HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-08-29, Page 2Advance -Times , Thu? sday, August 20. 1968 Wealthy parents of a "siar- y+ .old decided to send e r to public school so he'd learn t4 get along with average tzldren, 'Now be saute to keep quiet about how couch money we have," he was told. Olt the very first day in school, the little boy was asked to write a composition about his, family. Be thought it over and f inally wrote: "1 come from a very poor family. My parents are poor. my sister is poor, all my rela- tives are poor, the chauffeur is poor, the maids are poor, the .:cooks are poor, even the life- guard at the swimming pool is . podr. Everyone is poor," W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street *INGHAM Happy Weeders complete course WHITECHU1ICH--'Ruth E 1- ° liott, Darlene Simpson and Brenda King, with their leader. Mrs. Hugh Simpson, represent ed the Happy Weeders at th e 441 achievement day for gard- en,clubs in Ripley last Thurs- day. Mrs, Dave King. who has also been a leader -for this pro- ject; was not able to be present as she has moved,•to Goderich. The Whitechurch club pre- sented a skit. "Serving Vege- tables Garden. Fresh", and prov- ed to the 'audience that vege- tables have more food value when fresh. The forenoon was spent an- swering.questionnaires, a nd quizzes were held. Each mini- b'er received the usual 441 spoon. and certificate for com- pleting the project. Brenda King and Darlene Simpson re- ceived County Honor pins and certificates. " FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 You How Milk Keith McLaughlin Josephine St., Phone 357.3472 W°INGHAM On Display Now at PETE'S' B -P BELMORE MINEAPOLIS-MOLINE and • FOX IMPLEMENT DEALER SPECIAL PRICE, ON USED,: ONE -ROW DION HARVESTER 4 years old. A REAL.BARGAIN NES EQUIPM NT r! IOLINE '.moo OR L �'02. PLAC . E M1 -MOUNTED L M �►!llit�!�R�� Q�. � . , oo 000,8i M -M 13,5411USIHEL SPREADER • FOX' : ONE.ROW' HARVPSTER R SNE° '3924059- . BELMORE, ONT. Sewing Susies are organized Al WON BELGRAW--The first meets ins of the 441 girls homemak- ing club ways held last week at the home of Miss Beth Scott with Mrs. Clarke,johnston as leader and Seth as the assistant leader. Beth re ad the objectives, discussing with the girls the re- quirements of club Members and outline of the club, Officers named were: Presi- dent, Joyce Nethery; Vice-pres- ident. ice-pres-ident, Ila Scott; secretary,. Connie Nethery; press reporter, Donna Walker. SECOND MEETING Misses Connie and J o,y c e Nethery were: hostesses for the second meeting. Connie Neth- ery read the minutes. The girls chose to name the c 1 u b " Belgrave Sewing Susies" Miss Scott read instructions on preparing the fabric for cut- ting. Donna Walker measured Connie Nethery for a good fit - ling dress. Miss Scott read "Choosing a Pattern" • Length- ening and shortening a skirt were explained. Lunch was served by the hostesses at both, meetings. New economist is on the job ' Huron County's newly -ap- pointed. home economist, Miss Susan Heard, has already start= ed on her fall program for the 441 homemaking clubs in the county. Girls from Wingham., Clinton;, Hensall and 'Seafordi districts will learn how to make) cotton dresses in the Cottons May' Be Smart project., Miss Heard's home is at Ac- ton. Sheis a recent graduate of Macdonald Institute at t h e University ,of Guelph and'holds a degree in Bachelor of House- hold Science. She majored in home economics. - The new home economist is also involved in a farm -home survey sponsored by. the Univei- sity of. Waterloo. The survey is aimed at collecting data about fanners and their values, at- titudes •and family structure. , The survey is a 'follow-up to a similar.sp'ciological project car- tied out in 1959. Miss Herd said, " We like to know the dif- ference in attitudes after n i n e - ears.,' • • vl':' y .n. awn/ of iiliq q;.; 492, The water problem is inter- esting: Will we run out of the stuff before we have a chance to pollute it completely? SUMMER SAFETY CONTEST DRUG FACTS ost iteag4 ana YOUR MAKE' UP 15 AS FRISH AT POUR AS tr WAS AT EIGHT HOW ,COMS'" I'M CHOOSY ASokIT cO$MEMS 1 it'S. EASY WITH nig' WIDE SELECTION AVAILABLE AT.- IAL '357400 ` 357.29i2 KING SIZE MUSHROOM --Paul . Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Lewis of Shel- burne,' found he ,had a. jol ?,.ten his hands when he and his family >made a brief stop in Wingham on Saturday. ,,The Advance- Titnes; photographer was loo i ng for a boy to hold a giant puffball 'and Paul was elected: Alf LQckridge picked the rnonsfer, at, his farm. The puffball measured about °.60 inches in diameter. Several ,7;Uf, 'Alf's friends have been enjoying delicious meals of puffball, but he says it's hard to find people who like them. .—Advance -Times Photo , All farm tracIorsind self-propelled farm implements to carry signs Sept.: 1 luNNipN,pppn Most Ontario motorists a re - already familiar .with the bright- coloured triangular warning sign- that the vehicle ahead is 'a slaw - moving vehicle. Those who are not already familiar with th e slow moving vehicle sign soon will be. U now, Up to o the sign has been affixed voluntarily to many `aro tractors and .other implements by fartners concerned about their own safety and the safety of other users o ,t] g joads, Ef, . fedhve`,: September 1; •1968, On - . : tar�io U r w' 1 require all farm • - n a. q tractors and self-propelled .f r • implements, and any vehicle, . drawn by them, to carry the slow moving .vehicle sign wh en operating on a highway. . A regulation specifying :the official sign and its position on. the vehicle has nowbeen approv- ed, the ' Ontario Department of Dates of fall fairs in area Arthur ..Sept.' 20-21 Ayton, ...Sept:, 13-14 - Barrie = , " Sept. 25' to 28 Bayfielc) J • Sept. 24.25 Blyth, .....-................—a. Brussels - . , Sept._. 26-27 ,EI l c� ..t.,iBgp.60I Dundalk ....... .. tr n; -Septt 4041 Dungannon .:... Sept. 23-24 Durham Sept. ' 20-21 Elmira ..:.Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 2 Eiji:wale Oct,. 10-11-12 Exeter, .. ..................Sept. 18.19" Fergus •.'.`...:.; Sept. 13-14 Fordwich Oct. 4-5 • Hanover .., Aug. 29-30:31 Harriston Sept. 18-19 Kincardine Sept. 13-14 Listowel Sept. eSept 3-4 London (Western Fair) ., • - Sept. 6 to 14 Lucknow Sept. 21 Madale .... Sept. 13-14 .Mildmay.,Sept. 6-7 Milverton s ept. 20-21 .Mitchell Aug. 30-31 Mount Forest Sept. 9-10 • Neustadt . Sept. 20-21 New Hamburg Sept. 13-14 Paisley - Sept. 16-17 Palmerston , • Sept. 23.24 Ripley Sept. 27-28 St. Marys Sept. 24-25 Seaforth Sept. 19-20 Stratford Sept. 16-17-18 Tara Sept. 24-25 Teeswater Sept. 27-28 Tiverton . Oct. 4-51 Toronto (CNE).....Aug. 15 -Sept. ' Toronto (Royal) ....Nov. 15 to 23. Walkerton Ott. 23-24 Zurich ,.Sept. 21-22-23 NNNNNNNNNN • Phillips! MILK OF :MAGNESIA, I2. M� wog.. list 87c, . ,.... , . , • • • ,, } • ..1 , 'ARMED. 'Rol 'on Deodorant, lux., :sugg, list 95c 4 - ID.A« 1NIJNERAL Cllr# 16.0z., .reg. 83c. .49c .. Johnson's ..BABY POWDER, 14 oz. •1,0 gg« list $1.98 .. ... , .. 85c Men. SOF' STROKE, Vi - z,,, nig*°I blit .89c ; . • . • . , . , ... «° ...73c T,UMS, 100s, sugg. list 89c .. ...' . . ,,73c • Transport reports. . • The sign is ,in the shape of base -down, equilateral triangle, with a 122 -inch 'base and a 14 - inch height. Dimensions may be larger as long as ratios of the various sides are in the same prportion as the sign with the -12f-inch base. .The sign is fluorscent yellowy ± orange in colour, with' a 'disk • red. retro -reflective border, of a specified brightness:: it roust be .bonded to a durable -ri g i d - water -K base sturfisett,,:, • It ii t4 e- arha7ttted" n down in a plane perpendicular tothe direction of travel of the vehicle and., where practicable, on the rear of the vehicle or combination of vehicles, at the centre of mass of the vehicle or vehicles. it must be no less than three feet or 'more than • -five feet above The roadway; and it must be clearly -visible for -a distance of not.less than 500 -feetfrom the' rear of th e • vehicle or combination of ye,- - hicles, ` WALK. AT YOUR OWN RISK? A man went to an insurance office to apply for life insur-, . ance. , ,,The insurance agent inquired, "Do yo4 drive a car?'-' " No, " replied the.applicant. "Do you fly?" "No.!' "Sorry, said the agentcurtly, "but we no longer insure pedes-' trians." . m v MfNNNNNfHNIN..N'1N HOW TO ENTER CCM RAMBLER SCRAMBLER .1 1 K E S ONE' SOY'S ONE GIRL'S 1 FLUTE ACCESSORY Each get` contains Mirror, b and streamers. 1. COLOR THIS PICTURE or draw a picture like it and color that. 2. On a separate sheet of paper it* the SEVEN things wrong in this picture. Do NOT list more than seven, or you wig disqualify your eitry. 3. Cut `out the contest form along the dotted lines and fill in yaw FULL name lewd 4. Mail this fortn with your LIST of seven errors to the coupon oddress shown -below. 5. Any Ontario child of elementary school age may enter. MAIL BEFORE SEPT4 TO: ELMER BOX 4072 TERMINAL A, TORONTO 1, ONT. NAME 6. All entries become the property 0 Elmer the Safety Ekpliont aid cannot be returned. 7. Judges' decision is final. Ontario Safety League A ADDRESS (T'aven or City) TELEPHONE ...... Acro ,.... Bey Girl 1 DOUBLE CHIN OR 1WO, FILLS? -Edward Finery of R. R. ingharrr, claims the goose he Is holding has a double mak. Sceptics suggest the growth is a double chin on a fat goose.. Double Irak or extra chin will4 rnakt no differ. encu when the goose is stuffed, cooked and served for dinner.-- .A T Photo. ,11 V N v t�RCSC Q/1),/ON Dt2c>Cc."i_S'r 1 PROTECT YOUR. INVESTMENT WITH' CROP INSURANCE ov r is now availa - le for 50,70:or C vfe e�e h60r Op"Xi • . of -your average farm yield. Quvoffpocket expenses can be insured for lets than; 4;00, ,err •ace► , ,,r f,r *•7, p +J y z. Cf , tor .:�.. S:.cq.'S• '.. <:' ,1 _ ed, :,:! •:� • . , date dor a licatio�i. is. OCTOBER' lat. OR 10 DAYS AFTER SEEDING, whilch. ever occurs first.., Winter Wheat seeded after September .30th is not incur ble in Zona (2). N . ENQUIRE N FOR FULL PARTICULARS GEORGE A. WATT MAIM, ONT. r- - Phone 523-9217 Agent.for The Crop Insurance Conunission of Ontark) A GOOD START SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed and Pig Starter gets pias off to a good start. ' Introduce there to Creep Feed at 2.3 days of age and keep it fresh daily • . . encourage them to 'eat it early. When 5 pounds per 'pig has been consumed switch to SHUR-GAIN Pig Starter No. 10 Med. Feed Start- er free choice to 10 weeks of age. Remember, giving your pigs a good start means faster gains and more top quality carcasses. SHU hog feeds Winghuma Feed Mili PHONE 3574060 ie r