The Exeter Times, 1888-10-17, Page 4tht egttn Si 140*
THURSDAY, Os3,'alla,lt '17Tit, 1888.
Church Dedioatioxa at Centralia.
The ceremonies in collection with the
opening of the Pew Methodist church jest
completed here took place on Sunday and
Monday, The c1iuroh ie a very substan-
tially -built structure, thiety•five feet by
fifty-five, solidll brick walls and slate roof,
having It seating capacity of over 300.
The inside of the building is a marvel of
neatness and compactness, the pulpit
being placed. between tate doors of the
eutrauee to the audionoe room and over
the lobby, which 'extends to a belfry and
low spire There is a very commodious
choir gallery. The ceiling and entire
woodwork of the inside is finished in asli,
oiled and varnished. Even the elaborately
n bolstered: chairs ami sofa, specially
nide to the order; of the 'Ladles' Aid
Society; is finished in the same wood.
'Pile seats were put into position by the
Bennet Co. of London and are of oak
with walnut trimmings. The whale in-
terior presents at once an attractive, neat
and coniforteble appearance. Sunday's
services were in charge of Rev. A. Burns,
L. L. D ,Hamilton, morning and evening,
who delivered two masterly discourses
that were listened to with marked attain -
tion. Rev B. Clement occupied the pulpit
1 in the afternoon, to the satisfaction of all
who heard him. The .Monday evening
a e
'o dinner drew
dedication n
T e
house, when the ladies of the church in
royal style served fowl, beef and plum
pudding, eta, to the satisfaction of the
vast number of people who gathered..
During the course of the public meeting
the pastor, Rev G. H. Thompson, presen-
ted the secretary's report, showing the
church cost $3,900, exclusive of drawing
all material and other gratuitous work,
and while their friends had nobly helped,
especially Mr. T. Trivett, who subscribed
$S0$, there still remained a debt of about
$800, and asked on behalf of the trustees,
that the congregation would now subscribe
m •r
entire indebtness.
the t d
a �ovide for
He called on the Rev, B. Clement to sug-
gest a plan of raising the amount, The
appeal met with a most hearty response,
$900 having been subscribed in a few min-
utes. Revs. Wilsu:a and Martin of Exe-
ter,e gave short addresses. Revs. Penhali
❑ and Gane were present, and occupied
seats on the platform. Centralia has now
one of the best and neatest churches to be
}T found in any village of its size in the
conference, and after raising over $1,100
at the dedication, the dept is entirely pro-
vided for. Choice music was rendered at -
all the services by the very efficient choir
of the church.
Szrlc; the general elections In
x387 there have been 32 elections
helot to fill vacancies caused by
death etc, This is about 15 per
cent. of - the whole .' House. As
the result of these 32 by-elections,
'23 have gone Conservative and
only•9 Opposition.
o to the total failure of the
p Ramsay y County.
crop the Peopleof a sa} }
Dakota, are appealing for aid to
r, starvation, Just
save them from stn � at rl
acres^ the line ,in Canada the
farmers have 17,00c,000 bushels of
wheat for export. Yet there are
some who argue that Dakota is a
better place to go to than Mani-
THE. •yellow fever epidemic which
has so seriously scourged Jackson
thewane. The nuinhe
villa is
of new cases is diminishing daily,
and the deaths are comparatively
few. But the fever cannot be ex-
pected to entirely disappear until
the weather becomes permanent.
ly colder, and meanwhile gree
destitution and suffering will pre-
vail. The business activities of
the city are so disorganized that
it will take a long time to rehabili-
tate them on prosperous founda—
SENATOR BLAIR'has called upon
President Cleveland for all infor•
oration respecting the trial and ex-
ecution of Louis Riel, on th
ground that he was an America
citizen. As Mr. Ries has been
dead for some time, the discover
that he was an American citizen
will not avail him much, unless the
privileges of American citizenship
reach over into the next world.
We might suggest. however, that
if Senator Blair establishes the
United States citizenship for Louis
Riel, the United States should
come forward with an offer to pay
for the damage inflicted upon Can-
ada by one of their citizens.
THE official returns show a ma
terial decrease in this season's
British emigration to the United
Stats s, while the emigration to
Canada increased. Emigration to
the States is a ow only 542 times
greater than the emigration to
Canada, though the attractive pow
er in population is twelve tinges
greater. Canada received more
British immigrants than Australia
and all other countries together
except the United States. A re-
cent London despatch to the Can-
adian journals stated that the
French Government proposed to
Leake Canada a dumping ground
for human refuse. There is the
highest authority for saying that
this is absolutely untrue. Cana-
da's strong objection to all worth-
less immigrants is well understood
in Paris.
THE Congressmen and Senators
of the United States may as well
save their wind as waste it all in
giving advice and making sugges•
tions to the Canadian people. If
they know anything, they must
know that the Canadians would
not toterate a proposition of an—
nexation, and he would be a bold
and courageous man among them
who would propose such a thing,
and not only would they refuse it,
but they would scornfully refuse it
if payment of our national debt
were made the basis of it, an in•
einuation that the Canadian people
are so base that they would sur-
render their country for money,.
It has been the custom on this
side the line to sive the American
politicians credit for clearness of
vision and activity of thought, but
in this business throughout they
have been dullards, and the deep-
er they go ii to the matter the
mare is their ignorance of Cana-
dian sentiment apparent. If they
had wished to talk Canada out of
all thought of entering the Union,
and that thought has at all times
been excessiyely small, they could
not have served the purpose better
They may "resolute till the cows
come home, 'but it is the general
opinion tha Canada will stay
right where sheds and hold her
own against all corners.
The Counterfeiters Sentenced.
At the Assizes at Sarnia, Saturday,
Chas. Johnston, W. O. Parsons and Benj.
McKenzie were tried together on a charge
of passing counterfeit money, and their
trial took up the whole day. The evi-
dence for the prosecution was very strong.
Brown'ee, the Ailsa Craig jeweller, who
had been arrested at London for passing
counterfeits, gave evideuee against the
three. The important testimony was
given by a man named Baines, of Indiana
who testified as to his purchase of sever-
al thousand d•rllars' worth of counterfeit
silver certificates. He swore that Brown-
lee had supplied him first with $,200 of
the certificates, and that afterwards he
met McKenzie at Chicago, and got $2,200
in counterfeits from him, paying him by a
New York draft. Other purchases were
made, and New York drafts were given
in payment. These drafts were in court,
and two of them bad McKenzie's en-
dorsement, while one of them was en-
dorsed by Parsons. Tonight and Vance
also gave evidence similar to that given
on Friday, when Johnston was convicted
of uttering counterfeit fives on the Bank
of British North America. Evidence was
given as to the previous good character
of the defendants Parsons and McKenzie.
The judge's charge to the jury was con.
sidered a very able one. He took from
the jury the case against Johnston, and
after being out but a short time the jury
returned a verdict of guilty against Par-
sons and McKenzie. It was within an
hour of midnight when the prisoners were
sentenced. Johnston was given 12 years
on his conviction of Friday, while Parsons
and McKenzie were sentenced fer four
years -all to go to Kingston Peniten-
Frank Lesile's Sunday Magazine
for November continues the beautiful
story "Geneyieve ; or the children of the
Port Royal," and in ,addition providee.a
charming 'Thanksgiving story by Fanny
Aytn tr i1'Iathewe, entitled ''A Leaf froth,
the Log of the Nettie," There is also a
story "A Chttrm of Halloween" by Aire.
Aloxaudor. "The story of Zenana hIis
alone" is welt told by Emma liaytnontl Pit-
man, Charles Beaton tells ns about "The
Evolution of Gamine," and Dr. Talmage
prenchee on "The Martyrs of Lite" in the
home pulpit. in the poetry, a page of son.
nets on "The Hereafter," by Bishop Alex-
ander of Derry and Eaphoe, will attract at.
tention, , There are several other' dine
poems, and a whole bookful of abort and
interesting articles; and aketehes. The pia.
tonal features of the nittnberate as e.bure-
ntas ever, and ome of the ' ieteroa ars
da , �p .
very beautiftd. The last page is oacupied
with en exquisite emerposition by O. Wen -
ham Smitllt organist of Plyinottth Ohdreh,
jlrorativll to Rebor'K hu i e1I'ilgritp.elof
the 1!liattt."
BRIEFS. -1Vir. Geo. McEwen has gone
to Winnipeg to look after his interest in
some apples shipped there some time ago.
-A very painful accident happened to the
youngest son of Mr. Wei. Elder, Tucker -
smith, by which he severely fractured his
arm. -A very large shipment of apples
was made from this station Monday. -Mr
H. A. Wilson has received a new stock of
fancy goods. -Mr. W. McClymont is erect-
ing anew house. --A Toronto -Guelph firm
has rented the new store -house, and en-
gaged a gentleman in the person of Mr. A.
\�! . Gay to purchase grain. Ere has a
thorough knowledge of the grain business,
is a prompt, honorable and cautious man
of business. Farmers having grain to sell
need not Hesitate about bringing it to
Freewill if they wish to realize the high -
east prices.- A large number of our sports
are taking advantage of the `deer season,'
and have gone to the swamps. Mr. Park-
er shot a large deer, on Mouday,;and Mr.
Nelson a bear. -Mr. B. ,Hogarth intends
moving into hie new residence next week.
---Mr. David Miller, who has been west,
as far as Washington Territory and Cali-
fornia, returned home safely, on Saturday.
Although much taken up with these places
he still prefers Canada.—Rev. 0.
Bridgeman is spending a few days in Lon-
don:—Mr. McDougall, of Berlin, paid his
friend, Mr. L. Eferved, a short visit, last
are creditably informed that
week. -We d y e
Messrs. Shillinglaw es Shephard have lost
beayily on the apples they shipped to
western points. -Mr. Robt. Patterson, jr,
who has recovero3 ftom a severe fever,.
returnerl home the other ,day. -Mr. .Ar
Hold and wife, accompanied. by Mrs, Mac,
arthnr, spent's, few clays with, relatives at
Ailsa Craig,
Miss Sweet
Wishes to inform the .ladies of Exeter and
vicirtitythat sire intends eontinning the Dress
and Mantle Malting up -stairs, Banton s 01d
Stand, .l)olmaras est in the latesttailotifash-
Avi'cni Taees WANTED, AerLY As °Nor..
To Advertiser�.t�
n'an tiomoination
steLTT �'�f
.. T o
-ANp -•Retail 4
Exeter � ' is Bloclk�
Fant on ,
Greatest Variety ever brought under
one roof.
Dry Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Tin:
vare, Woollen Ware, Brushes, Whips,
Farley Goods, Watehes, Jewelry, Cutlery,
Stationery, Novelties, Notions, etc., etc.
11 e have to slaughter the whole stock.
1Ve must dispose of the goods, no matter
low much we lose. There is a reason
foa it, which you will know later on.
Tremendons sweeping reductions, away
below half elle wholesale cost. We mean
business when we say that this is the
most powerfully attractive, and positively
most Bona Fide Genuine Bonanza Bar-
gain Sale ever inaugurated. Nothing re-
served. Auction Sale every afternoon and
evening. Private sale all the time. Re:
member the Red Flag in Fanson's Block.
To Our Readers
We have made arrangements with the pub-
lisbers of the pottage Hearth, Boston, Mass.,
to offer the EXETER Thus with their Maga-
zine this year.
The Cottage Hearth
Is a well-known Family Magazine, now in its
14th year. and is a favorite whereverintroduc-
ed. It has each month: Music, Floral and
Health Departments, Latest Fancy Work, Sab-
bath Readings Demorost's Patterns. Approved
Receipts, Household Hints, and Prise Puzzles
for children,
Monthly Magazine has anions its many con-
tributors ;—Edward Everett Hale. Lucy Lar -
emu, Celia Thaxter, Louise Chandler Moulton,
Geo MacDonald, Margaret Deland, Augusta
Moore, Rose Terry Cook.
It is a large S4 -page, elegantly printed mag-
azine, and has attained a large circulation
solely on its merits as a family magazine. Its
Price, $1.50 a Year
is very low for such a desirable home maga-
zine, but we offer to send it and Tats Tents for
one year to any one who will send us 31.50,
Sample copies sent free, on application to
F. P. Shumway. jr., Boston, Mass. For any
further particulars address TES TIMES. Exeter
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of James Gardiner, jr.,
of the Township of Hibbert, in the
County of Perth, Farmer and Stock
Notice is hereby given that the above named
James Gardiner,ir., has made an assignment
to me of all his estate and effects in trust for
the benefit of his creditors.
A meeting of the creditors will be held at
Gardiner'sllall, Farquhar P. O., Ontario, on
the 27th day of October 1SSS, at 2 o'clock p. m,
for the appointment of Inspectors and for
s- •
giving directions as to the disposal of the. es--
Creditors are required to file their claims`
duly proved with me or my solicitor on or
before the day of such meeting
After December 1st 1858.1 shall proceed to
distribute the said estate having regard only
to such claims as I shall then have notice
of and 1 shall not be responible for the
assets of the said estate or any part thereof to
any person or persons whose claims shall not
then have been filed.•
R. H. COLLINS. Farquhar P. 0, Ont
Solicitor for Trustee,
Dated at Exeter this 18th October 1888.
Noticeto Creditors
In the matter of WILLIAM GARDI-
NER, of the Township of Usborne,
in the County of Huron, Farmer and
Stock Raiser.
Notiee is hereby given that the above named
William Gardiner has made an assignment to .
me of all his estate and effects in trust for the
benefit of his creditors.
A meeting of the Creditors will be held at
Gardiner's hall Farquhar P. 0. Ontario, on
the 27th day of October 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m.
for the appointment of Inspectors and for
giving directions as to the disposal of the
Creditors are required to file their claims
duly proved with me or filly solicitor on or
before the clay of such meeting.
After December lst,.1Sss, I shall proceed to
distribute the said estate, having regard only
to such claims as I shall then have notice of
and I shall not he responsible for the assets of
the said estate or any part thereof to env
person or persons whose claims shall not then
have been filed.
R, :7. COLLINS, Farquhar. P. 0., Ont,
Solicitor for trustee,
Exeter, Ont.
Datedat Exeter this 13th Oetobor,1S88.
Noticeto Creditors
In the matter of ROBERT GARDI-
NER, SR., of the Township of Us -
borne, in the County of Huron,
Farther and Merchant.
Notice is hereby given that the above named
Robert Gardiner, sr., Itas made an assignment
to me of all his estate and effect': in trust for
the benefit of his creditors
A meeting of the creditors will bo hold at
Gartliner's hall, Farquhar P O. Ontario, on
the 27th clay of October, 1888.1tt 2 o'clock p. m
for giving directions as to the disposal of the
creditors ere requited to file their claims
duly proven with me` or my,solicitor an or
before the day of such mooting.
After December Lst,1888.1 shell proceed to
distribute thegaidestitte, 'bowleg regard only
to such claims as I shall then have notice of
and 1 shall not be responsible' for the assets of
the said estate or any part thereof to any per-
son m•persons whose claims shall not then
have been filed',
R. F.I. COLLINS, l�arquhar•P. 0. , Ont,
Solicitor for Trustee, ,
Exeter. Ont.
Dated at•> xeterthial:ath 0ctobor,18S8.
Colisuivrrnow cram*.
An old physician, retired from practice
i d aced in hie handsf en Bast
having had y
Indian missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for tho speedy aria perinea
vont cute'rrf Cousnniption, I3ronchirtlis,, Ca
tarrh, Asthma and all throat an Iunt
#net nnu naso a uoeitive and radical carr
A List of 1000 newspapers divided into States
and sections will be sent en ap lienticneeeegr:,
To tbowe who want their advertising to pay,
Wo eau offer rto better ,medium for thorough
and offeettvo work than the various sections of
oar Select Local List. Go P. Rowratr, & no',
N'e+:rst,aper Adv. ;Bureau, 10 Spruce-st,. Naw
t• Lawrence Canals,
Notioo to (lontractors-
113,IALED TENDERS addressed to the wider -
signed and endorsed "`Tonder for 51, Law,
ronee Canals,?' will be reeetved at this office
utite arrival of tho eastern and western
mails en Tuesday, the ;30th day of October,
nastant, for the epustruetioa of two locks and
deepening and enlargement of the upper
entrance of the Cialops Canals.
A map of the locality, together with plans
and speeitications, will be ready for examine
tion at this office and at the Look -Beepers
house, Galops, en mad after Tuesday, the 10th
day of October instapt, where forms of 'toiler
maybe obtained by Oontraotors on personal
In the ease of firms there roust be 'attached
tho actual signatures of the full nauio, the
nature of the oeoupation and residence of
each, member of the -sante. and further, a back
deposit receipt for ,the sem of *0,000must
ncoompany the tender for the works.
The respected dopdst t receipt- cheques will
not be accepted -mus t be endorsed over oto
the Minister of Railways and Canals, and
dg do
a forfeited if t o or'tt
h Icart t party ton t
clines entering into contract vorra
the rates and on the terms stated in the offer
submitted. The deposit receipts thus sent, in
will bo returned to the respective parties
whose tenders aro not accepted.
This Department dons not, however, bind
itself to accept the lowest or any tender,
By order,
Department tawa lith October 1888
For Sale.
Brink residence and two lots on Gidley-st.
Good house containing seven rooms,two
kitchen, pantry, washroom and ch
llar. Also
a good stable, and fruits in the garden. The
property will be sold cheap as the proprietor
is giving up hoose -keeping. Apply o n the
Alma Ladies' College.
17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200
-GRADUATING aoursxs I1`=
Literature, Languages, Music, Fine Arts,
Commercial Science, Elocution.
New Building, $20,000, ready in Septem-
ber. Sixty -page calender free.
Smoking Tobacco
Commercial Union,
I care nothing a b o Conimer.-
oial Union with the U. S., but
I do desire union with the citi-
zens of l xoter and surrounding
Owing to the great depression of the mot'.
ltets'1 brave been sole to purchase my &took
much below the regular wholesale prieeep
and will give my elastomers the : benefit of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and
Shoes, Onoceeme, GrAsslV,us , tone
Tho prices of which ars in no way iuflueec-
ed by oustoins duties or other tax impo-
I do not give nay goode away, but sell
them at the lowest figure consistent with
good bnsiness principles. Parties in want
of goods will commit their
On interests by
examining my stook before purchasing else-
where. lternewber this a new stook. No
trouble to show goods.
Farm produce taken at market prices.
One door north of Town Hall, Exeter.
J. Parkinson.
She Trades .With
And is a well know oustomer,
The following is only a few of entries to
date :
Miss Foxruxe.--Large and wealthy cus-
tomer of Dunnage's.
Miss Cuzz e. --Big Injun in society -Buys
her millinery of Dulmage.
Mase OGAair.-Old Maid. -Has wept for
many a year in Dulmage's handkerchiefs.
Miss CaLLArux.-An accomplished lady.
Great judge of Dolmage's dress -goods,
Miss Sirri-Moble matron -Buys Fancy
Wool Shawls at Dunnage's.
Miss FRovz--Remarkable Figure -Wears
Dulmage's corsets.
On each PLUG and PACKAGE.
for Nervous Debilityanaell Nervous Com-
atgg tested Wonderful
o t d its
plaints, after hrtvf'
curative powers in thousaaels ofeases, has
felt it his duty to urn keit known to his
suffering follows. Aeturttodby Lids motive
and a desire to relieve bum at bni8eriny, I
veal seta free of chart;o, to all who desire it,
this reeipe,ln Gerinan,French or F,nhltgii,
w;:th full directions for prolrr rftg and using,
Sent by mail by adalrees,ng w ith stamp,
awning this ettper.W,A,Noitne 140 Pourer B'
llfoote S t lieeter N X+
Liver Complaint
Sick Headache
Kidney trouble
Skin Diseases,
And all im-
purities of the
blood from what
ever cause aris-
The Great Spring M edicine
PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills $1)
��. nodder's
Sault Ste Marie Canal
The works for the constructionof
the canal, above mentioned, advertised
to be lot on the 23rd of October next, aro un-
avoidably postponed to the following date
Tenders will be reooived until
Wednesday, Nov. the 7th, next
Plans and specifications will be ready for
examination at this of::ce and at Sault Ste
Marie on and after
Wednesday, October 24th, next
By Order,
Department of Railways & Canals,
Ottawa, 27th September, 1888.
Everest's Cough Syrup
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful
curative properties. Pries 25 cls -
(Trade Marla,)
ForDiseases of the Liver, Kidveys &c., and
Purifying of the Blood.. Price 31. - Six
bottles, St i. For sale by all drug-
gists. Manufactured only by
G. M. EVEREST ttbomfst: Forest
A New System
It will pay you to try my
improved System of .Bread Mak-
The Bread le muster and will retain its
moisture longer then any other in use. ' A
trial solicited.
fin the
You will always d t
Largest and Finest Asaartmont. of
Pastry, Cakes, o
nfeotlOier r
-anges, Lemons, &c.
il� tl�lar ,C r
MAIN -ST.„ illi.ETZIt.
Prices Reasonable at Times
Merchants .eau got their hill Roads, Letter
Heeds, are , Ste„ prietod apt Tares OtFlioo for
very little more than they generally pay for
the paper, and it helps to advertise their busi-
ness, Soo samples anti got prices.
Good work is done at T/4'/ES
MUD'C.411'TOST ;
r' ' U'
Prepares young mon and women 0 support them@dives sn0
Geeumutnta Wealth,. Sena for facts to DETROIT eusix5SS
NIVEISI'TY, Detroit, ever,, This is a College of Business,
• , English Train
Pan nan.1, and E
r School t • , 8
`ch of or },o khand a w t .
itg Schools Elegant' Catalogue treo to uppliesuis;,a
Little - Liver - Pills,
Deo onto N.5c. Remedy tutor 4s pioslty e.iy
Jttt...pantecct to ca4re Catarrh. •
'U1i,ES a Gold in the I3oari in 12 hours,
L'liES ordinary Catarrh ina few days.
mt rrh r a tow n
URI;S Chronic C i Catarrh
A. B. Fawcett, Pub., Fleshorton—" Tho most
wonderful and effective remedy ever introduced;
oared in six applications,"
Alex, plalMurchie, ins. Agent, Barrie—"treed
three preparations but was finally cured with a
250. box of O. C. O."
W. Martin, Sutton 'Gest—" So much inroved,
expect another will euro nto."
Miss Broyors, Alliston—" Invaluable far a Cold
in the I -Toad, it onrednao in 1e hours."
,L Rogers, Clerk Div. Court, T3eeton-"Paid a
large sem to a Specialist on Catarrh, but got no
benefit until I usod your remedy."
Jas.13elpy,Tollgate,FIollardLan ding—" Cured.
after trying several physicians."
Don't allow a Cold in the Head to slowly and
surely ren into Catarrh when you can be cured
for 250. SOLD IIS ALI, Duenens.
Hole Agents, - - Bradford, Ont.
Very Small and Easy to Take.
Sold everywhere ; price 25 els.
Union Medicine Co. Toronto, Can., Props
DR. Washington,
Throat & Lung Surgeon,
Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho-
tel, Exeter,
'lC tom' C3" R S . OOT. 18 t h
From 5 p. in., until 8 p. m,
Oatarrh,Bronohitis, Astha, Consumption.
eta, permanently and effectually cured.
A few Prominent Testimonials
of Permanent Cures t
Mrs. John McKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh
and Consumption.
John McKelvy, Kin eaten, Ont., catarrh,
Mrs. A. Hopping, IKingston, Ont., Broncho
Mr.E, Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head
and throat.
ae*RiY' a `;r?yea}m( Ilk Sp', `O
One Door South
• of Post Office
Read W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial.
Catarrh Throat Cured.
Listen to W II Storey, Esq,, of the PSrm of
W 13 Storey & Son, Acton, Move Manufactur-
ers, also President Manufacturers' Association
of Canatda.
DR, WAsnixaxoe, 215 Yonge-st.. Toronto,
Da,tR r uiu.-aIa.sure you T fool grateful for
the radical cure you have effected in my throat
trouble, and though 1 disIike having my name
appearin connection with the testimonialbus-
iness, yot,liav,uC regard for those who aro
similarly affected• as well as having a desire to
roeognize theresnits,' your treatment.Imike
a departure In this • est, Prior to
nHoe with you, I 1:suffered for two years
from repeated e acs of catasrhltl sono throat
each succeeder , stack being more prolonged
and violent' hr. r, the former. A t those times'
had violent its t:t'toughing, and would dis-
eharge Image quantities of }moons, Feeling
manned, A sought dolmas modiaal skill avail-
able, including tt much -noted Specialist, end
took almost everything lctaown to medicine
without experiancing•o particle of relief. Last
settee I trentte Europe. The Orange did no
good, hut on, my toturn the old trouble was re-
newed..^Seofng so' tulvertised to visit this
laee,I thoughts would eons ultyou although
Confess with not much hone of ion ;
c p vfngany
benefit. Ilowever,1 veva favoreb? w. rel+rested
with your candor, and resolved give your
treatment a trial. Ube result, , ualipy to
inform loe,4 id e, �comrplete o it ,r,d ape to
marked its ohmmeter eat r r to
Ise both th y
off and rnyfriends,. Front the ',rstyonrmods
inino seemed adapted to tnyterse and gave re-
lief. In two mos. T weeontirolywell,andhavo
so continued through this most unfavorable
season of year.- You aro at liberty to tnako
tvllat nscyou PICAS of thio l etter,'nnc14, shall
be pleated to anewerany enqui*ielreleLste to
atiSt oast. Y oast very `ol>i`
l�. If
f9Er9"'fibtf til LTIt»l 1Itt;E' fr,srult
—HE HAS --
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the hest
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exeter.Z
500 T1713s
Butter Wanted
J Matheson,
Our Stock is WellA5sorthc
16.111s.'sn ar 1.00.13'lbs. white stager, -al
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20.
to 75e..: Per lb.
o Styles awP Prices..
Boots & Shoes All es of S � Atm
A, nicely asserted stock of
1-T A. P►
FOBI(S, SCYTHES and GLASS all 885,e5••
(Cheap,) Beat Machine Oil 60o per Gal.
Kms' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75
T oc1 suit of reatly.rnade alotliing o $6,,-
Ordered shitsg P
of a in Good Style.
Our Prose Good are marked down to
the Lowe,t Natoli.
• t.
CtOT'r1"OtT, 20 YARDS F0. Pi Oii7.1'OOLLAIi
A I'Ieuaa and Lot, also a ram for Sale,
Apply t < o
lrA'st l?,O,.