HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-08-29, Page 10Advance -,Times, Thursday, August 29, 1908 • Fordwich Personal Notes Congratulations to Mrs. Torn 14CCIernent who rece4yed word t week ,tat she successfully passed WE second part of h e r course in nursing at Midwestern ftgia1 Hospital, Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore spent the week -end with Mrs. Jack Bricker in Baden. On Sat- urday they attended the wedding of thew granddaughter, Mi ss Mary Loin Bricker to Mr. Larry Norman in Livinpton Presbyter- ian Church, Baden. Mrs, Roy Simmons and Lyle Simn3ons,were Kitchener visit- ors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Cann arrived home Saturday by plane from Scotland where they visited with relatives for the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong and Mr, Walter Harrifield visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Doughty at Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill and Jimmy of London spent th•r week -end with Mr. and Mrs . Crosby Sothern. Mr, and Mrs. Irvin McDowell of Galt spent a few days last week with friends in town. Mrs. tames Warrell visited several days last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. George Fleiscbauer in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mr. Norman Wilson spent • a few days last week with friends in Chatham. Mr. and • Mrs. Alex Keith of Wroxeter visited friends in the community one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don King , Patty and Peter and Mrs. Wally Gibson visited Saturday at the C.N.E. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Upper. of St. Catharines and Mr. arid Mrs. Will. entertain guest from England (Intended for last week) FORD WICH--St, Anne's Guild of Trinity A ng l i c an • Church met at the rectory in Gorrie for the 'August g: ust meetin Twelve mernberi�answered roll call. piesi ent, Mrs0 ,Doug • BuM'r si a `Yj``iiicktbe meeting with a hymn. Scrip - lure was read by Miss Elva Fos- ter. �. Minutes. of the June meet- ing were read since there w a s no meeting in Jiily. The group plans -to entertain several other. church groups in the community at the' Septeiri- ber meeting which will be held in the.Sunday .School rooms . Plans were made for lunch to be served on Saturday, Aug- ust 51st at the. church grounds . When Rev. Owen Br a nd e n of Fordwich, England will be a guest at Trinity Church here. It was decided to se nd the best chorister from the junior choir to camp next year. The camp will be at Tyrconnell on Lake Erie... Mrs. Doug Bunker introduced the gest speaker Miss Be t t Burnett Reg. N.', who is nursing. :at the M. J. Boylan Hospital at Bale Vett 4 Newfoundland. The pictures she showed and the talk she gave were most interesting. Mrs: Pat Daunt thanked her. Lunch was served by Mrs.. Doug Bunker and Miss Elva Fos- ter. Rev. H. Jenkins closed the meeting with prayer. ' Cecil Galbraith of Guelph speritd the week -end with Mr. S. Elsie, Strong and Mrs. Ve r n a Gal- braith. Mrs. Phyllis er. John and Donald spent las ,week a t Boiler Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen and family spent Monday with friends in Aylmer. Mr: and Mrs. Jim Stewart, and family spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray at Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington' Hargrave and sons visited Sun- day- with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, 2nd Line of Minto. Miss Nancy Bender of Ayton is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel For- ester. Mrs. Charles Ver Schoor left Malton airport Thursday fo r North Carolina where she will visit friendsfor the next couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons, Anne and Kenneth spent the week -end at Port Elgin. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Simnions, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sothern, Margaret and Gordon visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman and with Mrs. Tes- sie Zimmerman, Gorrie, on the occasion of the latter's birt- day. Mr. and Mr's. Arnold Doig are spending this week at Wasa- ga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jana Inglis of Acton visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement and Mrs. Ida Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and family of St. Catharines visited recently for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Rick Marriner who were married Saturday in Palmerston United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hall- man visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel. Mi ss Teresa Nickel returned home with her grandparents andwill spend this week there. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Janice attended the Toron- to Exhibition for a couple of days last week. Mrs. Kate Aitkens of Toron- to and Mrs. Laura Jacques of Harriston visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Mr. and Mrs.' Ott Bricker pf Collingwood were al- so guests at the same home one evening last week. Saturday. guests. with Mrs. R. Watters were Mr, and Mrs. Ir- vin Fletcher of Hamilton. 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Diehl and Ross of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement. News from Gorrie Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Abram and family of London spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowan. Mrs. Anson Thornton visited several days at the homes of Mt. and Mrs. Thomas Stokes, Belmore, .and Mr. and Mrs . Douglas Fischer, Biuevale. Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Steed- man of Bram p t.o n spent the week -end with Mr. and -Mr s . Clifford Cooke,, Timmy and Steven Wylie accompanied them horine. Miss Debbie Stewart of Har- riston spent the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Gordon Un- derwood. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fair - les and family spent Sunday ' . with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fairies ' cottage at Meaford: ,, Miss Etta Burns of Clifford visited for a few' days with Mrs. Albert Dustow and renewed ac-- quaintenances in the village. 4,1 Mrs. Annie Ritchie visited Mr. and Mrs. George Gallaway, Turnberry Township. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coup land of Wroxeter spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Roy Gowdy. Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Searson spent a few days at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McInnis visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tiffin of Whitechurch on Sun- day. Miss Jean Sparling and Mr. Honor bride -elect GORRIE- - Mrs. William Strong was hostess for a shower held in honor of Miss Patricia K e i1, bride-to-be. Mrs. John Baylor gaye a reading, "The Bride and Groom". Mrs. Ro b e r t Strong conducted the games. Suzanne and Robbie Strong, dressed as bride and groom p,re- sented the gifts in a decorated wagon. . Harvey Sparling visited Mrs.. Mabel Harris of Lambeth on Sunday. Mr. Russell Bridge of Palmeri• ston called Sunday evening .on • Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McInnis. Mrs. Leila Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Don Weir and Kyle of Saskatoon visited on Saturday with Mr. .•and Mrs. Cecil Grain- ger. Thursday guests at the same home were Mr. and Mr s Harold McKay and Miss O.1 i ve McLaughlin -of Chesley and Mrs. Ethel Bangay of Toronto. W.i. bus trip next month BELGRAVE- -The grarid - mothers' .meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was'held iri the• community rooms ori Tuesday evening of last week with' Mrs. Ivan Wightman presiding. The Institute bus trip to Mc- Connell' s c- Connell's Nursery will t a ke place September 24, and any- one interested may contact Mts. Clarence Hanna or Mrs. Lorne Jamieson. The short course, "Choosing Fabrics'' will be held May 1st., 1969,.in the 'community rooms. Mrs. Stanley Cook was con- vener for the program. Roll call was answered with "Some gadget I use that my grand- mother never had" . Mrs. Les- lie Bolt gave three readings, "Garden of Memories" , " Our Old Barn" and " When Father Laid the Carpet on. the Stairs". Mrs. George Michie g a v e the address, "Flowers for the Living" by Nellie McClung. Mrs. George Johnston played a medley of piano tunes. Lunch was served by Mrs: Rich a rd Procter, Mrs. George Michie and Mrs. Earl Anderson. aPIP ON LATE MODEL CARS '66 FORD, 2 -Door, V8 auto. '64 PONTIAC Custom Sport Hardtop, all power '64 PONTIAC, 2 -Door, 6 auto,., radio '64 DODGE, 6 cyl. automatic, 4 -Doer '64 METEOR, 4 -Door, 8 auto., radio '62 PONTIAC, 6 Standard, 4 -Door '64 PONTIAC, 8 automatic, radio '63 CHEV. Station Wagon '62 PONTIAC, 6 Automatic, 4 -Door '64 DODGE, D-500 Truck, 3 -ton, chassie and cab, 8 cyl., 4 -speed transmission CAD '63 DODGE 1/2 -ton Pick-up CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO DIAL 357`3862 4, 11tlt��� %lbw 's too fte bad for 'Tis better to give ±an do. celve-espeelally when rrlsldn$ out your iICgtne tax. COUNTRY - FRIED CH1KEN with the Oicl-fashioned Malt-ih.tl-Mouth Flavour HARRY WII.LETT, Safety Supply Co. repre- sentative, demonstrates the foam fire fighting process using standard fire fight- ing hose and nozzle to smother an oil- based fire in a •pit at Western Foundry. Purchase of equipment demonstrated will be considered this fall at a. meeting of the Rural and Town Fire Committee. Council members of East Wawanosh, Morris, Turn- berry and Howick Townships and Wing - ham Town . Council attended the demon- stration.—A-T Photo. 40140444N►uN4N04udN4Wud1 WINGHAM FIREMEN (left to right) Fred McGee, Lynn Hickey, Gord Welwood and Keith 1 DeVries, watch Harry Willett, Safety Supply Co., demonstrate special equipment using a foam chute delivery -tube to spread foam to cover and smother an oil-based fire at Western Foundry Monday evening. Surrounding townships and Wingham Council members attended the demonstra- tion.—A-T Photo. Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helm of Ashfield Township visited on Stinday with his sister and. h e r husband, Mr. and Mrs.. L l o yd • Cankplkell.„ , Miss Nancy Van Camp of., , London, who is taking a h a i r dressing course there, spent the' week -end with her parents, Mr. ad& Mrs. Clare Van Camp. Mr. and • m e "s R. . Coultes 4nt Sunda ith Mr. . and Mrs.. Leonard Jarvi• of St. • Catharines, Miss Dianne Van Ca i of Stratfordis on vacati•n. She spent last. week on a bus trip with The Young; Calvinist Con- vention in Muskegon. There. were 1,750 young people from across Canada and the Un it ed States attending the convention. Miss Van Camp is spending a few days this week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Van Camp. Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John vis- itedtrecently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Angus of Flushing, Mich- igan. Visitors during the week with Mr.,. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alin of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Clare Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vin- • cent spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. George Michie and Robert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor of Hamilton spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hen- derson, Sidney and Dawn of Bruce Mines, spent last wee k with his sister, Mrs. Richard Procter. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- derson attended the Headmas- ters' convention at N i a g a r a Falls. Miss Joyce Procter hap com- pleted her summer c o u>r se. at the University of Western Orr- tarso, London. She will be . teaching at the Grey Township Centiial School at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and family spent last week bol- idaying in Huntsville and the North Bay district. Mr. Lloyd Hendersop a n d Deane of London spent the weeie end with Mrs. Richard Procter, Mr. and Mrs. George.Martfn were week -end visitors w i t h Mr. and Mrs, Everett Kirton of Powassan. 1st Quiz Kid: What's the difference between ammonia and pneumonia? 2nd Quiz Kid: One comes in bottles and the other comes in chests. Teacher: "Yes, Johnny,. what is it?" Johnny: "I don't want to scare you, Miss Jones, butmy father said that if I don't get better grades, someone's due for a lickin' . " When It Comes to Service* We Shine! Cheerfully, we wipe your windshield, test air, check radiator. We never forget all' those little 'extras that Ladd nothing to. your bill, but. muc i to the pleasure of stopping here. VERN'S TEXACO WINGHAM PHONE 357-3380 iY�s11„iS�rl�2s,ialrif:rill:.<1i.frl9.ts]�IPC:re ? '!'ar,A ?q re,,• GI • h prylorL, septerrgler 6 t 14 WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET Spectacular Free- Evening Grandstand Show Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. E3EPT. 6,7,8 , SEPT KIDS NEXT DOOR RICH GIBBON & RICH IN PERSON Singing Sensation ANITA BRYANT 9,10,11_ Britain's Own FREE AFTERNOON GRANDSTAND SHOWS Saturday, Sept. 7 at 2 p.m.: Warriors Day Pa- rade. Saturday at 3 p.m.: , RCMP Musical Ride, Kids Next Door, Rich Gibson & Rich, Steiner Bros., M.C. Sunday, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m.: "Swingspiration" -- In co-operation with Youth for Christ, Murk Family, The Spokesmen, Men of Accord Monday, Sept. 9 at 2 p.m.: Fashions '68, Anita Bryant, RCMP Musical Ride, Steiner Bros., M.C., New Vaudeville Band Continuous Free Entertainment at Silver Dome ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN 250, Gate Admission Covers the Whale Show NEW VAUDEVILLE BAND Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 10 & 11 at 3 p.m.: TV's Littlest Hobo, RCMP Musical Ride, Dell Family, New Vaudeville Band, Steiner Bros.; M.C. ,Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Sept. 12, 13 & 14 at. 5:15 p.m.: RCMP Musical Ride Hubert Castle's INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS: Evening Grandstand Shows, Sept. 12, 13 and 14 - Two Shows Nightly at 7 & 9 p.m.; After- noon Grandstand Shows, Sept. 12, 13 and 14 at3p.m, • Westend Stage • Marro Polo Fair Mart and Theatre Restaurant • Patio Cafe • Horse Arena DAILY CAR AWARDS! 9 CHEVROLETS!