HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-11, Page 5DISTRICT DQINGlS.
Decants lens tlf the ast'weblt ;.faro(!§]ii
out the Neighborhood ill a Concise
A Mr. Uooper or Clinton fell down.
cellar the other day and was some-
what iujured.
Everest's Cough syrup as, the . best
in the country.—Dunce n Pursell, For-
Pigs are allowed to run in the Clin..
ton cemetery. "
Mr. Cann has sold his book and
stationery business m Lucan. ,to bis
A. h. Atkinson, and one to London
to reside,
Conductor Schwab is running on
the London, .Huron & Bruce Branch in
Place of Mr, Bailey, 'i who is taking R
couple of sweelfe' holiilaye.
A 1ainfu
1rccident happened
o Mr.
Geo. Trott, t .eaforth on Thursday.
Ilewas „attending .Goderioh,fair ex-
hibiting a targ^ hog, and when in the
pen the brute attacked hint by tearing
a large hole m the fleshy 'part ' of the
right leg, with its teed!,
t'Eveeast's Extlrot of \\Till Black:
berry never fails to ;(lore diarrhoea,
dysentery, &o,"—the statements' of
Tho,i iddulph Agrioulturel ;Society
Will, have, ft balance .ot•h30 ,to their
credit alter p'tying for fencing: and all
the other improvements in pt)nt?eotion
with their grounds, The ..result has
been very grotilyinu to the directors
and no doubt an effort will be made
to have a building erected in the
grounds before another year, for the
accommodation of exhibitors in fruits,
A serious accident betel 1I1'. ,Iaules
McDonald, of London, Township on
Saturday morning, •as a i'esult of which
he fractured his right leg and suffered
internal injuries. Ile was engaged at
wort: in the plow of his barn, when: he
backed over the edge and fell to the
floor, his back striking against a fan
ping hill, and throwing the whole.
weight of his body on his leg, which
was doubled' up under hire, , Ile is in
ate rianal contrition,
'The following paragraph refers to
the, lather of lite v.Mr,•Fear, ot.IIippen.
--.."-Rev Samuel Fear, .superannuated
\Ietliodist minister, Elora, and the
oldest minister in the ,Guelph Con-
ference, completed the 86th year of
his life the other day. To celebrate
grain (Yee.
'scores who have tried it, 25c per bot the event he went on horseback from
for sale by all druggists.
A Clinton minister married a:couple
pot long since and after the ceremony.
the groom turned to the minister and
rennarl;,eu, '‘I'm very much obliged.
roister; so long." The minister
thought 'this poor pay,
'l'he many Qld (fiends of Air 1; rro.
Miller, formerly School' Inspector for
the West !tiding of :Huron;, but for.
some time past a barrister in Toronto,
will regret to hear of the sudden death
of his mother; which occurred'ev Tor-
onto, on Monday of last week.
Mr. D. 37; Hadlige, bent:or, of. Sea -
fort h, had an operation performed
upon itis right leg a few days ago.'
The doctors cutdown along the 'shin
bone about five inches in length and
chiselled the dead bone off: '1Tr. R.
will be laid np for two months at
There was a ripple of excitement in
Parkhill on Wednesday of last eteeek,
the !?occasion being the marriage of
two of Col. Gooalmau's daughters,
The lucky yoi.Tng men are : lir, G M,
Wedd of 13et'lin and Mr. Leten ?VIM -
Tams, of Toronto, They are tende'rerd
the bengratulations of the bom euatxty
at large.
The other evening, while Mr. D.
McNeally,.of the 4th con., Goderioh
Township, was helping to run a reap-
er into\the barn, he dropped to the
ground) and instantly expired. He
0: was a -resident 'of the township for
about 15 years,a man particularly
well informed, and a warm adherent
of the Presbyterian. Church.
A farmer last fall bought a ;number
of young cattle at $18 a head ; he kept
them over the winter and sold thein.
the latter part of May last at an aver
age ^of 859 each. " They had not, in the
time he kept then(, consumed ` one
pound of meal or grain, having been
• entirel y grass-fed. Ile happened to
be well situated for pasturage.
t f Information receiver! Rev, R. Y.
['hompsou, of Vancouver, B. C., last
week, was to the effectthat his health
was very much improved. Ile ex-
pects to put in about three weeks'
work in Winnipeg College, and will
return to ';.Ontario to enter upon bis
duties at Itr,ex (college, 'Toronto, at.
A black bear weighing 400 ; pounds
was killed near Wilbur, Frontenao'
County, 'Thursday; . and George Bab-
cock came near losing his life in the
encounter. The bear buried his Teeth
in his thigh; lacerating the flesh 'bad-
ly. A dog, when it saw Babcoc.c down
fiercely attacked the hear aind saved
Babcock's life.
A St. Marys' exchanj a says \Nati
Cook, aged 14, of the townshi,) of Us—
borne, While shooting with an old
musket in the western part of the.
town,on • Saturda'y last, met with
serious accident. lt'itppears' the gun
kicked and the ramrod struck hen in
the''forehead . causing fracture of the
'skull. He is'doing nicely.
his residence, Elora, to Mr. Elugh
Hamilton's blacksmith, half a mile, to
have his horse shod. Thera are few
ministers of the Gospel who reach
Mr. Fear's age, and fewer still who
show such sums of vigor at 76 as he
does at 86."
f The pity, of New'Yorlc has o'otyet proved
to boa fust ship, Speein gvidontiy does
not increase with the sire of 'rho otieau
steamers, New' that the Great Easter»
has been retired fronto let tics; the City of
New York is tho lergost stealusliip nilost,
d'amestowu, Dak., Ool:. 4— A report;' just
received from Eldridge, 10 ntilee west on
llro Niso,rn atii,ieu tl (.l'ecittit(ub]o:t e1, t,,anst!;t;e: teblt;rlporavirhilo
is in loner. !tiros aro also raging in
other •du eutions,
At the iiupiest of a' DM 111c itf a woman,
found in a collar in 1Vhiteehapcl on 'Plias,
day last,aurt;eonXs who examined the 're-
n)aios testified that they were those of an
untie Miley 11110 wournn, who bad probitbly
pccupied a fine social position.
A PLAIN S'1'AT111^_t1L,NT, •
Alt puisouoat; waste., and warn out
matter aught to escape: hone the systein
through the seeretious of the bowels, kid-
neys aii. t ski u. 13. B. B. clotu.tses, opens
and regulnies those natural outlets for the
removal of disease,
On \Veduosda,v alteruoon n roan;; ixutn
namedClttrtce end employee of Lite Thoiii-.
si yl-li.austor Elcetrie Ga, Chicago, .wee iii,
stnntly-billet! by an electric shook from a
Ge In.eral News.
A Langer; Cormty,ello a •as out iu` pa-
lm! this fall, offended a county fair of the
regular Dakota kind. Tho exhibition eon-
si.;tc'd of a hull and a'pumpkin. '1710 bull
got loose and ate the potnpein, and rho fair
ended right there,
The team of heesee killed oe the. G T R
track at Stratford were owned by Mr. Jas.
Gorcornn, ti metier. The horses had run
away, and conning to a railway crossing
turned up the track and fellinto a cattle
!;hard, where the expreee from London
struck them, ''[`he engine and tender and
the front end of one ear were derailed.
T1w pooplo of Ramsay comity, Dakota,
ere saint tu• be iu a stete of stttrvetion. Au
appeal for ard has been reeeived, midis as-
eompanied by a statement to the effect tnat
recent frosts destroyed tbousauds of bush.
els of wheat, and left destitute the resi-
dents et all but one of the townships in the
"For years I stinTeted from loss 'of appe-
tite and iudigastion, but feiileii to find relief
nntil:I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
This medicine entirely cared me. My ap-
petite ard digestion and now perfect."—
Fred. G.Iiower, 496 Seveth et., South
Boston, Maes.
The contract between tine-1<fahitoba Gov-
ernment and the Northern Pacific was pro-
claimed, the new company organized and
the Iced River Road taken over Thursday.
Dnesxmas OuuaD.'—A very. iuteresting.
132 page Illustrated Bpik on Denfuoss.
Noises in the head,; Bow they may be
cured at your home. Post free 3d. -Ad-
dress Dr. rl crrotso:;, 30, St. John Street,
Montreal. .
The tihc?eso mauttfacturod at the joint
stot'k'cheese factoreeat Corbett 'secured Sud
prize at the,world's fair, in Liverpool, Eng-
laud; this season.
I had trieit tunny doctors and was
given up by them as far gone into con-
on-s nmption, blit was permanently cured
by using Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas.
Simpson, Aberardee.
A Lucan correspondent writes :--
-t 31r. John tliol•gan, a farmer living in
this 'vicinity, took a surprising bop--
skip.aildtju' ap-last week in the moon-
light. Morgan was a man that every-
body thought a great • deal of, and ap
,peared'•to be an honest ar_d'well-to-do
farnner,'having 100 acres of land, A
'few hays before he left he went to
Lolitdon and drew a mortgage of $1,600
'on juts place ; he then signed the
'liilacs, over to his son and skipped.,
'"Phe citizens of Parkhill have sub.
'scribed $550 to be applied towards the
,payment in part of the judgment re-
cently obtained by Mr. Simon McLeod
'Iagainst Messrs. A Loudon, R. White
"•;hohn Arnold and 11. Bishop, for dam-
ages in taking clown his building at
the fire of last November,' and the
cost of suit for the Name. The coun
cil has appropriated $35 to the same
purpose, and it is hoped this will
kettle Mr. McLood's claim..
MIS. John 1!ledy of (.4ranton, ;was
stricken with nppopls1y last Saturday
afternoon and died Sunday morning
at 4 a. m. • 7'iie deceased was the relict
of Mr. John Body and was in hersixty
first year. The suddenness of her
death caused a thtill to pass over the
community as she apsteared to be em
joying her usual good health and ho'r.
nd was quite unlocked for.
The number of people Who try 'Cb
beat their way on the railroad is as.
tontshinil. Only last week on otre of
the train§ running into London it'than
Was found secreted on the forward end
of the baggage 'car, and be ryas'a man
whowould be ashamed to seehis
vane in point, Ile was wflifng: to
risk fila lite ht sitting ori an•tffseetii}e
place, and take alt the cinit3l's from
the locomotive, low the chance of
saving a dollar, '('hen exl3h'ed tickets
or those Which have been redo upon
but not c'ohleotecl by a prE4ioi1fl 'or5n'
thloit)t•in'r" of: nu l,f„thn a'H, ••ltd lines
HO' v' to Gale]. Flesh and Strength
'Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion ;
it is as palatable as milk. Delicate people
itnproyo validly upon Its use. For con•
samption, throat lifke'tious and bronchitis
itis uncqualled. • D. Thos. Prim; Ala.,
says :: "1 used Scott's Emulsion ou a child
eight mouths old ; he gained 9 pounds in
a mouth." Pat up in 50o."aud $t size,
Etruria has a arrived at New fork from
Liverpool. She made the trip in 3 clays,
1 hour and 30 minutes. Ha hest previous
'recon! was 0 cl'dya 1 hour and. 55 minutes,
\nvicna To itioxxi:rts.--Areyyou dietnrbed at
night and,brokcu of your r•e.sb by a sic]: child
suffering and crying with pain of Gutting
''Peet;? i.f ho anted at oucc and get a bottle
of "Ars', Wiuslow's Suuthiu Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teethi-ig. Ile value Is incalculable.
It will.'dlieve the poor little auffercr lin'
rnddiatoly )>enieucl uponit.; mothers ; there
is uo mistake ,tbous it. It aures Dysentery
aiwt 1)ia,r•hcea, regulates. tiie Stomach and
tlowe1a,aure6 Willa Colie, xoftuus tuff Gums.
reduces Inflammation, and given tone- Mind
energy to the whole system. 'Mr s.\Vinslow's
Seotbiiue Syrup" for children teething, is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of ono of tine oldest and boat female
physicians and ;!braes iu' the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout tho world, . Ptioo twenty-five
cents a bottle. Be euro and ask for^.lints.
Wrxsr.ow's '^oTxXXNG s—ap . "-tnd take no
other kind.
Auoldphysician, retired from practice,
having it.ttl placed in his !rands uy an 'East
Indian missionary the forinule. of it simple
vegetable remedy for tho speedy anclperm a-
nent owe 'o,[ Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma and •,11 throat and lung
affections, also a positive anti radical cure
for Nervous Debitltye:elan Nervous Com-
plaints, after: having testedits wonderful
curative powers in thousands ofoases, has
felt it Ms duty to make it known to Lis
suffering follows. Actuatedby thee ;route
and a desire to relieve num au suiferine, '1
:c -,; send free of charge, to all who desire:t,
this reoiue,in Gerutau,Touoh or English,
with full directions ter preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp,
naming thisDap er,W.i.i 0TEi 140 Power's
et Y .
Emperor Francis Joseph has appointed
Prince Henry, brother of the Emperor of
Gerteanye auhonorary commander in too
Au:triau cavy. Emperor William and the
Crown Prince of Austria have gone deer
stalking in'tbe Laiuser Thurgarten.
To True unreal. :
Please iufurm your.:renders that I have a
positive remedy for the above named dis
ease. By its timely use thousands of
hopelois cases have been permanently
cured.. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of my remedy Fare to any of your readers
who have consumption if they will send
me their Fatness and P. 0, address.
Respectfully, DB. T. A. SLOCUM,
'l.oronto,:Ont.. 87 Yonge street
Application for the release of Editor Jen-
kins, of the Brussels Budget, from Goder-
ich jail, was heard - by Judge McMahon at.
Toronto on Saturday, and refused with ,
ooate.' Jenkins was imprisoned for com-
menting upoii.faets in a. libel suit. which
the Postmaster of Brussels brought against
him, while suit was in progress.
Mies Bella Elliot, of Pontypool, Ont.,
writes --"My brother and I were both
r diarrhoea
taken. ill with a severe attaei of ,
baying tried other' remedies, we tried Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wilcl Strawberry,
which gave me immocliate relief."
13iehop lValeh, on Thursday, held confir-
mation in St. Patriek's church, L'iddulph,'
when 95 canclidaics presented themselves
for confirmation.. Before commencing the
ceremony be administered the temperance
pledge to all the male candidates between
the: ages of: 10 and 12, to be obacrved by
them until they arrive at maturity.
is neatly always iuduced by neglecting to
keep the bowels regular, acrd is also. a
frequent sequel to, dyapepsia'or,indigestion.
Regulate the etoreach and bt)wols by using
Burdock Bllood Bitters, which'ia certain to
promptly relieve mid ultimately cure the
worst cases of constipation.
It is suggested 'that Teetner hind O'Con-
nor, both of whom think of going to Anse
traria to meet 'Comp, should row it race; in
Ualifornia, and the winner alone go.
"1 have used Dr. Fowler's Etoraet of
\Vilrl Strawberry'for summer complaint,
and have proved it, after a fair trial, a sure
etre, both in any own case and others of
the family,'' Lauiatir Wing,, New .t3raaclee,
'Waterloo Co , Ont.
Many forget that 'tire bat and scalp
need cleansing. Extensive use of flyer's
Hair Vigor has proven that it is the beat
cleansiang.arent for the hair -that it pre.
ventsdanclruff and letilnulatee the hair to
renewed growth.
Adviecs from Suateim state that rebels
made an attack 'on that place Tuesday
night, but Were reindeer' by the heavy fire,
Of tire Brk ah'ti'oope. "
While a,nalute was beteg fired in honer
of Goa. Middleton at 'Victoria, B 0, Thurs-
day, a g';tts burst and a sailor named Thos,.
panty was killed and Win, Langford it)jttt'
13t'ff..tbemes Aires, of 14untloy, Ont.,
ttu,ffeeed'n1.1 tb`b,tor•turos •of liver complaint
foaled. years, Fatty bottles of 13.13.13. 'en_
thefts cured her liko 1t ,0v women again,
.And every species of disease arisi g
from . disordered LIVER, X. IDNEs 4.
'7, MILBU.N &, CO, • ;'2 i3 NVQ.
'ie.,. ',;1 Spt.l tie,- nr l'. • n„r., e.up•: lin 1 felted to relieve
Ai rr i,c, +• ;t, tl ilii., 1
; (0orl'ectesiat5o'ilockp,,m. Waduesdee.
Spring Wroth t•
Corn •„ .... ,..
li'leevpetUlil ,.
1'otatoot=,per bualnol
Apploa,per bag
Driod.r.pplac.pr b
Crease poblln.
Tnr'krn' per lb
ue r pr
('ititIlis per pr
Flogs' ireeeedpei'10
ID ti es r oula g
Shaeplaus each
O tltekins
word perlb.
Flaw porton
;)!tionene beeh
'Wood for cera
1,06 to 1;12
000 to 05
66 to0?
028to 30
snit too:00
000 to0c2
0. 17 to 11.17
e0 to 20
00 to 050
007 to 08
045 to 000
020 to 030
0 80 to R 00
400 tci500
630 to 550
fl 00 to 0 (10
0 18
t o 20
200 to 10.00
000 to 075
25 to3oo
Pall Wheat . 08 tot 08
Spring Wheab .... ........... .... ..... ... 88 05
13us.ey............................................. 40 03
Oats, ............................. ...... ,..... s0 85
Clover Sood .............460 50)'
,Timothy . ,,..,,5 50 2 or
Pets, ....... ,.... , 00 05
'Dees .: . ...,.. 15 15
13uttet ,,. , .. ,. 15 10
Potatoes per bag 50 00
Applespet bush ,. 25 50
Wool-porib 20 $0
!hypopnea 000 10 00
Bran per-tou 14 00 14 00
Shorts '' '•' 30 00 20 00
Oatmeal per bbl. .,..., ...... . 6 00 7 00
'When I say CUBE Y do not mean merelyto
stop them for atime, at cl.then have them again. I nnOAN A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the disease of
C; S, EPELE ,ST o'
Alice long study. I WAnnaeT my remedy to
Culun the worst oases. 13ecauso others have
failed i s n o reason ler not now receiving a cure.
Send at once fora treatise and aFrtis et Bo'rrrai
Of my INFArstxBrx 1bttMEDy. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for 'a,
trial, and it will cure yoti. ,Address '
Dr, 11, Gi', ROOT, 37 Yong° St,, Toronto, Ont,
0 81Z Gin f
uw•mastt I .1
Cheap excursions' by the CanadinnPti,-
cifio Railwily'to the Canadian North-
west a;lcl return. Good to return till
21st of November from Exeter for $28.
Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent.
W012.71 Pts)T5rrD.a `-4`.R,r°'._
Are. pleasant to teko Contain their own
Purgative.; Is a sefe, inert. and effectual
pd t:•byer of worm in O0ildren or Adultre
_teiavtit. 1 InCt_ea,)
• THE EMPIRE since its establis intent has
met with nnprecedented succuss, aid already
stands in'tlie proud position of Canada's Lead-
ing,Tcurnal ; but in order to place the Weekly
Edition inthehands of every farmer in the
Deminion this fall, the. Publishers have ha
prepared a handsome andlifo-liko Bust of
To be given nye every subscriber to the WEEK-
LY EMPIRE Saying one year in advance.
OST2,Y $i. P>✓zu m-trIVL
Address TH,iti EMPIRE, Toronto
ashinaillo au;lol 1
'N'D `f..
, , &e
r .'Ai i i"' H .. 1 f„r ,
CEt 1 =- ". , .KE„
tdr f
Walnut c Rose wood Caskets
Anso Ooirr sts or Eviiav Drssottat'y'Xor,.
AComplone Stook of gains & Trimmings
Always on hand.
My stock of Elu
11{lle is un
£'GIVE 14.133 A CALL
ill) '
Liverpool and Quebec; Service, calling at Dor-
Days of Sailing.—Parisian, May 24. Poly-
nesian.Fridey aline 1. Sardiuian `Thursday,
.Tune 7.Circassian Friday. Jane 15 Samna-
tion,Thursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday,
June 28. Polynesian Fridayjuly6. Sardinian
Thursday July 12; Circassian Frieevy Juno 20.
SarmatiunThursday July 26. Parisian 'Mies -
dab Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Ang 10. Sar-
dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian Friday,
Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30.
RATES. Cabin 550, $60„8875, aceerding to Po-
sition, Return 33100,51'5,5150. Interm eduue
Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 3330; re-
turn 3360. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage
passengers hooked to and from Gtasgew, Bel-
fast Qucenston or London at Liverpool rates,
Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or
relatives by the Allan Lite.
For further Particulars apply to
The only autherizeclagentinLx et
Dr. t . Ah_✓ a
lOas11, woria,vride reputationast1h
and author. I•tif. Man c'rakc: littracfc lou Live/.
Coro is a triumph of medical sinal!, curing
all diseases of the: fiindey and I,i\ er,
Kidney Complain •f .'' a wcltes and
r zinc in the bank ; a dull palm o,t weight .in.
lie bladder or, base of the etb,lcim0en ; scald-
ing urine often ohstreoted ; fcoque iitdesire
to urinate, cspecltblly at night, anfonq aged
persons; Lot, dry skin, pale 0otnplL-irt0r; lyac1
and white deposits, drop df zits i,r see
stonlaoh, conetipaticu, piles, liter. sinal
Liver 7OnSIlaTiOnM, OF
un ctetrncbiiaf[teho,
jnnnciice, sallow cumplexioil, al \weary , tired
feeling, no life or eusr,y,head aeric:, ciyspop
she, iucl3,estion,spots, pimples ie,
'Mandrake end Dandelion areuatu;e'dliver
cures.and who! coin blued with kidney rem-
odios, asiil Dr.Chttso's Liver Cure, 'wilt most
positively cure;til kidney -liver troubles. It '
acts lilts aoil arm, stimulating the clogged
livsr;strengtheuin” the kidusystr,n tiuvigor-
atingthe whole body. Sold by all aeetlers at
one dollar, with receipt n t,t,r, which moue is
worth the money.
Kidney r Dr.Oira•;t's1.1115tire theonly
Tidney-IivorPills tootle ; they
act gontly Yet mew tuaily.• elev.
Liver be taken d„ring auy ein,iloy-
Pills mst't. They cure 1 itinav-hver
trent blc•s, heatlttclio. i) . iousne ,s
costivouesa &e. Otto Pill a dos n10 by aie
dealers. Price 25cent s.
Bradford , Ont., Moms.
The cheapest spot in. tovc n for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., if you aro, , t call' at
Vire are now offering the balanus of our stock of Axes,
Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost
30 .A., ” O
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Haudscme Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design
A Good Tubular Lantern -
A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 Manure 6'urk
And everything at Bock Bottom Prioes for Cash.
Overcoat411gs at any price ; Shit-
ings at any pr]ce ; Pantings
at any price.
Bost galena Clothing pioduiod in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave yoite orders eat ly, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the bast
sleek of Fine Trimmings, and the best
,Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfac-
,it t, ILLI.
$3 50
$1 UO
$0 50
$1. 00
)l0 80
A full stock of the followiug lines always on hand'.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An -
(talent and Vilod wire, and Buckthorn Fencing,
Having purohased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
at the lowest possible price.
A full stocg of tinware of all kinds alwa n stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the 13 & R 2letalic Shia Roofing. Ask for prieos. Agents for the
celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine.
Zntr ofi$ ° 8;.,iia, O4 {C,v
if 4 5 ° °ori 0i e .ti ee, e014 4'o ".ot' • •S'
:`i° s Vs ?°fic°{ .ti4e, N e: ee 'O •ti ` ` ' .r
2 4 10 ty• ( ° t(, ntei ,r
0 it' y Yl ,t' pJG Gee lIs,
nv C +335 Oe' eSe `
e, eee
Manufactured only by Oxford3, TomStrait,owHolloway,
78, New Oxfod Street,
fly Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots«
?'vIf the address is not 633, Oxford Street, Lendan, they are spurious.
FA I J L 1888 I J
A 1
Now that House-Cleaniri time is near, we invite your in-
nspestion to our BI(' stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy Window Blinds, dzo. .
Wht't1 !hying .Wall Paper don't forget that the old.
Estab:lis;heal. carries the Biggest Stock and Latest Am-
erican Patterns.
Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers with
Corners to mato
vgrind. 1. 1.all-Paner
J NMES PlUK xet r,