HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-19, Page 11/� ra y. _ We co • 4 Attdate i b 1, �.. � L.�gtw� lVlember>� , ort the ►'. ocetsion of the opening of'. their' new building. Theyhave•• done a good:` job,. in supplying Winghain n wit1t another fine facility,„... CHRYSLER , DODGE PLYMOUTH Winghem, Qnt. - -Diai. 30-3862 t. hairday *dal, and folithifil meow, as tom of the Roy- al Canadian Legion , Erab 180 andmembers rs of the Ladies' twittery ry Mardi paiit the Oki Home ca yn Street kr the iret t, The march past will take place - on the wady to a :wreath . laying ceremony at the veno .".taph. The parade- will th en proceed to the new , a g 1 o u Home on Victoria Street for the official opeag of the building • which cost in the neii boarhood • at'*75,'000. ' Oldti� recall.meetin• g. - ry tit in, two rooms at the press- ent s Oddfellow '.�a,. . on Jose phineStreet, ,and for a time overovetthe office now occupied by Tack Goodall, Q, C. , form - ear S tton's Business College, FIRST POWERS The- first meeting.to form a, branch of'the Canadian Legion • was, called by the late H e rli ,Ca mpbell. About 50 veterans • attended the meeting 3n the tom hall. •The late 1a1 Mac' • Lean ..chaired 1he;organizationai meeting:on May 8, 19$1 when Mr Campbell was electedpres- ideat, 'The annual fee was set at $3; 00. ',Other Officers ;elected at that meeting were E. B... Copeland, HAVINGHAD TH OPPORTUNITY YO ONCE AGAIN SERVE OURt COMMUNITY. May We—express ourpride in being' selected as • PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS . for the new- i.egion Hall. It will be a credit to our growing colnmullity, WINGHAM PHONE 357-3.080 y; Har, G. H. gess treasurer; H. d, Maciese. vice; X. Weaver, 2nd vies; • E. A. Corben, •3rd vice; Ptak Sturdy, 4th vice. Cottee. members ► as foHQws °ice, Dr.Ross. E.H. Lloyd., G, L, Baiter AD r, C. W, Howson, Entertainment, A,M. Foch. es, r! }. Y �T yclt, ' Chester , .Copeland, Archie Peebles, W. C.. Adams. .Mernbershili. ank Study» Harry Tone, Charles Gilles- i pie, Mel Donahue, Leo Roach. ►p, Day, pe ions and un- • ,employmenitt, H. C` MacLean, W. A. Galbraith, Dr. W. H. Colborne, A, M. Forbes. E. S. Copeland. • By-lawsand eoaltitutions, .1i. C. MacLean, loran_ k -Sturdy, Dr. Ross;• Visiting, Alf Posliff, 1'.. W. 111141•, fila ry $row;me, George, W illlat , Percy'Harrls, For a number of years the Legion ,rnet in the Winghum. Arrnouries, The building had not been used 'for some` rime and was in need ofrepairs: the Legion .made the necessary ren,;, ovations, the present floor b .- ing laid by voluntary labor -on the part of Legion members, The late George Williams wa•s Forme hos been Otsomii ,j; rr d+ t when the neVitel to the Armouries was made and there were nineteen 111e .' In 1945 the loyal Lem Post got aahOt in the arm as young g men returned from over- seas. ,At almost every meeting a few new members sere n*� itiated but perhaps the most outstanding initiation of all •vas "at the March meeting in 1946 when 40 became 'Legion members.: r; The old Ete renson house ott. the corner of John and Centre Streets which lad at one time • been the Sit., parrs Chuitchroc'. tory, was bought in 1945..tae ch, s 'was made. with the aid',', .of grants from the -Town of • Wingham and surrounding town- ships. In the words of welter, an nembers,. volunteers dug in With gusto 'ta'rdlean 'Cup as the` house had not.beean'in use for several years. Most of the ,many changes ,made and decor- ation of the building was done by War1d War .1 veterans, The trst meeting an the John Street Legion Home. w`'as ileld May 2,- 1947. Improvements were made over the years and in.the add- 1950's a $14,00.0 addition was • erected at the back .,o'f the building.. The extra space pro- vided further washroon and kit n ,0,,,,,11,, /. - The Ladies' Auxiliary to Royal at,;• 'an Legion, Br" :180was ..o'g ized 3t 1937.' W. W., Armstrong' was the fi president, holding office 1940.a The Auxiliary has' always been an active organization After the war a number of brides from overseas were we corned to town and entertain �a� farcilit„ ,tr, and the c 1u b tvont license was granted at that time. This building was vacated May 15 of this year, befra<e the new acture was completed, The sunnnner months have been difficult and:the are glad to get properly organized aga. Past Pre: �.Y 1931-32 if, Campbell. 1033- 34,1i, 3- ' ,;.11, C MacLean, 1935-37 ,I , Weaver, 1938 GeorgeWil- limns, l:' limns, 1939 H. C. aet"ea , 1940.41 Baan Kennedy, 1942 C. R. 'Coultes 1943-44 W, • G, Hamilton, 1945-46 Wally Arm- strong,' 1947. Welter VanWyck, 194 A. .1 ; Irwin, 19.49-$o ,T. idents D. C. Millar, 1fi' E. 1'. Bateson;1053-54 Don . /mss , I R. C, Scott, 1.9 C. A. Ohm, 1i'" 47 JohnPatties*, ,1958-450 Lloyd ado', 1 Jac Orvls, ; George Wim, 10 C. D.. Robinson, 1964-65 6$ Gen l Ia- • nan n. D. A - s, 1956- 67 muss Halt The following CoMrade of: Branch 180, Rayal Canadian Legion are thea.l968iof kers Past president, 'Wfllis Hall,. resident Joh, , president, � A strong, ht vice, William Walden; 2nd vice,' -Thomas Russell; treasurer. Doug :.Rathbun, recording secretary, Ken Siniruons; financial Psecre- tart', ian Edwards; sergeant -at- arms, Huai •WicKague; assistant', Virdon Ducharme, chaplain, DeWitt l�llier, trustee, J, F.. • Bateson; service Bureau officer, Lloyd Garter; Poppy chairman, Don Adams. Members of the•executive and building committees ate' Glen Sinnarnon. C D. Ro4bin- son, R. E;. Bennett, Dave Croat, ers, .Harold Remington; Edward Elliott, Lloyd:Carter, Jack Gor- rie, . William Walden x143'0.411 Strong 37, Ladies' Auxiliary an active organization mo anoh .•� Mrsz est, until 1-. . in ed by the Auxiliary. The ladies have-a.T ys sit 5porte'd the vio-tie of {ie branollbytjo iii; ii `rras2'03< ma?dI'e ' on RemdrtOtariee bay, Decoration l5ay at the ceme- teryand on otheir l occasions.• They assist the branch at such events as the annual public speaking contest by serving re- freshments. The ladies have an adopted veteran at Westrninister Hospit- al, London. Jake Anderson a veteran of World War I, now in his 80's, comes from the Ham- ilton area. He has no living relatives. Members of the Aux - THE FORMAL OPENING OF THE WINGHAM BRANCH 180. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HOME WILL 9E MFLp .P SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 AT 2:�8 PM. PROGRAMME PARADE TO CENOTAPH, past old Legion Hall returning to New Hall for Flag Raising, RIBBON CUTTING by Dominion President. ASSEMBLE in the Legion Hall. WELCOME: Comrade John Strong, President . Branch 180. PRESENTATION OF KEYS: DEDICATION: Rev. H. W. Hamilton GREETINGS: INTRODUCTIONA Dominion President, Robert Koha ,Iy, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. by Comrade J. F. Bateson . DOMINION PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS: REPLY: Comrade John Cruickshank • PRESENTATION TO MRS. R. KOHALY: Appreciation and invitation to supper and "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN." An members of the Legion, Veterans and the - general public are cordially malted to attend all festivities, 'including the Dinner at 'th. Legion Holnii! and Dancing in the evening. DANCING$000 per couple DINNER OA dance. 'Mary visit him %Oh month Mrs. Joe ,King is the presi- he receives a parcel ;as,'well as dent this . year,: Past presidents on special occasions, . Mrs . are• 1937.40. Mrs. W W �, .- W. Arm7, Elizabeth Johnston," ►e •organi-. strong, 1941-42 Mrs; A. M. J.. nation's. relief officer, looks af- Forbes, 1943-44 Mrs.' W. , W. ter the parcels. " -� � . Artnstrong; 1945 Mrs. W. G. • Last year two bus loads of ° H �M�ilton, 1946 Mrs. C, R. veterans were brought to Wing- Cotes 1947-48 .Mrs; *H arr --barn for a day 's outin b " the y Y' $a Y T own, $1949-50 Mrs. G. R. Auxiliary and 'Branch 180. ,the Ross, 1951-'52 Mrs. E. L. San - men were entertained at'R,i,ver- Berson, 1953- 54 Mrs..Ernest side Park and t the -Legion Lowis:x l9 55- 58,,Mrs. S. - F. For- ONGRATULATIONS to h ., *BRANCH' 18 -. CAN I { AN GI h. Q. THEOPENING OF THEIR . NEW HOME Phone 357-1430 !a Iome. • ,m od, fir° lythe, X1957•-5$. Mrs. -D,. .�'�.���;�011�•s�, donations tdoldertCirc 1 e • LAS. ' Gauley, 1961 Mrs. R. G. Case - School-,, the' Salvation Army, more 1962 Mrs G A B Its Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Red Cross, Children's War 1Viemorial Hospital for vet- erans at Wetminister, and the Dominion and Provincial Scho1- "� arship Funds. m At hoe they award a scholarship. to a veter- an's child completing grade thirteen who is continuing his or her education. The Auxiliary sponsored the Girl Guides when they existed here. The ladies have helped with Red Shield and Red Cross campaigns and assist at th e Blood Donors• Clinic. There C were 132 donors at this year's clinic, the most successful to date. Auxiliary membrs look Sc co after the records, h e 1 p the , La nurses at the beds and serve re - re freshments. J To raise funds for their many J projects the ladies hold bake Mrs . A. Br '1963 Mrs. V. Ducharme, 1964- 65 Mrs. Jack`Gorrie and 1966- 67 Mrs. Keith McLaughlin. • Tke women holding office this year are as fgllows: presi- dent, Mrs. Joe King; 1st vice, Mrs. Ed Rich, 2nd vice. Mrs. Andy Scott; treasurer, Mrs. William Renwick; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs, John Strong; recording secretary, Mrs. Don Farnell; executive members, Mrs. V. Ducharme, Mrs. Harold Remington, Mrs. 131.11 Walden, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs. Dave rothers, ' Mrs.. Peter Vath; ban- quet conveners, Mrs. Andy ott and Mrs. Ed Rich; house mmittee , Mrs. Keith Mc-. ughlin, Mrs. Dave Crothers; lief officer, Mrs. Elizabeth ohnston; socfal convener, Mrs. a Jo Strong; suck and visiting, John Strong, Mrs. George sales, raffles and cater to ban- gUets. Da Y. (You have • a.•fine new Home• of ,you can be :proud. =t CONGRATULATIcN$ LEGION MEMBERS ON THE OPENING'OF YOUR NE'W •HOME. You have given ' Wingham a new facility which was much needed. CurneI TIyM Fben s � a.,�„ Furniture FREE PARKING STORAGE -- DELIVERY '" Lf,': 3 DICK BURORIDG , a Life Member of Branch 180 and a vetersn of World War I, takes a very active part in Legion pTecta. He was the first man, to grab tools and start levelling the grounds at the Legion Home when construe. tido of the building was completed. Dick seldom hisses araiar meeting. UR BEST WISHES TO THE WINGHAM LEGION ON THEIR NEW HOME.. We are proud to be a part of this progressive community. misiamminiviimme All Legion tnembers :are welcome at THE QUEENS HOTEL CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES ,FROM WINGHAM CLEANERS