HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-11, Page 4You Can Get
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One olia.
We want THE TIMES to reach
every family in. your section.
1DT .;Tuta
TB CRSDAY, Creamed', Urn, MS.
West .-HUron. Teachers
eidering the unfavorable etate. o Chiselhurst. '
weethoes Votes of thaelts to pr, Me -
Resisted him mike Ireertity given. The disstitiefactian atelQ11 the farnaers of this
Betnrs,--There has been a great deal of.
Lellan and Mr, Halls ttod those who
singing of the Netionel Anthem closed a vicinity about the apple businese, After
very sceeful ntertainmt 18$$., bui'ina the M. aPples at'750, per bid. and
winter apples at $1. per bbl, the buyers
The tiesoeiation met lathe Model School formed a combine lowering the price 25ets.
errirstutut toinliournment, the president on ball vaidettes. It la time for the farm -
in tho ehair DefOtiOnel eXerel$ee. we ere to form a eonshine in opposition to those
conducted by Ur Embury, The there- honorahle apple mete:haute. It is rumored
-trey then read the it:14111MS of yesterday that John Horton has been trying to work
efterupoit and evening seseiens, which on unaplioation, and some eat his neighbors
motion a Mg. 4. thft ,,eee'd tty Mr W. helped hira.--Altheugh the weather hes
S. Lawrenee were adopted. The MAI, boot Vary atsagroble of date, the sale of
ness a the day to be the subject on the rity.goods has 'beim comparatively sMall.
pregramme, in the followiog orderviz,- -A certela family in. thc obereh atgl the
Noe. 11 13, 6, 14., 12, 10 ani 6 which was superintendattay of Sunday School affairs,
agreed. to: On motion of G. W Holman, It eviug resigumPtheit position received sore e
sesi'd by Mr. j. Delgaty it. was decided $20 as ft present their serviese
to adjourn. at 12 o'clock ,h,',noon, te meet the past year A paper was circulated by
exalt at 1.15 p, me and to adjourn at 3 two very charitable ladies inbehalf of the
p.m.' G. W.:I:Tolman then gave 0 verbal ideetriette familea, as these ruaideus con-
re.poet of the proceedings of the last P. sideral the family deseeviug some rat ig
T. Aesociation to which he •wee the ap- button for their past services reudered to
pointed delegate. After giving a .report the ehurch, yet they never mentioned the
of the Mattel' discussed, he then proceed: preseater who has sung gratis for about
ed to give his impressicms as to these, live years, not even getting thanks, and
VerlOnS topics. On the whole he report. often times scoffed at. No doubt this fam-
ed that in his estimation theassociation ily is needful enough of either money or
was improving in the direetion of useful- goods of may kind, yet blame larliee should
Imes. t.Iovecl by Mr. A. Emburysseeoud. net overlook the presenter, whose services
ed by P. 3. Nevin; that the report of the have been oven greater than that of this
delegate to the Provincial Association be deserving family. After the alms had been
adopted acid his expenses be .pult1.--Car- collected the preparing, for a. surprise party
tied, The roll was then called and 69 coinmenced. The assemblage met at the
anewereil to their names. The election of residence of a neighbor whence they pro -
officers was then proceeded with and. ceeded to the above ostentatious pedants,
resultsd as f0110It's 'Os :-Presiclent, A. The surprise Was genuine, it beiug 1,1 plan.
Einbury ; viempres, Miss M. 0. Robert- ned at it former party at the very place
blot the assembled
• V H 1 ti
eventide, 'Nicest's. H. Strang, R, E.
Brown, Thomas, Gregory, and Misses iiensaiL
Merray pact Hulse. Mr, Delgaty theu
introtbieed the subject of Arithmetic in Mmes. -Metiers. Matulson anti S.
Public Schools. Ile strongly advocated Couch intend leaving for Br -Columbia on
the principle teaching instead of ' rules. Thursday (to -clay.) -Mr. W. A. Morrison
Too much attention is frequently paid to sma sister attended the Bayfiela fair. -A
vales end not enough to dimples. Pre large number of commercial travellers were
in the village on Monday evening, and one
made himself generally heard for a tone.
Poor felfew, he meg 'top heavy." --W. B.
McLean took the diploma at the .Western
Fair for his stallion itiensall Clear Grit.'
W. 13. secured the services of a cell:mete:A
man, in the person of .John Benet:mil, to
care for hie horse, and that duty was faith- 'PAY
folly done. -Mr. oar enterpris-
ing grain buyer, is to be found at his post
every payiug tbe highest prince for
graiu. -Mr. S. Hunter is . particularly
• f no
son ; see -teas., G.1 o man; execu ve w y
A. well lepreseuted meeting the West
held that arithmetic slims be taught Huron Teachers' Aesoeiationonet at the
,the 'the wort -dug and from blackboard not
Town of Go,lerieli cm Thur -lav
,day, tient S.,7th 28th. Below are the fieenthe book, The dieeuseion then be-
mientes of the. meeting deserdeed tee
ditierent boeineee treneacted -.--The °West
Huron Teachers' Aesuciatiou met the
Model saw], at 11 a. The president
in the chide. •' 0•Wing to the ismall atteml-
anee, the 'miler Intemees. tranetteted • wee
the apointwent of the, .followinis eommit,t-
ees, viz --Order of business, Messrs. Dels
gate', Mereh and Mies .B Sborman, Reso-
lution Qom, .1:Sfesets. A. Embury, G Shap.
pard. aud. T. Etliott. Auditors, W. S.
Lawrence and T J. Wren. On motion of
31r. T. Much 'sec, by Mr. G. Sheppard, •
the Association edjourned to meet again
at 1.30 p. On re -assembling at '1.30
p. minutes of last session at Exeter,
and. the =ruing session were read and
confirmed. Moved by Mr. Browu, see'd
by Mr. Delgaty, that Messrs. N.ilty and
Nevin be appointed it Committe to assist
the Secretary in preparing a repoit of the
proceediog of the Association for the
press.-Cerried. The roll was then coiled
by Inspector Tom and 62 teachers an-
swered to their names. The Business
committee then reported that °Wing to
the facb that Dr. McLellan has to leave
early ir the morning, it is deemed advis-
able to allow him the whole afternoon for
the diseaseion cf his subjects. This Was
agreed to, and the Dr. then took up the
subjeet of Psychology,. ain't its relation to
teaching, dealing particularly with the
law materials of intellectual development
under three heads; iz ; sensation, Inter-
est Una impulse, showing that these in
their order form the bases of intellect emo-
tion and will. The lecture which was
conducted ha the conversational style. was
full of terse and pointed remarks, and was
highly apnreciated by the teachers. Tho
President then gave his addrees on "the
teacher as aipublic servant." The address
was carefully premixed and dealt chiefly
evith the following statements, viz :
1st -The teacher is a more efficient
offieer than any other public sere -ant.
2nd. -His 'work is important as the
..life of a intim •depends upon its intelii-
genee, as • obedience to laws is cavefelly
inculcated. -
3rd. -The teacher's tenure of office., es-
per:lank rimal ,districts, is to insecure,
and the present law regarding superanno-
ations very unsatiefacthry.
The address was littened to very at-
tentively andegell received: .The Secre-
to.ry then drew attention' to the lecture
and entertainment,. to be gigen hi the
opera helm in the evening, Mid the
following committees were appointed.: to
carry mit the arrangcmclits 11,
1. Stging and A:ton to sell tickets st*the
door. • Messrs. •Sheppard and nufott to
collect tickets. Messrs. Greco ,and
Stalker to act as inhere. Dr. 1,1eLellan
thenttook up phonic Reading. This.. sub-
ject proved very instructive, and was
very tiny discussed, all the teachees
hang Very entdotts to puestie- the best
Thethorle of getting the young pupils to
recodniee in the quickest time wend signe.
This.being recognized as one ot the most
ditlicalt things m Scheel Work Minsider-
al de croes,firing wns indulged in, and ho
-*Ott mtich goed will result kern the
• discussion. At about 5,30: m, the ai-
• eseciationenljeurned to Meet in the 00117
tug at the aPPoilited hour; Mid ih the
morning at 8.20 te, The dvening :see-
sion of the It.stituto teat held fa the grand
opera, .honee. MiiIiellan delivered it:
leave on "Eisglialt Literature audits.
value hi Among the 'Many'
grand ahd, iltSpiring thoughts that the
Dr. gitiVeS 'expeeseion to, we •hate only .
Trade.tit mention a, fcw. Literature was
tle6ned. as a•perfeet• expression of e per -
feet 110.51411 Mind, :nod that 'the Enettdeh
literature Was the grandest literatnee ef
the grandest.' peimie . the world. •••`Thlit ,
edecation Wei IfOrgly oftlee . omits,
mane general, some tilting grammar end
Composition, and others' confining their
remarks to arithmetic:. .The following
took part in the discus:lions :-Mess's'
Nilty, Joheeton, Embury, Strang, Nevin,
Brown and Inspector Tom, most of whom
agreed in the main with what Mr. Del-
gaty bad. said upon the subject of arith-
metic. Mr. Strang thought that arith-
metic was generally inatie too prominent
O selject M our , sehools, that it was
rather overrated and not sufficiently
practical. In teaehing composition Mr.
Strang thought it better to have a good
deal ot oral drill,. that the giving of •ab•
street subjects to youngpupils to write it
composition upon, should be avoided.
The reproduction of the same thought in
as many different ways as possible would
rroduce the best results in langnage
lessons. Rote work should be avoided'
as much as possible in grammar and the
memorizing of cumbersome definitions
was a serious error in teaching this sub.
ject. The discussion on this eubject was
then mincluded and Miss Surritt illustrat-
ed her method of teaching and condue-
ting evtercises in simple song singing, by
p esenting to the association a class of
small girls and boys, ranging from seven
to ten, who sang some beautiful selections.
The teachers were well pleased with the
exereise and spoke in much favor of Miss
Burrett's method., It was then moved by
Mr. 8. P. Halls, :seek' by Inspector Tom
that the usual fee be paidto the care-
taker of Goderich ModelSchooL-Carried.
The associatien then adjoorned to meet
at 1.15 p On reassembling the min-
utes of the previous session evere•read and
adopted. Mr. R. 13. Brown then intro-
duced it discussion on "Religious Exer-
cises and Good. Manners." The discus-
sion wire further carried ,on by Messrs.
Duff, Tom, Grant. Embury and Strang.
The gemmed opinion preyailhige among
those who took part in the discussion,
that too inech responsibility is thrown
upon the teacher in this respect, and that
where a lack of moral training was mani-
fest, the home infineime and general
surroundings were in a great measure
responsible. Still it was the doter' of
teachers to exercise all due vigilance in
this respea and as far as possible, check
all improprieties in. speech or action
C. Seeger, Mayor of the town of Goder-
Mb, being present was invited to address
the teachers, , Mr. Seeger, in a neat
speech, espreesed .himself as thoroughly
in sympathy with the objects the teachers
have in view in thus assembling together
ft."F tlitt *eft and also With a
1.-41OR SALE ata bargain. --One 1 , '11"
t. 'torso., black, .ttged. 5 yearS ; quiet. ,
Ono two-soated buggy ; 1 top buggy, 1 outter,
and sett of harness, .A.0)xlivicigsoisz
Otto doer north onown'Itall
STRAY, -Came into the p fern.
ises of William. Steam", 1401 7 west
Boundary, Islanshard, on or about the l'•"irst of
September, Three Ewes. The owner eau haw
tho sante by preying Pronert” and paving ax -
pauses, WM. ST4104X,
T1STRAY,-- St, ayed from the
Uadersigued Lot. 1. Com 4, Ustorne, on
or about the First of September, last, two ewes
etto block and the .0,thor white. Vitrpe lambs
part glo ath do Wit. rty perms giving mforttur
tip that load to their recovery will be
suitably rewarded
, a aesE, Crntrelie P, 0,
To Advertisers.
A List of 1000 newspapers divided into Stetes
aud eeetions will be sent en 1.1) p ication-FnUu.
To those Who NrIlrit their advertising to pay,
170 (mil PIN' no bettor modietn lo" thorough
twa ametive woo: than the various 5(1011(05 05
uur Meet Local, List. Om P 11,0w1Mt &
Newspaper Adv..tiueau, 10 Sprneu-st, New
York. • -
ot Thorough bred Cattle and
.11igh rades.-Thero will be sold bypub-
le auetion on Lot 32, South Thatues Road, Ful-
larton, Utussolditle F. 0., i to hell Beltway
Station) on. Thursda, October 13 th, the follow-
ing Valuable Farm Stock, viz:- 0 .81).orthorn
bull ealves itnd year olds, registered in the
new Dominion herd book ; 7 cows and heifers,
bred end registered the seine; cote, a noanhor
of high grade oit Itis. Sale at one olelook,
M., sharp, TER,118 ; or 14 months' ere&
it will be given by paying 6 per cent. interest
and furnishing approved notes. .
Amt. Pron.
A inia Ladies' Col lege.
17 l'rofessors and Teachere. Nearly 200
• Students.
-oagnasauseo commas ete-
Literature, Languages, Music, Fine A Rs,
Commeeciel 8eience, Elocution.
NOV Building, $20,000, ready in Septem-
ber. Sistyleage caleuder free.
Adrires : PRI.N0 1,PAI$ AOSTIN, B.
. ,
view of iroproving the 11100110 of edneation,
and concluded by inviting the teachers of
the neighboring municipalities to bring
their pupils' on a given day to join with '
the children of Geglerich in Visiting the
fair during the coming week. Tile In-
spector called ,the roll and 15 teachers
anewereel to theft naings,' The Auditore
thett presented their teport which. Witt 41
follows :-We, the undersigned auditors
beg lettee to report that we have audited
the Treasurer's books and compared the
expenditures with the vouchers held. and
find the same to be correct.
W. S. Lawrenee,V
. J. T. Wren,' Auditnrs.
On motion of B. IL. Remere, seconded by
H. Strang, B. A. the auditors resent •
was received and adopted. Mr, Embary
then introattata the discussion on school
management fad Discipline dealing mote
partioularly 'With the requisite muteltliett-
times of a buecessful teacher Ile tald
that such'a teacher should possess tett 'in
the management of not only the sehdi 'a's 1
wholeliirt in order to deal with inclivid-
tial putiffs, for all pupils did not requite
the application of the some prInciplee of
llismpline. A propmly gabled teacher .
hoppy, an wears a very sin ng sae,
doubt owing to the fact that Mrs. H. has
Presented him with an 'extra care' in his
household, --At the introduction of Rev. J.
S. Henderson in Ortrmil Presbyterian
chuich on Wednesday last the following
Rev. gentlemen were present: -Messrs.
Fletcher, McCoy, Atchesou, AleConnet.,
Bridgman, Pear mad Cook. The ceremony
was a very solemn. and impressive cue.
On Sabbath a very large congregation, both
morning end evening, eves present te bear
the rev. gentleman (Mr. Hendereon,)preach
his first sermon after inductiau. These who
heard him had a grand and glorious spirit-
ual feast. Be has proved himself beyond.
the common in dealing with his subjects,
end n11 are highly pleased with their new
pastor, and their wish is that he may long
be spared to 'minister to their wants. -It is
reported that tlte Messrs. Slack Bros. in.
tend to selitheir stock •and commencing
business elsewhere. -An irnmense harvest
home will be held. in the New Methodist
parsonage, in the village, on Oct. 17. • The
proceeds are to be hi aid of defraying the
building expeneee. After tea, which is to
be served from 5 to 7 p. in., a musical en-
tertainment will be given to be presided
over by the Rev. 0. H Bridgemau. Epis-
copal minister of this village. Quito a
ntimber of Ref. gentlemen have been en.
gaged to give addresses. All are cordially
invited to attend. Admission, 25 Ms. -Mr
Thee Ballantyne made a large shipment of
cattle, and Mr. Walter Shillinglaw a ship-
ment of hogs, the other day. -Messrs.
Beverley and Colwill secured lat prize at
the Exeter fair for their cutter. -Mr Work
men, who has rented Mr. Peter, 99,oper's
San, intends moving there shortly. -11/r.
Jas Weismiller, of Kippen, who has learn-
ed the telegraphy in this 'village, left ou
Monday last for the west. James was au
obliging young raan while here, and we
chant) whit has bbeh ill for some tithe., is
Sault Ste Marie Canal
"lhe works for the constructi onoi
the canal, above mentioned, advertised
Ito helot on the 23rd of October next, are un-
avoidably postponectto the following dates :
Tenders will be received until
Wednesday, Nov. the 7th, next
Plans arid specifications will be ready • tor
examination at this oft ce and at Sault Ste
Marie on and after
Wednesday; October 24th, next
By Order,
Department of Railways ct Canals,
Ottawa, 27th Sentember, 1888.
care nothing about Commer-
cial 'Union with the U. S., but
do desire union with the citi-
zens of Exeter Mid suvrounding
Ovving to the great depression of the tner.
kets have berm auto to purelmee my stock
much below the reenter wttoleettio priteof
and will rose my customers the benefit of
it. .
Dry,Goods; 61'0001*S, '00tS and
, SgoEs, anaux; nEtY, Gr.a.sswartn, 8(c.,
Tho prices of .whiela are no way influence
ea by oustems duties or other tax impo-
sitions, •
Everest's Cougb. Syrwp
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful
eurative properties, Pries 25 Os.
I do not give my goods away, but sell
them at the lowc st figure eons.istelit with
good liminess principles. Parties in want " '
of goods will consult their own intereets by
examining my stock before puroluteing cite- e, . , 4, zast
where. lteinernber this a new stook. No
trouble to show goods.
Farm produce taken at market prices.
One door north of Town. Hall, 'Exeter. 014
J. ar
Prices Reasonable at Tunes
Merehants eau get their Bill Iteads. Letter
Bends, 4to printed at TiNtEs OtIliee for
YOrY little more than they generally inty for
nib Ited holp,s tt) Abd vert their Masi -
'toss, Seeeemples widget prices,
Goad work is done at TIMES'
n401114,0 y.11:111,
443 e• ,..• •
kl !I 111111 S.V;PS04403 nod'
o4' fIr iil,.0;.Orr DVS1.7.iliSfe
:•41,.'t 1,41•• A Colloqo of. 'no11301.3, ,
. A:7n. • a. 4, '4 , :,ro.
to 04.4 ,;
817e Trades W rth
And is
it well know customer.
The following is only es ,few of ontiies to
Miss Ponetren.--Large arid wealthy cus-
tomer of Dubnitgets.
Mies Outset -Big Injun in sooiety--Buys
her millinery of Dulthage.
Men °GAMY. -01a Maid. -Iles wept' for
many a year in Dulnaago's handkerchiefs.
Miss Csmi.,,tarr.-Au accomplished lady.
Great judge of Dultuage's dress -goods,
Miss Sirm--Vobletuntron-Buys Panty
Wool Shawls at Dalmagets.
Miss Purazesellernarkahlerigtire--Tirearei
Dultnage's corsets.
ala hint etfecetst--Mrs Morrison (neer- Try Everest',§ LIVER REOULAITOR,I
Vor Diseases bi the Diver,teidgege dee and •
convaleseent.-Mr. Bennie is having his
g come to spend a few days with her.
It\tk Syst m
- • -e
Blanshard on the let Oct.
It will pKar th try my:
Mrs H. Switzer of a son.
nitrifying de the:3100d. Price $1: Six
nring milts thoroughly refitted, and hi, bottige, vs. For sale all drug',
nds making some first-ola,ss our ,shoit_ gists.. Manufactured only by
.-W. Berm is erecting it new stable.- G. M. uvErressT CITietnist,To'Cregt
OS. Cook, who has been visiting relatives —• - -
IttOntreal, has returned; ber mother hay •
110 that did not cultivate the eprepatheteeti'ehould also be peeson of cultate, have a
part of man as well as the intellectuala large amount of sympathy ae01 needed
That we are living in a, fa;s:t age 00100 tionstan1 preparation. Mg. 3 I Nevin, in
there seetived to be too much ate 'tan- continning the disetiastort dealt chiefty
(fancy to read treehy and sonstriOnal with the organization end melee of seboolb
novele, instead of cultivating chime ae. Re held that in rnral mixed schools mote
gesentsime with such immortale 'es Mil- fit( new tiee presented themselves than,
ton, Shakespeare, Byron and ,Toianyson.
Teealiers were particelarly siteesed to
avoid any thing like roechaniCal teaching
of tbie subject, which, if propMdt• taught,
Was eah ulated toFttit' ilp eed" create 111
eV ety Mina a love for the grend erel
stillime. There should be indee memor.
irsing 'of the beautiful, getes'to 110 foend th
'plentiful timoed oge '11(100tri'i;re ordinary
anthem. l'hab''tenclieng Were too epi
complain of the 1 ecegnieml ' ttt1it1irtti of'
this profeettion, tind that -they shoithl re-
stieraber thet the prAission wtnitl novo
rise higher than theilnaviduals .minpos-
tog it.' The lecture gags Very Metre ati ye
mei inspiring, and waseitighly eporeeinted
by the teachers, In avillition to the loo-
ters: it Spletalia '"mrogrn mine 'cote
eistind of dnetts, siIes lece,, Wee tettfiett
out itntler the tl.bit ,stperipttnelenee of
Mr, 8, '4,1* -A, in addition to
the PreSident wb -telmied the chair,
the following atisfileafen hy special
tation ocenelied stekts on the pletfortn,
old made ehort igdattesee viz Itespeetee
"erne '.Meesrs. If. A, , ee.1 1„,
'irAitiry, The 105I (0' 304..e go '.3 0:4-
couldi oesibly appeal, in graded schools'in
CitieS and lOWLIS, butt Iley a judicious ap Wrottong-Coen-A the reside»ce of the
I6tO reeidenee bf,
the beitle, 1111 Tnesday, the 2n01 hist., by
Rev: T. Campbell. 11r. Joseph Alder -1 11(1)0 000011
anli of Kb-At:we, to Miss Mary lliThite, o5 IsdiPtIS•OVCI. System of' Bread Malc-
St. Marys:
Maa't.itr-e•Ditn- On the. 20111 Sept., by Rev.
D. angers, at the residence of the bricleie
father, Mr. dames 'Alartin of Tiackerg
smiths to Mists Mary A., daughter of Mei
Hugh Oho, of Kinburn.
Sniatgxeteei--Kitiesnaev-On the llth lett,
by the Rey. E. Kershaw, father -cf he
bride, at the Methodist pavsotifige, Tale
hOtville, Wilitam Albette Shillington, of
Beachburgh, to 'Naomi Giiriperton, eldest
daughter of the lacv.P0/ Kershaw, of the
London Confereirce.
/11haensse-fGotar,r-on the 22nd ult., by
the Bev. W. Wintet; Seaborn, Robert
thee tHitmins, of West Nitisonri, to Elite-
be,th'0 ourley, of the mate place.
FVenn--vGeonerax--At, Parkhill, on the 3rd
itist.„at •gt, .1'mi:1es' church, by the Rev.
Peeetnen, Mr. G. M. Wedd, of Ber-
lin, to Miss Mabel Goodman,
Wiratietra-Goonetexe-At Parkhill, ou the
Brd inst., at St, James' church, by the
Rev. M. CI, Preeman. Mr. Esau Wil-
liams, of Toronto, to Miss Edith, Good.
pliea thin of the peinciples laid lotvit 15y,
the previous speaker these diffietilties
coalti he overcome. bc titne of adjourn-
ment having am:lived the discoseion On
tide subjeet WAS 'ClOse(1. IllapectOr khel
then addreesed 'the teachers, fort), few
moments argtine, upon them the nocetsity
of malting their hall -yearly retudnstigrimpt-
ly as the last antlihrized hint to 'clepeive
aey eehooldif 145 )01111 should the half
yeti rly reptift be. delayed beyond 15 clays
from the cloSe jfjhe lief -Mot teem On
motion of 0 We .goltne,n4 `StoOnded by
8 P Plaits, 13, • ste,' votes of 'amides were
tendered the retiring officere.
rattmitedes Vote of thimhs was tendered
to the Peiqie School Board of Goderich
for their kindnets in permitting the
Atssmtietioe the tem of the model sehool
Ituilding an motion of Mr, 130115 econded
by Inap,0.ttor Tom, Oh 45511000± of H.
Strturg, 13 A, itedOndetl'by 13. P,
bride's father, on Wednesday, Oct, 3tel,
by the 'Rev, Jas. Criswell, Alfred 5. Wig -
inure, of Toronto, to Ella S., only daugh-
ter of Mr. Robert Colo, of Russeldale.
rnoking Tobacco
steel, 'eget me( t 3 r• • ,
'd‘l`l 1.44,411 „ . •, • ore A.G
Secetrene 013 eacql• 1:';-•01/4-t C+
nit, Bread is sweeter and will retain
Moisture longer than any other in use.
tkial solicited.
,You will always find the
Largeet and Fittest Assorteaeut of
Pastry, Cakes, Confectionery,
anges, Lemons, &e.
Liver Complaint
yBsillpieopusste s s ,
Sick Headache
Kidndy trouble
Skin Diseases,
And all im-
purities of the
blood from what
tiltkamarluziati:uu ienvge.r cau.se aris-
The Great Spnng' edicine.
PRICE 75 Cts. (with Rills $1)
Little - Liver 7 Pills,
tea.... iu few. reegte, .
. ' tee: ..tter•S,.
s • . T'' 1--1--,Tho most
; °duo ec1
• -. ar.,,,,-"!?!riad
;I: ,..;.):00. 'with.
.. -" .iasiaveved.,
. ••
' -•... few a cold
• ..t• ie •edoere."
.e• sere
. 111,3:1111 got rto
.1*..na•-" Cured.
r, 1'1 1:: t'uo 11.:a1 1:,•) s1ovily and
• .: 3101 you can be cored:
!: Bettat r'0 ,10..
( 0*.
Very ?Small and Easy to Take.
NO GItIPING. NO 11,11.0-SzEA.1
Sold everywhere ; price i2,8 as. :
Onion Medicine Co. Toronto, Can., Prelli;
If yon want the Best Wattle
and the Most GoodstfOr your
Money, Eggs and l341te7,
Doupe & ',C01S
See their Ladies hats at 25 cents.
See their Fttney Velvets at 50, cents.
See their Fancy Pluth at, 75 cents.
See their Mettle ,Cleth.
See their Shirtings.
See their Deess-Goods.
See their Silke and Satins.
See their Ten, at 25 Cents per pound.
See their tea itt 10 eentit per peund.
See their 4-bleded knives at 23 cents.
DR. Washington.,
Throat & Lung Surgeon,
One Door South
of Post dace.
A NEW AND .001.11PLEr.e*
--STOOK 011`. --
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to. )
01 'Toronto, will beeCt the Venti al Ho-
tel, Eireter,
Ertl. . OCTlt3th
From5'l?. mi., until 8 p. m.
Catarrh.Brottehitis, Asth a. Co nsump ti on .
ate, permanently and effectually cured.
A few Prominent Testimonials
of Permanent Cures:
'Mrs. John MeICay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh
and Consemption.
John MeKelvg,Kingston,Ont., catarrh,
1VIrs.A. Iletnitng, Kingston, Ont., Brendle
MX. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh, hcad
and throat.
Read W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial,
Catarrh Throat Cured.
Listen to W 11 Storey, Esq , of the "11i -in of
W Storey Se Son, Alston. Glove Alen etor-
ors, also Presideet Manufacturers' Aesociation
Da'Wisrtu(O70N, 215 Yonge-et., Toronto,
itwialyttolflit- 'gar.
nalw) for •
a oudgrfat
r u Store
A fnii -stiOck of all kinds of
• Dr_ stuffs and package
• Dyes; constantly on
hand. Winan.'s
• Condition
• Powd-
• the best
in the naark-
et and always,
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exe t ef
DUAR Sot. -1 assure you I feeegrateful for
11110111(1100) care you have infected ilt my throat
trouble, and though I dislike having 0±3 311)0
appear in connection with the testimonial bus-
iness, yet, having regard for those who are
similarly affected, as well as hevieg a desire to
reeegnize the regal yeur treatment I teak°
a departure in th 11 . 114 Prior to iny acquaint-
ance with you. I 1 aulfered for two years
f rom repeated ack 8 of cetarth al sore throat
each succeed:I , tine]; beieg MOTO prolonged
and r the former. At these times I
hod vi ti ten t is 4,1 o ou ghi n g, en d would, die,-
ehatge belle maim Ries of ameons, Peeling
alarmed, I sought th c best mot-lie1 skill avai3,-
0,10c1utli;,g SOCCiltliSL ATM
took almost every thieg known to medicine
withou t exneriaticiim a particle of relief. least
sgporoidn,gtiou twoot 011
trli vitses ruerit)a,th c"r(1,11e0 triegt
Pawed. Seeing yon eddetised to veot this
place, 1 thourst f woels1 soesult you althertgb
I confess not much lupe of re, vibe leer
benefit, However,. 13115 ett vont)3 al pmssed
101110 yottr. ean do r. and resolved give ehur
treatment a trial. 1 ho mad neppy toe
inConn Vit., 10 11. corn u tete 11 1114'`ino,50
marked m ita,eliaritetel aot, 4 . las brAll,Tay
self and nay friends, Fron toe: . ;et your med.',
'eine seemed adapted to tnplsOC e nd ge re re-
lief. In tWe MOS. I 'Was on1 irely welf,and have
so eon ti toed 10 roe gh Oho n100; unfaVorable
season of year, You «5 at liberty ter. make
setae vow eou elte se of this let ter, mid 1 shaft
he el en ed la 0 1W441' 11111' enuoirieSr 33±0 "•,•ee
• r,300 ',1717VS
Butter Wanted
J. r a.thesort,
Our Stock is Well.t.iLzsortea
16 lbs.! sugar $1,00;•13 lbe. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersohlin Teas from 20
to 75e. per lb.
Boots 8,, Shoes:Alt Styles aA Law Prices
A nicely argiortell stock of
1-71. A, R D T--1 E.
ror,Ks, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizeS
((IheeP.) , 'Beet Machine Oil 60e Per Gal.
A nice Tea Sott,of 44 Pieces1
A od Mat of readtr-rnacle clothing Fe 1A
Ordered suits got up in Good Style.
Our Di'es6' Good gee marked Own 16
the Lowest Notch.,
• A MAO and Lot, aleo 0 Alarm for Sae
0051, Vufo VI,
' s"1.11 • :11
het. leth.it
tesgeseseg, segLegagole gltlatgoOts P.O,