HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-10, Page 14Wiuiptiottu 46vaucQ-TillvitZ$D rfy man named fieldman, A roan well kwwn ta West- ern ()Wefatal cir4es.,–Ocv, aid H. Carey of cromnt)s. has beta appointed fieldmanf he 011tatior Federation of Agricul- tUte. Nir;. Carey is r Wpccsible for the counties of ESF2C„ Lambtcu, Kent, Huron, Perth, Middlesex and EI4in. His appointment was atmounced is Tomato by draitt Wallace, the federation's director of Field Service. Vie new fieldman has cce- siderable ex-perience in farm- ing and farm organization. He is a diploma graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College, and has been a dairy farmer near Cromarty for the past 15 years. Prior to that, he served with the RCAF for five years as a navigation officer. Mr. Carey, who is 44, has been' active in his church and his credit union. He will resign as president of the Perth Counfy Federation of Agriculture to • assume his O. F. A„, appoint- ment. He is a director of the Ontar- io Cream Producers' Marketing Board and has been its member representing the board to the 0.F. A. Mr. Carey will drop both these offices on joining the Federation staff. ay, Ckla Sally 17.oU Elliott, Marilyn Tiffin and Dave Gibson, left, Bob Sangster, Bruce Henry and John Schipper were part of the car wash crew at McClure's garage, on Satur- day. The teenagers are trying to raise money for a new recreation project.--A-T. SEWING SWEETHEARTS WROnTER- -The sixth meeting was held October 1 at the home of Mrs. William. Wiright with nine mernbers and • two leaders present. Carol Adams read die min- utes and next Saturday. Octo- ber 12, meetings 7 and 8 will be held in the morning. Mem- bers will take their lunch, and hi he afternoon they will work on theft dresses. They discussed their skit for Achievement Day and Jean Ad- ams.taught the lesson on mak- ing limit and sewing on but- tons, and the girls made samp- les of them for the books. Hostesses were Karen Kieffer and Mrs. Andy Gibson. CALICO COUSINS BELGRAVE- -The •f o th meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Hanna on Monday at 4.10 p. rn. President Barbara Cook was in the chair. Minutes were read byChristine Hartlieb. Ten girls answered roll call "A line in clothes which suits me". After a short discussion the girls were engag- ed in making samples for their record books. COTTON CUTIES LAKELET--The third meet- ing was. held at Mrs. Harold Wallace's. The meeting open- ed with the pledge and the min- utes were read. Miss Huthread the instructions for pinning and cutting the pattern. The fourth meeting was held on Monday night. The min- utes were read and the roll call was answered. There was a lesson on stay stitching and notes were taken. Mrs. Wal- lace demonstrated gathering. IT'S OUR 2ND 3 AncI we're celeb'ratingwith B %,$),.1/21iiNGS FOR YOU. ,Take advantage of our Home Decorating Specials. SALE BEMS OCTOBER 10 010$ OCTOBER 25 SAVE ON CARPET HARDING'S BROOKRIDGE NYLON WITH ITS OWN- UNDERPAD • 11' wide Ringer Brown s6.95 Sq. 'Yd. Reg..$9.95 (Installation extra) , • I2'i wide Blue S6.95 Sq. Yd. Reg. $9.95 (Installation extra ) FREE INSTALLATION ON ALL OTHER. CARPETS DURING THIS SALE — TrIVIS CAN BE ARRANGED Debbie Gibson gives the chrome some extra attention at the teen car wash.—A-T Photo. • • • Please tell us now, before we print the new W1NGHAM Directory on October 29th. Look 4up your listing in the current Directory. If you wish to have it changed, dial "0" ( zero) and ask for BusAness Office. Bell Canada OIL-LAIX or' PRIM It* . tCO,C Gal. *Po sou • INTERIOR LATEX GLOSS or SEMI -GLOSS -$5.95 Gal. SAVE 30% ON CARPET ,DURING OUR BIRTHDAY -SALE: DISCONTINUED LINES OF 11AINT. $1.99 Qt: - $6.99 Gal- • 20% .0If PAINT BRUSHES and ROLLERS BIG CELEBRATION SAVINGS IN OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT READY-MADE DRAPES IN STOCK 20% OFF KIRSCH ADJUTABLE TRAVERSE RODS 20% OFF' KIRSCH ADJUSTABLE CAFE RODS - 20% OFF r• hilimor• • Sandra Tiffin and Karen. Sutcliffe were two of the teen- agers who assisted at the car wash Saturday afternoon at McClure's garage.—A-T Photo. CASH BING AUSPICES ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 180 AT THE VIIIINIGHAM LEGION • /41 • 4,1 Ai Doors Open at 7:30c Wednesday, October 16 $10.00 GAMES 2 —SHARE THE WEALTH 1 —SPECIAL $50.00 — MUST GO JACKPOT LINE. CALLS $400 .°° Sherry Williams, C.G.I.T. president BELGRAVE--The first meet- ing of the C. G. I. T. was held Oetobe 2 in the basement of the Unit,- • Church. The elect- ion of officers resulted as fol-. lows: Prigsident; Sherry Wil- liams; vice-president, Mary Ellen Taylor; secietaey, Marion McGee; treasurer, Evelyn Bic - man; pianist, Nancy Anderson; press reporter, Joyce Taylor. A Bible study was conducted by rhe two leaders, Mrs. John Gnay andMrs. Dick Moore. This was followed by a worship service taken by Nancy Ander-4 son and Evelyn Bieman. The meeting closed with Tap% f SAVE UP TO 50' ON WALLPAPER Now is the time to beautify your home with our WALLPAPER SPECIALS. 0 It Will be like papering your wall with money the money you save when you help us celebrate our birth- day. Cover your walls with rolls priced at 29C39( -49( -69( - 89C -99( WINGH'AM Phone 357-2002 1 CI 4 40