HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-24, Page 100 1 $ linr Advitner*T mes. Thursday. Oa. 24, 1968 To television this season cope two stars new to the world Of televisien drama: from the world Of night clubs. Broadway shows and TV musical specials, ' cornea Diahann Carroll, while •the movie world has lent us its biggest boxoffice star, Doris Dayin her first TV appear- ance. The series are similar in other ways—both stars play Viet Nam w idows who are struggling to raise their sons (Doris 'with two, and, Diahann with one). The same situation exists in countless American homes and to most real-life widows, I suppose it is anything but funny. But these series are to entertain and they bring us some adventures of these sep- arate families, some that are funny and some that are sober- ing. 0--0-0 • Doris Day has become a widow in New York, and for the sake .of her young sons .who need wide open spaces and a man around the house, 'she has moved to the southwest to live with her father, a widower. She takes with her a housekeep- er and to add to fun on the farm she'has to cope with a scatterbrained hired man named • Leroy, who would rather play hide-and-seek with the kids than work; and a lovable big slob of a dog named Lord Nel- • son. Occasionally.she gets • dressed up but she looks mizre at home in jeans, as Doris most often does. 'Tis Show Biz By Vonni Lee At almost middle -age, she still looks like she could be playing the girl.next-door. She bubbles with enthusiasin, can make you laugh one minute and cry the next. She Is re- puted to be television's highest- paid star, as it took a great deal to lure her to the televis- ion studios. Her co-stars are Denver Pyle who plays her fa- ther; Fran Ryan (her housekeep- er); James Hampton (Leroy); with Philip Brown and Tod Starke as her two sons. Her theme song is her hit recording "Que Sera, Sera" from the mov. ie "The Man Who Knew Too. Much"- of a number of years ago. The show was produced by Marty Melcher, Doris' late,.. husband, who died earlier this year. 0-0-0' In comparison, Diahann Car- roll's series is maybe a bit bet- ter written, with some fine story material in the scripts that have been presented thus far. Also in comparison, Diahanri,, a striking Negro girl wholike Doris is also a popular singer, always looks like a fa sh i on plate. She has stayed in the big city and works as a nurse to support herself and son Corey. Diahann could put on a turnip sack and she would still look gorgeous. She sweeps into your • livingroom like Loretta Young, all beauty, charm and gracious- ness --as though each time she walked into her kitchen she UCTION SALE FORMOSA COMMUNITY HALL FORMOSA, ONTARIO ties clY. Oct. 29 • 8:00 P.M. SHARP sadi , Acting on instructiens trom the prop. A. E. Willoughby,tithe Auctioneer will offer' lor sale °I Mr ge lots' of Furniture, Tele-. visions, Stereo?, Appliances, consigned to this sale by finance cos., private individuals and a leading furniture manufac- turer who has consigneda nice selection of new furni- ture which consists of showroom samples. For instance . we will offer 5 -different BEDROOM SUITES, each set is complete with full size, 54" matching box spring and mattress; Eight • 2-pce. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, assorted covers' and different styles such as Provincial, Modern and Traditional; 4 different Davenport Suites; one 2 -pe. . Bed Chesterfield Set; 5 Kitchen and Dinette. Suites in 5-7 and 9-pce. sets; Bunk Reds; 29" Con- tinental Beds, complete with headboards; odd 54" Box Springs and Mattress that fit any full size bed; Step and Coffee Tables; - Pole Lamps; Rockers; Recliners; Tri -Light and Table Lamps; ItUgs; Pictures; Step Stool; Hi Chair; Telephone Tables; Wicker Chairs; Small Electrical Appliances; 25 -cu. ft Chest Freezer; -2 Electric Ranges; 2 Conventional Washers; one Automatic Washer and 2 Electric Dryers; 2 Refrigerators; 5 different Television Sets, all checked over and in working condition; 2 • Stereo AM -FM sets; Hostess Chairs; odd Chest of Drawers and many other items. . . .•DON'T ass THIS OUTSTANDING SALE, Auctioneer -44o E. Bird•-• • , Clerk—Lloyd Tanner " . Tarrns—Cash.• .Chiques Accepted. ••• • S% Sales Tax in effect THE VARIED EXPRESSIONS on the faces of these children the Public School Field Day. The events ranging from the don't really give much indication of the event they were softball throw for the girls to the high jump for boys, watching. Actually, it was the race for junior grades at ' took place on or about the school grounds last Wednesday. •• .4.40440.040,04004400404 .6114100101/011101a011111,01.01 4 4 ummigsiou 444 110.011111a 44444 Oa Oa 44444444• 4 4 OOOOOOOOOOOO alaa were making a grand entrance at a balL She is a fine actress, most appealing and easy on the eyes. And her new,series ,'7ulia" (seen Tuesdays at 7:30) really gives that much-needed 'big chance' for a number of Negro stars. Despite the appeal • of both the series, however, I'll bet they don't last as long as "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir". They are just too ordinary! 0-0-0 "Petticoat Junction" and the Shady Rest Hotel will not be the same without Kate Bradley who always kept things running . • smoothly, Bea Benedaret who has played the role since the series' beginning, died last week of cancer, in a California Hos- pital. She was forced to leave the series last year for a few • weeks and undergo treatment. When she returned, she was given' a. warm welcome, off the set and on: She came back to • film five episodes of the new series, but again entered hospi- tal in September. • She first gained fame as Gracie Allen's neighbour Blanche Morton,' in the Burns and Allen series;many timevshe drew bigger laughs than the star. They will no doubt get a replacement for her on 7inictiOn', but as in "Be- witched" and its replacement of the original Gladys Cravitz, the actress will not begin to fill Bea's shoes. Lakele •, Leslie Edward .s and fam- ily of London spent the 'week- end with Mr. and Mrs. ken Denman. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Depnis Of Goderich called on Mr.1Pand Mrs. Elmer Greenley on Thank - giving Day. - • Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ferguson on Sunday were Mr. and Mr. George Hub- bard from Clifford. • , Mr. Warren ZUrbrigg made his official visit as Deputy Dis- trict Governor of Region.3 at the Grand Bend's Lions Club on Thursday night; Miss Barbara Inglis of Walk- erton visited on Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis. PLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Factory Personnel Required • —PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT —OPENINGS FOR BOTH MALE AND FEMALE • APPLICANTS —SHIFT PREMIUMS PAID UP TO 18c PER HOUR —EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS --OVERTIME WORK AVAILABLE Apply in person to John Street office • LLOYD-TRUAX LIMITED WINGHAM •ONTARIO trust moot ritow • rogulation* Itegulaticos, inoorporating new and specific inspection standards to *IWO the meal- an/Cal iltneti of *U used motor vehicle,, sold tither privately as well as through dealers, for operation on Ontario's, high., war, have been announced by Transport Minister Trn kiosk. ettt , Effective W6Vernber 1, any used motor vehicle will need a cenificate of mechanical:1U. ,I1CU before the putt:baser can have it registered in his name and operate it on the hletway. InstiectiQu of the Vehicle. must be carried opt by a licensed mechanie or a licensed dealer and cortificatlen of** vehicle will he hoed ors dot specifies Um; spelled out *the new or voice. If a used motor vehicle is sold without such certificat0, the person applying for a trans- fer mug surrender 113,0 liC0000 plates to the Department of . Transport and in unfit vehicle permit will be issued. Regis- 440ton plates for the vehicle will be issued as anon as valid certificate of mechanical ft. nes produCO. 'certificates are valid for a period of 39 days, Private sales will now be af- • fected by this legislation and used' motor vehicles sold priv- • ately and through dealers will • btsuNect to the new standards of inspection, The aim of the new legisla-. tion is not so much to put veh- icles off the read but W get de- fects corrected for safer 'driving. 4111111w" 0 • • THE GIRLS' THREE-LEGGE11 race was a big event at the Public School Field Day last Wednesday. With legs tied together, and • an open field, the girls were given an op- ' 1•011000011110 portunity to display real •co-ordination. There were some spills and a lot:of laugh- ter as the less co-ordinated ones made a determined attempt to •at least finish. Fordwich Personal Notes Rev. John Stinson of Mea- Congratulations .to Mrs. Ethel ford was an overnight guest Of :• Forester on becoming a great Mr. and Mrs. A. Stinson last • grandmother on Sunday. when . Thursday, and on Friday they twins, a boy and,a girl were attended the plowing match at . born to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Guelph. •Bender of Ayton. Mr. and IA's, Austin. Stinsorat Mr. and Mrsi. Stanley Bride attended open house Sunday a Ji Visited-ocirertheweekzerrdwitlt" ternoon at Waterloo, St. Paul's Mr. and Mrs, jack Riddell in United College. •Lindsay. Misses Alice and'Kathleen Mrs. Pearl Patterson is spend- SMith, Mr. 'George and -Miss ing a few days with -Mr. and Mina McCudy of Owen Sound Mrs; Willoughby Patterson in visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gra- Toronto. ham on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie The sympathy of the coni- •• and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bride rnimity goes to Mr. Ross Doig spent Thanlagiving week -end in the passing of his sister, Mrs; 'An the Kingsville and Leaming- Mary Kincap of ListoweL Mr. ton district. Doig is the last member of a Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton family of seven, • visited several days last week Mrs.. Clarence Gibson re- • with Mr. and Mis. Everitt Ash - turned home last week from ton at Prescott. Stratford General Hospital Mr. and Mr. Wellington where she underwent eye surg- Hargrave and David visited Sun. ery. •' day with M. and Mrs. Mac Mc - Mr. and Mrs. Ernie D'Arcey, Intosh, near Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Jim , Mr. and Mrs. Don Eadie of • Fester and Bob Hibberd, Mrs. Wingham visited Saturday even - Ruby Foster, Misses. Elva and • Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ethna Foster attended the orange Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Service held in the Anglican Redman and Rick of Lisotwel Church in Blyth on Sunday af- • were Sunday guests/at the same ternoon. , , •.home. •. Mr. and Mrs. Rein Reed of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris ,Dundas visited Saturday with and Jim spent the Thanksgiving Mr. and Mit. Wellington Har- holiday week -end in London, grave. • -Leamington and ,Kingsville area. 100110000000 WWI Zeireout 4, S OO Continued From Page Four an hour to keep yourself in board and lodging the other two days a week. Net very high wages, definitely not the Gov't standard, for someone with first class papers on keeping house and 10 years experience in home making. Is homemaldng and raising children becoming such a second class occupation in Canada? 1)p the worldng wid- ows want to drive 40 miles to work to get a fair deal? No , they want to be ptoud to say they live in Wingham, believe in Wingham, and get a fair.deal in Wingham. There are the young marrieds and older marrieds ratting fam- ilies. Are these the people who should be interested in new' ill dustry in Wingham? What is going to become of their chil- dren work wise or would they prefer our largest export to be our young people? Maybe everyone has an' idea their chil- dren are going to have a higher intelligence than most, and won't have to work in industry. This leaves a limited num - bet of people really alarmed about the present and future of ..0 our town and vicinity. There are still the working class with no Jobs available. What is go - Ing to become of them? One pay cheque in a house would be really appreciated by a good deal of these people. Lucky Mrs. Working Wife. What about the women who really need iliac Jobs? Extinct in our town you say. Absolutely not. We need another industry in town, even a second rate one with second rate pay, to really hire our town and immediate vicinity's unemployed, mana- ged not by unfair, prejudiced ' women and men but by quali- fied, fair dealing people who can see work potential in their own community equal to strang- ers. Would our citizens be hired because of the need of employment. or screened for their desirability? We, the people 'of Wingham and vicinity regardless of age, race, Colour or creed all have something in common, the need for money. To think the ratepayers and people of this community have to fill out forma to let the town fathers knOW the need of industry. • Disgusted. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gauthier and family spent the week -end • with relatives in Hamilton. Mrs. Norman 'Harding is con- fined to the K -W Hospital, • Kitchener, where she under- went eye surgery, • M. and isArs. MO Moore at- tended the appreciation dinner one night last week, held in the Royal Inn at Harrfston, spon- sored by tilt Kitchener Water- loo Record. Mr. Cecil Wilson enjoyed a motor trip last week to the western provinces. BIRTHS BRIDE—To Mr. and .Mrs. Harv- ey Bride (Marian Doig) of Don Mills, a. (laughter, on October 15th, 1968. • WELSH --To Mr. and Mrs. \John • Welsh (Marilyn Cooper) at Grace Salvation Hospital, Winnipeg, a daughter, Carol Ann on October 17, 1968. • Boyd's Orchestra ADMISSION — $1.00 PER PERSON '• Restricted to persons 21. and over PROCLAMATION '04 The Town -of • WILL REVERT TO STANDARD TIME SUNDAY,% OCTOBER 27 AT • DEWITT MILLER, 1 Mayor. 4. 4. L. ' GOOD BUY COMPANY DEMONSTRATOR This,1968 Chevrolet Impala 2 -door, Hardtop is equipped' with power steering, power "brakes, turbo-hydramatic transmission tinted windshield, whitswalls and wheel Driven 6,000 miles. GOOD USED CARS - REASONABLY PRICED '65 PONTIAC, Parisienne, 2 -Door Hard- top, VS,' AUto., radlo '64 CHEVELLL4edan, 6, Standard '63 CHEVY II -Station Wagon, low mil*- , MS '67 CHEVROLET 1/2 -Ton Pick-up; long • wide box 1 '65 PLYMOUTH, V8, Auto., radio '65 FORD Custom Sedan, auto., radio '65 PONTIAC, 6, Standard '64 CHEV, V8, Standard MANY MORE MODELS ON THE LOT 111101131MONNOMINImillielelliMisiimmoup 'CLURE .MT RS "WHERE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS PART OP THE smut DIAL" WINGHAM, ONTARIO • DIAL 357 -3710 • a 4,