HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-26, Page 5S• - TS Cero Miller, Shelly Peltaplace,Bill Shinn and Dale Ward- ley discuss an assigrnent after class, • On Priday„Ittly• 1„ 1 left the high school by army transport or London On what was to prove to be the start of a 'very excit ing summer, one that'lint like* ly neves to forget. 1 spent ia day and ,a half - • LOitdon at-Wokley Barracks ,where I was outfitted with my tutiforms As camp. The stay also allowed for the various coups from all over midwost., en anci*entral Ontario to con-: verge ogether as ane group. On iturday evening we were driven to.loOndon airport to beard the Air .Canada Viscount that flew us to Toronto ihere We met the flight that was to take us to Calgary. We spent a brief stop in the Toronto air- •port between flights while wait-, ing for the 'reit of the cadets from Ontario' and other parts of . Canada who were flying out with die group from London. ,This break also provided an ex- cellent opportunity to make friends that would last for the duration ofthe camp, and in • • CLIP OUT HANG UP • 4,t • PROGRAMME ' ART -• Olt Painting, Water Colors, Collage, Modern Abstract, •„Etc. • • 9..BRIDGE • Beginners & Early Learn- -Ortt "Or AdVaneed State preference; Class to be • formed accordingly CHRISTMAS •• • •• DECORATING Gift ,Wrapping and I • Do-It=Yourself.. .' . •• FLOWER • .ARRANGING INTERIOR • DECORATING . INITIAL COURSE Irurniture Styles, 'Floor ' Plans, Colour Schemes, Accessories and Wall • Decorations " *WOWED COURSE • Drapes, Slipcovers, Bed- spreads, Pictures and p thug, Kitchens and Bathrooms'Recreation Rooms . , ' MILLINERY • Elementary Millinery RUG HOOKING 4.4.110WAPIAINAIW00.0401/400.0.0.4,"00.011/4010 1,ADMINTON CLUB • • PAWS •SASKETBALL *for , • moot cases, even longer, .1t was . not long until once again wir were on out way toots Anal destination in Alberta but fhb' "time we Were king at B13,000 feet above the, earth In A cons. fortable DC8, jetliner that' Made the long trip to Calgary in, a little over three hours. After our arrival in Calgary. at 1 pa:m.,• we boarded the • chartered buses that two ham later, pulled up in front of the, camp which was to prove to be my home away from home ford the next six weeks. • , During, a brief tour of the camp the next morning. I was. ,T quite impressed because it was, nothing like any other camp /. have seen or attended. The camp is Situated in a beautiful, and picturesque setting,three, miles from the town ofBanff, in BanffN a ticn a 1 Park. Towering above the camp is Ofe majestic peak of the Cascade Mountains which we later, Climbed as part of our trainiag routine,. All around the camp FOR. „YOUR- CONVENIENCE . • . • RECREATION •C FALL AND WINTER PROGRAMME ADULITS— t 4 DURATION • 10 Weeks 2 Hrs. each • night • • 10 wool Ilk".""on404.40.4.0%..00 14.41\40%, 2 Weeks • 6 Weeks. • 10 Weeks • • .10 Weeks \ 31 YINA74.0.10%M.."0%""POWs. • 10 Weskit .aih"""A"0",,w,,,ww• 10 Weeks • ......wweiewArtosnnot...."^"p ALLWINTER WVWu BEGINS • MONDAY 1.0%/001/4"0.04~406~~~840, WED. • OCT. 2 • 8:00 WED. DEC. 4 8:Q0 p.m. • MONDAY • SEPT. 30 • 8:00 pm. ro.."0401r4P40.940.4"..paekremer.""I TUES. OCT. '1 8:00 p.m. -; "0.0.040.~.0.0WW•hoiftoweio • TUES. • JAN. 7 8;00 • p.m.:, i".01#1•Wikel"....~.010.0414/0" WED. OCT. 2 ., 8:00 p.m. • TH RS. OCT. 3 8:00- p.m. MONDAY SEPT. 30 7:30 p.m. OCT. 1 • Tues.. and 'Thurs. 9:00 p.m. LOCATION PUBLIC • ,• SCHOOL LIBRARY •TOWN HALL ARENA TOWN HALL,. PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY PUBLIC SCHOOL GYM 0.1414,10.04....""WOW, PUBLIC SCHOOL GYM • „INSTRUCTOR .0.0w4"tom..,"woowiewt4whost. MR, DUANE • FENWICK .0110r1.§",".11 BEAD • , MRS. • PATRICIA, • TURBITT A 10 Jr) .t (>7 • IN, MR. JACK _ • LEWIS , • MRS. PATRICIA TURBITT • MRS. PATRICIA TURBITT .0.0.4"016AParlhoo!".40.0~"""44.0.9 •'MRS: STUART STEVENSON .0."04,0614#1,4"."0404"06,0%"•%^0.0.• MIL DON GLOUSHER ~PIA AMOViooto..•%""e10.04 FEE WW $10.00 • • 0 ; -ritt,11rrin1 $401,6 $10.00 • $10.00 $10:00 Fie to be establish. ed by Club • COURSE Notot004.,,Aftivvrotiowtot"......","0".wtewitt ART Use of Colours, Expression, Collage, Etc. LITTLE THEATRE • (Children's' Drama) HOCKEY • —CHILDREN— DURATION 10 Weeks 10 Weeks Vt.Proft..•§A^~.0.6040...."04,0~, • BEGINS SATURDAY • OCT. S . 10:00 a.m. TUES. OCT. 1 4:30 p.m. 10.040~ LOCATION' • TOWN HALL TOWN HALL .."•••••%^"..4446.,^04,0"^"A"." . ALL WINTER ARENA • REGISTRATION MONDAY, OCTOBER 28th INSTRUCTOR • FEE - $10.00 $5.00 MR. DUANE PENWICK DENISE NORMAN Itoto4"."""ehowirtroolowtotAr.p. u. NOTICE — All programs except hockey will begin on the indicated date and .Registration will take place at that time. in order, that a class- will run, a minimum of 12 persons must be ragistered, FANO era not. refundable unless a class in 'cancelled. • TEENS Then activities are written in another section of this paper. Wb wish tothank the below businesses who so very kindly sponsored this itivertisemertt • CALLAN SHOES STANTON HARDWARE BURKE ELECTRIC HAPERME14L'S JEWELL Mt • BENNETT'S Sc to VA STORE Lre forests of pine, firs ezi ars, that are dotted wigi periic areas set along the, flout of the pass and slopes of the mount- ains, 'surrounding the camp on'. all sides. Our first^tWoweeks' gaining was routine, consisting mainly of drill, sunning and lectures. During this period we also at- tended the Stanipede'and its parade; climbed Mt. Norquay 4, and marched around Mount Rundle with a full pack. The latter twee points were to fam- iliarizeus with the activities of the coming weeks. We alsO, had several organized swim ming periods at the cove and basin in Banff, .orte Of the few hot springs in the park:). • It Was during our third week that our training began to differ from that doter cadet campS. because that week we went on 60, -mile hike around Lake Mine wanka while carrying full packs and taking five days to com- plete the trip. The week was interesting and rewarding and. would have been even %lore so if it hadn't been for the marring effects that cold wet weather had On us. fi The fourth yeekproved to be even more enjoyable than the preceeding week, because it was them we went on a Mount- ain .march and climbed sthe Cas- cade Mountain after marching around the back of the Cascade Range until we reached the peak, above the camp. •-On the last day of this march we climb- ed the mountain to peak where we found a magnificent view of the surrounding area be- cause our peak was higher than the other peaks of tie district: Once again, the only disappoint- ing aspect of the week was the poor weather that prevailed for the duration of the camp. The fifth week consisted of general training and tours of natural and.beautiful. attractions in k4?* $1R,BAPlf NISIi174019Ya; laolne413stimct AP') • a Wisspisam AdsrarsoorT • Cathy. Wenger sen(alf „ILA (Miele/es; • tea_ caked in pi ysi various falls and time we .-• • reached the bot. A.. But even 'that waSn't enough t‘. nar 'our foollngs..01 elation (ver ollr achievements at Camp. . ' • After that tame the hectic - preparatiOns for returning honie„ as .we all aiadly packed,' and handed in gear and equipment so'we would be ready when the time cam for us to'board the buses for the final time when thiy took us to Calgary airport to catch the , that was to reto.rn its• Tpronto. Once again followed a pleas, • ant three-hour ilig14 as we're- turned.to 'Toronto, thert the` brief flight to London, followed by the monontoxious drive from London to liringhani and home. Ali through the tamp there prevailed a 'feeling of pride and contentment. Everyone had sant* -. opportunity for excite meat and amusement during the camp and no one was bored be- cause we had plenty of free time to ride, .swim, hike, go boating, dancing at the Banff • School ofFine Arts, or just • taking pictures of the beautiful scenery: At no time did any- one suffer frern the pangs of homesickness because we were constantly busy and never had a chance to thinkabouthome and what we were missing. - • found it to be a most re.- warding tour and I'M proud and thankful to have receiired this unforgetable opportunity. • Trip to .• • Strcitfor0 Last Thursday some of th!.., more fortunate students went to Stratford by bus to s ee. the Shakespearean play, Romeo and • Juliet. They left.the school at 12l5 and artiVed at Stratford. an hour later. Since' the per - "Mr -Mance did not begin until • two o'clock the °VIsitors had • dine to walk around the park • ,and admire the swans•and, ac- • cording to the fellow who re- ported this trip, the girls. At two o'clock they entered the theatre which was every bit as beautiful as they had heard* The performance itself Was excellent. The actors did a superb job and received a standing ovation. One of the actors addressed the audience and answered questions asked • by the students. They boarded the bus at 5:15 trulyimpressed, with their. mem- • orable visit to the Stratfcird Shakespearean Festital. • F.EM.S.S. students Place second in Lucknow contest F. E. Madill Secondary School student Sharon Peel* of Gorrie and Nancy Coffin of Lucknow were winner and run- ner-up in the Miss Midwestern Ontario contest at Lucknow Fair Siturday. Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Peel, represented the Howick LioniClub. Nancy w as chosen by the students to represent the Wingham school. She is the daughter. cilDr. and Mrs. Mel Coffin. Five other girls were entered in the con.- test. The winner was crowned by Miss Dominion of Canada, Nancy Wilson of Chatham. terest visited during this wee 'were Marble Canyon, Johnston •Canyon, Lake LOuise, Tunnel •Mountain, Emerald Lakes and • the Valley of the Ten Peaks. Again the week was ruined by ' the rain and cad weather'that - hampered us from exploring more interesting points access - able only on foot. The last week proved to be • the toughest and „yeti most re- warding and unforgetable wee • of camp,. It was during this week that we received practical • lessons on mountain practices and fire -fighting. The mountain training consisted of'practical river crossings, rock climbing, belaying, 'a practical gorge-. , crossing, mountain rescue tech- • niques and repelling down a cliff face. It was during this - Week that we had our hardest climb of the whole camp. it was a small mountain, but it consisted of numerous Wet faces that we had to traverse. and scale, but to make it difficult • it was pouring rain during the whole ascend. Then the de- scend down the gentle slopes of the other side proved as hard as the ascend because the land- scapes was a mire of slippery • mud, stones and logs that de- fied even those with the best • Our seeoridteeher interview introduc,..Mrs. 'David Bell, teacher of Grade 9 Trench and 10 and 12 English* Born and raised in Belleville, she received.her public. and 'high school education there.' Further education wai'' acquired' at Victoria College„ Toronto, Mo. Bell seems to have been a language/ fan.since her subjects ,-consisted. of tii.g4s1Fe49,h,t4n Spanish. Extra -curricular ad!, tivities were Glee Club and French Club. Graduating with a'!Bachelor of Arts degree, she was equipped to enter the car- eer she had always been inter- ested in --teaching. • Mrs. Bell's first position was in her hometown, Belleville. She later taught in Owen Sound. Both of these schools, like ours, are large. When asked if she, would prefer to teach in a • smaller school Mrs. Bell said the likes the idea, of big schools since the students have more available to them. However, she said the school system and teachers must not lose, that per- sonal contact with the students, They should be treated as stu= dents and not as numbers. • Outside interests? They in- clude a bit of curling and bowl- ing, and spectator sports. When I mentioned drama to Mrs. ell I noticed -her eyes light u • "Aha," I thought, "I've foun one of her real interests here. " And I had too, because I learn- ed that she took an active part in community drama in Belle- ville where she was part of the cast to play "The Doll's House': We are going to be fortunate enough to have her take part in community drama here iii Wingham, too (We hope). As far as literature 'is con- cerned Mrs. Bell likes to dabble in modern authors, main ly poetry. Hemingway is one of her favorites. She is keenly interested in aflteMnetrartr ,•• Jim McDonald has just learn- • ed that stealthy steps behind youcan mean a school photo. grapher is on your trail. He was the first student to be • shot by The Scene's new junior photographer,, J m Betook David Johann talks with 'Mrs. Suter. • Canadian poets and w- ishes More • of them could be included itt the school F,nglisli course. Her future plans reflect her philosophy of life --that a per- scra onlyhas the opportunity of going through life once and should pack as much into it as • possible by trying many differ- ent things. She plans a trip to 'Europe with her husband at some future time. ItIVOlVe- ment in choral work also sounds, appealing to her. Although the teaching profession seems sat- isfying mrs. Bell dries not in- tend to remain in it all her life --nar would she like to be a housewife -allher life. Living ° in this area, she feels there is an opportunity of taking night / courses in something totally different from her present work which would be of value in lite and keep her from getting into a rut and becoming narrow,- millded What does she think about us? Today's students are defin- itely going up on the1scale as compared to what they were a few years ago. She feels we are more mature, More broads minded arid more aware of what is going on around us. How- ever, don't stick your heads too high in the air, kids. We have to keep that image. Mrs. Bell f,,says we must maintain what principles we have, stick to our individuals. We prove indhid- ide'as and not be afraid to be uality in dress, by using our own taste and • developing pride ID ourselves. in recalling some of her e.X- periences, Mrs. Bell can now ichuclde about the embatrasting moment when she was mistaken for a student and alied down in the hall by a fellow teacher., Mrs. Bell appears to be a person who will be an asset to the conimunity as well as to our school