HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-19, Page 15Whilechurcb wins Wim',;. HCH- Wed- nesday he so call team played Dover Centre and Won by a 21. score. ' Playing in Tecumseh Park, Sarrn,ta, on, Saturday "' Wh teeb,>arch again wOn 1-0. phis gives the local boys the ‘.1.011e .el ampiOnship and they . now advancejto the OASA Send," finals, playing. Mount Albert on September 21' with a return game September 2,,p,;• - !NONE 1444111111 w OPENS AT 100 P,M, UNET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HO R 1,(1►,ERlr}I Al cowl `S t)N Rfl 1 HURL. FRI•1 SAT epfember. 19.20-21 Entertainment) Plus-- midis beYed! et be loved!be p Presents ASEVENARTI •4 It will inteating t ream of. the pentatcrn of the Tyrone Guthrie Awards',which e a. ch" 'year are awarded to members of the. Stratford. Shakespearean Festi'val.Comp.any and the. Fes- rival, Opera Company..' This year the awards totalled $7500, and all. are to be used for furth- er study in the theatre, or -in gpera, .as the case may be. One of the actors to receive. a $500 award was Malcolm A rnistrong, Mr. Armstrong had small parts in many of the Fes- tival Theatre productions, and din the evening that,we saw "Tartuffe"', he had stepped in as understudy, to take Douglas Rains, lead role after Mr. Rain had suddenly taken Ili. He•per- . s • FR1. 20 SAT. 21 SUN. 22 — WOOLNER MOS Pitwi is HUSKY' LANSING He A Nail'' AN 1111111416 � 1 Ilil RILIRiyD LUXE formed rna,gniflcentiy. ' Pattie Create also received a $500 award; he is an" actor'asla also stages the fight scenes in the Festival plays, Actor Tames Blendick receiv- ed a $2000 award and: actor Er'y is Donkin was given $1000. - Molly Harris received $300 for her efforts in wardrobe and jan7 et Snider $500 for wigs. the Festival Opera Company, main awards went to Peter Milne ($1000.) chosen, for .P a t ti c i :a Kern's title role in "Cinderella on occasions that Miss . Kern c ould notbe present. The evening performance that we saw featured Miss Kern , but all reports out of Stratford led us to believe that Miss Rosen 'entertained her audience •royal- ly and gave a brillant pe»;form- ance. She is a new young star. .of the Canadian Opera Com- pany, and is hailed by some as 'anew Teresa Stratas'. 0--o--0 Who says that making peo- ple laugh isn't hard work? Nat- chiing Don Rickles on .1 as t' - week's •"Show of the. Week," -the first of the new s e a s.o n�; must have put an end to those kind of thoughts ! Don really throws himself into his work and the result is that he is one of the funniest fellows around today., He pays little attention toa script and can break up any performer he is Inc* y enough to share a nage with. His humour, though, is always - in good taste (thus far and" let's hope he keeps it that way) He has his own series this sea son; haven't heard whether or not it will be shown in Canada, but it should be great if it is. Caught a glimpse of the new Phyllis. Diller .series on CTV last week. And if the glimpse. is any example of what one show or the series is going to be, I don'tthink I'll hold my breath waiting for it. She looks great when she gets dolled up in something decent and has a nice hairdo for a change, but she had better look under some cabbage leaves for some new . writers, or she can forget. it! Personally,. though she's .a good comedienne, she's not exactly my' idea of a hostess, but then, I'm Just two eyes among mil- lions 1- " o--o--o Hamilton Burger, the never- say- die district attorney who always lost to Perry Mason, has lost another battle. William Talman, the star who played Burger for so many years died of caficer'last week in Holly- wood. He was 53 years of age. One oriental communist lead- er to another: "Our diplomacy very simple.. We keep door open while slamming it in op- ponent's face." • 11.1111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY 20 • SATURDAY 21 "IIOMBRE" In Color•°–Start PAUL NEWMAN fle om. u Adult Entertairlirlut -W Second Feature --• "MODESTY BL.AISE" in Color Show starts . L00 p.m. - SUNDAY SPECIAL Stan 10.:00 p.m. - Sept. 22 "THE VULTURES" — PLUS "The DEADLY BEES" in Colour '1011111.10011110111011100111106011110. U Corrie 2a Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas .Att' hill, Xitchener, visited Sunday with Mr, AO Mrs. Ernest Ham, 4u, .Robert Season and Ed- win attended the Mr Sho* at Ooderich on ;Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George Gregg, -Toronto, 'spent die week -end in the community. Mrs and , d a- er, of.McLnoshMrs, 'viLeonarsited' MrI. ° . and Mr`s. Robert Nickel on Sun day, , Miss'banne Strong,of Kitch-: vener spent -the week -end with. Mrs} John Strong, ;. Mrs, Ivan Finns is a ;at. lent in Wingham and District' I9spital. Mr. and MO. Fired ,Hyndman and Mr. and :Mrs. Harry Go dy were at the Goderich Air Port on SundayR Mr. Cameron Robertson of _ Strathciair, Man,, Mr.. Harold Edgar of Moncton, N.B. , Mfr.. Station H. ore, TAMMY, THE G,�LOSSY-COATED' pony, and owner Julaine. Anderson, R. R. 5 Wingham, were a big hit with many of the youngsters at the Belgrave School ,hair 'last Saturday. Julaine was kept busy giving free rides to the younger set., The lucky young rider on Tammy is Sonja Muscheid, Wingham. —Advance -Times Photo. - owl ews Items from Corrie Mrs. Ian Howes and family and Mrs. 'Gilbert Howes le ft Sunday by plane for Fort Wil,. hams. Mr. George Galbraith, Wrox- eter, visited Mr, and Mrs. Cec, i1 Grainger on Saturday. ,:M r.' and Mrs. Clarence Nethercott of Atwood visited Sunday at the same home, and Mr. Bruce. Grainger of London spent the week -end there. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finlay, Mr. and Mrs, :.Burns Stewarts• :41' Industrial League The Stanley -Berry Ltd. team of the Wingham' Industrial Soft- ball League last week elimin- ated CKNX in their semi-finals series, three games to two. On Mondayevening of this week they met Western 'Found- ry for t 'd first game of a best - of -seven final series. As we predicted at the first of the season, these garnes have im- proved greatly towards the end. Monday's game certainly was one of the best played in this leagpe. Stanley -Berry had a three - run lead up to the fourth, and the Foundry came back_and tied it up. In the fifth and sixth innings, the Foundry put on the pressure and with a score of 8-4 looked as if they might take the game, but Stanley- Berry came back fighting and the final score, 8 to 7 .for the Foundry, showed they never gave up. . The second game in this series was played last ,night (Wednesday), too late for pub- lication. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Due to the .rising costs of oper- ation we are obliged to raise the price of ADULT admissions to $1.25.' Student and Children will con- tinue to be 7Sc 'and 40c. THUR.-FR1.SAT. SEPT. 19.20-21 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "BANDOLERO" CinemaScope•Colour • Starring: Dean Martin • James Stewart Raquel Welch This is one of the biggest and best Westerns to come out of Hollywood its many a year. It's well worth seeing. COMING NEXTt WED0THUIt.•PRI(4AT. (4 Days) SEM"i. 25.2427-25 "PLANET OF THE APES ril*il ltl iflI III li*Ij111Ni1*I 11 U add Mr. Ed Stewaart, Mr. and Mrs" David Neilson and family attended the Molesworth Pres- bbyterian anniversary service on Sunday. Rev. Evertt Hawkes, •Blue- vale, will be guest speaker at Knox Presbyterian Church an- niversary on September 29th. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown acid Jean and Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd attended the Doon 'Old Car Festival. Brown's 1921 1,3ft' 'Wig* _lin 1tiic'k Roadster' won the Irdphy m �tl a 1916-1927 class. One hundred and nine vintage cars from 19071931 • were present. n 1 Linda, Leah and Douglas Stewart of Harriston called on Mrs. '' Gordon Underwood on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Strong and family attended the Cana-' dian 'Coon Hound Association field trial on Sunday in Owen 'y Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falcon- er, Blyth, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McInnes on. Sunday. Mr. McInnes, returned home Sunday front' Victoria Hospital, London. MIs. Ken Head, Kim ant! Kelly of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery of Frand Bend spent the week -ens with Mr, and.Mis. W. W. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. deorge Cam- eron and family of Stoney Creek spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edgar. , Mr. Donald Galbraith, Wa- terloo, spent the week -end with E. Webster wins in PennyIvania .An all --Canada finals wound up the Men's Open Doubles at Bink Hill Falls, Pennsylvania on Wednesday of last week. The event was the United States Open Doubles Bowling Champ- ionship tournament. Elwell Webster of Wingham and his partner Wesley Huston of Kitchener defeated Brock Shore and Sim Robertson from Ontario by 13-12 in an exciting finish. The losers were down 6 to 13 with only two ends remaining when they scored a four to make it 10-13 playing the last end. Robertson killed the end and it had to.be replayed. Robertson lay thee lbr a tie with just one bowl remaining and Huston drew for third, leaving them just two and one short of a tie. Wesley Huston is Mr. Web- stetls brother-in-law. Mrs Webster and Mrs. Huston ac- co'ampanied their husbands to Pen'ntyania. , ,R Mr. • and Mrs.' Gerald Galbraith and returned to studies 'at Wa- terloo a-terloo University on Monday. Miss Lynda Johnston and Mr. Carman Hamilton ,entered the University of Western Ontario', at London -on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James' Wylie of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Ewart Whitfield. and Mrs, Ames Easton, Pointe attended the of MrGlace &Ivor and - visited relatives. , . Edgar Da, Slay Saloi I r n, Leland Har' of )47 IntOsh and Gary Elm of Lott - don spent a w days .at Man and His Wold, Muntreah Mr. ands - Glen Under-: wood. and , 'Mrs, Albert fleibein, r, and Mrs. Pavid elison, Elizabeth and Heath- er a►tter ted Loi don, Eat oft Saturday.:. ' WF.p DAT NIGHT !AXED LEAGUE . . t,, Marlene Foatonhad the triple 635 and h s ogle, 246 last Wednesday Welt. Bruce M hen bad the :triple for mei with 827 whileBob PoIrtort was high for Tingle!„ . th 340 points. . a aeBayl , aerviod tau 'Hyand St" ►r rtIadnesday night ss 'el Saverkraut. E sit r si+ fowling i OPEN BOWLING o- FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. 'CHURCH GROUPS • 4H CLUBS • SERVICE CLUBS WINGHAM BOWLING LANES ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN LEAGUES 'PHONE 357-3102 RESERVATIONS 19-26b ar fQh//IVM'O%'zVe Oatrat '67 PONTIAC IPARISIENI4 2 -DR. HARD- TOP, fully equipped, 11,000 miles. '64 FORD 4 -DOOR, V8 Auto., radio '64 FALCON 44OOR, 6 cylinder '64 MERCURY MONTEREY 4 -DOOR SEDAN, fully equipped '63 VOLKSWAGEN '65 METEOR STATIONWAGON, auto., radio, power rear window '65 COMET 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 6 cyl. '63 MERCURY 4 -DOOR, V8 Auto, radio '61 GMC 3 -ton, 5 -speed trans., Z•speed axle, 900x20 tires Many more Models to choose from .146 WINGRAM PHONE 3573461 BRUSSELS PHONE 241 • •