpxing Day, December 26, there will be no wicket service at the post office, but the lock box lobby will be open from.'5 to 7 p. m. Rural mail service will not operate on Boxing Day, but there will be normal pick-ups from street letter boxes. Mail will be despatched at 7 p. m. on December 24, 26 and 31 and on January 1. The fina14meeting of wing - ham town Counci], for the year 1$68, was held on Monday even- ing. A number of "tag ends" were disposed of to wind up business for the year. Among the communications , read was a request for the ani: nual-$500 grant from W.B. Cruikshank. for assistance With maintenance of the airport fa"'° cilities on the Cruikshank farfn must west of town. The grant was approved and. council will ask that, a brief "progress" report be made each year to indicate what develop,. ments are being carried out. Letters were read from the Wingham Women's Institute and Whitechurch W. I. corn- plaining of the uncleanliness and bad odour in the ladies rest room at the town hall; It was pointed out that the caretaker has reported that the odour is corning from a floor drain, Another problem is created by children and young people using the facilities with-. out supervision. Councillor 3ateson suggested it is time to consider a thorough renovation of the rooms, posse^ bly moving the toilets to the main floor and redecoration of the main hallway inthe buil&. ing, it was agreed that the cost of such a program should be in. vestigated after the New Year. Central Perth PlanningBoard" asked support for a resolution calling on the provincial gov- ernment to allow member mu- nicipalities to appoint their own representatives to,planning, boards: Council concurred. - A letter from the Kinsmen. Club gave a breakdown of the shared cost plan for the new signs which are being erected at the north and south entrances to town. The towns share is $400. Bell Telephone explained- the reasons for its application to the. Transport Commission for increased rates. Council's decision was to place written objection before the board in order to oppose the application. REPORTS • Councillor Cruickshank re- ported for the police depart- ment. Chief Miller suggested a by -slaw to forbid the use of snow vehicles on Josephine Street and 'on any ploughed sidewalks in town. It was decided that coins from the parking meters be col- lected op specific dates, twice monthly, so that there will be less confusion for Both town clerk and the bank. Reeve Joe Kerr reported that the one heavy snowfall had been handled without too much trouble. He also referred to the re -building of Diagonal Road during the coming year. Mr. Kerr offered his assistance regardless of whoever is chair- man of the public works com- mittee. GARBAGE. REMOVAL The mayor reported that Ken Crawford who had contrac- ted for garbage removal had declared against continuing. Don Carter has been handling work in the interval. Council decided to engage Mr. Carter on a yearly basis. Councillor Margaret Bennett submitted accounts totalling $214,40 6.21 which were ap- proved for payment. Reeve Kerr raised a point le connection with the arena. He said that a great deal of money was spent for the new -front on the arena. One of the features was the heated room above the lobby where spectators might Former Clinton principal is named county director The newly -elected Huron County Board of Education has named John Cochrane, 45 -year -old secondary school inspector to the top post for the Huron educational system. Mir Cochrane, who was bom at Brockville, was principal of the Clinton District Colleg- iate for five years, leaving that town about four years ago. He was invited by the Depart- ment 'of Education to accept his position as inspector of sec- ondary schools in the counties of Oxford, Brant and Norfolk. He has been residing in Wood- stock. Mr. Cochrane was one of eleven applicants for the Huron county position. His official title will be director of educa- tion and secretary -treasurer to the board. The board has also named A. M. Harper as auditors. Harris store will be bigger The floor space at Harris Stationery will be almost doub- led when present renovations are completed. Arthur Malyk, owner of the Queens.l-rote1 building in which the store is located, has work- men removing the wall be- tween the Harris store and the old hotel office. .The office space will be added to the sec- tion occupied by the storeat • the south end of the building. Yom. PUPILS AT Turnberry Central School pre. ,pared scrapbooks on conservation—flood Control, forestry, land use and wild life, for a contest sponsored by the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. The wino ners were Cindy Thornton, Grade V1f., first prize; Debbie Timm, Grade VII, second prize; Gordon Wray, Grade VI, third. The presentation of awards was made et the school Tuesday afternoon by Ken Musclpw, Authority fieldroan, -Advance-Times Photo. Watch hockey games. Mr. Kerr said that children and young people create such a corium, - tion that an adult cannot'use the room: He suggested a small charge,' perhaps 10¢, for those who want to use the upper room. This is the practice in Listowel and Harriston and it seems to discourage the young- aters. Various plans were discussed to cope with the problem. The reeve said, 'We've done a lot for the youngsters in this town; it's about clave sc ne consideration wargiven given .to the adults " . The matter. Was referred to the arena commission. A . motlion was passed dek. elating December 26 a public holiday. , Fist council ineeti' ng in, the new year will be held the sec- ond Monday In. January. Remuneration for enumerators for the liquor vote was set at 10¢ per name. • A lease was discussed for, OMNI HN" ,,,M„H,M.NNN,""""t rental of the larger counedi chambe r as magistrates +cwt. The rental is •$20 per day. . General opinion of council lois was that the rental Is not ,- high enough,, . Tile clerk was Instructed to'find otit whether a higher rate ,rall'benogatiated•, Councillors ars presenfed •with: siket:trdys:: Following; the final meeting of Wingham town,,council On. Monday evening, Councillor Margaret Bennett entertained at her home. Reeve; Toe Kerr, a vetiraiu of 1$ years ontie cauncll; and Alan Willias, who has `served for seven years, were presented with silver trays in recognition of theirservices to the town. They retire from cquncil;at the year end, -Beth expressed theirappre- ciation, not only of the gid from fellow council' members but for the years' of pleasant as- a. sociation' in municipal -work.. IMO ALMA ARCHER shared a sly joke with St. Nick called at the workshop. Perhaps the beard when she tickled. Rev. G. Anderson appointed to Exeter charge Rev. George Anderson form- er Anglican rector of theGorrie- Fordwich-Wroxeter parish, has been appointed to the Exeter parish effective January 15. He will succeed Rev. Dr. Harold Adam Seegmiller who has been rector of Trivitt Me moria l Church, Exeter, and St. Paul's, Hensall, since April of last year. Mr. Anderson is a native of Ireland, who w as ordained when 50. He is a Sea- ger Hall gradua te of May, 1963, deacon by Bish- op Appleyard at an Advent or- dination of the previous year. He was in charge of the Gonie- Fordwich- Wr. oxeter par- ish until September of 1965, when he began a year's curacy at St. James', Westminster, London. Since November 1, 1966, he has been incumbent of St. Paul's, Chatham. Mr. Anderson was engaged in the seed and grain trade be- fore he began studying for or- dination. During the Second World War he served in the Royal Air Force, reached the rank of Flight -,Lieutenant, and won the Distinguished Flying Cross. In his homeland he was a lay delegate to the General Synod of the Church of Ireland. Dr. "Seegniiller will return to Nova Scotia at the end of this month. He has accepted an invitation from the Bishop of Nova Scotia to become rec- tor of St. John's, Fairview, in the city of Halifax. A former chaplain with the Canadian Navy, Dr. Seegmil- ler served parishes in Nova Scotia diocese from 1954 until he took up work at Exeter in April, 1967. Now 51, he was born at Mild- may hi Bruce County and is a graduate oil—broil College and the University of Western Ontar- io. Last spring he received an REV. GEORGE ANDERSON. earned Doctor of Divinity de- gree from Huron College. Ordained by Bishop Seager in 1942, Dr. Seegmiller served at Huntingford and on Pelee Is- land in this diocese until 1948 when he transferred to the dio- cese of Moosonee. Three in hospital after accident An accident on Friday even-' ing about 7.30, on the 15th sideroad of Tumberry Township sent three persons to the Wing - ham and District Hospital. Injured were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Biggs and their daugh- ter Valerie. Two other mem- bers of the family, Judy and Donald Jr. , suffered contusions and shock but were released after treatment. Donald Biggs Sr. suffered concussion, facial lacerations and injured left knee. Mrs. Biggs was treated for concussion, multiple lacera- tions to face, hands and legs and an injured left elbow. Valerie Biggs suffered shock and skull injuries. All are in satisfactory condition. The accident occurred when the Bi- s vehicle and one driv- en by Roy Norman Voisin of St. Clements, collided at the crest of a hill. Voisin, escaped in - Jury. Const. K. R. Balzer of the Wingham O. P. P. investi- gated. May c� dance class The Recreation Department sin Wingham is planning to op-, ' erate elate in tap dancing, hallet and higbian 4aneing �. starting In earlyJanuary..These will be held if enough interest. is shown by the local people. for their children` Classes will be held on Thurs- days after school at the arena. Children must be 4 years old or older to participate. It is hoped that many will take add vantage of this opportunity. The instructor will be Mrs.. Amie Johnston Specht who at the prelent time teaches in Kin- cardine. A number of young- sters from Wingham now attend. the classes there. If you are interested please contact the recreation office by phone or mail by Tuesday, December 24. Please call in the morning. Henley elected Wroxeter trustee In its first election in many years, the village of Wroxeter elected Percy Henley to its vas • cant trustee seat. His only opponent was John {Gibson. Henley polled 77 votes to Gibson's 58. The two other seats were won by James King and Bruce Chapman. Theywere acclaim- ed at the November 29 - nomin- ation meeting. L� -cal folks in hospital Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton of Victoria Street has been hospitalized as the result of a fall in her home. .Another patient at the Wing - ham and District Hospital is Reeve William Elston of Morris Township, who is under treat- ment for a heart condition. Best wishes for return to good health are extended to these patients and to all who are ill at the normally Joyous season. Accident victim' Lloyd Reinhart, 17, Of R. R.2, Mildmay, was admitted to the Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday afternoon. He was injured when he lost control of the car he was driving near hit home. Examination disclosed sreyere facial and head lacerations and a frontal skull fracture.