HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-10, Page 12Mu,
Mrs. Carol Donaldson, Grade It teacher at Howick Cen=
tall School, readies pupils for the parade.—Staff . Photo.,
Director over
FGRDWICHwwThe Howick
Fall Fair on Saturday drew a
large attendance in spite of
cold weather and some showers,
Gate receipts, something over
$1,200, were up slightly over
last year. The exhibits were
`sof excellent quality and in in-
door entries one exhibitor was
from Dominion City, Manitoba..
The midway wasa big attract-
ion for the chi.ldrep while adults
took •in the exhibits.
Following the, parade of
school children Ken Edgar acted;
as master of ceremonies. •
Ar$ong the platform guests were
Murray Gaunt, M. P. P. for
Huron -Bruce; Robert McKinley,
M. P. Huron; Miss Sharon Peel, '
Miss Midwestern ' Ontario; Dave e
Inglis of the Department of
Agriculture and Food, Clinton;
-and August Keil,
Mr. Keil, 90, was introduced
by the fair president, Glenn
McMichael and presented with
an award of merit for Iong
service to the HowiekrAgricul
rowNship toundis set•nominationdates
for .winter work
Reeve. Harold .Robinson pre-
sided for the regular meeting
of Howick Township council
on Thursday, when several ap-
pointments were made and .
tenders accepted for whiter
Clarence Gibson was ap-'
pointed to - the Fordwich ceme-
tery board.
Zoe' tender of Mac . Wylie
was accepted at $6. 00 per
hour for power sander and load
er, the township to supply fuel
for the, los e�r.
The. tenders ofack Inglis,
f g ,
Everett Cathers' and C. D'Arcey
ere 'accepted at $8.00 per
.our for 'snowplowing, plus $100
per -month standing time.
C.D'Arcey's tender of $1. 2 5
per yard for screened gravel
was accepted.' .i Grayel is to be
deed to the township shed
November 11 was declared a
hell idayy i�h' the township on mo-
tion of Councillors Ferguson. and
Newton.. 7 Court of revision on .•
the 1968 assessment roll was set
for :October 25;
Applications for tile drain
loans were accepted frombBob
•'Verstege and Carl Dinsmore.
Burns Ross and Associates were
liistructed to prepare pians for
the Jones bridge west. It was
. also decided to recorumendthe
name of Bruce Chambers as a
possible member of the; county
planning committee. the ap-
of Ken Denman was
accepted as operator of No. 2
Road accounts and• general
accounts totalling $19,238 were
West Wawanosh
l meeting
West Wawanosh Council
met October 1,with all mem-
bers present... By-laws were
passed to set nomination day
for November 22 .from 1 to 2
p. m. with election day, 'if
necessary, en December 2; to
set rates and authorize collect-
ion of the levy from ratepay-
ers for 1968; and to authorize .
the reeve and treasurer to bor-
row sufficient money to carry
on untiltaxes are collected.
C. Branton, bank manager
at Auburn addressed council
briefly with regard to banking
for the township.
= Tenders: will be called for
snow plowing. 'Road and gen-
eral ac#coints were passed for
Accept tenders'
for. snowplowing'F
Three ratepayers attended
the Morris Township 1Couincil
meeting on October 2,, to hear
the report on the Little exten-
sion drain. Reeve William El-
lston presided at the meeting
and all members of c o u n c i l
were present.
The engineer's report was
adopted by provisionally adopt-
ing By-law No. 10 as read the
first and second times.
The court of revision on the
Little extension drain was set
for November 4 and R o.b e r t
Grasby was appointed commis-
Road account in the amount
of $1,408.21 were accepted for
payment. The road superiniten-
dent and the treasurer were ask-
ed to submit the necessary pc.
tition' for interim payment of
the road subsidy.
The following tenders for
snow plowing were accepted:
Wilmer Glousher at $10.40 per
hour and. $10.00 per day stand-
ing time; Glen Snell at $10.00
per hour and $9.00 :per day
standing:' time; Glenn McKerch-
er at $8, 50 per hour and $8. 50
per day standby. All tenders
were accepted subject to the
approval of the district munici-
pal engineer.
A by-law to extend the term
of officer for reeve and council-
lors to two years was passed.
Nomination day will be Novem-
ber 22 with election day on
December 2.
There were no appeals at
the court of revision on the as-
sessment roll. The general ac-
coun.ts.were passed,for payment.
A' mature maple tree may
have up to 2,000 square yards
(almost half an acre) of green
leaf 'surface. a
Fuel Oil
Talk to someone who uses CO-OP Fuel Oil
Service. Wethink they'll talk about us,warrrily.
Not just because we keep their homes warm
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of the way we go about its... warmly.
PHONE 3574711
years, society presents
of merit to August Keil, 90
ural Society,. Mr. Keil was
a director for 50 years and has
been a honorary ry dkeetor „for
over ten years.. .,
The fair wasofficiallyopen-
ed ' Albert (s rsc i,. of LUstowei
president of District 8 A°:�. cul-
tural Societies.
y display by women's
ordwieb U, C, W. R
roxeter W, I. ; Fordwich W,I.
Gp rie'W,I.; Gclrrie U. C.W.
"Club . Girl Entertains":
Barbara Thornton of Gordo;
jean Adams, Wroxeter; Glennis.
Gibson, Wroxeter.
Bedroom accessories; Jean'
Adams; Evelyn -Dickson, Clif-
ford; Linda Angst. Clifford.
Top exhibitors in sewing:
Jean Hili of Kitchener; Mrs.
Wes Spiers, .Palmerston; Mrs„
Wes :Heinxpel, Wroxeter. •
Domestic Science; Miss R.
A. Slie, Listowel; Mrs. Ruby
McPhail,. Clifford Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse, Belgrave; Mrs.
Wes Berlett, Pnl;nerston; Mrd,
Edgar Howatt, lelgrave.
Fruit: Mrs. Morley Berlett,
Palmerston; Mrs, Roy Sander-
son, Wroxeter.
,'Grain; David Grant, Tees
water; Dave McCallum, Wing-
Vegetables: Mrs. Morley
Berlett; Mrs. Herb Busby,° Mild
Stake Horses: Roy McCutch-
eon, Rockwood; Glenn Johnston,
Gorrie; Len Bok, Wingham;
Calvin Ashley, Listowel. .
Light horses: ivi'ac Armstrong,,
Beachvilie; •Howard Ar nstrong
Beachville Ross:McKagtie, Bel -
Ponies R. A: Sleightholm,
Listowel; Stephen Holborn, Harr •
Saddle Horses: Dave Dins-
more, Fordwich; Mrs. Eliza-
beth Berlett, Palmerston; David
Moir, Corrie.
Swine: Elmer Harding, Cor..
rie; ;fig Harding, Gorrie.
Beef Cattle: Andrew Gaunt,
Lueknowt Carman Hay, :Pal-: ,
nnerstdn;.,r nn O'Krafka 'Blue -
vale; Oscar K'effer, Wfnghann.
Dairy Cattle: :Allan Wylie,
Clifford;: Russel, Ruttan, Gorrie;
Scott Clan, Fordwich.
+asps, h'aat1 Goldthorpe,
Bluevsle; d Jloon, Harrlstae.
R. W. N. Wade Tro hy, Betty
Anne Brown of Howfck Central
Decorated bicycles, Donald
Bolander of Fordwich; Ricky
Latvanne Sanderson.
Junior playlet Or skit, Marian
Versteeg, Room 9 Howiek
`Central School: Senior playlet
or skit, John Fairies, Rom 13
Howick Central,
A dance war held in the
cbmnmunity hall. Saturday even-
ing to music by Bili M ant . s
Orchestra. A draw was held,
the wiser .of the turkey being.
Roy Stewart of R. R, 1, , Gorrie,,
with Jack Mann of R. R. •f",
Gorrie winning.a ham,
bari.y winners.
WICH--The follow*
points for mixed gain and bar
ley were scored at the :Howiek
pr last week -end.
Mixed grain; Andy MCMI-
chat! 174; John Douglas 172;
Glenn McMichael end Ran Mc-
Michael tied with 170; Ken
McMichael 169; Jim ivicNaugh'
ton 1641; Robert Gibson, Charles
Gibson and Scott Clarkson 164;.
Wende]amper 156.
Barley: Jim McNaughton
174;Glenn McMichael 173; Jim
Renwick 171; Norm Fairies and
John Douglas 165; Oscar Kieffer
and Walter Renwick 163; 1111
.1(ieffer186, Dave McCallum
155. •
Systemic Control i
Before they do
any sianiage/
More tf011ar, In your :oticet
when your t. attic, go to mar
ket free front gruff) damage
anti Tice Ott CO OP Warble
Killer now front your CO OP
or Pool Outlet ,anti just pour
rt on,
Glenn . McMichael of. Blvevale, president of 'the ,Novick
Agricultural ltural Society, presented a certificate" of merit to.
ugu t Keil, 90, of GorrieMr. Keil was a Society director
for 50 years,. until 1957, and has been an honourary dir- '
ector since that time. --Staff Photo.
Phone 357-1711
HC -51 -fib
Pupils from Turnberry Central School
marched in the parade at Fordwich on
ifismotogifeeiteistmeHavemismsei 1.
Name officials
for election in
East Wawanosh
Reeve Roy Pattison presided
for last week when the East
Wawanosh Council met in reg-
ular session. ; Approval was
given for the payment to the
S & S Tile Drainage contract-
ors for the 'completion of the
Ste. Marie drainage works.
A motion was carried that
council receive $5.00 each per
sitting for each -drainage court
of revision on the Charter, Ste.
Marie and Gordon drains. In-
terest will be charged on all
drainage works accounts until
debentures are issued.
Three tenders were received
on the Gordon drainage works,
George Radford Construction •
Ltd. Blyth; Mowbray Con-
struction Co. Ltd. Wingham;
and Dennis Hallahan, Malton.
The Haflahan tender was ac-
cepted, the full price on the
complete drain bring $8, 800.
A municipal drain petition
from' Ivan Howatt was accepted
and G. D. Gamsby of Gamsby
and Mannerow Ltd. will be con-
Officials appointed to act if
an election is necessary for the
polling sub -divisions were as
follows, ale D.R.O. the first
named and the polling clerk
second: No. 1, George Fear,
Gordon Carter; No. 2, Murray
Scott, Ivan Wightman;' No. 3,
Henry Pattison, Mrs. R on a 1 d •
Coultes; No. 4, Ernest Snowden,
Ivan Dow; Nnl 5, ,john Lock-
hart, Emerson Rodger.
Nomination day will be No-
vember 22, at 1 p. tn. with
election, if neclsary on De-
cember 2,
Road accounts amounting to'
$6,218. 85 and general accounts
totalling $1,815,81 were paid.
Saturday. . :Calvin Ruttan and Randy 'Zinn
carried the school's banner -Staff Photo.
Corn, weeds
on exhibit
The North Huron 4-H Grain
Cern Club held their achieve-
ment day at the Howick. Fall
Fair in Fordwich, Saturday,
October 5. Sixteen members
exhibited 12 ears, of corn and a
weed collection consisting of 10
Ken MacAdam of R. R. 2,
Wingham, exhibited the top •
entry of corn and Doug Harding
of R. R. 1, Gorrie, showed the
winning eed collection. The
leaders -of the club were Murray
Mulvey and Hank Winkle:
Scores for field
and ensilage crn
FORDWICH-- The following
results are for field and ensil-
age corn shown at Howick Fall
Field Corn: Tom O'Krafka
172; Hank Winkel 170; George
Underwood 167; Joe Winkel
163; Glenn McMichael, Andy
McMichael and Norm Fairies
162; Doug Harding 160; Jim
McNaughton 152; Harry Winkel
Com Ensilage: Ken McMi
chael 169; Glenn McMichael
and Wendell Stamper 166; ' El-
mer Harding 164; Russel Ruttan
163; Bill Beiffer 160; Dave
1vicCallum 158f; Ron McMi-
chael 158; `Com O'Krafka 156;
Oscar Kieffer 155; Norm Fairies •
151; Scott Clarkson 142.
Calves shown
at Howick Fair
The Turnberry 4-H Mixed
Calf Club held their Achieve-
ment Day at the Howick Pall
Fair in Pr rdwlc h, Saturday, Oc-
tober 5. All 14 club members
showed their calves at the fair. ,
The winners of the,; different
groups are:
• Senior beef steer, Karen . Kief-
fer;. Senior beef heifer, Doug
Baird; Beef showmanship; Elaine
Kieffer: Senior holstein heifer,
Grace Jeffray; Junior holstein
heifer, Jim McKague; Dairy
showmanship, Clayton Baird.
The leaders of the club this
year were Dave McCallum,
Doug Fortune and Len Baird.
otter 1f,
600 HEAD coxisisting of . Calves, Heifers
and Steers
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