HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-11, Page 1relFt
ateb -Xke & Seweller
li'or i,lie Vint 8teek end Cheapest
Q.Oode tO be fo',end in Ontario call on
0 Richeubch
Witteh -mak er, •Thweller
Eine Assort
& Ontiolan, Pae,r41;boirlls.jAi.
verware. Re
all kin ds Pairing of
satisfa. 0 t or promptly Sr,
work sent to ;') 12310(1%11° i re:.
but all exe <1/4svi..e, et:Wain his
own establishment, under:his personal super -
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights
0, B.E.rorttasirtokc/r.
l'* 1.41AGAL .
1 , DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
' .1 o eitni ef Supreme Court,NotaryPublie
Conveyance: ChininidSiOROT, &n, Money CO
°Moe in Panson's Block, Excler,
1:1 11. COLLINS,
arrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OfileeSanivell's Block Ball's old 0111000
Solicitor in the Supreme Conrt of Ontario,
C o nve yanc or, Co nami asioneri •&a, Special
attention given tothe collection of ellainis in
•the 'United States'. Patents procured, money
•to loan at lowest rates. 0 dice: Operla House
Block St Marys Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c. -
1aMoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
13. V. ELLIOT.
0 F FIVE : oyez tr dr rews Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Samiyell's Block, IlI11in-s1, Exoter,777..‘,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
bIlings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
co Zurtrcu on lo,st Thursetty in
each mouth.
LUTZ , D. M. ,
V • 0 feeeat hi seaside:1 e tlxet er
W. BlItOWNING M. D., M. 0
tr • P. S ,GraduateVietoriaIIniversity.Oftlee
airesidenceaeors:rionLaborator v. Bee ter
R. RYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr:
. Carling's store,Exeter.
TIR R. J. A. BOLLINta, M.O. P. S
O. OfElee, Main Se.fixeter,OntAtesiden
housereeently occupied by P. Me'Plaillips,
TTENEY EILBER, Licensed Alla-
tioneer for Elay,Stephen, and AUGUR.
rraY:Townships. Sal as e onduoted at moderate
rates. 0 thee—At Post-ofeee,Crediton, Ont.
OEIN GILL, •'Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Limy and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfactioe guftranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Oenen • One actor South of Town Hall.
per cent, se-5Am Private Ponds. B'ea
Loaning Oen:Panics represented..
. Barrister, Exeter,
• Established 1 SG3. .
This csonly.itey has been over. Eighteen
years in suficessful operation in Western On-
tario,tincliontinues to iinsure againstloss or
el a inage by ir ire , Buildings,Merehancli se.,Man-
ulaetorioa,o,nd .411 o the r,leseription s of axially-,
able property. Entondint, iusurers have ths.
option of insuring on the Premium Note 9r
Cash System
During the past ton years thie Comminy
enelesued 57,000 Policies. covering propol.ty
to theajoontoa a.10,870,038 ; and paid inloss-
e s a lone is 700,752,00
AssetS, $116,100.00, eonsistiug of Clash
n dank, Government Oeuesit, and the unfits -
e seed P rainfall: NOteSon tutu d aud tn force. J
W WALDEN 13.t D. Preside' t. 0 t, TAYLOR,
Secretary, J. is. etrierres,fnapector. ORAS.
NELL &gentler axoter and viciuity.
trent E 1ish Preceriptiou.
suecessfoi 'Medicine used oyer
30 years In thousaeds of ease's,
Cures Spermatorritsa, 'Nervous
Malcom?, Emissioits. Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse. .4 -
Names] indiscretion, or over-exertion; 11DTn1
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when a others
att. Ask your Druggist for The-cell:yet English
prescription, take no substitute, One package
81, Six 515, by :nail. Write for Pamphlet. Address
chemical Co.Detroit. Mich?,
arber. Shop,
. Hsfings,4 Pr op.
Shaving At Nair cutting in the I eteet styes
of the at.
Vvoryattention paid to cutting
Ladies and Children' s Hair.
Market Square
General Store
The undersigned wonld inforin the pub -
110 that leo has.j net reeeived his -
A foll line of Dry -Goode, Hats (at Caps, and
°rookery, Boots and Shoran.
Those wishing anything in my line will
find it to their advantage to call and in
sped niy goocla and prices.
Hii;hest prices paid for But-
ter awl Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
(j. P. "1114 oss.
To Let.
Apply to the undersigned.
June 14.— I. CARLING.
For Sale.
Throe firs t-ol ass farms --100 sores each—Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
.Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT.
Solicitors, &o.,Exeter.
To Rent,
One hundred acres in Oth con.. Blanshard,
excellent soil, and in good' 'cultivation. dry
rolling land...well Watered by spring creek.
Largobarns and comfortable house. 13 acres
suminerfallow, Liberal teruis to good tenant.
Apply to 11013ERT BOSIS
St. Afaryy P.O.
For Sae.6a
'Brick residunce and two lots on Gidlesast.
El-ooa house con titi ni n g seven rooms,tivo halls,
Michell, pantry, wash room and cellar. Arse
o goocl stable, and fruits in the garden. The
property will be sold cheap as the proprietor
is giving tip house -keeping. Apply on the
Well Digging.
The undeasigned wishes to inform the nub -
110 that he is now engaged in well digging.
He will dig, brick up and bote 25 feet for
515; 25 cents raise on wvery additional ten
feet. A trial solicited
THOS. SMALE.Elimville P. 0.
is prepared to do all kinds of dress And nuintie
making in the latestfashions. Cutting and -
fitting a specialty. Next door to Southeott's
tailor shop
Our SIP:eine:4 o,23 permanent ly restores
and G I4NEBAL DEBILITY when other treat-
ment fails . Send 6 am Is in stamps for our
Tree tise and Directioas for borne mire. To-
ismewe 011lDIOINSI 00., 048 Spadini]; AVG , To-
ronto, tint.
The OPENING- of the Forest City Business
College on Sept. 3. nen 25 PIM CENT. IN AD-
VANC el of any previous year. FACULTY has
boon Strengthened,' and Heating Capacity in-
creased to accommodate 150 students.
Atrensas : WESTERVELT & Yeatc.•
ififtt, Ell
The sit pieriber would respectfully announce
to the pi bile that be hos now on band a large
stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps ;
end that lie has added facilities, by which ho
win supply ordei ecl work on the very shortest
-- — •
Well -digging for fifty cents a foot for 30
feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet.
, A call solicited.
Exeter, Julia 1888. Huron Street.
'V lel 11
The direeb route between the west and ell
points on the loive., St. _Lawrence and Bale
de Chnieur, Provinee of Quebec, also Cr
Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edivard
end Oape Breton Islanda, esowfotindlana,and
All the vomiter enamor sea bathing and
fishing resorts are along this lino.
New and elegant Buiret Sleeping an (3. Day
Oal'S Min 051 tilrong11 1.qx.proBS trains. be-
tween Montreal, Dalifax and St. John.
canaction. European Mail awl
Pits s e urger Roiite.
ntissongersfogareat Britain or 1 he Conti -
a on t by leaving Montreal or] Thnessiay, will
join oetwerd s11 610nn101' at ithnotissi
the stone evening.
The attention of shippers is directed to
the Sn parlor facilities offered by this route
for trabsport of flour and general merchan-
dise Intended ter tbo Eastern Provinces and
Nowfnuudland, also for shipments of grain
and produeo intended for the European
market, •
'Piot:eta maybe obtained awl all intern:It-
• bidi about the ronto, freight ana passenger
rat es on iteptication to
ROB lane' 13,ett)00/E,
Weetern'Oreight & Pamongoi. Agent
001t es Sit 'Rouse Meek. Tor1 81. Torcitto
Idhiot Suporinbondoii.
SWITCHES 1VIADE TO oRDEn ilmhylv Orme, Moncton lin, atareh 25 088
Publishe rsand Proprietors
By Our Own correspondents.
Mr, Wm, Callendar left town en Mon
day last,
. Mr. and Miss Armour, who have been
visiting friends in Kirkton, returned to
Clinten on Saturday last,
The Methodists aro using the Presby
terian ohurch for divine worship till the
.couspletion of the new one.
Oarreany---lt is 0,11r sad ditty title week to
ohrouiole the death of Mr. Wm. Stacey, of
Blansnard, whose clemiee took place on
Sunday morntrig last, after a protracted
illness. He was bcrn in Surrey, England,
in the year 1820. Deceased left Eng.
land and came to Canada some 55 or 56
years ago, working first in Whitby Towti-
ship, East of Toronto. Ho afterwards
moyed to tee" Township. of Blanehard,
where he settled down, spending 31
years 'working and enduring all the hard-
ships of the early settler. He leaves a wife
sous, and 2 daughters to mourn his loss.
Of the boys, .Tolinston and William are en-
gaged successfully in business in the United
States'and George (en old correspondent
of the Trairs)is trying the sunny 'clime of
South Africa, whore, we understand, he is
meeting with great (mimeos. The youngest
son, Wesley, is eugaged in .farming at hem°.
During his lifo deceased took au active in-
terest in polities being an, unswerving loy-
alist and staunch Conservative. At the
time of his death he had reached the age
of 07 years and 9 months. The sympathy
of the, entire community is extende1 to the
Tere VAL» Suaw,--The fall show, in 'eon-
nection with the 131ansbard Agl. Society
took place at Kirkton on Thursday and
Friday lest, The show of horses was ex -
(galena while the manufactures had a small
display. The, show of vegetables was first-
class, potatoes eepecially. Ernst was hard-
ly np to the average. Ladies' work ,and
fine arta were well represented, .The hell
was hardly es well filled as in preceding
years, owing, no donbt, to the wet weath-
er on. Thareday. Friday, being a fine day,
a large concourse of people gathered on the
premeds. The gate receipts amounted to
$10 mere than last year. Appended is the
Pr ize list :-- •
Henses.—Imported heavy draught,
e --Brood mare foaled in 1888, LOtilS GOOC1-'
win, .Alex Smith, and and 3rd ; tvvo year
old filly or gelding, .Alex Smith. Robt Roy,
Wm Waddell •, one year old, John Canter -
on '• foal.of 1888, Alex Smith lat and 2nd;
Jobu Cameron. . Heavy Draught "-:-Sran of
hem, draught"; horseein harness, Robett
Dawson., Oswald Waive : brood -mare
having foal in 1888, John Brock, illiam
Rowtoliffe, Simon Campbell; one year old
Thee Hanson, Win Roger; fora. of 1888,
Obas ,Wilson, Wm. .Rowtoliffe. Simon
-oittaae11. Agrioultura17:SparutstjenlOr-
A1orsetfin harness; Jas 'Efalikney, Sattil
Boupe ; brood mare having foal in 1888,
Wm•Cornish,, Chits Wilson; two-year old
filly or geltiiog,,A Erethour, John Stepheuis
Thos Hannon; one year old, Aivin AsIcey
1st and • 2nd, Itolet Wood; foal of 1888,
Wm. Taylor.. General Purpose --Span of
horses in harness, Robt Berry, ,1 W Wood-
ley, 'nos Epplett ; brood Mare, J W
Woodley, Hy Creighton, A Brothour ; two
year old filly or gelding, Wm. Hanson, Jas
Pettrin'John Stewart ; ono year old, D
Creighton, J W Woodley, D Creighton ;
foal 01 1888, 12 Creighton. John Kerslake,
J W Woodley. Roadaters--Span, G A
Graham, :Thos Bissett sr. ; mare, John
Cope/and'A Rao ; two year old colt, John
Urquhart, Robt Clark 1 ono year old, S P
"ROM, Sam') Pym ; single hoi•se John .Mc -
Nevin. A. Rae '• yearling. Chas. Wilson ;
foal, 0 Hodge, Vane Pridhain. Carriage—
Span, Wm. Kerslake, Jae Oolgtthoun ;
horse in buggy, Chas Grafton, John Stew.
tat ; three year old, Chas Wileon, Wm
Glenn ; two year old; Chas Grafton, Joe
Agan ; foal, Wm Johnston, Wm 13agshaw;
mare, 0 Hodge ; saddle horse, P O'Brien.
Cartni--Thoroughbred Durham—Atilt:It
cow, Jas HazIeworal, aTohn Hooper, W H
Gill ; two year on heifer, Goo Gill ; • year.
ling heifer, John Hooper 1s1 and 2od ;
bnll calf under one ' year, Robt Clark, R D
Roy ; heifer calf under one year, Alex Roy,
llobt Clark. Grade cattle—Milch cow
John Hooter, let and 2nd ; two year old
heifer, Wm Roger, John Hooper; year old
heifer, John Hooper, W. 'El Marshall ;
heifer caltuader one year, Wm Pridham,
lot and and ; boat steer ealf under one
year, J. and 1 Fotheritseham. lst and 2n11 ;
Iwo year old steers, John Hooper, Wm
Boger; one year old steers, John Hooner,
Jas Hazlewood ; fat cotv and heifer, Wm
Pridharn 1st and 2ncl ; fat, 'ox or steer,
Win Pridliam 1st and 2nd.
Sunne—Leicester—Ram two years old,
L Goodwin, Geo Bentley ; one year old
rain, Thee Currelley, L Goodwin ; . ram
lamb, L Goodwin, Thos Curretley ; breed.
ing ewes, Thos Cullelley, Geo Penhalci ;
shearling ewes, Geo PenhaleaL Goodwin ;
ewe lain ba; Geo-Penhale. Thos Clurrelley.
Cotswold—Ram two years old and over H.
A Switzer. Southclowns--0 0 Switzer elm,
faired seven prizes, all that were given.
Shropshire and Oxford clowns --Rain, two
years old and over, &unit Dotme, .11 A
Switzer ; ram lamb, TT A. Switzer, Samuel
Donne ; ewes, II A Switzer, Sarni Poupe ;
oft lambe, 11 A Switzer let end 2nd ; twe
lamb, 11 A Switzer, Semi Doupe.—Gracle—
Shearling ewe% L Geoclain. Geo Bentley ;
ewe lambs, L Goodwin, Cteo Bentley ; fat
sheep, Theis Currelloy,
Hoos--Aged boar. Joe Stephens ; breed -
Ng now, jas nzlewood, Small 13reed---
4tged boar, Rich Delbridge ; breeding sow.
Mob Delbriclge, john Copeland ; boar pig
under one year, Bich Delbridge, W F1 Maia
shell ; soW 'under one year, W 1t Itforehall,
Rich 3 'a bridge.
f?trirri,i—Plymouth Rocks, Fanson
Spicer, Is Doupo ; black Seanish fowl o,
Geo Bentley ; Poland.% Geo 136nt1e1, ,TD
Graham ; barnyard fowls, Geo Bentley ;
turkeys, Geo Bentley ; clucks, ,T D Graham
/ Taylor ; Logliorns, WIT Paisey. 'Wm
jannoson ; do, 1. O'Brien, Jas l3ellswill;
light brahmas, 13rown, 3 D Graham ;
It 13 game; Pension & Spicer, j Grabain
doa P1111 501) & Spicer( 1) 'Cr eighten ;
geese'1-I A Switzer Hotulans, John
Copeland, 315 Graharn 'ralof3sisi ClOpeland
3) (heighten ; dark 1)4111Inati, FlintiOn &
Spicer, J D Graham ; do, Pension & Spicer
D Oroighton ; froneh curls, Fanson
Spicer ; black Patellas, Pearson dt Spicer,
J Graham ; bernyard fowls, (extra)
Adam Shier, J D Graham ; geese, Reuben
Shier, 3 D Graham ; do, Geo .Spearin, D
Oreiehton ; lemon clacks, TI A. Switzer, J
D Graham ; nay variety clucks, 3 D Gra.
'ham, Jas Balkwill
Ilounrnateuirs—Double open carriage, W
; single top buggy, W Moyes, Itottd-,
bons° & Brown ' • single open buggy, W
aleaos ; Portlandcutter, W Moyes, Road-
nouse Brown ; piano -box. cutter, Road-
house & Brown, 1st and second; pleasure
sleigh Illoadhouse & Brown ; iron, beam
'plow,. lel O'Brien ; pair iron harrows, M
,O'Brren ; stew cutter, al O'Brien, A Muls
ker si Co. ; gangplow, M O'Brien ; tur-
nip cutter, 0'13rien ; wooden pump, Jas,
Swallow lst and 2nd. Extras--Roadcart
M Moyes; sulkey plow, W Robinson ;
horsepativar, Riohardeon & Webster.
GRAIN. — Barley, Wm Hazlewood, D
Brethonr ; fall wheat (white)1) 13rothour,
F D Switzer ;:fall wheat, (red) Wm Hazle-
wood, Adana Shier; spring wheat, Thos
Epplett ; largeoats, John 'Urquhart, Wm
Yule ; common oats (white) A 13rethour,
Arch:Hedged ; common oats (black) 3)
Brethour, Wm Scott : large , peas, Janes
BalkWill, F D Switzer; flax 'seed, Wm
Hazlewood, 'A }lodged, ; flax in straw,
Sarn't Delve, Geo Bentley; timothy seed,
A Hodgert, A. Shier ; English' field bean,
R Switzer, A Shier ; white garden beans,
Wm Hazlewood, A Brethour ; Indian corn
D Kemp, ales Balkwill;•suaall peas, Reu-
ben Shier, A Hodgert.
Rootre AND ITROETiBLES-13eanty Of He-
bron potatoes, Jas Marshall, Rich , Del -
bridge ; white elephant potatees, John TJr
quhartals O'Brien ; rose potatoes (late)
Roadhouse ra Brown, John Gourley ; roes
potatoes (early) A Hodgert, John Copeland;
Burbank seedling potatoes, Jno Copeland,
Rion Painter '• collection potatoes, three
of each kind. Jas Marshall, A Shier ;
Sweedish turnipa, A. Shier, 0 W Robinson;
field carrots, P O'Brien, Jas Balkwill ;
garden carrots, D Kirk; Jno Urquhart ;
m.angolal 'wurtzel (red) 11 Switzer, Robert
Berry; mangeld wartzel (yellow globe) T
'Epplett, jno T.Trqulaatt •, onions, D Ander-
son, p O'Brien.; blood. beets, *Mrs Richard-
son, Robt Dewson:; three heads. cabbage.
Jam Calender, W M Leigh.; tomatoes , Wm
Kirk,,J Taylor; cauliflower, W H Paisley,
D Brethour ; celery, Wm Kirk, P O'Brien;
citron (round) Jas Balkwill, Reuben Shier;
citron (long) A Thethour, Brethour ;
pumpkin, Rich Delbridge, A *Shier ; water
melon Miss 11 Gowan, Win Kirk; parsnips
Wm Kirk, Thos Hyde; mummy neas, R
Wood • butter beans, Jas Balkwill ; silver
pOtatOON, ..TES Marshall. • •
Misonz,zAtmotis.---Efome-inade bread, P'
O'Brien, Win Kirk is horneattiade sponge
cake, :special. Alas Elle Creighton; maple
sugar, Jno .Goarley, Wm Moore ; home-
made bread, P O'Brien, Mrs Conn; blan-
kets, all wool, Mies Breth.our, Wm Kirk;
nip!). blankets, Miss. M Jamieson,' Miss
Ella OrMgLten ; honey in• sections, James
Kemp, .Ge,o Bentley; strained honey, Geo
Bentley, 1) Dow; extracted heney,.D Dow;
canned, peaches, Mies Ella Creighton; Miss
M Jamieson ; canned pears, Mrs Richard-
son, Miss al Jamieson ; canned phimo,
Miss Elle. Creighton, Miss DJ Jamieson ;
canned cherries, Miss M Jamietion, Miss
Ella Creighton ; calmed gooseberries, Reu-
ben Switzer, Mins Ella Creighton ; canned
strawberries, Miss Ella Creighton, Miss M
Jaraimon ; canned raspberries, Mies Ella
Creighton, Miss M Jaznieson ; canned to-
matoes, Win Hansom Wm Kirk ; jelly,
iVin Hazlewood, Win Kirk ; photograph,
Jas Hunter ; oil chrome, MIAS A Milt let
and and ; pencil drawing, ADSS Chirrelley :
eett single carriage harness, Jno Treble, J
Taylor • sett double harness, J Taylor,
Jam Tre.ble a' horse blanket, A. Dietheur,
A Switzer.'
'FRUIT. --Northern spies, D Anderson ;
• ..
talman sweetti, Wm Hanson ; fialdwins,
jno ,Copeland ; snow apples. Jno 'Copeland;
Rhodoisland greening% laatu Jamieson ;
king of Tompkins, Wm 'Hannon; Alexan-
ders, Wm Hanson e twenty ounce pippins,
Jno Copeland ; golden rasset, D Dow ;
Ribston russet, Jno COp01011d ;. Spatzen-
bergs, Win Haneon ; yellow jellflower,
The Copeland ; Penalise Grasse, Jno Cope-
land ; collection of apples, Wm Hansori,
juo Oopelthul ; crab apples, Mrs Urquhart,
Jos Kemp ; open air grapes, 77 Pirisey,
Robt Robinson ; Winter pears, Wm' Han-
son, Jim Copeland.
DAIRY PRODUCE.—Keg butter, 50 pounds,
Jas Kemp, A Shier ; five pounds table but-
ttoeur,, Jonathan Shier, Miss Minnie Creigh-
LADIES'. WOI1E—Tnnllan seeks, home
spun, Miss Hyde, Thos. Hyde, Mrs Rich-
ardson ; woollen stockings, home spun,
Miss Hyde, Thos Hyde, Mrs. Richardeon ;
woollen mitte home spun, Thos Hyde, Mies
Hyde, Win Kirk, ; fancy socks. Mrs. .T D
Graham, D Dawson, Thos Hyde • faney
stockings, Miss Maggie Jamieson ist and'
2nd, Mies Hyde ; fancy mitts, Miss Maggie
Jamieson lst and •and, Mrs. Riobardson ;
(specimen braiding, Mr. 3D Graham, 1111as
Ella Creighton, Miss Hyde ;gent's shirt,
hand made. Miss Hyde, Miss Maggie
Jamieeon, Miss K Donee ; gent's shirt,
machine mede, P Mies K Doupe,
Miss Ella Creighton ; embroidery on mus-
lin, Mrs 1 3) Grallatin Mies 051 Creighton ;
emb on worsted, Mrs 3D Graham ; patet•
work quilt, Mise Hyde, Miss It Gowan,
J Shier ; coverlet home made, Miss Maegie
Junieson 1 st and 2n51 ; child's dress,
hand made, Miss Hyde, Miss 111 Creighton;
child's dress, machine made, Mrs. J. D,
Graham, Miss Wieenum, Miss la Oreigh•
ton ; ornamental needle work, Tilos Hyde,
Mies Hyde; faney knitting, Mies Hyde,
Mrs, Richardson, Miss la Gowan e rag
mat, Mrs 3 D Graham, Wm Kirk ; home
made earpet, Dawson,.D Brothour, Mrs
Conn ; knit quilt, Missal Creitteton, 1st
end and, II A Switzer ; crystal painting,
Mrs, Conn, WS 11' D SWitSOF, Ti A Switzer.
cellechen eerier flowers, Mrs le Gowah,
Mrs Ritthardson olioll frame, N(i,g 151
Jernienon, 03r, 30 1) Switzer ; lneo woelc
113re J D Graham, klieg Ella Creighton,
Mise M 3 anaieson ; feather flowers, Mise
let Jamleaona Jam hoc made }ben, A
Switzer, Maws 'IC Doupe; Mies Creigh-
ton ; hair wreath, Mr e Richardeon ; kr-
lin wool work for frarnible Mies Hyde ;
Math in cotton, Mies M 15t1511ee051 ; pair
Slippers in Worsted, Miss hi Creighton;
Thos Hyde, Miss Hyde ; sofa cushion,
Miss E Creighton, Miss le Gowan ; crochet
in cotton, Miss M Jansiaeon, Miss al
Creighton, A Shier ; crochet in wool, aire
D Graham, Mist( E Creighton, 11 G
Radcliffe ; lint, Canadian straw, airs. 3D
Graham, A Brethpar, 'Miss . Brethoer ;
'tufted oounterpane, Miss Brethour. Mrs la
D Switzer ; crewel embroidery, Miss 4
Creighton, D Dawson ; darned welts and
ustnoelekrionigoet„hipTss IC Donee ist and and ;
Mise M .Janizeson under-
clothing Machine made, Miss 111 Jamieson,
Miss.K Doupe ; best and largest collection
of ladies' work, Mils X Doupe, Mrs Rich-
ardson ; novelties new and otiginal, Bliss
Hyde, I) Dawson, Miss M Jamieson.. By-
tras--Boquet flowers, John Dickenson ;
fancy gloves, Mrs D Graham, Thos Hyde;
darned net Miss M Jamieson ; log
cabin quilt, Alex Kirk; enab on silk, Mrs
J3) Graham; do on satin, Mrs. J D Gra-
ham ; do on satin, Miss Ella Creighton,
A Brethour s bracket naaranae, Mrs J D
Graham, Jelin Dickenson ; do, Miss Ella
Creighton, Mies Brethour ; do, 31 G Rad-
cliffe, 3 Shier ; chenille table drape, Mrs.
J D Graham, Wm Hanson; knitted eotten
sooka, Mts 3D Graham, Miss 111 Jamieson;
arasene emb, Mrs 3 D Graham, William
Hanson ; tea cozy, Mrs J D Graham, 3)
Daween ; emb on liaen, Mro. JD Graham
Miss M Jitinieson ; col fancy 'work, Mrs J
D Graham, Mrs. Richardson; do, Mise E
Creighton, D Daemon; painting on satin.
Mrs. J D Graham. alms Currelley ; do,
Miss E Creighton, Miss M Jamieson ; do,
31 G Baddiffe, Wm Hantiou ; rick -rack,
Mrs. J D Graham, Wm Moore ;•' darned
net, Mrs. J D Graham, Mrs Richardson;
do, Mies E Creiglnon, Miss 111 Creighton ,.
berlin wool on Java canvas, Mrs j D
Graham, Miss E Creighton.
,T11130 ES. —1-lorsee„Lis D Hewes, se
Marys.; John Coppin, Mitchell W Shill-
inglasi V. S. Stafia. Cattle, D Walks, Juo
Roger, and Keith Lee. Sheep and pig%
W Brook, Peter Campbell, and Sam'l Cols
nish. Fowl, Tiros itloOlacklin. Farquhar.
Implements, Keith Lee, D Miller, A Pop-
plestone. Grain and roots, It Fraecis,
Thos Lawton and John Cameron. Fruit
dairy and domestic, Win Switzer, John
Hannah.Ladies' work, Mery Cameron,
Mary Poi and Jeanie Frannie,
Tim secretary will bo at Kirkton 1st
Saturday in November for the purpose oi
paying prizes. ,
J. IL Simpson and wife, who have been
absent on their holidays for some time,
returned on Tuesday eveumg. Shortly
,after their arrival they ware surprised by
the members of the Brimfield • Bible Claes
calling upon them at he manse, After
all had been welcomed, Mr. Wm. McQueen
explained the object of their viiit by read-
ing a very complimenialy address to Mr.
Sia1,13013., while AliSS 31. Jainiesen present-
ed him with a. gold watob. Mr Simpson,
although entirely taken by sui•priee, made
a lengthy and appropriate reply. Tea e
then served by the latliess of the Bible class,
after which a very pleasant timing was
.Biddulph Council.
The. council rnet pursuant to adjourn-
ment m the temperance hall, Granton, ou
the lot inst. Tire reeve and all the mem-
here present.' :Minutes of last meeting
were read. approved and signed by the
reeve. The collector's bond was read and
on motion stands approved. On motion
tho clerk was instructed to advise Mr. J.
Dearness, P. S. 1., that tho conned is de.
sirens that the municipal grant to P. S. S.,
Noe 7, and now iu the hands of the treas-
urer should not be withheld, bat paid on
thetrustees order. The following accounts
'were ordered to be paialz—S. Mille, port pay
for broken buggy spring, $1,50; Abmy 01
Edwards, rplank for Armitage's bridg,e.$7.
07; T. Hodgins, drawing plank ana repair-
ing bridge N,13., $5.43;. Jas Perrin, bridge
tind ditching N.B., moiety, 5.25; John
Chalmers, rep. St.' Mary's gravel renal, $1,
25; Wm. Tonson, 65 loads gravel per A.
Langford, $3.25; E. McDonald, balance in
full for gravel for 1885, 65 71; D. jones.
62 loads ef arrivel pm. al. Grace and hvo
days work, $5.10; Wm. Hays GS per 11
Hranion, $4.76. The council adjourned to
meet on INTonday the 5th day of Nov. 01; 10
Ilsborne Council.
Council met Oct. 6th. All the members
present. The minutes of last meeting read
and approved.
Moved by J. Halls, seconded by W Eychl
that By-law no. 4 legalizing the levYina of
the township, county, r,,ilwav Rua :nor-
conrse ratee, and by-law no. 5, legalizing
the levying 01 1110 school rats for the cur-
rent year, 115 210150 read a third time, be pas.
Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T. Cam-
eron, that the Clerk he hereby inetructed
to complete the Colleotor's roll, and deliver
the same to the collector on or berm o the
15th day of October,, 1888, providing the
Collector's bond is found satisfactory.—
C141‘11tol°i•Lttih by T. Carom on, senended by J
Shier, that Messrs. .3, Halls and W E05111,
be appo;nted to get the neceseal y repairs
done hi the to Am hall, ona also to
procure smite for the earne,—Carrica.
Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by T. Cam-
•eron, that the Collector's bond fur 1888 be
aeoepted, it being settefactory to this coun-
cil, end that the Colleetor be iestruoted to
make vetting to the Treasurer at least once
every two weeks,—Carried.
Moved by J. limns, seeonded by Shier,
and resolved that orders be granted ne fol.
jacquee, 512 ; 0,1 &unwell, $18 ;
Polon, 55 ; A, Stowed, 5,1 ; Ta Hewitt
520 ; T 13ruce, 53 86; i3ent, 591 60 ; j
Gardiner, $9 10; W Martin, 00 ; Bich.
Quinte11,,$20 40 ; Davie, $0.
On Motion of T. Cameron, seconded by
J, Shier, the Comacil adjourned to moot on
Saturday, Nov, fled, et 11 A. ht.
Pisiuip teere=en...„...te.n-zree.
Palledoni, of Bridgeport, Conn,
1121 ItlitiAn, \mix° ths1rcli ed his brother n'
celd bibod eft the evening- of Sune 22, '87,
WAS banged on Friday,
The IVIolsOns $ank
(01-1AttTE115P. DY VA 51LiA.UE1(T,1853)
Pala ap 04/vital
Ro.at MAIO, G8ssisIlAJmAx8:G3.
20 branch otatoes in the Dominion- Ageneies
in the Dominion, 11, S.A. and Earopo,
Exeter Branca,
Open every lawful day, from 10 amm to3 P. tra
SATURDAYS, 1011.121. to 1 p. m,
3 Per Cent, per annum allowed for MOnoy on
Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank,
Edward Sullivan wits on a visit at Pat-
rick NaDnIna last week.
'Mr. James gabbing tunl wife aro rusti-.1"
ceting arouse". Port MUM),
Mr. T. .Conovan anti sistere of Detroit,
aro visiting at :gr. W 11. l'hompsonaa, Re-
John tor Missouri astride
a hones onoonsed. in a buffalo robe, on,
Thursday last.
Jaume AleLatighlin, Ural:est:eau on rho
0. T. R., paisi his home a visit last week,
ea route for Ottawa, to apply for a patent
for a machine which he has invented.
John Whalen is lciolcing at his owu coat
tank because be hadn't his 2-year.old mare
at Landon to the fair, when lie did so well
o Lncan.
Cue of the oldest pioneers in Biadulph
passed quietly sway ou Friday last, in the
person of John Heenan. He had reached
the age of 95 years, and was always a hard-
working, industrious and honest man, and
nntil about six months ago he was in good
health. His remains wens followed to
their hest resting place by a very large con -
courts() of friends and. relatives.
Blanchard Council. ,
Council mot, pursuant to adjournment,
in the Council ou Monday, Oct., 1st.
Minute.; of the previous mooting read aP-
proved and eigned by the Reeve'.
Moved by Johnston—Dickinson, that by-
law No. 143, relating to the levying of cer.
Min rates in the Township of Blanshard be
now road. Read short, passed and signed
by Reeve and Clerk and sealed with Corpo-
ration seal.
The following accounts were passed :
Balietie, charity, 57 ; A. Burns; gravel
and damaged, $21 55 ; 8 Nolan, gravel,
$4,10 A Allen, gravelling, Stratford road,
$100 ; It Beatty, grant to B A S520; P
Wholihan; registering deeds, $2.86 ; 3 Bar-
nett, (advert and ditch 31 it 513; 3 Pearn,
rep bridge aad gravel, 526.08; D Creighton
Top culvert centre side road. 51 ; P Pearn,
culvert town line B 13, 55 ; J Brigg, clear- ,
ing culvert 1133 525 ; G.Branlen, rep bag.
town line, 11 B 51.75; W Wood, gravel,
51.90 ; W Gowan., gravel and Culvert, 514.-
54; W K McLeod, printing acct., $20 ; A
Leslie. gravelling s: sideroad, $12.24 ; sio
sideroad gravel school, $8 ; J Leslie, rep
bridge 11 R 51; F Standeven, rep ard in-
specting bridges, 500.50 ; do tile and cul-
vert 11 R $67g; Blanshard lus Co, ins on
'hall, 51.76 ; South Perth Agr. Soc. grant,
$20. .
A report was rend from Mr. Standeven
on the condition of the bridges throughout
the township. Ho reported them most in
good' repair.
On motion countil adjourned.
Mr and airs...J., 'Ruby were guests of
Mr. John Reit last Sinday. • •
Mr. Cbas. Huila) is now able to be
around, brit still feels weak.
Mr. and Mee. Noreworthy were guests
of Mr. -Simons, our respected merchant, on
Sun lidt, .a
ylenry Staubus and his father were
guests of Mr.atabelker, of this Tillage, last
The deer season will soon commence,
and our local sports are getting prepared
for the chase.
Farmers ana citizens aro busily engaged
malting apple.sause. Boys ! prepare for
a toboggan slide this winter.
Our flna mill will soon start again. The
proprietors succeeded. in getting most of
their flax housed before the heavy mine
Fred Wertz, our respected shoe-
maker, has secured the services. of Mr.
Aden: Sishactor, of Germania, a Suburb of
this town. Cause—increase of business.
Messrs. Willert and Kellerman, sheep -
drovers, of thie place, have returned. from
Buffalo, and report having had both a pro-
fitable and pleasant trip.
Several of our citizens aro repairiug-
their hausee and preparing for old blasts
Of winter- Amongst the number NVO no-
tice Mrs. Fried, Mr. Pope and a number of
atl'i.John Smith, who lives east of this
place, was pleasingly' surprised the other
day by his wife presentine 11101 with a
bouncing yornag daughter. '''We ere glad to
be able to any that John's 'own health is
iinSDortarivienogi the boys think it advisable , to
hay) es lamp placed near the church door,
as the nights are Dosv very dark. They ,
wish to be sni.e; as they do not want to be
in the same predicament as a young man
in a neighboring village was.
On Friday night bat, Oliver, the young -
oat son of 'Mr. ana XL'S David Grigg, dial,
aged two months and twenty -mix days.
Roy. Mr. Ortwein pretiched the inueral
sermon Sondny morning. The parents
have the s,ympittliy of ell.
Balers—Last wool; is large hear was seen
in this neighborhood. Mr. D. laves -good,
of the Goshen Dino. 3 miles south of Imre,
was within 5 rods of it, but having no fire-
arms aliont him, was unable to have a
crack at it. Onr svelte did not get the
netve 1521 timo or there would have boon 11
general stampede. Tho bear appeared to
be abotit 400 pounds in woight. A num-
ber or our citizone,attemied the S 01 TJ fair
et Bxotor last Tneelay, and also Bayfield
show Turescley,. Olt h a 'Paths r was in
town this wok,". ,--I1 rtnnor 18 001TOCt
OM Will bo n never to lei forgotten event
next Monday. Anybody got any olcl
to lend 2—La51iee, look mit for the milli-
nery opening tit D. Steinbach's, to-tlay,
Thursday. All the styles and shapes mut
flowers will be disPleyea. -- Alegre Doan,
V 5, Sipple mid Bakor, of Blake, had a
good day's rabbit imeting last week.
ViTtsea--Bnooxs--In Exeter, on tho 101512
et the residence of the bride'e, Par-
ents, by pen. NV, Menlo, Gm,
al Mi[chell, to Mise-Elleta Brooks, of rtii,