HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-08-22, Page 11Rawl nod Lea Ritebie of Lucknew.e n Sung vim with fir sifter, MIs. Jaitiest Tw ,' Dis- trict patient nt in an.and Dis- p al, gage Thompson is th,wee e k Waiting with his Mend, Rickiy Hared, of Palmerston. Mrs, Wallace Conn and !Alma visited on Sunday with Mr. and:. Mrs, Douglas Conley of Wing - Charles Thompson returned. borne on Saturday with his fa- ther after assisting his relatives, Mx, and Mrs. Roy Thompson,. with work at dreier store at Rock- lyn for several we eks, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Henderson of Brantford spent the geek -end w ", and Wks Wes r Tif- fin. HeatherMrs, George Youngand Lases visited Fri- day with Mr, and s, Charles Tiffin of Winghntn, Mr, and Mrs. , ,Ward Walk- er and Cheryl of East litawanosh spent Sunday evening with Ur. and Mrs, :Albert Coul.tes. Mrs, Les Reynolds, Wendy and Debbie returned home 'Atg- nor 6 after visiting With relatives in England since July 16, - Mist Sandra Fisher of Kitten ener spent the weekend with her parents, . and ;Mrs, .Geo, Fishes Miss Susanne l eynolds; .,Reg • AFTER AUGUST 31st, GRANT'S TSI, ' rsl ' cease . to operote in • th is w 9 f Cel►l� a iuknity. outstanding, account ��. a .arnau�t. paid , :or �beforet � that„time. .etre! hark youor your patronage. 22.299 Wa►1.ly 'you .can, be in a jiffy,with a qulek trip es WINGHAM DRY '.` LEANERS. "When :you 'bring your clothes in clean them . . to perfection.. 'Count. *on us tohelp you ret or CONTACT LOWES BARBER SHOP, BRUSSELS and 1rs, l Ids. Visitors i weMek*end wig Mrs. Cie o a Cam of tacit Wawanosb and with Mr. Cie, a patient in Wiisgb:= and Dis- trict Hospital, were Mr, and Mrs, Gerald St. /iasie and faM icy. Mar, and Mrs, Ken Wine ,garden and family. Mir, a n d Mrs. Prank McConnel, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Kirton, and Miss Leiro all of tOndon, .Mr, and, Mars. Wesley Tiffin', Mrs. Cecri' FaaZconea', Jing Fal- coner and Oliver lvicOriati visit- ed Mond ay with, Mfrs, Nora Cronin at Orangeville, Mrs. Cronin entered hospital on Tue a0, day for surgery, ' Pawl ,fobnston of • Li sr t o Vie spent last week holidaying with his grandparents, Me, and Mrs, Gershon. Johnston. Mrs. Angus Falconer iind Kelvin returned borne on• Sunday to Stireetsville after a holiday with Mgrs.. Cecil Falconer. • Rev..Geor e g adn • Mfrs, Wart and family°o1' Oakville called Q Sundt at the hone of Mr. and d ,. Y n Mrs. �K; e►eorge' Thompson and tam fly and Mr., and . Mr;. Millan Moore, Mrs. Thompson and MVlWatt,rs, Nloore are s isters of Re v Mr. and •Mrs. Jin Johnston and girls were Saturday evening visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Ger" shorn Johnston,. Wingham. Pawl who had been holidaying here last week, returned home with them. • Mrs,. •A. E. Purdon returned • last week to the home of Mr.' and Mrs, Athol.,purdon, Sarnia, for a few'weeks. . ". Mrs. Davidson Of Windsor visited ;Monday :with Mr.. and Mrs, Gershorn •Johnston of Win • g. ham. . -Mr. • Dan Cassidy, Mr. a ri d Mrs. Neu h 'Kennel and family g Y visited with .Mr. and Mrs, Dan Cassidy Jr. acid family, Turkey; oint, y rat, on�Sunday, Mr. .and Mrs, Walter Arscott nd Andrea sypent.the week -end ><Yith .Mr. and Mrs.' Tony pi ova and famzlY ,, and with oth- r'Toronto relatives.• Mr. and Mrs. George'Thom. P' on and Earl visited with h is rather, 'Clayburn Thompson :of eversham, from Wednesday to P a :-e +b Saturday. ° Sunday visitors with Mr.' and • Mr's, ge.riborn.iiilostgo Of Wing- haxn were Mr. and Mrs. J a O k Johnston' and ;family of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Peacock and family of Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peacock, Alliston. Miss .Linda Jamieson has gone to camp at Huntsville for t wo Weeks.. f 4 A You can clean up this bunch forpenniesadayIth an electric water heater Bath the kids, do the laundry, wash the dishes, have a shower. With a Cascade 40 electric water heater there'll be lots and lots of hot water for all your needs .. and for only pennies a day.' R qN.. ,R.E C. �aF Saerforkh tared place fir. . the: oeet:howi n/{.,T Most the 1 m '..- " 1�� improvement on the gunnery course spon- sored by, the 21st : ,i"iesid- Regiment at the !!��ll,��i yaw.y��lpiry,l,�an!►hlrllf►la'al r1#t VIII II IS ey. _ ! W ng air Armouries. The 'CO of the Regi. . � m n �. e t Col. R Ritter, made the presen- tation during the unite inspection at the end of the ,six-week; course. --A4 Photo u.R!npimi,rl,• ,U•Il,*, n*Il�y'��►1,fl$lH1r�l!!.!r!!,, ►il WHITECHURCH--"T"he United `$ Church arch. Women met .on August ' at the home of Mrs. Russel • Mrs; ' e . Garnear' farrier played quiet music .while the ladies were gathering. 'Mrs,, D., g 8 Dave Gibb gave the call to worship and a hymn was; sung with Mrs. G., parr er-at, tPhe i ano. • Mrs.:' Gibb reach the Scrip- tures gave the edit`atiion.and led irr n prayer. Mrs.Fred'Tiffin poen read several short s� V .. Mrs. George Thornpso gave a talk on racial die rir t..o o �nrn . and told a story ted' illustrate her talk. She read the :introduction to the ,book. p „ study "Jap anip ro-' Y tale , telling of Japan's.govern- ment. ` Japan .is noted for her hard working people. Then fol- lowed the story of the woman called The Modern ,Naomi She FAMILY' TREE IIe;AVAliABLE . „" WH TEC URCH ,AMcBurn- ey family reunion pllnlcwas held Sunday afternoon at th e home. o f Mr, an'd•'lii's. Gordon ' McBurney when about 46 gath- ered to enjoy a sports program organized by Mr. and Mrs. E1-� mer Sheill of London. Games, contests and races provided the entertainment. A family tree prepared by • Mrs. Gordon McBurney was of interest to older members and copies were on hand for those who wished to.have them. The president, Adam Mo.!. Burney, and secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Art Nicholson conducted the business. . The newly -elec- ted president is Elmer Sheill with Mrs. Helen McBurney as secretary. Lunch was served, found it a place 'to sell' musical instruments rume nts.an r lig r ous bo aks Later she found 'food for people in internment camps. Her Work today is Mostly among women and children, This was an in- teresting chapter and everyone ', could' learn nnuc h from Miss Na-. omi. . Mrs, Ezra. Scholtz presided for the'.business, Mrs. C a r 1 Weber, se's tet ary read the minutes * and, called, the roll with 13 members .telling of. a good, book or article theyhad. read.. In the. absence of Mrs. Albert,' Coultes, :treasurer, Mrs. Scholtz read hertreport. Mrs. Garnet Farrier reported on the bale which was.shipped recently. Y Mrs: Ezra Scholtz gave the courtesy remarks and closed with prayer. The travelling basket was on display from which many purchased. articles. ' Highlights of travels related at COC meeting WHITECHURCH- -Chalmers C.O.C. met in the Sunday, School room during church serv- ice on Sunday. The president, Jim De Boer, gave the call to worship and read the Scripture. Prayer was given by Jean Simpson. • Debbie Reynolds read the minutes and called' the roll -which was answered by 13 nam- ing something,they were using. 'from the garen. David Elliott received the offering which was dedicated by Lori Purdon. Barry Elliott gave a reading. Mrs. Hugh Simpson led in responsive prayer. ` They then divided with the • seniors hearing their story from Mary Jones Bible by Mrs. Hugh Simpson and Mrs. Archie Purdon' gave the juniors a story. Debbie Reynolds told of her trip to England and Mrs, Archie Purdontold of their trip by car ' to Prince Edward Island and re- turn by United states. rM H leaders receive gifts WHITECHuRCH-•-On August 6th the Whitechujch 4-H Garden Club and: members'of the, clubs, Working with Wool and gait in the Menu, met at the home: of Mrs, Walter Elliott. 'li'e_p silent Brenda King, c act o d ter n math,e,4 , opeaning ex er by Ru vises,th. TheElliominutestt were read Plans for the Garden Club Achievement Day, wee fhiali•+ ° zed.: Y Before ox -okra e:�utsde.f•. g. g.for games Irene'De Boer, spoke oke in . appreciation of the work of Pamela' King as leader and the girls presented her with atravel- ing case. 'Mrs. Dave Xing was also thanked for her work with .P the clubs and .resented 'with a wicker roll basket. •Both thank- ed theirls for their' kindness g �� in remembering them in this way.. Games were enjoyed on'ihe lawn wl}°ilewhot dogs were„being .` barbecued. WHITECHURCH- • Langside W, M'. s.:met August 6 at .the , bome of Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Wgham. As president, Mrs,, Tiffin presided and opened the e meeting with the call to wor- - ship A hymn was sung. The . • Scripture was read by Mrs. Wel- sh. The meditation, Carry' a Little Honey” was given by Mrs, Gordon Wall. Mrs. Wesley Young led inprrayer.A.'reading, "Things Just Don't Happen" was given by Mrs.Lapp. The minutes were read by me secretary. Mirs.. ' McGillvary and the roll call was answered with a verse of . Scripture. During the business xr was decided the noir meeting would be the home of Mrs. Lloyd Moffat of lucknow. Articles. for the bale are .ot . be taken to the: next, meeting 'r Flans Sh lens wi ril be'made,* . 'Cheannxver- atr�the fall, lse offering wa� Ha De aoer and + Mars. Will , Mrs. Charles Ti wse Fseined ' with *cop a _ group. Mr.. Webb gave The , i;%deca` , Grace, h guest speaker it Richardson. Wall expressed thanks Richardson for brim ai'4tfor her srsps Me055004, 1 WI Lloyd a tgave a • reading, Another hymn WM sung, and the meeting closed repeating theLord"; prayer unisaet;, Cotif#y remarks dry Miss Emma Richardson. Just bei .luncli was .the hostess presented 1 Y Richardson with` > act pirtisd The cake .was enfoyed .a' during`1iunch °LIF.- I' BUSINE$.s INSURAEALHNCE • 'SO Patrick Street ,East Hingham Repres.ntipu 111APLRIAi..41FE ,fir INGHAM a L MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING ' REASONABLE . PRICES •.. Buy Direct ind Sive S we Bus.-. ' ph..y�57" 257-1910 • Res. Ph. 35711°15 CAVILLER COMPANY Chart.rud Accounts.. Resident Partner .1 E. Keno, Taal '-80144471 *V'Va an M 3arristers, Solidaai J. ,Harley Craik**, !i , 1ltoreinarn►. S ! 1.;8. littli Alan �R.' 1 • W{ ING Dial 'iAM,357L`A1 ice Frederick F. Holingb Carol E.' fI,Qatnutl, Airs.. viola 'H. °Horn Uth, R OPTOMETRIST Phot ,3384712 HARRISTON ° ONTARIO BARRISTER, •-11 NOTARY, , 'Pele WIHGH AM DIAL 357-1990 • We Are The CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED "mut e People And We Need MEN and WOMEN To Help Process Corn and Carrots • Work WWII Begin Around August 26th and Continue Until November 15th • You Will Find The ' Mork Interesting and The Wages. Cornpejtive Transportation Is Supplied or Easily Arranged • Call and Register Now At Your Nearest Canada Manpower Centre Or • 'Phone Area Cade 519_23$-2445 and Ask For The Personnel Dept CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED PLANT M�i NU��51, EXETER, ONTARIO "A'Gootii Place To Work" a�