HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-17, Page 5D'ITl IQ T DQINGf3, Qoourranoos of $11,0 .Post vpet * .. Tlu•ongh out the Neigliberhood in a Qonoise. irorm, Mr, Walter Hanson of Hay, has sold his fifty -acre farm, to Mr, John Janell, of the township of Stenle y. Mr. Gilbert of Corbett, got his hand pretty badly jammed in a threshing machine: on Saturday last. Be is carrying it in a sling. I had tried many doctors and was given up by them as far gone into con- sumption, but was permanently cured by us: ng Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas.. Simpson, Abererder. The farrn of 50 acres of the Irate Alex McKinnon, of 'Tuckersmith; was sold the other day to Mr, John 'rem. pleten, for $2,500. 'For assaulting James Burns, of Ipibbert, at the Stella Lair recently, James Campbell was Linea' $3 and OOSte. A St. Marys correspondent announ- ces that apples are a drug en the market, and that they are sold for less than 75 cents per barrel, Mr. D. H. Dorman of the Mitchell woollen mills has again been forced to assign. His creditors offerees to take 50 cents on the $, but failing to secure backers, he has gone under. There are 158 persons now doing penance in the Perth county jail. The jail expenditure for the current year amounted to $1,187.56 ; and the officers' salaries to $I,325, Mr. Wm, Agar, an old and highly esteemed settler of Fullarton„died on the old homestead early on Monday morning -last, in the 81st year of his age. "Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &c,”—the statements of soores who have tried it. 25e per bot for sale by all druggists, Mr. McNelly, 8th con, McGillivray, has rented his farm to Mr. Gilbert Grieves for a term of years. Of late Mr. McNelly has rented a farm near Chatham. 11' a man purchases an articie at an auction sale and refuses to take it, it may be resold and the first purchaser sued for the difference in price. An action of thia kind has been entered at Mitchell. Miss Maggie Holtzman of Zurich; while at the Exeter fair, found a pocket handkerchief, in which was nicely tied up, four dollars in hills. Miss IL will be pleased to give it to the rightful owner. Mr. Crawford Slack, proprietor of a ifaney goods store on Queen street, St. rM:arys, died on Wednesday last, of 'consumption at the age of 36 yearn. He was widely known and universally respected. Mr. Donald McIver, a farmer of West Nissouri, took a somewhat sud- den midnight departure recently, leaving his neighbors, whom had r thought him well-to-do, minus $10,000 I borrowed money. A gentleman went into a restaur- ant in Parkhill the other day, and after paying for some grapes, amid an exciting conversation left his wallet containing about $500 upon the coun- ter. A young lady took care of it and next morning gave it to the owner. Honesty exemplified. Mr. Peter Gowan of Blanshard, wrote in l'oronto at the July examination for a first-class teachers' certificate, but failed- by a few marks. Fie ap- pealed, asking to have his papers re- read and was rewarded by receiving, the other day, duly signed and sealed a first-class certificate. Miss Agnes Knox, the St. Mary's, dramatic reciter, has arrived home from a professional trip through England, Ireland and Scotland. She will return next season and make a thorough tour of the United Kingdom in her capacity as an elocutionist. Several of the leading literary associa- tions have already bespoken her ser- vices. On Wednesday morning, Mr. Wm, Dunn of Hibbert township, breathed bis last. Mr. Dunn was born in 1818. in Tipperary co., Ireland, where he was educated for a teacher. About twenty years ago, after ashort sojourn in Montreal. he emigrated to Hibbert township and taught school for five years. He leaves a wife and one mar- ried daughter. He was highly es. eemed, On Thursday forenoon, as Mr. John Haley was threshing on the farm of Mr. Samuel Thomas, of West Nissouri, fire started in one of the mows of the barn, and instantly spread through the whole building, consuming the whole building, consuming the ma- chine and the season's crop. Mr. Thomas' loss is heavy, as he only car- ried a small insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated' from some one smoking In the mow. Mr. David Hill, ofStrathroy, former- ly a resident of St. Marys, died at the former town on Friday evening Last. His death was brought about by the exertions he had made in nursing and attending some of his friends who had been taken ill with diphtheria. Hav- ing been aving-been much weakened by his at- tentions to them, he administered some medicine to himself incautious- ly, which so prostrated him that he was unable to recover. He was buried in St. Marys Monday morning. On Saturday Mr. Wm. Williams, of Mesa, was in Melbourne, having an- alyzed a substance found strewn all ever his pasture field, The mixture consisted of arsenic and corrosive sublimate. Soneneighbors' cattle had been driven; into the pasture field, and a number of tiletn, as well as Mr. Williams' cattle, were poisoned by eating the grass covered with the poison, Arrests will likely fellow, Mr. Williams having a pretty good idea who the culprit is CONStlMPTXON STJRELY CURED To erre rmxrola : Please inform your renders that I have a positive remedy for the above named die ease. By its timely iise thousands of hopeless cases beim been permanently oared. I shall be glad to send two bottled of hay remod3 omen to any of ,your readers who have consumptaen if they will send the their Express add P. 0, address. 1i,espeetfttlly, Da, T A, SL CUM, l ol•onto, O11t, 37 ' ongd street Nevis NQtefe. A ease, the result of which, will he of interest to members of beneficiary sooietiek, of an hinds, was triad et the Elgin. Assizes last week, Minnie Wells, of Aylmer, brought suit against the Independent Or- der of Foresters to recover an insurance of $1000 on the life of her . father, an ,Aylmer dentist, who died about four years neo The claim was coeteeted on the ground that the local lodge at Aylmer , had anted contrary',to the constitution of the order in'. re instating Wells as a member within a certaintime after he had been suspended. Mr. (Jelin McDougall, Q. 0., who acted for the plaintiff, took the ground that it, was a case of master and servant, and the action of the local lodge was biudieg open the higher courts, in which: view liis lard- ship concurred, and entered a verdict for $1000. Charles Tomlinson, night watchman fat the Plows mill in Brantford hacl an extra- ordinary experience Tuesday. He was doing some work at about 5 a, m., and took off his coat and yest, the latter containing a roll of bills to the value of $177. When he proceeded to put on iiia things again, he discovered that the money had disap:' peered, and at once came to the conclusion that the rats, of which there were a num- ber in umberin the vicinity, must be responsible for. the (theft. Acting upon thia impresezor} he searched high and low uutil four o'clock in the afternoon, when his diligence was rewarded by discovering the • missing roll on a sill in the basement near a rat -hole, The bills were somewhat knawed, but otherwise they will prove just as serviceable as ever. The Weekly Press (Philadelphia) has been collect ng, through its correspondents some interesting data as to big trees in various parts of the country, and measure- ments of retnarkable trees fn fourteen Stated are published in the number for August 22nd. Among those are a live oak in rtrarioh; ?County, Florida, with a trunk ciroumfsrence of thirty-one feet, and a spread of branches of nearly 139 feet ;. a sugar maple in Bradford County, Peunsyl- vanie, with a girth of sixteen feet, and branches spreading eighty-three feet ; au elm in Shinneton, West Virginia, with a girth of twenty-seven 'feet three inches, a spread of branches of 123 feet, and a total height of 410 feet ; a cbestnut in Lancas- ter County, Pennsylvania, with a circum- ference of twenty-five feet three inchea, and branches spreading eighty-eigl.t feet ; a sycamore in Wabash County, Illinois; with a girth of twenty•eight feet, and a sassafras at ,Jolhnsville, Pennsylvania. with a circumference of thirteen feet six inches three feet from the ground, a spread of branches of thirty-five feet, and a total height of forty-six feet. DEAFNESS CORED. —A very interestinu 132 page Illustrated Book on Deafness. Noises in the head. How they may be cured at your home. Post free 3d.—Ad- dress Dr. NIcnoasoN, 30, St. John Street,. Montreal. Miss Annie Stillman, of Providence, R I, while passing a procession :of men carrying red liglite, inhaled the fumes from the fiery element, and suppressing a desire to cough, her hugs got oonjeated, and she died in a few hours. How to Gain. Flesh and Strength Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion ; it is as palatable as milk, Delicate people improve rapidly upon its use. For con. satnption, throat affections and bronchitis it is unequalled. Dr. Thos. Prin, Ala., says : "I peed Scott's Emulsion on a child eight months old ; he gained 8 pounds in a month. Put up in 50o. and $1 size. The Waterworks By-law for 815,000 was carried ar Wiarton on Tuesday. The full returns in the Fronteeac elec- tIOR SALE at a be,rgain. On.;.:,, Horse, black, aged •' years ; quiet' One two -seated buggy ; 1 top buggy, 1 cutter and sett of harness, Apply to JAS PA'RtKINS ON, Ons door north of town hall STRAY:—Caine into the preen• ises of William Stacey, Lot 7. West Boundary, Blanshard, on or about the First of September, Throe Ewes. 'Tho owner can have the earn° by proving propp erty and paving ex - ponces, • W111 S'CACii , Xiirkton., from STRAY.—Strayed Y lam the Undersigned Lot 1, Cert. 4, Usborne, on or about the First of September, last, two ewes one bleak and the other ,white. Three tanibs' part Southdown.' Any person giving informa- tion that will load to their recovery will be suitably rewarded.' W. J CAY'II, 0•airalia P. 0. Alex, Taylor. au enterprising stationer of Winnipeg, was mysteriously ebot on Saturday. He was at the store in the moraine, went home to hes dinner, and at four o'eloolc was found dead in his 'room with a holo through Tris left breast. He refused to give any intimation as to how the shooting !loourred or who . did it; some say he shot llimself. but those who know say this is :lfripossible, as arms could not be found about his room. He made his will and died shortly afterwards. PRAISEWORTHY "Last eurnmer'I was entirely laid up with liyer complaint. A friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters; I did so, and four bottles cured mo. I cannot praiso this remedy too mule" John H. Rivers, Orr Lake, Ont, In Columbia, S. C., a rejected lover, a young men, reaped vengeance on his affec- tations lover by mounting a horse and madly' running against her, knocking her down and trampling her under the horse's feet. She died next clay. He escaped, but vigilant officers are after him. IMPORTANT TO WORKING MEN. Artiaaue, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. Tc all thus troubled we would recommend Hagyard'a Yellow Oil. the handy and reliable pain cure for outward or internal use. aeo. Golding was out nearly through the body by a saw, and died instantly, at St. John, N. 13., yesterday. ADVIOI➢ To Mornens.—Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a suck child suffering and crying with pain of Outtine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately vend upon it., mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It aures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to thewhole system 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, -and is for .sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for'•Mns. Wi asLow's 0'^OTIIING s-'R17v ",tnd take 110 other kind. tion give 11Ir. Smith, Conservative a ma- jority of 61, Every wife and mother in the country should know the great value of Ayer's Sar. saparilla, as a blood purifier It gives tone health, and etrength to the vital organs, oorreots all irregularities, and expels im- purities from the system. Young and` old use it. Price $1. Henry:Reid who was arrested at London on Monday has confessed to twenty bur- glaries end to shooting W. J. Guidon at Streeteville last June. Why suffer with that aching head when you may be cured with Ayer's Cathartic Pills? Send a two cent stamp to Dr. J. C Ayer Le Co„ Lowell Mass., for a set of their attractive album cards. C. M. Cole was arrested et Winnipeg Tuesday night for attempting to deposit a bogus. drain for $2,000. When searched drafts nggregating 84,000 were found on AN OPEN LETTER, Messrs. T. Milburn & Co. Nov. 25th,1886. I wish I had used B. 13. B. sooner, which would have savedme years of euffering with erysipelas, from which I eonld get no relief until I tried B. B. B., which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had so long distressed me. Mrs. Edward Romkey, Eastern Passage, Halifax, N. S. On Thursday, after returning home from market at Stouffyille, Ont., Miss Vague, of the 7th concession, Markham township, was knocked, down by a frightened horse. The animal stepped on her head, inflicting each injuries that her recovery is thought doubtful. FOR FROST BITES. There is 310 bettor remedy for frost bites chilblains and eimiliar troubles, than hiag yards Yellow Oil. It alert cures reheuma tism,'lumbago, sore throat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow Oil is used internally and externally. It is reported at Ottawa that the English Government has sent a prominent Conser- vative to Canada on confidential mission, presumable to study public feeling on the question of the hour. THE TRIUMPHANT THREE "During three years' suffering with dys- repsia I tried almost every known remedy but kept getting worse until I tried B. B. 73. I had only used it three days when I felt better; three bottles completely cured toe." W. Nichols, of Itondal, Ont. The Toronto Zoo has gone into liquida• tion. The Government.detoctives leave not yet got, a dine to the perpetrators of the poison- ed candy plot. • Dr. Ellie, public analyst, reports that strychnine in the candy did it. ON THE PLATFORM. Public spoken and singers are often trouble with core throat arid 1ioarsenees and are liable to severe bronchial attacks which might he provohted and cured by the nee of Tiagyard's Pectoral .Balsam.-- the best throat and and lung remedy in use, Ab Peterboro' James F. Farley was sentenced to be hanged for shooting Simon. Elijah, an Indian connected with Howe's circus, on June 24th, 'daring an aiterctt•' tion, As the sontencd vtao)proi lanced the prisoner turned to his father, who had come from Philadelphia to be present at the trial, aid remarked r "While there is life there is hope," but the father, who scanned more affected than the doomed eon' Mournfully sheok hie bend Ss, he swiped away the,tears from his ,hooka. IiIAZ 1ET' IMPII ,T., IO• +1:TLrt (C orreete d at5 o'olook p.m, went eedal Fall Wtee a r Spring Wheat.,, Parley Oats Clover B led Timothy „ Pena COri) Higgs Butter Flourperbbl, l'otatoes,por bushel Applos,per bag DrledApplespr b Geese per ib, Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr E[ogs,d.rossodporl0 Beef Eiidesrouhg dressed Sheepskins each Oalfekins Wool per lb ,.. Elayper•ton elnionsnerbush Woodoer cord ST: manes 112 to l• • • 0O5to,tQe 55 to 67 .. 030 to 30 .,, 4001o400 • 250co3QO ,... 058to050 040to060 ▪ 017to1117 ▪ 181o020 00 to 565' 20 to 25 CO to 0 50 . 004to000 - 00510005 007to 08 04510050 ▪ 020to030 ,., 6.80 10 7 00 • 4.00 to500 • 5 50 to 5 50 ... 6 00 to 6 00 • 075to1CC ... 050to070 . 018to020 ...1000 to1050 ... 050to075 ,,. 25 te3oo hall inWghWbeato,tt , ..............................1 10 to 1 12 Barley 55 03 ..........•.... ........ 05 s8 Oloyer Seed 85 Timothy 160 2 00 4 50 5 06 Peas 58 00 Eggs 17 17 slither Potatoes per bag .............. 501a 20 00 Apples per bush ...... ......... ........,25 Wool perlb. •.•...,.,., 2000 Hay porton 0 00 Bran per ton „ .,,. 14 Shorts ' e' 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl, .,,,... 6 00 30 2u 10 00 30 00 20 700 Cheap excursions by the CanadianPa oifie Railway to the Canadian North- west and return. Good to return till 21st of November from Exeter for $28. Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent. P.fLtie,. a.7i:,1.V.IA 7S WORM POWDER Are pleasant to tnl:e.Contain their own Purgative. Is a site, Fere. au,l 0fcetra/ geftroyer of norms itt i;hildron or Adults. WeeklyEmpire CANADAS L «DG PAPER. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS'" ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS STOMACH, BOWEL:.": BLOOD. ' . MILBUL 1 & CO "'IVAorT'ea 11,;, 1 URE F9' S! VVhen I say crate I do not mean merely to stop them for atlme and then have them re- turn again., I MEAN' A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of PITS", T>•' ' :., SY or EALLINfid' SECKte Ess9 A. life long study. I veAERANT my remedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others have failedisnoreasou for not now receivina cure. Send at once for a treatise and aFRE L" BOTTLE ia of mY INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr, H. Cts ROOT, 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. 1 ie..r M Gin "rja E-I o 0 cs) ;_ieirlht. i1 i_nchee.) THE EMPIRE since its establishment has met with nnpreoedented success, and already stands in the proud position of Canada's Lead- ing Journal ; but in order to place the Weekly Edition in tilehancls of every farmer in the Dominion this fall, the Publishers have ha prepared a handsome and life -like Bust of —SIR JOHN MAODONALD,— To be given to every subscriber to the WEEK- LY EMPIRE paying one year in advance. ONS, -2- $1 PER Tn.a NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Address THE EMPIRE, Toronto Fashionable SEyfes ! rr'1 0 w 0 z 0 0 THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET ! Overcoatings at any price ; Suit ings at any price ; Panting's at any price. Best Ordered Clothing piodneed in toter (lentl.emen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the boat Week of Vine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, foot aro sure of safisfac. tion. .•3, g S.tsh kw ,nr. eat,+ar 44 `4.a. +< +pen fru JOHPJ .1:71:/i'YMN Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Anso COFFINe os' Evens DF.sonr,PTION,' A. Complete Stook of Robes &, Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS PURNISEED' RATES. AT LOW RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r-CxTVE ME A CALL Allan P Line . ROYAL MAIL STEA,MSH1FS, Liverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Der- by. Days of Sailing.—Parisian, May 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, June 1. Sardinian Thursday, Juno 7. Circassian Friday, June 15, Sarma- tion,Thursday, June 2L Parisian Thursday, June 23, Polynesian FridayJuly 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday June 20. Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Parisian ihurs- dab Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Aug, 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug16. Cireassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, dug 30. RATES. Cabin $50 $55,375. according to po- sition, Return $100,S125,$150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 830; re- turn 360. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage Passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Quoenston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Line, For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized arentinEx et Dr. CHASE Ras a world-wide reputationas a physician, and author, lii$Mandrake Dandelion Liyer Cure is a triumph of medical skill, ,bring all diseases of the i6indey and Liver, SYMPTOMS OF Kidney Complaint Distressing 1 an r• this in the bank; a dull pain or cheweigsahtd to •he bladder or base of the abdomen ; scald- ing urine often obstructed; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons ; hot, dry skin, pale complexion red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach,' oonstipa'lion, piles, liver stoat swellings, &o, SYMPTOMS QF Liver Complaint, sH nlderilorthe blades, jaundice, callow complexion, a woarv, tired feeling, no life or energy, head ache, dyspep eta, indigestion, spots, pimples are. HOW CURED Mandrake and Dandelionarenature'eliyer cures, and whet,' combined with kidney rem- edies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all kidney -liver troubles. It nuts like acharm, stimulating the clogged liver, strongthenin g the kidneysan ii uvigor- atingthe whole body, Sold by all dealers at 0110 dollar. with receipt n ook, which alone is worth the money. Kiciu ey Dr. Chase's Pills are the only Kidney-LiverPills made ;' they Liver be takenly duriugeaooyaempllop Pills ment. They euro kidney -liver- troubles,headache,l, _cousnesa costiveness &o. One Piller close -Sold by all dealers, Price 25 c outs. T. .Ef:)IVIANSO10' .Rs 00.. Bradford ,Ont., AZanis. re a Oti F93 po i The cheapest spot in.tovn for Hardware, Stoves and Trfiware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., if yon are, .'t callaat BISSJETT BROS. We are now offering the balance of our stook of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost 30 134,A.-Y"S OTZ-Y" T We would call your attention to a few of our specialties ;— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure Burk Aud everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. $2 50 $1 00 $0 50 .$1 00 00 SO A full stock of the following lines always on hand•.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An- calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible price. A full atom of tinware of all kinds alwa n stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & 11 Metalic Slhiu Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the oelebrated Raymond Sewing Macaiue, BISSETT BROS., Exeter. e+t 4 `D.``y G 1• `G' Q C •t.o ofi { na s, o o{teo aye5 et .,e, i5 Gni e • ti• 6o hG tio s, ofi 3O e5 4ee aG ea, ee .aa ... .e.."("7' 1hoe e e e core. .coe5 -S '<,\.° ti .sr t oOyse fie ties o e scene qo {Ca .0 fi ,c0\ a ems` 2•' `C Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 75, New Oxford Street, late 535, Oxford Street, London. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots;, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. FALL 1888 FALL Carnets. Curtains Now that House-Cieluting time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stock of Carpets, Curtains, and 'those Fancy Window Blinds, &c. When plying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old Establikted carries the Biggest Stock and Latest Aln- erican Patterns, Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers with Corners to match. Window JAM8S PIC h.,Atµ Exeter,