HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-10-03, Page 10•1
• i
eons in
to honor
�tl farewell parfor Doug
Miles will be held in the Sea -
forth District High School to-
morrow night, Friday, at 8.30.
All Junior Farmers, '4-H Club
members, parents, 'and friends
of Mr.' and Mrs. Miles are in-
vJted to attend the party.
Mr. Miles has been the ag-
ricultural representative in
Huron County since March 1,
1957. He has served agriculture
faithfully in the intervening
Mr. Miles has accepted a
special assignment with the On-
tario Department of Agriculture
and Food in Toronto. His new
duties commenced on Tuesday.
Rudeness is a weak man's
imitation of strength.
jf ti r es,Tilursday, Oct. 8. 1968
Wins $2,300 c.ash
at Teeswater Fair
Mks. John Mlles of R. R. 1',
Holstein won -$2, 500 in cash at
the Teeswater Fair, . having sub-
mitted her name at the Canadi-
an Ch aing Venture Fund
booth. Tlae draw was nnade by
Mts. Evan Smyth, wife of the
1908 president of ;he Teeswater
Fall !lair IL.ea26,
Canadian Charming C rpora-
turn Ltd. specialities in finan-
cial pl a nie and sponsor three
nuat ual frac• Canadian Chan -
Wang Venture l unnd Ltd. , Com-
monwealth International Lever-
age Fund Ltd- , and Comrnon-
wealth ,lnteruaticmal Corpora-
tion Ltd,
The agency manager is R.
G. "Bert" Freeman of Teeswa-
We specialize in a complete line of
Sales and Service -- WALTON, ONT,
Phone 365-W-6
MR FALL PLOW-DOWN—fall-applied phosphorus
and potash, plowed -clown, ;puts needed fel tility
in-' the root zone without clanger of over -winter
leaching;. and you virtually ,guarantee—earlier
seeding . (most important' for eorn) --a re-
duced -spring work load ---i,ncreasecf yields
..at 'lower fertilizer Cost. Chore are.'a dozen or
more advantages in fall plow -down for spring-
seeciecland they're all yours:
sizer service
.pct your nearby BRlKVILLE: SFIUR-GAIN dealer
or service centre for al your fall fertilizer requirements
' nghani Feed dill
Phone 357-3060
cdrn.rs c
holds nivo
Presbyterian .0, C., held their
meeting Sunday during the
church service, the leaders
are Mts. Hugh Simpson and
Mrs. Archie Purdon.
The call to worship" was
given by Jim De Boer. -the
president. Murray Simpson
read the Scripture and prayer
was given by Barry Elliott,
The minutes were read by
Debbie Reynolds who also call.
ed the roll. Fifteen answered
by naming a per an.. of the Bim
ble, The offering was received
by David Elliott and dedicated
by Kathy Purdon.
Mrs, Purdon gave the juniors.
their story arid, Mrs. Simpson
read a chapter to the seniors
from their study book', "Mary
Jones and Her Bible". Mrs.
Purdon's story was oil Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turn-
bull of Wyoming spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. C arl John-"
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths
of Guelph were week -end visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street
and family of Listowel, spent
Sunday at the Duff home. -
Rev. W, O. Mathers of
Blyth conducted the communion
service in the United Church. on
Sunday. Joining' the church by
transfer were Mr. and .Mrs.
Harvey Timm, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Vienneau, Mrs. Michael
Ross and Mrs. Bob, Fraser. Join-
ing by professiem of faith were
Jeffrey Thornton, Donald Edgar,
Douglas Stamper, Clifford
Hetherington and Bruce Willits,
- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith
visited in Lisotwei on Sunday.
Miss Mary Lillow_is entering
Conestoga College at Doon,
taking a social study course.
Stephen Marks, of Brussels,
has been holidaying with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKin-
non, of Toronto, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon
last week. John McTavish, of
Kitchener, spent the week -end
at the same borne.
V isitors on Satu'r'day wit h
Mr. and Mrs, : Percy Vincent
• were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil`
ler of London and Mr.. and Mrs,
Jack Murch .of Clinton.
Y.P.U. officers
GORRIE--The Corrie -Wroxe-
ter Young People's Union met
in the Wroxeter United Church
and the following executive Was
elected: '
President, Jean Newton;
vice'president, Murray Gibson;
treasuret,lBarry Dane; secretary,.
Joyce Hamilton..
.The following conveners
were appointed: Devotions,
Janice Elschner; gams, Scott
Galbraith; lunch, Larke Carson.
Counsellors ' are Mr, and ivlrs.
Norman Fairies. ' '
kNipetReiliole Oawij/efrggg
'65 COMET 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 6 cyl.
'64 FORD 4 -DOOR, V8 Auto., radio
'64 FALCON 4 -DOOR, 6 cylinder
'63 MERCURY 4 -DOOR, V8 Auto, radio
'63 CHEVROLET 6, Auto., radio
'66 FORD 4 -DOOR, V8, Auto., radio
equipped, low mileage
'61 GMC 3 -ton, 5 -speed trans., 2 -spied
axle, 900x20 tires
Many more Models to choose from
PRONE 357.346$
Nonday, Octoher 7th, 7:30
`801 HEAD consisting ewes* Heifer*
sail Steers
Por Consisoomant Contact:
Auctioneers Hector McNeil . Herold Jackson
011 Display Now
• R a
Minrw;wpoila� MOND,
*rid F:. *IMP NTe
ley J. Randall (right) points out features
of Ontario's Pavilion for Rxpo 70 at Osaka,
Japan, to Premier John .,Rebarts and in-
terested Canadian Japanese •at the .pfficiai
unveiling ceremony in Toronto. Construc-
tion of the $2.6 million Ontario Pavilion
to be built out of steel ° in blue and white.
patterns, will begin in, November.' At left
is Ryoko Ishikawa, Consul General for
Japan in Toronto. Mr. Roberts said On-
tario is participating in the World Expo-
sition for the purpose of, opening.' up new
trade and development opportunities with
Rockwood girl- is first female
to win silver dollar contest
For thefirst time in its nine
year history the 4-H Silver
Dollar Competition has been
won by a girl, June Thomson of
R. R. 1, Rockwood in Wellington
County. Ever since the Water-
loo Cattle Breeding unit set up
the competition in 1960 the boys
have -dominated this 4-H dairy
championship show. This year
June Thomson led from the
start,with: the top score of 268
out of a possible 300 points in ..
the•written part of the compe-
tition. In type classifying four
cows she scored 150 points, and
the 4-H c .1f, which she showed
received 261, Another 167 .
points for showmanship gave"
her a grand total of 846 of the
1000 points available. Her
prize was 50 silver dollars'orG a
silver tray -rom Wt C. B. A.
and an electric clock from the
Bank of Montreal,
The °competition, held at
Teeswater Fair, Friday and Sat-
urday drew 29 contestants from
five counties, chosen fro m
ai�nong the champion d a i r y
4-H'ers in their areas. Division
winners ,came from four differ-
ent counties. • After the written
quiz was won by Wellington's.
June Thomson, top-hoinours for
the type classification section
went to Clayton Baird. of R.•R..
2, Wingharn, Huron County;
with 185 out of 200 points.
Katherine'Renwick of R. R, 3,
Teeswater in Bruce .County had
the tap' calf for 281 out of 300
points. Top showman, repre-
senting Waterloo County, was
Don Eby of R. R. 1, Ayr, with.
190 of 200 available points.
The runner- up. who receiv-
ed 25 silver, dollars did ' not top
any division, but did, an our-
Landing all-round job. Dennis
Martin of R, R. 2, West Mont-
rose scored 231'in the quiff, 140
in classification, 268 with his
calf and.186 for showmanship,
.totalling 825 points, 21 behind
the winner. -
Wroxeter Personals
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Ingram were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred'Noble, Paul,
Hope, .Sandra and Mr. Wayne
Cole of Rothsay, Dianne Noble
.of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Feaver, John and Barbara
of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. El
,don Ingram and Sharon of Strat-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Benson
and Bob and Brenda Henry, Mr.
and. Mrs. Kerry Benson and
Martha, all of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Ingram, Lynda, San-
dra, Debbie and Ivan of Minden,
The latter family spent the
week -end.
- Mr. and Mrs. David Sander-
son, St, Catharines, were
week -end guests with -his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. • James San-
Mrs. Wilfred Weppler and
Mrs. Thaler of Chesley visited
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Walker recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Claren cc
White have returne 1 to their
hon}ne in Toronto, after spending -
the summer months here..
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Coates were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Lucas, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Heath and Paul, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred James and
Mrs. Ethel Trail of West Virgin-
ia spent a few days with Mr.
and, Mrs. Stewart Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wheeler
and Ronnie of Regina spent the
past two weeks with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs-. Art Wheel-
er and are visiting his sisters,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason. and
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilkins of
Sarnia cnroutc home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walk-
er of Laske were guest with
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh last
Mrs. R. Johnston Welch of
Palmerston visited Mr, and Mrs.
Mac Allan at the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibsop
Of Gormley spent the week -end
with his sisters, lviisscs Elsie
and Marion Gibson.
Mr. Norman Hall of Alyhncr
visited Mr, and Mrs. Stewart
Higgins on Sunday and attended
the anniversary services in
Wroxeter United Church.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shot -
house of Toronto and Miss Min-
nie •Beddows of Hamilton spent
a' few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Hayden. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson',
Lucan, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. George Gibson last Wed-
nesday, U °
Mr. and Mrs, Allister Green
and Janis of Goderich were
'supper guests with Mrs. W. Weir
and Miss Gertrude Bush. They
also visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Gibson on Sunday afternoon.
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawley,
Leslie and Pamela of Oshawa
visited on the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. L or n e Woods.
Mrs. Woods and Mrs. " Jack
Gardner returned from a visit
in Oshawa.
Marie McWhinney,is this
year taking a home economics
course at Centralia College.
Sympathy of thecornmunity
goes out to Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Gauntin the loss of Mrs.
Gaunt's brother, Mr. James
Sherwood of Goderich.
. Anniversary services were
held on Sunday at Calvin
Church with Rev. Harley Moore
of Beechville as guest speaker
for both services, The Lucknow.
quartette sang several numbers
at the morning service. Mrs,
William Rutherford presided at
the organ. At the evening
service Mrs. Simon DeBoer and
Winn sang a duet. The choir
also sang a number.,
On Monday evening, Nancy
Cranston was guest of honor at
A community shower in the St.
Helens hall. On Th ursd a y
evening, Veronica Lippert was
honored at a bridal shoer.
Both brides-ew
le t 'receive d
many useful'gifts.
Others in the top ten were
Ralph Martin of Elmira with
817 points, Karen Snyder of
Waterloo with 812, 'Glenn Ruegg
of i-iarriston with 809, Don Eby
of Ayr witli 806, David Mar-
shall of Kirkeen with 803, Ross
Carlson of Clavering with '796,
Susan -Whittaker of Palmerston
with '793 and Clayton 13aird of
Wingham with '785.
r Lowick Lion''
bingo winners
Regular ,games fvirs. David-
son of Harriston, Mrs. Coupland
of Hatriston and Mrs. Omar
klazelgrcye,, Wingham; Mrs.
Bob Helrrnka of Listowel and
Mrs. ire `e lein,cardine;