HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-24, Page 11........ __ Iia WE' N ' Q'R U NICE p tame dime dr • ! d into a orange and black .it on Hal- lowe'en night, solve all theprob lens of the world's sick, and hungrychildren? No. But t1t'8 a start. • And the'Untted,Nations Children's Pand 1* in the busi• nes of making fresh starts every, day all aver the world., with food, clothing. . shelter and ed- ueationi UNICEF regards each •.di°me it receives` from the Hal- Xowe "en .collection as a fresh - start fresh' start for a.. child' in one of the rnarny distressed areas' of the world' iiiNlll�l11 I ossiliosinNIIINIIiRno• Due to thso rising costs. of :op.a. Sion we are obfiaid to Ws* tlio price of ADULT ach sisslans Student . sand Children will • con- tinue► to be 7Sc and 40c. THUR.-FRL•SAT. OCT. 20546 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY" ClnemaScope-Colour - Starring; Clint . Eastwood - EH Wallach Here is outdoor adventure at its best. Due to the length of this feature there will be only ons showing each' night start- ing at 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY MAT. OCT. 26 "Tom Thumb" This is a special matinee withall seats. , - 50 cents * ` COMING $EXTi THUR.=FRI LSAT. Oct. 31.Nov.1.2 WAIT DISNEY'S ."BLACKBEARO'S .GHOST UIIRIIIRImIIIRIitIIttUIIIRIIINIIIuIIIEIIIR Entertainment est �� the ,. on Mintel.., Mil dn,ay nv w BoihbBrotheri i Strik..es& ,Spares 'LADES' WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Rose Grove tools the high single with a score of 280 and Dao#hy Bafn the hig1 triple of ' 967, • . Team standings; Betty's Buiclrs 26 points, Janet's Jav4 el ' 22� points„,, Maud's Mus- ngs 20 points, Jean's jeeps 19 Points, Judy s.Jaguars •l0 points, „Shirley's Sunbeams 8 • points. Gatnes oyer.225: Lou; se. 'Welwopd 237,• Shirley Storey 253, 233 Jean King, 249, Verna Stecffier 250. Last week Mary Forest cap- tured both high single and high , triple with 299 and 61'4 MEN'SLEAGUE l This week's action found the. first place Seals losing 7 points to* to North Stars. The Kings split with Blues 5 to 2, while the Penguins lost .5 points to the Flyers in a hotly contested • lIINI IlNI I IEI I I/I I IAI I IRI IIEI IIAI l l#I I IRI IIG HARRISTON.. DRIVE-IN ThEATIE. FRIDAY 25 • SATURDAY 26 "DEADLIER THAN THE MALE" In Color -.-Stars ELKE SOMMER -- SECOND F'EATUTRE "THE 'PRIVI'LEGE" in Color7=6tarss • ' PAUL 'JONES and JEAN SHRIMPTON Recom. as Adult Entertainment Il1RU11/rIIR1110iiiiitalin11010ni111111111 SATURDAY' NIGHT Wesfern PIaybo issharerlbs, . Sauer SPtd Friday kraut :and arra W y and gam Barbecued_ Chicken end Satdies day night rdaPanno Monts., gran �t. eAlfertlirneA� • o^°vIded, 11. DUMONT TECH • TEST COLOR ANTENNAS . Color, 'Black and White, • FM `Stereo Install On A STRATOwTOWER Just look at these features No guy wires required. • No concrete required. • Tower anchors to the house with o special bracket. • Quality construction with heavy duty galvanized steel and riveted "X" braces. Heights from 14'. to 52', • Will Iasi for many years. Lit us. give you a quote • on a STRATO-TOWER installation. TV Antenna S�rvice Birpairs and Installations Specializing in self-supporting towers, color an- tennas. Year round service for Hanover, Durham, Mt. Forest, Walkerton, Wingham, Lucknow, Drayton, Pal- merston, Kincardine and Listowel Area. ' CONTACT McGILL TV WARREN HOUSE Moro 357.1530 Phone 357.1415 SALL ROHR NANKIN AT NAWOVER p' Phone Collect! 3643313 8.10.1144-31b Match, Standings to date find the flyer's taking over possession of first place with 26 points, 'Seals. and Peng•uiris tied,with.2l, Kings 1'1. North Stars 13, and the Blues 7 ' Bruce Machan put together threes nice games including 291 and 337 for the high, triple" of • ti e.night and thus far in the , season`, a great 85$. Bill John son tookhigh single with 350. Other high games were bowled. by Ken Bacton„ Sr.. with 343 -and 781 Hap Swatridge, 295 and 708; rim Bain 734 Bill Rotch- kiss, 732; Bob .Angus 307 and 705; and Doug Neil with a '704. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Fred and .Harold's teams were really'. bowling this week, cap- turing themselves each 7: more points, The alleys' were pretty quiet though. 1 guess too much turkey over Thanksgiving: Team standings are as fol- lows: Fred 28, Eric 24, Harold 21, Ron' 16, John° 12 , Don 4. Dorothy Croskill took all the honors herself capturing the • high single' with 228 and high - triple 639. .Nice bowling, Dor- othy. Row Croskill, not to be outdone by his wife, came up with a high single of 242,' while Bruce Machan took high triple with 670. Thanks to spares Iris and . George Foulon, Lois Cason and Bruce Machan, THURSDAY NIGHT. MIXED LEAGUES, Many good games were bowled last week to bring three teams in top place. The standings are as follows: Paul's Disciples 26; Monty's Mods 26; Perry's Prowlers 26; George's Gamblers 21; Bob's Bouncers ,15; Keith's Kool Kats 12. Bill Hotchkiss was hot and Captured both men's high sing- le, and .high trifle wnt13 an 818iGacLautin ollowe d close behind with a 291 for the ladies' high single and a 772 for the ladies' high triple. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Men's high single, Doug Lay- ton 318; men's high triple, Doug Layton 748; ladies high single, Marion Chadwick 233; ladies high triple, Nancy Gil- lespie 601. League standings: Strong's` Sexy 6, 26 pts; Post's Hippies 22; Lunn's Wildcats 16; Rea- vie's Drillers 2 5; Swan's Swing- ers 30 and Layton's Leaders 28. Badminton Club Alain this. year the Badmin- ton Club is attempting to get its proverbial feet off the'ground However, with the warm weath- er to date °people apparently do not want to face the fact that winter and its activities are just around the corner. Presently the few who are participating are doing so,each Monday with the exception of the fourth Monday each month, at the public school gymnasi- um. Anyone who is 17 and older. is invited `to join the club and make it a successful season. It is planned that the club will operate in they. E. Madill •Secondary School where facil- ities will eventually include showers. NNNMMNMMNNi4NNN1NNN.Ne Nl NN1N NN. NeeNN NNN.NINMN,N TROPHY WINNERS -- Tropt! f for the season's three eventsor ma'w ,-present- ed s )ent- ed at the annual meeting ofWingham Golf and Country Club on Saturday even- ing. ,Barry Simpson, left, vyort`'t a McKib A i���0llfltak» puMNNafewi fsea!N/HA{1 A %Nie111 Wingham Teens• elect officers A very active'•andkeen group- of Wingham teens have 'formed an organization and have elect ed theix own executive. Three ;meetings have been held and even b;efor'ean executive was formed they felt they `should raise some funds by holding a car wash. This was so success- ful that they have decided to hold more activities to raise , money to serve their purpose. Theanization h s: et to ga .�y come up with a name. Howes ever this group of teens is an- xious to do something 'for .them- selves and have a plaee.to,. -meet. , The executive elected is as follows: President, 'Owen Curt't is; vice-president, Rosernary.o> Curtis. secretary; Voiln s sp7ta' treasurer, Paul Tenxplernan, The following committees a-_ were formed with the first one to be the :chairman: • Ways and Means, Linda Cerson, Diane Caslick; Donna Ross, Rhonda Bell. Programme, Ian Shepherd,. Richard Wharton, . Dave: Gibson, John Schipper. Publicity and public relay tions, Sue Williams; Craig Gil- roy, Karen Sutcliffe, Paul Guest, Nancy Guest, Paul Templeman. Decoration, Ann Welwood, Sally Lou Elliott, Julie Burke, Ruth. Ann Currie, Jane Bateson. This organization is being sponsored by the Recreation . Committee and Recreation Dir-' ector Jim Ward is 'working close- ly with them, Basketball Last year was the first year that a town league in basket- ball was formed. It was fairly successful', with three teams organized. This year only a handful of players have turned up so far. Every Tuesday and Thursday at the public school gym there are enough to scrim- mage and that is all. If this is to flourish there must be more players. This is a good conditioner., Why not get out and give it a try! 1 e e e N. N ere NN N e al Kett Haulage. et bon Trophy; K:en Rae, the WaldenR Trophy, and Wilfred French accepted the Lloyd- Truax Trophy for Glen Madill who was un- able to be present. -Advance-Times Photo. 'ciliary holds ne tournament '•^iThe Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 180 Royal Canadian gion held a zone bowling tournament here when 22 teams. ..r.competed, • - ;.A team from Clinton had the high score for the day, winning the Stanley -Berry Trophy. Han- ever was second, Strathroythird Wingham fourth and. Owe n ound fifth. The high single also went to Clinton and the prize for run - ne-up to Hanover. A bowler from Clinton captured the high triple and Helen Caserlaore of Wingharn was runner-up.' Two draws were held. The_ roceries were won by a lady Y om. Owen Sound and Mrs. Har- i d ,Regtonuof Wingharn won ellrarpron ;' :11r: .r" i,,,t:,..,., . MiffQr' hockey registration. Recreation Director, J i ori ward- has announced that reg- istration. for Minor hockey will be held at the Wingham Arena on Saturday, October 26,- 9.30 unti1,11. 30 a. m. 'Please make every attempt to have all reg istratiohs- by that time. The Wingharn Minor Hockey will be affiliated with W. O. A. A. and will retain the following age dates as OMHA lays down: Juvenile --under 19 years for players born after December 31, 1949. ' ' Midget --under 17 players born after December 31, 19514 Bantam --'under 15 players born after, De ber 31, 1953. Pee Wee-er 13 players born after December 31, 1955. Novice --under 11 players born after December 31, 1957.. Tyke --under 9 players born after December 31, 1959. If there are enough played in arty given category to form house leagues each boy will be givesi the opportunity to play lots of hockey. Mr. Warchays there is a def- inite need for adults and teens who would volunteer to coach, manage and referee the hockey for the boys. e1M\e.ee 11eN NNNNN.iNN NN/ eeNeNNN eNNeN HIM WINGHAM W BELGRAVE INTERMEDIATES defeated Teeswater Intermediates last Wednesday evening. to become the WOAA Intermediate A champions, front row: George •Skinn, Brian Coupes; Card Wel- wood, coach; Way 'Elston, Jim Coultas, Garry Reavie. Back row: Nelson Arm- strong, exec,; Ivan Gardner, manager; Wayne Coultes, Ken Saxton Jr., Bob Hig- gins, Grant Coultes; ed Bauer, exec. Bridge Club entertains The Wingharn Bridge Club entertained the IGodeiich club last . Thursday evening. Wing- ham scored 911 points against Godetich 889. North and South: Donna Sproul and Evelyn Galbraith; . second, Mr. and Mrs. J. I-1, Crawford; thirs, Dr. and Mrs. Smith; fourth, O. Haselgrove and A, Wilson; tied for fifth, "Mrs. H. Fisher and Mrs. P. Thompson, and Cassie McDon- ald and Joe Shrier. East and West: First; Mr. and Mr's.'C. •Hodgiias; second, J. Martin and Dr. W. A. Aakea third, Jean Tapernack and R. Robinson; fourth, K. Duncan and Verna Woring; fifth., Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and Miss. Yvonne 'McPheit oro, SOCIAL EVENING AT FIRE HALL The Wingharn Fire . Depart• ment held the first social even- ing for the winter season last Wednesday night. Attendance „ was lower than usual. High lady at euchre was Mrs. S. Cowan with Mrs. Harv- ey Aitchison as low lady. High man was Lynn Hickey and Rob- ert Hickey had the .low score. Ken Foxton won the -draw. Goodyears are Int. Champions The Beigrave- Wingham Goodyears have completed a successful season emerging as the W. O. A. A. Intermediate A Champions. They are grateful for the support they received from the fans. Scores in the final series with Teeswater were Teeswater 13, Goodyears 0 in the first game. They won all other games 9 to°2, 3 to 2 and 5to4. The team was managed by - Ivan Gardner with Gordon Wel- wood as coach. The players were Brian Coultes, Gran t Coultes, Jim Coultes, Wayne Coultes, Murray Elston, Wayne Elston, Robert Higgins, Keith • Pletch,-Garry Reavie; Bill Rob- inson, Ken Saxton, Garry Stor- ey. A St Paul's euchre There were fourteen tabes in play at the'.eu reherd ;fir St. Paul's Anglican Church on Thursday. High lady was Mrs. Joe Kern, high man, Albert Hall, low lady, lours.. Mark Gardner; low man, N. Cronkwright; lucky draw, Mrs. L, Patterson; high lady playing as a. man,. MUs Mary Henn. • 'The largest chunk of quartz (70 tons) was found .in .Russia,' Willecimith Mr, ,and Mr. Wisest Beed croft and Karen were Sunday s1tors with • T;' . Bee,• crop o, inghant.Y Pon Gray and Donnie • of London Mr, and Mrs. Jack. Tierney and faintly of Tilbury were week-en4 visitors with their parents, Mr.and +i x s., Tom Magoffinl On Sunday `.' and Mrs. 'Lance Magom, Linda, Sharon, Gary, Randy and Colleen of radon visited at the same home..., r Staloton's WIN HA.M) BAIKAL SHOT GUNS `'S€ngle Shot, 12 or 20 �7a . ,;r.,,..:,,$ '3495 Over anal"Under, 12 Gauge Side, by Side,'.12 -Gauge VOSTOK -RIFLES. ` Smgie Shot X22 .4...:.14.0.,.,;.r. r Repeater ,"22" ..4*x1.4,:. • • `" WINCHESTER=GOOEY Cooley Shotguns,L '12„ 16 or 20 Gain .:..: - $ 29,95': Cooey "22" Repeater ...,:.....$ 34.95 Cooey "22" Semi-Auiamatic."..$ 46.95 Cooey '"22 Single Shut ,,:. ;, .20.95`' Winchester., 30-30 �`./.�/�■ .w -w■ ♦ "Cnte enntai,// •.,,,:,;,i+,,., `50.00 Winchester 30-06 °Belt Action.$184 95 RE N NII GTDht _ .�y toy.•4 ae"'71itts d:i,.>ti.. aa4'a.kY`b1i4 $r6'pi(�. "1100" Automatic. Shotgun, 12 Gauge. ,.x......,....$196.95 "870" Pump, 12.Gauge ,:....,.$104.00 "66" Semi -Automatic, �,. "22" Nylon .. ^ .,$ 69.95 SAVAGE Over and- Under, 4:10.22 $ 61.00 Single Shot 22 Hornet $ 51.90 MOSSBER,G Semi -Automatic 22 $ 61.25 Repeater 22 Magnum $ 61.25 .•CIL Semi -Automatic "22" .,$' 58.95 Repeater- "22" ,..........,$ 40.95 Repeater "222" $ 82.75 Shotguns 12 Ga. Pump$ 94.75 Browning Semi -Auto. 22 .$ 94.50 Ruger Semi -Auto- matic 44.40 3135:00 ITHICA Shotguns, 12 Gauge, Automatic $139.95 USED GUNS Cooey Single Shot $ 14.00 Savage 222 Repeater with 1" Scope 5 89.00 Remington 742 Automatic 30.06 with extras $175.00 Mossberg 22 Repeater with Scope $ 35,00 Remington 22-250 Repeater with 1." Scope .,.,$139.00 Cooey Repeater "22" $ 30.00 PHONE 350-2910 CASH BING AUSPICES ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 180 •* THE WINGHAM LEGION '717:m Wednesday, October 23 15 .- $10.60 GAMES 2 SHARE THE WEALTH 1 SPECIAL $50.00 -MUST GO JACKPOT LINE G;.i:s $410•00