HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-19, Page 14Advance-Tirnes, Thu sday, Sept. 19, 1968 Seven charter members present for th. anniversary of Whitechurch W. 1 V!I'I TECUURCH--Guests from W1104111 and St. Helens bran- ches joined the Whitechurch Women's institute on ?uesday . of last week to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the White- church Iranch. The regular meeting;. on historical research, was opened at 8.30 by Mrs. Victor Emerson who welcomed the guests, form- er members, and the bran ch members. About 12 5 were in attendance. Mrs, Russell McGuire read the minutes. Handbooks and tickets to be sold for the old time dance were handed out. It was decided not to have the senior training course, Baking with Yeast. Each person answered roll call by naming a.historical place she would like to visit , and a snapshot of her' home for the Tweedsmuir Book A letterfrom the provincial president, Mrs. E. Small, said that the centennial project was a success. This was to increase membership. Branches are urged to support the $50,000 ear pansion at Macdonald Institute and the work in Northern Cana- da.. ana-da.. Members of the Whitechurch W.I. will supply band music at the Gray -Bruce area convention at Chesley, October 30 and 31. Mrs. James Currie, historic- al research convener, presided for the program. Favoritsongs of the past were sung with acs- companiment supplied by Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Minutes a,J"the first meeting. were read by Mrs. McGuire. .. Miss Joan Currie and Miss Joyce Tiffin, sang The Old .Spinning Wheel" and "It Is No Secret Row", accompanied by Mrs. Dani 'Tiffin. Mrs. Sydney Thompson and Mrs.. Donald Doer, dressed as gentlemen, sang "Mammy" and "Hey. Look Me Over", Mrs. Dave Gibb, dressed as a modern grandmother, and Mrs. Robert Ross in the attire of die good old days walked up the aisle- to the platform. M r s . Gibb read "Grandmothers of Today; and Mrs. Ross read "Who Will, Take Grandma?" GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. 'Emerson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Cecil Hol- land, district president of Bruce South' In speaking on whatythe W.I. does for the community she said that the Institute trains housewives and 4-H Club mem- bers how to properly use all the labor saving d:svices there are today. "What do we do with o u r time?" the speaker asked. "Are. we carrying out our obligations as good. citizens? ". Mrs. H o 1 - land said it is a good thinto try to do things even if one does get butterflies in the stomach. If they keep flying they will do no harm; it is when they settle. that harm is done. The speaker said that every program of an organization should be so interesting that no one would want to miss it. She. said that officers should be told when members enjoy their m eetings. "Our community broadens to take in the world, " said Mrs. Holland. Women from 56 na- tions are this week attending the A. C. W. W. meeting at Lansing, Mich. Mrs. McGuire thanked the speaker and presented her with 'a gift. RECALL FIRST MEETING Each of the charter members :.recalled something of the or- ganizationa1 meeting in the Foresters' Hall, January 27, FALL SUPPER (TURKEY)., T. PAUL'S ANGLICAN PARISII HALL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25' • 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Adults, $ I.50 Children under 12, 75c 1928. Charter members at the meeting Tuesday night were Mrs, Dustan Beecroft, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Mrs. Bert Reed, Mrs, Bob Purdon, Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs. Albert McQuillan and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Their recollections were as follows: Mrs. Joseph Agnew, district president, was the organizer. Even though it snowed heavily fifteen ladies paid their fees and joined that day. Of the fifteen, only seven are now liv- ing and all wife present for the anniversary. Mrs. Gillespie remembered meeting Mrs.; Agnew at the train and taking her back to meet the late train at night, ' carrying a lantern because the board sidewalks in the village were uneven and dangerous. The Foresters' Hall had a centre aisle with a pot''' bellied stove. in the middle. On either side platforms about a foot high ran the full length of the room. In the fall of 1928 the hall was lowered onto the foundation, part of which remains today. 19 LADIES HAVE BEEN' PRESIDENT Miss Cathy Chandler of St. Helens gave piano instrument- als, "Amaryllis" and "Morning Prayer". Mrs. Emerson gave the courtesy remarks and brought the Meeting to a close. Pictures were taken of past and present officers. Mrs. Emerson is filling the office of president for the sec - end time. She was the second president, serving from 1931 to 1933. The late Mrs. i+ art e Grain, was the only other per4on to be elected twice to the pees- idency, 1933-1943 and V39- 1943. Other prgsidents have been the late 'Mrs. Wesley I•eggatt, the late Mrs. Tom Gaunt., Mrs: Robert Ross, Mrs. Ezra Sclf6ltz, the late Miss Grace Richardson, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, MrS., pen. M•cC len agh an , Mrs. Ee t C,asemore, Mrs, George Nie- Clen,aghan, Mrs. James M - nes, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs,„ George Fisher, Mrs. Russell Ross, Mrs. Garnet Farrier rs. Dan Tiffin, Mrs. Claude Cof- fin, and Mrs. Bill Evans, The secretary -treasurers have been Mrs. Albert McQuil- lan, the late Mrs. Charie% Gillespie, the late Miss Rich- ardson, Mrs. Agnes Farrier. Mrs. Jack Maclntyre, Micas. Jim Falconer, Mrs. 'Charies Shiell, Mrs. James Mcinries, Mrs. Russel McGuire, and "Mrs. Emerson for two separate !terms. Prizes were awarded to, the following grandmothers during the lunch period: Coming the farthest, Mrs. Bessie Easson of Grimsby, a member of the Win - 'dna. W.I. ; smallest shoe Size, 'Mrs. Elwood Barbour of St. Hel- ens branch; never having been to a beauty =at nor, Mrs. J. Carruthers.. n: wingham; most great-gran-..4:ihildren, E. Purdon; oldest grandmother, Mrs. Purdon; birthday nearest September 10, Mrs. Mel Brad- burn of'Winghain -won the -prize on a draw. Q*I.M".umass Whitechurch News Mr. and Mrs. Georgei.W alk- er visited on Sunday with. Mrs. Clara Snell of Clinton and with, other friends in Clinton I�osp�it�l. � " Mrs. Garnet Farrier spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier of London. Mrs. Wayne Farrier and baby daughter, Kimberley Dawn, arriveckhome on Saturday from St. Jeseph's Hospital. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. • Eunice Gillespie are in Toronto visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Car- inan Farrier and family, and Miss. Winnifred Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Met- calfe on Sunday took a trip to Toberinory. Mr. and. Mrs. Mack Hutchi- son of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dawson and family were Do:YouRec�gnize This Building? HERE ARE A FEW HINTS! 1—It is a new spacious showroom which will contain many new products you have never seen before. 7 2—It is the home of a well-established business which has served Wingham for swim years. 3 ---It is going to be the place for a TWO-DAY, DOOR -SMASHING GRAND 'OPENING SALE —. COMING SOt -- WATCH FOR THIS SALEI THAT'S RIGHT ! It is the New Showroom at ODG1NS'McDONALD LTD. LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES NORTH STREET WINGHAM PHONE. 3574650 Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig were Sunday. visitors with ,sister, M=s,' Janet Flan ql` Wingham.. ' • Attending the wedding on Saturday in Wingham of Gor- don Moffat. and Miss Margery Lord of Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and Donald, Miss Mary Purdon, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer, Alex MacKenzie and Mrs. Bill Scott of Lticknow. Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin of Wingham were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pennington of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Van Der 'Clippe and family of Langside. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Purdon and Mrs. Cecil Falconer were Mr. and Mrs. • Hector Purdon, Sylvia .and Ray., �' mho of Strathroy, Allan Fal.- coner of Streetsvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maclntyre, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin and Mrs. 'Hamilton of Lucknow. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie of Wingham were Sunday after- noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. •Russel Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Sim- mons of London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and other relatives. - DERICH ARENA P 8:00' P.M. to 11:00 h.M. NITELY- .Only one more .C.O.C. meeting WHITECHURCH--Helen • Weirsma presided for the Lang - side C.O. C, meeting on Sun- day with Scripture read by Nan- cy De Boer, Janice led in prayer. € The offering was received by Jamie Young, dedicated by Freedie De Boer and sixteen answered roll call. Bob McGillvary read the treasurer's report and Brian Wali read the minutes. The next meeting will be held in two weeks, which will be the last one for the year. Carolyn MtGillvary,read the story. The pupils divided into groups to study the Books of the Bible. A hymn and the Lord's prayer brought the meeting to a close. Illimmffillimmaiwommumsn_onmssumisounsasSmoimussumumni mllummuummus issussullWol munimusimliu onmiss mum impmi missonosso unnumusniliwn b 1 Sponsored By a your local authorized , dealers - for a u: leadingars.. - Ste right this w a 1 see 'the. world of the future, here today in the- great he4great :.new '69 models. See new luxu'y and glamour, new dash and verve, inlkie great new '69s. See new safety features, too ... and 44 see for yourself. Now you can have a car 6 that's personalized to your particular 'tastes, your individual needs. See variety, see value. 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