HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-26, Page 12Tbutidtwo. Or- SC WI 410nret—The fid meeting via MU et the home of Mrs. lifose Omen on September ie. call, "One idea kir a cis►, exhibit de ation" , was answered by Eve,, Fits dues cheCking seams 1iexe discussed, ESTABLISHED IN 1951 vocialize In a coin line of FARM EQUIPMENT McOAYIN'S FARM OUIPNUIT "'.,.es. and Service Phone 365-W.6. Brussels -- WALTON, ONT.' or, 527.0245 Seaford% Slarrb FARM MACHINERY NEW USEO On Display Now • . PETE'S 6-P • B. ELMORED Minneapolis • Molint and Fox IMPLEMENT DEALER AREAL. BAROAIN ONE ROW .DION' HARVESTER 4 years old Special Price NEW EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIdS=MOLINE•' M-670, TRACTOR M -M. 4FURROW PLOW,- Sethi -Mounted' M -M. • 135BUSHEL SPRErEit hone 392-6059 Belmore, Ont.r%o • fif PARI1.ENTOF :IIIGHWA:S ONTARIO REQUIRE LOADERS for HIRE To be used fo winter salting and . Sanding, �ti.y Separate•m sealed, tenders ark'e5d,J : Truck; lentil Agreement, or Loader Rental Agreement ireceived-at ` District Office St iat ford, until 12. -o clock n, local time; Friday, SeptekmGb.e271168, d d ��i • K � ' tatb e. 2� II uta r xaainim +�► ing power sanding units are- .required at tlat foltow�ing locations x� >ry 2; .Truck.-=lverton. • 3 Trucks -Gal, New Hamburg.. 1 2 Trucks:—Guelph,Gutel h lastow .Harriet n '. P Wit, Listowel, o ,, Wroxeter, Monkton, .Stratford,. S. Marys, Mitchell, Exeter, .Clinton, aW � Luck now, Goderich,Grand Bend, erg, Erin, Orangeville, Shelburne, Mt.: Forest, Arthur. LOADERS , with % yd. bucket at the following locations:. " 1 :Loader --Galt, Guelph, Guelph East, `Elmira, New "Hamburg, thigh, al, Milverton, Harriston, ,Wroxeter,. St...,da Sys, Exeter, Clinton, Winghsun, Lur.aww, Gedericb ' Grand. Bend, Fergus, O vngeville, Shelburne, "Mt. Forest, Arthur. Trader Forms, Specif`cttti.,nsi and envelopes he • from the District Office in Stratford. mayobtained For further information contact Mr. J. B. • Morris, District Services Supervisor. ' When=requesting Tenders please specify locations. • The—lowest Or any. Quotation not 'necessarily accepted, 'The Successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply for same within 7 days of ' being notified. t 4 I. G: Til cOck,, District .Engineer, • Department of Highways, Ontario, Box 8,• 581 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. • Telephone: 2713550. 19.28b ." ala PUT MOREprif1gINTO. EXT SUmnier GROWTH WITH f211 APPLICATIONS OF BROCKVILLE; SHURGAIN fertilizers FOR FORAGE CROPS—fall-applied phosphorus, and potash virtually guarantees .that, next sum- mer, you'll --bale more—graze more --ensile more because you've supplied the fertility needed to get your hay and pastures off to an early spring start ... and to keep them growing strongly through a second, and third cutting or summer -long grazing. 0 BROCKVILLE Corm Your nearby 13ROGKVILI :8i '1'R ►d!N okakr or' aervieect far all your fall fertli rgairer, nus Wingham Feed Mill INGHA �Ni. wwM 357-3060 • NOI10E. . WIROXMIlt DUMP WAS 01e P k� Open SATURDAYS ONLY from the of W :. O LY.. 542-11/416 ROBERT KOHAL'Y, Q,C., Dominion' President of the Royal Canadian Legion accepts salute et the march -past on Jose- phine Street, With -him awe Verdun Ducharime, Assistant Sergeant -at -Arms; John . strong, President; Ed Bell ° of NN1N/ "Q"Y/MN"/,/""INt"mNMI//kM.H4NHHbNNINIMN .44"1 HNNNV ARN.4•Ons ese,44INvietin MI"1KNNiNNN1/i Blyth*',Zone Cl Commander; rubs. Evelyn Carron, •Zon•=C1 Commander Ladies' Auxiliary; Stan Wells, District C Corot, Mender and Oen Sinremon, Past President.. AdvanceTirines • Photo. INIIRI"IN,/""INN""I"INNI/HNINM}NNN0N111 t.N • Bob Carbert one of four broadeasti Bob Carbert, executive as- sistant to the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, is this week completing .a two weeks' . as- signment in Brazil, . Bob is a..member of the four- . man Team of specialists in' farm broadcasting ,fulfig a two weeks' commitment of the Food . and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.. Based at Campinas, about 350 miles in- land from Rio de Janeiro, the . team is assernbled'for the. pur- pose of.instructing and -advising the oleBrazil.tech- niques .in theP of of fare broadcastin . FAO some deter- mined o . time ago de r 8. mined that one Of the 'best ways to t disemina a *formation and ct out f ti advice to those people inYuna. . , derdeveloped countries was through the medium of radio. In many of these underci'evelop- ed countries a vast majority of the rural people- are. illiterate, or semi -illiterate and even' if they are literate. they seldom ` have access to written inforMa- tl on,, ' The transistor radio •has ,revolutionized the business -of communication, with more than 400 rmillion of f these :sets now :in use' aand th world: Even the most illiterate person can be reached and advised .of ways and rn e a n s of self- improvement, whether it be in public health, education; ag- ricultural production, or,what- ever. The spread of faun broadcasting in these countries has been phenomenal. and the team is • in Brazil at the request of the Brazilian Ministry of Ag- ricuilture which asked FAO to organize a training course for their broadcasters. In conversation with Bob a few weeks ago we asked him to keep °us informed on the under- takings he has with this prof p�cct. We think readers will be inter- ested in the following account received from Bob while he was in Campinas. 120Q BROADCASTING STATIONS There 'are some 1200 Broad j' casting stations' in Brazil, .some of these being government op- erated information outlets. but the vast. majority are smaller, • privately operated, commercial stations. % e- ph a v e in this course, about 50-60 . men and .course, engawho are either actively ged.in broadcasting to rural people, or about to begin regu- lar broadcasting. Many of them -have experience in a i - cultural extension, or home Mansg errtent work, and w: are teaching them techniques, methods and°shortsu. ts•. •. • The course is under the dir-' ection of BobKnowles,es former, ' national supervisor of Farm and Fisheries Broadcasts for the CBC who .is now the chief informa- tion offic(broadcasting) o er, for FAO in Rome. Assisting Bob is a team of three, Milton Bliss, a veteran of some 30 years of farm• broadcasting in Madison. Wis., Dick Arnold, farm broad- caster -from the University of Michigan's Station at East Lan- sing. Mich.. and me; • It is an interesting and challenging un- dertaking that taxes your in- genuity, when you have to adapt your time-honored Cana- dian and American methods to the drastically different condi- tions of Latin -America. Y In the firstplace, our course is in Portugese, the language of 98% of the people of this country. We are making re- markable progress here, in spite. of this. We have found the Brazilians most co-operative, , and they are more than willing to try and communicate with us. We have mastered a few words in Port gese, they have some English, and•we make out very well in the after-hours discussions. But the sessions are conducted with the aid of two very versatile interpreters, who do simultaneoud transla- tion for us, on earphones. There IU H/NN"N"/N"NIH"NIN"/N/N/""N4/NN1 Federal minister to open Teeswater Fair The Hon. H. A. Olson, Fed- eral Minister of Agriculture, will bet in Teeswater on Satur- day to officially open the Tees - water Fair. which has become known as Canada's largest rural fair. There are excellent attract- ions slated for this , year's event. Children, in particular, will be delighted to see "The Littlest Hobo", the German Shepherd of television and movie fame. Chariot racesnd the per- formance of a high wire aerial- ist promise lots of excitement. There will be bands, midway rides and pony rides. The award Winning film, "A Place To Stand" will be shown at intervals in the loin* area. Exhibits will include the usual domestic and animal attract- ions plus a horse show, an auto show and an eidibit of farm irnpiemenats. The 4.H clubs of Bruce County will have d" plays. The Teesater Fair has drawn the Al -Ontario Landrace Show and the All -Ontario Silver Dollar Competition and both . will be special attractions on Saturday. NON. H. A. °OLSON.. is ono delay, and the meetings progress at full, speed, despite the language barrier. it is spring in Brazil, the "dry" season is. in full swing. There is, of course,. a.year round .growing season here. The Tropic o f >C apricorn p asses . through .this immediate area, t giving: this Campinas area,,4 climate roughly equivalent to southern Florida or,Cuba. Shortly.;` whewthe rainy season* starts, things. will„grow in great profusion, 'but at this ti m e - flowers are e� '.�. - w e e very h r . ;They are harvesting oranges, bananas, tomatoes, and other fruits and e8etab1es.` hecropsa e y,' the' quality -wonderful, anal thew eM a e` ' at e an � �s As The the da L�. !, ♦ .r."'i iw ytitrtez � •. We have Visited a number'df farms :in our; off—time—ranging. in size from small holdings of three or four acres to massive • haciendas of 2,000 acres., Campinas is in, the State of Sao Paulo; the richest 'agricultural area in all Brazil. I; is a'city -of about 250, 000.. Even in this. State there .are economic ex tremes, very rich and.very poor, very well educated, and - quite illiterate. It is• a land of - Volkswagens, ..natives with skin of almost every conceivable hue, and soil that is very red. It is said to be a democracy, but is policed by the Military. The main highways are good, the backroads are of dirt, and very poor. Most of the cattle are Zebu's, • of Indian extrac- tion, but there are some fine herds of Holsteins which have ' been brought in from Canada; U.S. A. , Holland, and Britain. On a tour of the country yester- day it wasapparent that some . • of these Holstein bulls have been keeping coinpany with local native cows, for there is a noticable black and white influence on the local herds. Yesterday; we spent die af- 'ternoon at the -farm of an Amer- ican.-Carson mer-icann,-Carson Geld, who lives about 75 miles from here.II He is a son-in-law of`the latc'Louis Broinfeld, the famous author who lived in Oho at Malabar Farm, and wrote so fluently and' enthusfastfcally about his "new agriculture". Mr. Geld, is mar- ried to Mr. Bromfield's young- est daughter Ellen, and they have a very nide farm here. They have coffee, Duroc hogs, Santa Gertrudis cattle, tomat- oes and vegetables. Mr. Geld does a good bit of work for the Rockefeller °Foundation in the States, co-ordinating research grants and projecs in BraziL His wife runs the farm in the daytime, and directs the staff. ,'hey have five children here, and they are a delightful fam- ily. I • We were -treated to a bathe - ore on the farm and spent the afternoon discussing agriculture d local customs. There are Me people like thil, who want to bring to this country their ideas, their experience and their knowhow. The Gelds are atnoag these and they are malting a great contribution. Their children are fluently big' mal as are Mt. and Wife Geld, the Geld hes otganixed, ry a girls' 4-11 club for .local -girls in her•community. It is a thrilling experience to watch them as'they,make their con- - tributbcsi here; sometimes only partly appreciated by-local"peo- `ple. 'this is "home for them, although their children will probably go back to the States to attend university.. If only more of our people lin Canada .and :the -States could. be ,moti- vated to offer their es rince. , .and their ideaS t auest ttiv upgrade the , social;'and "eeonoin- icposition o le s o uch f' as those we:have.se. n 'in rural' ;Brazil, howm `h betterthis World';Would °;w d be ah t ste' �P+)►” i•r"'%� ?/U .'r; t}.- day sma11er every ' day, that every week new opportunities present themselves for service. When they "do, 'inoaey .c anuot b e • equated with the satisfaction and the. personal rewards that come from travelling, seeing, hearing and learning about others:' • ' • .contributing some small of I"' to their drive for self-improve;nent. Per CoodOnnworit C.041101 VICTOR HARGREAVES r C MOR!!!!!! !Y letCK Y'4r w..M '7/ 412-7511 2346 0. Auctioneers - Hector McNeil Herold Jickson HURON PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION 410 AMINIt4. WING and. F+kraa Machinery Demonstration Saturday, October 5f11, 1968 101,i.re, 'forums Lot 30, Con.• 1, Osborne.: Township, No. 4 tllglsway, halfway .bet.tvaen` irlensall . and' .Ex*fil►r«. •Everyone Welcome .No issionCharge MAURICE , LOVE , R. T. BOLTON • R,R. 3; Exeter, President • - R,li. ' 1, Seaforth, Secretary CUSTOM ,MIX.ED' PHOS. ANDO� P ASI"IMIX. RSC E LOW USN �SP EAD. R ERS: 4.TON 'SPREADERS TRUCK SPREADE • R AVr;�4►ILAL;E 'Odra' andii S >es ,S�o Additives Fifteen ladies, of the Lakelet W.I.: went to H ironview at. +Clinton on Wednesday after- noon. , They entertained with readings, skits, duets, square dances and a sing song. Gifts were given to all those having a birthday this month. The ladies served muffins and birth- day cake. Mrs. Norma Hickling, San- dra and Debra and Mr. Ray- mond Dennis of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. *and Mrs. Norman Harper. Visiting this week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Harper were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Harper and son John and Mr. Nicky Dirnititross of Toronto. Mi. and Mrs. Stan Dennis of Goderich called ort Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wylie on Friday. Crop Report Wet weather has temporarily held up the white bean harvest. Warm; humid daysomay have an adverse effect on pulled beans. Yields of 10 tolust over 30 bushels per acre have been . repotted with many fields at 18 to 22 bushels per acre. Qual- ity, so far, has been good. Corn is Maturing very well. silo filling is the order bf the day on many farms. Wheat appears to be germin- ating uniformly in most areas. COON QUEENS There was 13 present at the home of their leader Mrs. Jack - lin on Monday night, Helen Gibbons opened the meeting with Ruth Bennett reading the minutes of'the last meeting. Roll call was "How 1 am going to alter my pattern.* Mrs. lacklin and Mrs. Bushell then showed the girls: how to lay their patterns o.i material for nutting. The meeting dosed with the risotto. Contact:. ARISION FERTILIZ LAKRETWALKERTON • ONTARIO 5424.26b feedlot tarhr Now you can get cattle on full feed of corn silage or grain in 16 days Or Tess 'with New SHUR-GAIN 13% Feedlot Starter for Cattle. Highly fortified • with antibi tics, this palatable, low energy feed is especially fornulawted ° to help overcome the stress placed on cattle when moved into' a feedlot. Drop in soon and learn how new SHUR- GAIN Feedlot Starter can get your cattle on 'full feed sooner ensuring niaximutn gain during the entire feeding period. Wingham Feed Mill DIi 357406o