HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-11, Page 8INSl,Tlt•ANCE, �:4 iNESTle,LI1IOP,AGFN'i FOII 'I U 1Y1:ST'FliN' AtisUB 11`OF, nese, 1'ANT of l'oaente ; also for the hk1.0i.NXK, 1+`I1tE "jt,t31.'.tNUb1 C;U:Itimel :, of London, But;ial ,,,l4e 1.4.)l tl., ci,NAI?lA.:4,, of �ton- iv: xrr,tl,cs U G t1t 1i'`'�ll 1�,\il'lBi, LI1e to :AS' :iUIiAN01, OOiif! :1;NY, of,i,option, l+,neluntt, established ;1.847., :i.8150i 8 ever $5,000,000; claims and .bcnuses .,aid ver 10,000.008, LCIG' .L,TL if`S-11'cstial/behapnytore. a'oeatall times, from any pari of the ()mug, items of local 'teios; such, ,cs� ac- oident. ,nr any f*tterestiag incident what- ever, from any of oar ntassel-Op.. or read; era generally, for the picrposc of public" atiO'rt,. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1lth 1588, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. -- r4 Important to Farmers alta others. Ba,"ley and wheat are beilli to,nuive, all cereals are a good price; and the most • iairportnnt thine$ for these who ate indebt- ed to us for from. onu yeai'e subscription upwards to do, is to come in With the tirst money they gc;t, and hand ns the amount due us. We have considerable on our books which we world like settled at once, Keeping up a newspaper is a vary expen- sive undertaking. and to .mole it a success amounts due for subscription, advertising and jab work must 'bo paid promptly. Our prompt -paying subscribers will please close their eyes while reading thi,, as it is not for them. , Ono Doilat and Fifteen Conte. The past week has been really an active one on the wheat market,anddaily the busi gess is increasing, The quantity of grain marketed has been considerable, and good prices have been paid. The ruling figure has been $1.15, but in many instances ad- vances on this have been made Other cereals have gone up,ancl are likely to con- tinue so for some time, which is owing to the shortage in the wheat crop in Great fritain, and in several of • the Europeaan countries, and the damage done by frost in the North-western States. During the past two weeks there has been a rise in prices both in America aucl the Old Coun- try, and the felling of firmness is being ac- centuated every day. Personal. Mr. N. F. Flarrison left recently for Detroit to study tnedieiue.—Mr. G. A. K. McLeod preseutedthe editor w,th several bunches of grapes, the other day, as a sample of the quality he grows. The bunches were the largest we have seen, and the flavour delicious. --Exeter was well represented at Kirkton fair on Friday last. —Mr. Wamsley cif London, speet Sunday in Exeter, the guest of Mr. Harry Buck- ingham,—A Miss Crocker of Exeter, has charge of the millinery dept. of Messrs. Anderson & Elder of Blyth. --The season for shooting deer opens on Monday next. Our sports 1] is are getting the necessarypg g im- plements in readiness for a big fall's shooting.—Dr. Washington, the great catarrh specialist, will be at the Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday Oct. 1Sth.— L R. Carling left on Monday to resume his studies at the Toronto University. We wish Ilse the success which has previously attended his efforts.—Walt. Edgar spent Sunday in Kippen visiting friends. Presentation. On the 22nd ult. Mr. W. E. Walrond, the popular and'effirientforemanin Karn's organ factory, Woodstock, was seized by the men and presented with a large silver ice pitcher. Mr. Levagood read the ad-, dress. Mr, Walrond was visibly affected by the token of esteem, and in a few short words thanked the men for their hand- some -gift, but more especially for the feel- ings that prompted it. The occasion was Mr. Walrond's departure for Almoute and Exeter on'a short vacation. Following is a copy of the address : 2'o TV E. TTralrond, Esq., DEAR AND RESPECTED SIR :—We deem this, the eve of your departure for a visit -to Altnonte and other places, an appro- priate'time for the expression of a little sentiment and respect. Many of us have for some time past been desirous of ex- pressing to you in some.way onr apprecia- tion of.yoiir many good qualities as a "fel- low workman," and also to testify to the honorable and impartial manner in which you discharge the duties appertaining . to your position as foreman'of the depart - stents under your charge, while you dis- play an earnest and conscientious desire to feather the interest of the firm, and work with an unceasing endeavor towards that end. Your very example lends an incentive to your associates, thue making friction between yourself and workmen a thing almost unknown. We, therefore, ask you to accept this ice pitcher as a sena proof of onr sincerity ; in itself it is not of. extraordinary value, but if, as we believe you will, reciprocate the sentiment in: which ft is given, :our object will be at- tained. In conclusion` we hope the visit you are about to make will' .be pleasant and profitable, and that you may return and be permitted to enjoy a• long life of health and prosperity. (Signed.) A. L. HAvrss,1 CIIAS. AlrsTnr, J. Com. G. R. LEVAGOon, Woodstock, Sept. 22nd, 188$. Winter is caper ,aching, end burglar., izing and safe -cracking have commenced. Last week the Canadian Express Co. supercoded-the American Co. in Exeter and other places in' Ontario.. The Exeter Woolen Mill have the lar ,est and cheapest stock of blankets and shirting's ever shown in Exeter. For choice cheap acid fashionable mantle and ulster cloths and all kinds of, trimmings call at the Big Bankrupt Ston,. White wool blankets and all kinds of good wool underwear for just exactly, half price at the Big Bankrupt Store. Hersoy's oyster parlors open Saturday night, Oysters ralwas fresh and sup- plied iu any style desired. With the increase in the price of flour, the bakers of the town have in- creased tire price of bread. During the three days of the Gocicrich fair the Star exhibited commendable • 'enterprise in the publishing' of a daily odition,;aa,ud it was,by no moans a sec- ond class paper either. , An interesting coremolry ,took pinco' at thb residence of lU r Geo. Brooks last evening!, the occasion. being; the marriage of his eldest danghter, Ellen, to 1VTr, Gooage Vivian x a'popular young Men of Mitchell, Rov W. M. Martin tied the knot. 'tho young couple have Mr hearty congratulations, i Itr>esettes. New sutiscibers are coining ig fast front all parts of the con try ' 11fr• ,Jemus Oke, left l\'Ionalayfor Mon, trend with at carload of export cattle, Thursday, Nos -melee: 15th fiats been 1aelaiited Thanksgiving JDay through- out the Dominion,. Vl inehutn )41 probably adopt the Electric b''stetu for lighting its streets. Each light ie to Bost 25 cents per night, '.l'his season is nee of the most inter- esting of the year—a fair and fly time. Like everything else goods will rot ,lying itl starts waiting for high prices. \.rUll cas) get new goods at Parkinson's and the`' .. • es ere right. 11Ir.. \rla . hJited> bast week, repair- ed air- el a Turnice Janes St. Meth, t hureli'which ,ultanufacturere heel failed t(1Mti(1. "wo- The best value iu Teas at Parkinson's. Several of our stock raisers attended the Kirkton fair last week and were snoeessful in .capturing prizes Beware of the lady who goes a- round offering to teach painting for one dollar. le turns out to be a simple pic- ture, transfer system. Parkinson wants to see every lady and gentleman iu and around Exeter at his store to examine his new steck•of Goods. • A Mr. Foxley, of Erin, has been en- gaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 5, Usborno, to teach for the ensuing year, at a salary of $425. He collies highly recommended, Parkinson's is obliged to give ' the best value in Exeter because the hest value along with the best assorted stock of the newest productions are the only inducements be professes to offer. Next Friday Evg. the McGibeny family will appear in brews Opera House. They are the lar"est and best musical family in the world, and' no ono should fail to hear them. The McGibeny family drew a house° of nearly 2,000 people, at Toronto on Monday night. The Toronto Press and people speak highly of the Company and the rend.iticns. The people of Exeter and surround- ing country do not want to no decked out with old and discarded goods, when they can:get new and fashionable goods at the same prices, at Parkinson's, first door north of Town Hall. Mr. Geo. Hind, of Exeter, occupied the pulpit of the Church of England at Kirkton on Sunday Erg. last, in the absence of the iaoumbent, Rev. Illi Ireland, who is spending, a couple of months in the Fatherland. For bakers bread at the fall exhib- tion, at Exeter, the lst prize was awarded to A. E. Follick, but owing to the entry tickets getting misplaced J. H. Northcott was given the credit in the newspapers. Mr 1\rorden, of Exeternorth, intends holding an auchion sale of his' house- hold effects &c., prepnrtory to his mowingto join his friends in Hibbert township. He has got to old to live alone. Any one purchasing Dress Goods has to take into consideration where the best variety,is to be found, where the latest patterns are to be obtained, where the best is to be had. These important requisites you can always depend upon finding at Parkinson's At a recent . meeting of the Council Mr. Creech was appointed to look after the work of Commissioner. As there is very little road work to be done at this season of the year, the appointing of a regular Commissioner was deferred until next year. Goods bought on credit, at exorbitant prices, as, all Bankrupt Stocks are ,pre- vious to the great reduction of prices' in the' wholesale markets, can now be bought for 25 to 50 per cent less. See Parkinson's New Dress Goods and prices The new law: in regard to collection of taxes makes it hard on delinquents. On all taxes not paid by December 15, 5 per cent. of the gross amount is added and will be collected by the sheriff Taxes are now assessed. semi-annually, and the new law is designed to prevent the collections of one term drifting over into the , next. A•meeting of the council :was held last evening, at which Mr. Rob,t. 'Verity, of 'Messers W. H. Verity iC' :San, was present and testified as to nhat the firm was willing to (loin the way of extend- ing their manufacturing business, in the event oethe town giving,any assistance. As er•e go to press we have notheard particulars. The Mayor of Mitchell has promised, that if the corporation will take eight lights, at a cost of not more titan $600' per annum, be would gu+irantee the in troduction of the electric system into: that town. . It is probable that the offer of His Worship will be accepted, and soon carried into. effect. Exeter could manage nicely \pith eight lights, and six hundred dollars would bo slightly in ad- vance of the.cost of the present light- ing system.'When we are to havelinhts why not Kaye those that will give more than a glimmer. This week will end the season for fall fairs, after which tlle•Traies will appear in more readable shape, to the' teener. elk of readers. To many of our. read- ers)ri ° lists are `dry reading, but yet diose in the district in which the lists concern read them with much avidity. The publication of prize lists excites a keener feeling within the exhibitor to next yeaar Make a stronger atte npt to outdo his neighbors; and thus out agric- ultural fairs care growing yearly, and ferment sand others aro more careful in the raising of stock, growing of roots &c, while in other linee more attention is given to the superiority of work. The Methodist-Churclt Centralia will be opened on Stincley and Monday next. On Sunday, 14th sermons will be preached; n.torni:i'ig itt'10.30,, evening at•7 o'clock by Rev. A. 73urna, 1). D: L. L. D: of Ilannilton; and at 2,30 F. M. by Rev. B. l',;lement, of Exeter. On Monday Eve. iv tea will be given in the blasereent• of th's) church,, ,Ater tea a Tlatform ntoetmrr, will be7ield and ed resses delit'eret� yRovs 'D. Clement and Wilson, txote "; W 7T,' rife Credi- ton, W. Peehall, flinneille; and W, M.1V,iatrtin (Presbyt 'Tian)' 1tixetel<l Ad=• rnisSioti to tea 25ct i Children 15cts. All should go as a g ori time le prom - 'foci ' gAgrotpa#I�NagbNM�Ntroltit7ataxmlF. \'11lat;o Coulton.,' ',rho Council met by order of the Reece et the town hill Oct. 5th, All the tuonibors present. The minutes of, the precious meeting were read and' eonlu sued. Moved by T. 1:3. , Carlin 3 gr seconded byi'.1?S EL: JSl;cCalluut, that W. Down be paid WA for street water=