HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-09-19, Page 5e;o op t tol a .le Otto frh Fresh Plum Mold 2 envelopes unflavoured gela- tine cup cold water / cup hot water 1 cttp sugar 1/8 teaspoon ginger teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1 pounds fresh ripe plums 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 egg white Whipped Cream (Optional) Soften gelatine in cold`water. Add hot water, sugar, gin- ger and lemon juice. Stir until gelatine is dissolved. In th e meantime; slice plums., mash and put through a food mill or electric blender until pyr_eed. Fold into gelatine mixture. Chill until mixture mounds when dropped from spoon. Add salt to egg white and beat until soft peaks form. Fold into p l u m mixture. Turn into a 1 -quart mold. Chill until firm, about 4 hours. Serve with whipped, cream, if desired. Makes about 6 servings. • ..N --Many friends and rela- tives of Dr. Harry Tisdale of Grand Forks, North Dakota, will be sorry to learn that he suffered a fall recently at his home,. He is confined to hos- pital with a broken hip. , O. --Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tapp returned home Sunday after a month's vacation in Western Canada. They attended the . C. P. H. A. convention in Re- gin;a and also visited with rel- atives. Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers: I loved Your ewer to' the writer • who wanted to know why couples go together for years and years and nem marry.. You as much as said, "Mind,,your own busi- ness" -- which is ,what I would like to say when people ask me the „same question, I .have been going steady with a fine, fine gentleman. for 23 years. When my husband died I was 30 years old. I sat in the house for two years, and then I met Mr. R. My children ad- ored him and he helped me raise them. If I had a dollar• for every time he asked me to marry him I'd be a rich, wo- man, but the answer was always. "No"—and I have never regret- ted it. I see Mr. R. several times a week. We are sweethearts, com- panions and friends. We enjoy each other's company but we don't have to be together 'unless we feel like it. It's an ideal arrangement for us both. I don't know of a married couple who get along as' well as• we do. Thank you for not condemning us, Ann. You are a wise lady. — CONTENTMENT IN SYRA- CUSE. Dear Contentment: All things will not work for all people. Including marriage. If this ar- rangement is best for you and Mr. R., whose business is it? * .* * Dear Ann Landers: I was shocked when you said the wo- man was a nut because she let her telephone ring to avoid gabby friends. Now there's a nut I respect. Why should any- one be a slave to an instru- ment which was intended as a convenience? I have friends who. practically break a leg running to answer the phone. I couldn't care less. If it's important the O=o' - 'Opo-" ===octo emto) _ `t0=0=20a70 1 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF O p �ean .1 FASHIO1NLSH.QPPE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 87 ATWROXETER ca MRS. CRAWFORD GIBSON, Prop. DRESSES; SPORTSWEAR, UNIFORMS, FOUNDATION GARMENTS, NYLONS 0 Come in and 0 see our collection. If you don't find what you are lookin for ... We will .get it for you. 0 'WO U R'. S 0 1 d O O O TUESDAY TO SATURDAY — 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. . Closed All Day Monday . Open Wednesday Evening 'til 9 11 '0l2O 011:20====s0=10=====0=10 THE TURKEY IS BACK AT THE QUEENS!! n, We had such tremendous response to our last special, that we need a week to' prepare for our next one. TO avoid disappoint- ment, we request that you make your reservations early. The Date: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER .27 The Occasion: lc TURKEY SALE THE MENU SOUP ROAST TURKEY POTATOES VEGETABLES COLE SLAW ROLLS BEVERAGE • $1.85 Second serving at same table lc a � M THE HOURS: 5 to 6 p.m. - 6 to 7 p.m. • 7 to 8 pinto THREE SERVING TIMES ONLY AFTER • P.M. ONLY A LA CARTE MENU AVAILABLE THIS SPECIAL BY RESERVATION ONLY 'ME QUEENS HOTEL Wn.ham Phone 357-1750 For Reservation party will call again -perhaps at a time more convenient to me. Personally I have great ad - nitration for a person who ea_n . let the darned thing ring. Most' people can't. In the evening it is particu- larly easy to Ignore a ringing phone. Anyone who has teen- agers eenagers knows that after 4:00 • p.m. the bell tolls not for thee, but for them.—HAPPILY DEAF. Dear Deaf: You are far from alone in your views, lady. I re- ceived a blizzard of letters from women all over the country who are "lotting the darned thing ring." Why can't you dames say: 'Sony, Pm mai 616 14 to talk now. I'II call you back later." Are • you so- Illy -livered that you will allow some. long - ed bore to chain you to the phone" while the laundry dries out, the soup boils over and the dog has an accident by the door. If you • -have an answer to thishear it one I'd like'to he . Dear Ann Landers: My daugh- ter reads • °your column every day. and quotes you frequently. I am dumb, of course, because I am only her mother. YOU are smart, however, becajuse you write in the newspaper. Please help me stop her from ' doing a foolish thing. ' Bernice • is 26, bright and works for one of the mast in- vfluential men in Washington. She never had many dates but it didn't seem to bother her. Last week she met a man and has gone crazy over him—and I do mean • crazy. He told her she would be beautiful if it weren't for her nose. •Now she wants to have her nose done over by a plastic surgeon. There is nothing wrong with Bernice's nose. It is. just. like Mine—classic Roman, and dis- tinctive looking. Please say something.—D.C. MOM. Dear Mom: I'd be glad to:— but I'm saying it to you, not her. Keep your distinctive, clas- sic Roman nose out of Bernice's life. She's old enough to know what she want' to do. It's not how YOU feet about her nose that counts, it's how she feels. And apparently she feels • she wants to have it done over, and that should settle it. - • Charter members to receive pins FORDWICH-The Ladies' Auxiliary to Howick Legion held the September meeting in the Legion I -fall. Resolutions were made from Grand Lodge. Birthday money was receiVed. Plans were made for the charter members to receive pins on November llth and plan: were made for a bake sale in 9ctober. The mystery prize *as won by Mrs. Ken Under- wood, donated bir Mrs. Mel Allan. Two specials were won by Mrs. Earl Moore and Mrs. Earl Underwood. Cards were signed for mem- bers who are in hospital and a social hour was spent Owen Sound couple mark fiftiefh wedding anniversary BELMORE--Mr. aund Mrs. Otto Johann of Owen Sound celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, by entertaining at a family dinner at Hatton Hall. The table was centered with athree- tier wedding cake, yellow> mums' and yellow candles:' Lloyd Zinn, brother of Mr s . Johann, proposed the toast to the bride and groom, and Dav- id Johann of Whitby, eldest grandchild, said grace, Mrs. Johann is the former Ruby Zinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Zinn of the Mildmay district. They were married at Mildmay and lived in Belmore until about 35 years ago when they moved to Owen Sound, They are members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church where Mr. Johann was clerk of session for seven years. He is also a past member of the Owen Sound Rotary Club and the Planning Board, and was secretary -treasurer of their Agricultural Society for seven • years; He retired eleven years ago from the real estate busi- ness in which he had been en- gaged for 35 years. Mrs. Jo- hann is past president of the W.A. of St. Andr's Church. They have two sons, Morley of Whitby and Everett of To- ronto; . and two . daughters, Aud- rey, Mrs. Allan Loucks of Couple srprised on anniversary W HITECHURCH- - Mrs - George Young and Miss Janette' Johnston arranged a surprise party to celebrate the 25th, wed- ding anniversary of their par- ents, Mr. and • Mrs. Clark Johns ton,. The party was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were led to believe that they were being taken to a restaurant for dinner. They. . were taken to the Tiffin base- ment on a pretext and found there oter guests who had • been' invited` to. the ' dinner., par- ty. . Attending the celebrations were Mr. and Mrs. Jim'Lovitt of London, Shirley Johnston of Clinton, Alex McBurney of Bel- grave, Mr. and Mrs..George Young and Heather, Langside, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, Luck - now, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Russel Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. The celebrants were present- ed with cushions, a bedspread, blanket, lamp., teapot, cream. and sugar, sheets and pillow- cases-, illowcases-, livingroom curtains and other gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston voiced their appreciation for the gifts' and the dinner. Peach Coconut Pudding 2 packages (3-1/4 ounces each) coconut cream pudding mix; 3-1/2 cups milk: 2 cups peeled diced ripe fresh peaches. Combine, pudding mix and milk in medium saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture boils. Remove from heat. Cool to lukewarm. .Stiraches into pudding. Chill. If desired, line serving dish with ladyfingers and peach slice. Garnish with whipped cream and peaoh'slices, if desired. Makes 8 servings. Chatsworth and Vera, Mrs. Gordon Waghorn, Owen Sound. There are seven grandchildren. Guests present for their hap- py occasion were from Belmore, Listowel, Goderich, Whitby, Toronto, Tees water, Dungann- on, Chatsworth and Annan. A number of gifts were presented to them, and tnany messages of congratulations received. They also received many flow- ers, including an arrangement/ from the neighbours on Fourth Ave. E. , and one from St. Andrew 's W. A. Belmore guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Darl- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zinn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann, Mrs. Alex Sangster and Miss Mae Johann. CALICO GIRLS FORDWICH--The third meet- ing at the home of Mrs,, Scott Clarkson on September 4 'was attended by 12 members.' Min- utes were read by Valerie Gib- son. It was decided that the book 51covers will be white. The use of patterns and marking was demonstrated by Mrs. Clarkson. Practical.worEk of placing, marking and cutting patterns took place at the September 10 meeting at Mrs. Clarkson's with a full attendance. Plans were mode for Achievement Day and the as- sembly of a dress was discussed. The proper method of putting, in'a zipper was demonstrated. The home economist will attend the September 18 meet- ing. PICNIC MARKS 35TH ANNIVERSARY BELGRAVE--Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Taylor of Galt, Mr. Kenneth Davis, Stratford, Mrs. Annie Coultes, Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes anc' family met at the home 'of Mr. and44rs. Glenn Coultes for a picnic b celebrate the 35th- wec'ditg anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Coultes. Tour home at Barrie The Rebekahs and Oddfel- lowsof Wingham Lodges paid a visit recently to the Oddfel- low. Home at Barrie. They pro- vided' a picnic lunch and a short program and in return were taken on a tour of the home. The supervisor, Mr. Reg McFadden is a former resident of Wingtam. . ) --Mr. and Mrs.- Pat Brenzil and family of Scarboro spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood. Wiughatn Adyauce-Tiames, 'Thursday, Sept, *OC 1958 P features fromD, The World of Women UCW meeting at Donnybroo DONNYBROOK --The Sep- tember meeting of the U. C. W. was held Wednesday afternoon in the Donnybrook United Church with a good attendance. Mrs, Charles Jefferson had charge of the program. Mrs. Morley Johnston gave the call to worship. Mrs. Sam Thomp- son read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Johnston led in pray- er. Mr. Thompson read two poems "Don't Quit" and "Do It Now". Doreen Jefferson re- ceived the offering. Mrs. Margaret Leddy gave a good topic on "Kindness". Mrs. John Hildebrand gave a reading "I Love God" and then took charge of the business. Mrs. • Stewart Chamney read the min- utes and gave the finance re- port. Plans were "made for the bazaar on October 2. Mrs. Johnston closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, assisted by Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Bigrave Mr. and Mrs. George Bul- lock of .Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent motored tooSault Ste. Marie last week, going by way of Tobermory. They visited with Mr. Vincent's granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mitchell and family of Sault Ste. Marie. Returning home through Michi- gan they visited with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Vincent of Barring- ton . Mrs. Leonard Yews and other. friends and relatives. BLUEVALE• CLUB The thirdmeeting of the Bluevale 4-H Club was held in the community ball on th e evening of September 8th with Mrs. Jim Thompson in charge. 4-H homemaking pins were c istributed to ,the members who - have. successfully completed one project. Members worked on their dresses. Brenda Glousher is the next secretary. MARINATE TURKEY To add a delectable flavour to turkey salad, marinate the cubed cooked meat in flavour- ful French dressing for half an hour before combining with other ingredients in a salad. Use only 'sufficient French dress- ini to lightly moisten the cut- up turkey. Drain if necessary before adding other ingredients such as celery, nuts, pineapple and salad dressing. Anniversary at BluevaIe United 'Church BLUEVALE--Rev. G. W. Kaiser, B. A. , of 'the Ashfield charge was the guest speaker at the anniversary service of Blue - vale United Church on Sunday, his subject being, "Faith in the Magnificent". The choir, under the direct- ion of Mrs. Carl Johnston, sang an arithem, Miss Elizabeth Goldthorpe taking the `solo, Mrs. Bill Wright sang a solo and 'a trio was sung by Miss Ruth Math- ers, Miss Elizabeth. Goldthorpe and Miss Margaret Craig. • The service was well attend- ed, many being present from ether localities„ . BELMORE Mrs. Anne Eddleston return- ed last week to her home in Florida, after spending several months .with her daughter, Mrs. John Rutherford, Mr. Rutherford and family of this area, and other Ontario relatives.. : Mrs. Alex Sangster and Mrs. Eldon Renwick, with their min- ister, Rev. K. Wettiaufer, at- tended a meeting of Bruce Pres- bytery held at Five Oaks last week. . ' - Miss Jean Inglis of Kitchener spent the week -end with rela- tives in the area, MTs. Margaret Burchill, Clare, Wanda and Roger of Goderich,, .attended services in the local Presbyterian Church op Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Nickel and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ma- whinney and family of Green- ock visited on Sunday wig Mrs. Alex Sangster and attended an- miversary services in the United Church. • SEWING SWEETHEARTS WROXETER--The third•meet ing was held in the basement of.the hall on September 10. Debbie Townsend read the min- utes and the roll call was an- swered. There were nine girls present. They were pleased to have Miss Heard the home economist with them for the meeting. Jean Adams, leader, showed how to lay the pattern on ma- terial by demonstrating on her own. The members then pin- ned their own patterns to their' material Hostesses, Brenda Townsend and Heather Alcorn served hunch. TRIANGLE IJIBCOUNT HALO SHAMPOO FAMILY SIZE Regular 99c SPECIAL PRICE 69c NEW 44111111 ---- RIfl.ADMStain Remover 1 t Reg. NOW 55` 44c0 jir 40141,10. SAVE TODAY — OPEN — 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAY NOON TO SIX PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT for Dishes Reg. 89c FOR 69 C CONTROL LARGE SIZE HAIR GROOMING FOR MEN Reg. 89c NOW 49 (6, TOMORROW AND EVERY DAY