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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-08-22, Page 4
W'irgti •Mvanee„Times, Thursday, August , 1.968 features from The World of Women George Kerr .and Dianne Bisson wed in. Christ Anglican Church of Listowel Rev. Murray Brooks, Listowel, assisted by Rev. T. G. Lewis of Drayton, officiated at the `mat- rtage of Dianne Yovonne Bisson, Listowel to George Douglas Kerr of Wingham on August 10 at Christ Anglican Church, Listo- wel,. , The .bride is the daughter cif : Mr, and, Mrs. Rene Bisson, In- kerman St.. Listowel, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerr, Wingham. organist, Miss Jean Padden of Southampton, accompanied theguest soloist, Miss N a n c y Shave, Southampton, who sang "I'll !Walk Beside You” and "I Believe". Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a regal gown of Italian crystal textured Ream de sore with cafton skirt featuring a centre panel from the shoulders to floor and trim- med with hand clipped Alencon lace. The 'gown featured three- quarter length sleeves, a straight skirt and a bow at' the empire ' waistline. An elegant monk's train flowed from the shoulders EVERY SUNDAY FROM 400 TO 7:00 P.M. Congenial hospitality and excellent menu selections -are your passpont to the land of heavenly dining. , Relax this Sunday, and let us do the cooking -- and the dishes. When you plan that wedding reception or 'special event, reserve our Ebony Room or our Pine Room you will be glad you did. COFFEE SHOP, OPEN DAILY, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. THE BIue Barn Between Palmerston and Listowel on Highway 23 -- AMPLE PARKING DIAL 291-1580 LISTOWEL showing a lace trimmed centre slit. Her headpiece, -a silver and white flower spray, held the silk illusion, shoulder-lengt veil. She wore a diamond. heart pendant, gift of the .groo and carried a cascade of r e d roses and ivy. Mrs. Jim. Willis, Listowel, was matron of honor. Brides- maids included Miss Sally Gal- braith of Wingham, Miss Susan Mahtha, Miss Jo- Ann Coutaric and Miss *nice Bisson, all of Ottawa. They wore identical full lengthberry-pink gowns of georgette over taffeta with straight line skirts. They wore crocheted lace bands at t h e empire waists. Their full swap capes of georgette were gathere at the neckline with• matching crocheted lace. They wore pin flowered and net headpieces and carried nosegays of white carna- tions inserted with pink georget- te buds. Best man was Paul Strong of Wingham. Ushers included Murray and Bill Kerr, both. of Wingham. and David and Donald Bisson, bods. of Listowel. A wedding dinner was held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall followed by a reception at the Royal Canadian Legion Home, Elizabeth St., .Listowel. The bride's mother chose. an oyster colored crepe dress with full length coat of striped chif- fon inmink shade of rolledand crocheted design with elegantly styled wrist length sleeves and slit sides. She wore matching"' accessories and a coral baby ' rose corsage. The groom's mother wore ap eepink dress of peau de. sole eaturing a yoke and . th r e e - quarter length sleeves of 1 a c e . The straight skirt featured a back panel of georgette falling from thesyoke. A pink tulle hat with matching shoes and a car- nation corsage completed he r ensemble. For a wedding trip to Ken- tucltey, the -bride changed fo a turquoise, : yellow and whit e Italian knit three-piece suitiwith matching accessories and a cor- sage of baby yellow roses. Upon their return, the newlyweds will reside in Wingham. Out-of-town guests attended from Montreal, Quebec, Otta- wa, Renfrew, Toronto, Bramp- ton, Guelph, Barrie, • London, Oshawa, Stratford, Kitchener, Tillsonburg, Fordwich and Mich- igan. h In he d k d Greenlet' -Pork • Sharon Rose Park of Clifford and James Greenley of R. R. 1 Clifford were married August 13 at the United Church manse in Gorrie. Rev. W. Hird offic- iated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Park of R. R. 2 Clifford. The groom is the son ,of Mre and Mrs. El- mer Greenley of R, R. 1 Clif- ford. Mary Kalish of Kitchener and Laverne Greenley, brother of the groom, were the attendants. The couple took upresidence near Palmerston following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls. 40- HAM MEAT MARKET SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT. SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL WH0LE OR HALF 69` �& BURNS ASSORTED COLD MEATS SLICED OR IN THE LOAF 69 �B. ieir our window for the Best Maui Buys in Town hart back to -school beauty assigement Sometjmes the younger gen- oration isn't quite so sure of it. appears self as. it ppears to' be., Patticu- laxly in the case of a young daughter going off to school for the first time A clear skin leads the prior- ity list of things most teenagers want personally. Pimples and bumps sure confidence destroy- • yrs , YOU can scold all you want about proper diet as a fuinda- mental for developing a clear skin, but 9wixat the kids want are effective, fairly instant -result treatments that are simple and not time consuming. Young skins get blemishes becausethey are often not scru- pulotasy clean. Young skins are frequently oily --hence •tate. tendency for grime to collect in the pores and produce ugly blackheads and enlarges pores. With the current style of long and whiting hair, bo (i'orgirls,. and boys.. this condition is ag. gravated with, oil and soil from the hair compounding the o i l And soilof e akin. So fo* boys and girls alike there is vital need for a daily medicated face wash' treatment suppiern nted with 'cleansing grains three or four times each week. Neither treatment is in the least gooey or sissy -stuff, so the boys can't balk, *And both of them really work-iperhaps not the first week, noticeably, but definitely after the secon improvement is clearly evident, • The medicated face wash is a non -oily, deeply penetrating ' lotion that foams away d e e p - seated .soil and grime. It con- tains anti -bacterial agents to check their gently abrasive ac- tion help to .dislodge pore -clog- ging' impurities and superficial blacldreads.. They slough /Off surface oil, and the coarse outer layer of scruffy skin and let the clear, soft skin beneath glow forth, '1.'o complement this treatment, there- isavailable !I Medicated shampoo with the same bactera-cbeckin g proper. ties as the medicated face wish. But .for the young girl• wh o very naturally, wants a little glamour to put the icing on the basin treatment there are also makeup items in the medicated Brae whlc1 do good as they look good. A medicated astringent helps . o minimize and shrink enlarged pores and keep down the. flow of excess oil.; Further» more, it affords' a smootherbase for the Medicated makeup lotion that is not only healing and soothing, but is acutally a mar- velous coverup for blemishes. • • "SURE WISH I HAD A balloon like -that,". Heather Gorrie (centre) seems to be telling Susan Vienneau as Kim Rae gives an ,admiring glance.. ' The children. stopped' for a breather at the Penny Carnival.—A-T Photo. - -Mrs. * Voilet Shiell of St. Thomas visited for a few days last week with her sisters, Mrs. R. Shiell and Mrs. Hazel Hardie and. on Tuesday they at, tended thefuneral of their sis- ter -,in-law, Grace Shiell of Kitchener, widow of Dr. Gordon S ei1 w1 o passed: ala about 20 years ago.. lntegnent .was' Wingham Cemetery, They also attendedithe McBurney family reunion held on Sunday after- noon atrhe the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney, of East Wawanosh. --Mrs. Bernard Hall of Blyth visited one day last week with Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. --Douglas and Paul Heffer, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Heffer of Turnberry have been holidaying for two weeks at the East Coast and -with their grand- mother, Mrs. Heffer of Monk - ton, N, B. Gary MacKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan MacKay, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London since July 13th due to a car accident was moved to Central Park L o d g e ,last Thursday and expects to be another six weeks on a striker bed. --Tom' Gardner son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gardner, return- ed dome Saturday .after spend- ing six weeks at Banff National Cadet Camp. -- Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph John- son and Derek of Waterloo vis- ited at the weekend with Wing - ham friends. --Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schwichtenberg of Penetang spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Forysth. --Sister Eleanor of Brantford and Mrs. Stahlbrodt of Roches- ter visited for a few days .last *week with their mother, Mrs. Milas Moir. --Mrs. Grace Richardson who has been a teacher in San Sal- vador, Central America, for the past two years showed pictures Of her work and surroundings. there in the -Gospel Hall last Tuesday. --Members of the Women's Institute enjoyed a bus trip to Goderich: on Thursday. The; Mary Hasti gs group enjoyed' their bus trip to London on Sat- urday where they attended the Mary Hastings picnic. . -=Mr. Wesley Lott of 'Lon- dop,,visitedo;one day last week wx itis tro4er ; Mr. Car Lott .: 3 dt s�l' hRos.?r.� .XJ 'v' • ..y.�•..,o-�w.m .�;1n a patient in r wir g arrea 1 �. Dis- trict Hospital. • n - Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. - Weber and family of Stratford' and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dennie. and family of Lucknow visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons. --Jim Coultes who has taken a position as assistant farm man- ager at the Burwash Industrial Farts spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Coultes. - -Mr. and Mrs. Don Herd of Kitchener visited recently with Mrs. 1. Merrick. ▪ Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willie that their,daughters are very m u c h ' enjoying holidays in the. West- ern Provinces. Bonnie who is representing the Wingham and District High School as the Young Voyageur is in Calgary, Alta. Sharon ii holidaying at Vancouver,. B.C. She is ac- companied by her grandmother, Mrs. Emily Donaldson. Miss Diane Warner of London visited with the girls before their de- parture and Bonnie, upon her return -home, will -spend a f e w days at Diane's home in London. --Mr. and Mrs. James Don- aldson of Ten Thousand Lakes, Minnesota, and Mrs. Bert Bell of Teeswater visited with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willie last week. grainMr. and Mrs.,. Wilfrid Con - spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congram of Toronto. --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siebert and children, Quebec, visited for a few days last week at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thompson of East Wawanosh after attending the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Gordon Shiell of Kitchener on Tuesday. 1' Chas. Hoppers wed 50 years On August 7, 1918, Rev, E. F. Armstrong of the M e t h o d i s t Church united in marriage Flor- ence Imlay, dau r of the late Mr, and Mrs. J. 'n 1 m 1 a y of Wingham and Charles H; Hop- per, son of the late Mr. and Mrs: John Hopper of Morris. The ceremony took place i n t h e Methodist parsonage in W i ng - harn. They lived for two years on the groom's farm in Morris, la- ter shoving to Wingham where they have since resided. Por 46 years Mr. Hopper was in the fertilizer business but is ri©v re- tired. They have a family of one daughter, Mts. William (Mamie) Helsxnka of Listowel; two sons, John M,, cif Port Credit and C. Aare of "Wingham. They also have ten grandchildren and lien sreatgrandch iidren. Mr. and Mrs. Hopper marked the event with dinner at Nanny's itestaurant for the immediate SPECIAL BOYS' COTTON TROUSERS with boxer waist 10 Assorted colors Sizes 4 to 6X $1.99 N11111,1110' 1, Also see our.. large ' FALL SELECTION OF GIRLS' CLOTHING DRESSES JUMPERS R, SKIRTS ' SWEATERS Fashioned right kir school day comfort ,With .dress,up looks ag in dark -tone °ttons ernd Knits BOYS' AND GIRLS' PERMA PREST LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRTS Easy.care items for the coo er days of summer Sizes to 12 BOYS' -- Sizes 4 to 12 PERMA-PREST JAN.S $ 3.98 By Play -Line in popular Fuse -Line Twill. Lang. wearing durabil that always remains near and casual. `° ity AND $4.98 Colors: Navy, Beige, Teal, Brick,`sBrown PERMA PREST KQRATRON SLACKS Strong, sturdy wash 'n wear perform- ance in a 'multitude of. colors. Made especially for carefree boys and 'particu- larparents. Sizes 4 -to 12.. Na - Heit hooe INFANTS .AND CHILDREN'S WEAR ;TO SIZE 12 kr/midi/AAA av IN THE GURNEY .ILOCIC "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" TO SERVE YOUR HAIRSTYLING NEEDS SPECIALIZING IN • PERMANENT . WAVING • COLOURING • STREAKING STYLING Graduate of:. *Bruno's School of Hair Design *Holder of Award in Advanced Training at Bruno Advanced Academy FFoiir years' hair 'dressing ex- perience PHONE 3574860 �• 259 JOSEPHINE STREET For Your Appointment WINGHAM CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY • 4*