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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-10, Page 11
f e a -Ti ()OWNS c►ONAL0ON A PROGRESSIVE STEP EOR*ARO * 3 you visit the new showroom ask' a to show you the new sidewall beauty for cotta a or home — VALE li WHAT QUI) TO BE a vacant lot in. 1961 now houses e showroom four times the size of the original weretiOuse. The star 4 4QkMn :in is k round have ,�, � g v. also book enlarged over the past seven years. Jock Hodgins, ' the owner, estimates that over `!±elf v► kr o + ., 'liar 'fin made on the premises since tip building .open. "Systei High Moisture Corn in Top Unloading Silos" is the theme for CQraiand Days in connection with the 1966' In ternatioeai Plowing Match. imost.tions of various types oanoiing of h nuasiture gain and she11 Way, ed cam will be Cct ber16tolP canon cif Uestad Cly as LSO In addition, L. ,Shan Yosmig +af the Crop Scfeace Demo - meat at emo—n tat the University wt Guelph' will be featured as a guest speaker en t ctoiier -15 Six local Soil and Crop ,Ira pirove ent 1# l*ticas are operating to hold C outland Days. Involved are Bruce . . Duffrin, Grey. Huron. _Pelt, . 'Waterloo and Wellington Count - les. Johns , ", Manville Siding,can: quickly and ine ►ensi rely' applied. Like :manic it wittransform ransform the interior of your ` building and virtu ally eliminate the costly. and time 0 consuming business of repainting. . • Trend setting colors are .fade amid 'weather resistant ,be cause of the fused Acrlic finish, Unlike wood, it. Cannotbum blister or warn, hes'no unsight ly knot soles to contend -with. Unlike metal it will not dent,' conduct electricity or rattle in the wind. Used by leadingbuilders, J M siding 'harmonizes with ft modern and traditional design - -by itself or in combinatiom w:th masonry or wood for con trast. • We will. be pleased to help you select and plan your siding requirements. DESERVES OUR CONGRATULATIONS It its truly .encouraging to have a pohn . construction .,of such a fine new showroom ;The progrersive spirit o f a the Hodgins41c. Donald firm is the . surest indication that we live in a progressive community. THE NEW SHOWROOM at Hodgins McDon- 'ad Lumber`Ltd. has been equipped with on display and the floor cupboards shave.. a special display corner for cupboards' and been set up with complete counter tops as carpets, The wall .cupboards .are !longing in a _mo modern kitchen. expands faciliti� We .were pleased to be selected as plumbing .contractors for thitOprOject. PORT CREDIT. Canadi aoville ONTARIO .V, Prior to' May of 19,6 1 thee' east corner of North andJose- phine Street was a vacant lot overgrown with weeds. Jack Hodgins . and' Jack cDonald got together and since then it has bee&thescene of constant growth for Hodgins=Mcbortald Lumber Ltd. The; first war e - house was quickly erected and staffadt IFi.tire past seven years two new lumber sheds hav , been built and additions have be�erl made to these sheds and the warehouse..�•..The showroom. was first doubled in size and as since beenex p. anded tofour i,ie„iti,jie theriginal dfii Jack Hodgins!, :owner of th company, attributes the con- stant growth to 'the foresight and business knowledge of Jack McDonald. Mr. Hodgins feels that he owes the success of his bu ,lness and ponsequenly. his GrariOiening to the guid- _ ling h „d of Jack. McDonald. The firm employs s x people which is considered a F' good number for any lumber business. Among the employ- ees are {/ade Stapleton, assist- ant manager, who has been With the company since it opened and Roy Morgan who is responsible for the accounting. ;department. Mr. Hodgins -also attributes the success and pro- gress of the company to the loyalty of these two gentlemen,, The new showroom is a clean area measuring 40' x 70" and is a laminated beam structure. There are no beams visible on the interior. The back of the showroom houses three offices. AND BEST WISHES FOR CONTINUED SUCESS FROM WELDWOOD QF CANADA LIMITED. For a handsome panelIed .wall, choose the warm, rich elegance of WE L CI X11/ O O D HARVEST ELM Its rich golden -brownstone and distinctive grain ill add extra beauty and, value to any room. And like all Weldwood pre - finished Panelling, Harvest Elm ryis Pguaranteed 'for the Life -of- • your -Home. But act quickly. The supply is limited. ONLY $998 PER 4' x 8' PANEL COME AND SEE THE EXCLUSIVE SHOWING OF WELDWOOD PANELS DURING THE GRAND OP G • FRIDAY; OCTOBER 11th and SAT RDAY, OCTOBER 12th HODGINS • McDONALD LUMBER LIMITED Huron County's Most Modern Lumber Store NORTH STREET, WINGHAM PHONE 3514650 HEADQUARTERS FOR PRODUCTS � ff on the completion of their''new� The showroom addition :Is*definite vancement '`for.. a 'progressive business.. We rare._ proud to have had a.. part .in e growth of ,,Hodgins -McDonald and ,to• been selected to supply_ ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION',! ELECTRIC HEATING LIGHTING FIXTURES The showroom was engineer- ed, designed and built by Ron Wingfield, General Contractor. It was built around the old show- room and did not disrupt busi- ness. After the half which en- compasses the offices and part of the showroom were complet- ed, the old building was remov- ed. The new showroom is ex- tended into the sto!age area by 16 feet, the side wall replaces the wall of the storage shed. Jack Hodgins extends an in- vitation to the people of Wing - ham and District to drop in and meet him, enjoy the refresh- ments and see his new show- room. Blow back Blow back isn't a new term in the Vocabulary of fire but recently it got national head- lines in a Canadian fire which killed a fire fighter in a high - rite office building fire. Open- ing ajioor (it wasn't his fault), the fire fighter was blasted. When air is heated, it ex - ponds. and increases ,in pressure. The vital oxygen is turned into deadly gases. NOW you know one of the re4sons why the fire fighter chops a hole in the,roof. It is to gent the' blaze gases and smoke. ©Congratulations, jack, and. best wishes:. for a successful future. • Phone 35'-2450 WINGHAM ELECTRICAL. 'CONTRACTORS. •— MOTOR REWINDING APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE CONGRATULATIONS WE WOULD LIKE TO OFFER O11JR SINCERE CON. , GRATULATIONS TO HODGINS-McbONALD LUMBER LTD., . ON THE GRAND OPENING OF THEIR NEW SHOWROOM; WE ARE PROUD • To have been chosen to engineer, design and bunco Huron ° County's most modern Lumber Store. w .. INGFi/ GgNEi AI CONTRACTOR R RON R. R. 3, WINGHAM PI-IONE 35145111 ai