HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-4, Page 8TNS URARtix
yat� 1..:I a Nfi POU
F�.,ul i�.Sa1,,�U 1 , �,(:r, .
�.A'• reele,:1',F'as',l'lillt3,1"ASS 1JFi1N'C1}'i. 001 .
1N '. of Toronto ;•: else tor' ilio I'3flla riK
It 1.1 1N,StlltitiNUE (.04f1.1NY, of ,4toncloa3
I.gglarttd,the FuyAlt tiANAlil4N of Aeon -
trove, ar d the t3,ti1f.,1811. L'1,104 AS
tiLll ilii'{ 4 COUP NY, of Gondola, Nnentinl,
established 1,847. 4.ssehs ever ;5;Q0O,000;
claims and bonuses paid, over $10,000,000,
li0t ..2 N'OW'.,-We ball be1iapp / tore-
,teleto 0t all antes ,fraar6' any part of the
Conus.1, ems ofteems local news, suilh acs ac-
eicieal:,or any -i tere$aag incident wlaat-
ever,.from any of our suUsi 'fibers or read-
ers gera<rr•atl'+yfor the purpose of public
A large "Dater.
Air. 1?. W. Collins, the genial assistant
postmaster, shelved us a potato the other
day,,whieh wei lied 1l.b.'9 ounces, It is :
of the early -tore ,.variety and was dug'
fievnr11111 in his garden. The stalk from
rhe'vegetable measured over fiye feet.
We have seen larger potatoes but none se
clean au free from tubercles.
iVillage Connell,
The council met persuaut to adjourn.
meat at the Town Hall, Exeter, 25th Sept.
1885. All the members present except
Mr. McCallum.' The minutes of the pre-
vious meetingwere read and confirmed.
Movedby T. B. Carling seconded by 3.
Pickard that orders be granted for the
following sunis vizi-Stanlake Broe. $7.39
for cedar, A. Cottle 510. for Ladders, D.
Taylor $2,00 Labor, and Jas. Creech 52.25
Charity to Johnny Clarke, and 52.00 do
to Mrs. Clack. Carried. An account
for Piremens' Hats was laid over
until next meeting. The-Collectors'Bond
for 1885 was accepted as satisfactory on
- motion of J ; Pickard seconded by W. G.
Bissett. Moved by J. Pickard seconded
by W. G, Bissett that lir. Creech be
authorized to erect a suitable Oil House.
Carried. Moved by W. G. Bissett secon-
ded by T. 13. Carling that this -council
adjourn until call of the Reeve. Carried,
Death of 1VIr. i'.ineornbe.
On Friday last our of the older resi-
dents of this vicinity, in the person of Mr.
Richard Pincoinbe, of Exeter, died., at the
age of 60 years. For many years Mr.
Pincombe followed successfully the avo-
cation of farmer, in the township of Us -
borne. Falling a victim to : rheumatism,
the affection preying heavily upon him,
he came to Exeterthat he might get rest.
Years passed, and he recuperated, and
during the last few seasons he had sufflo-
ieutly regained his old-time' vigour as to
again engage in daily work ; and last Jau•
nary was appointed Road Commissioner
for Exeter, which position he creditably
filled until a few, weeks ago, when he' was
taken down with an attack of sickness,
which culminated in typhoid fever,: he
dying as above. The utmost sympathy
goes out for hisfamily.He was genet
ally respected, and by demise • another
worthy .citizen leaves as.
'That Open Dram.
The open dr<an that passes westward
through the lower part of the town, ought
to be attended to"at,once by the authori-
ities. It is not only an `unsightly specta-
ciefor citizens and strangers, and a nuis-
ance to residents bordering it, but it is a
breeder of disease. For years the Coun-
cil's attention has been directed to this
open drain, and many times have tbeysig-'
nifted their intention of repairing it ; but
like the negro in dividing the watermelon,
they hesitate : much. It has been
suggested, and wisely too, that the drain
be carefully cleaned out, and then closely
boarded from east to west of the corpora-
tion with the most durable timber, and at
periods, as the occasion requires, have it
flushed with sheath from one of the fire
engines. This could be clone at less cost
than covering the ,.drain, and while it
would be the healthiest method, the drain
would be decidedly more ti.esentable than
it is at the present time. The health of
the citizens demands that something be
done with this drain ere another season
A. new side walk is 'beingplaced
front of Central 1Ccitei,
One of Mr. 3 ohn Gillispie'a'bus horses
died the other day of inflammation,
Ladies You call cavo 50 per cent,
on tiny kid shoes at the Big Bankrupt,
Store, Exeter. Open Saturday next.
Owing to the decal of Mr. Pincombe,
Mr. E. lt,.'Bissett . has been appointed
commissioner, pro .tem.
Detective Gill was en cred, last week
assisting the London force in keeping a
look -out for crooks and. Pick -pockets.
Mr. R. Muir is adding several im-
proved knitting machines to Iris well
equipped woollen factory. ,
Remember thllt J. A. Stewart opens
'his Big Bankrupt Store in. Exeter on
Saturday next.
Wedding invitations, mens ot'iatn'
cards and funeral notices, printed with
neatness,, cheapness and despatch at
TFtsxEs oflaee. ' '
The weather during the fair, and for
one week previous, was very inclement,
and aeyved as a great drawback to the
success of the exhibition.'
The cheapest goods.- ever shown• in
I ,
Exeter is at the .Di Bankrupt ' tore
g 1 Store,
Ranton's old -stand. Open Saturday,
The citizens awoke Wednesday
ing to find the earth covered with snow
to the depth of two inches.. Itwas rath-
er a curiosity for ' this season ' of ' the
The receipts at the gate of the. Exhi-
bition. grounds on Tuesday amounted to
slightly over $400, a considerable fall-
ing off from previous years. The wet
weather did it.
" Fair` day we added no ` less than 28
new subscribers to otir list, which is four
to one larger than that of any paper in
Exeter, and -second largest in Huron
Irs. (Rev) 7, B. Gundy,of Essex Cen-
tre, formerly of Exeter, is visiting among
old acquaintances. ,;Mitchell exchange
says 1 -"Mrs. R. H. Verity, of Exeter, is.
in town visiting -her father, mother, sister
and brother, nneles and .aunts, and her
• 2,327: friends, that being the total popula-
tion of this community, are pleased to
Bee her.- htr. G.. 13 -Hoskin of Strathroy
formerly of 1'iclsarrl's stove and tinware
der't. is visiting associates in Exeter,-
Mr. Geo. Ramon left on Monday for
Toronto; where he .hat secured a sitrtation.
Mr. R. has been it resident of Exeter for
inafiy years, one of the filum of Banton
l3ros:y and was universally` respected, his
conduct ever being of the .highest order
' 'i'iis disposition .reserved and unassuming;
Ile carries with .him the well -wishes of
all,=Me. and kir. ,Tallies Frayne of
Brooke t'p, Go. Lambton, were ;visiting
"friends in town last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Cobtirrt of Ethel; have'been visiting friends
in Exeter for some days. -Miss Mamie
Porte of Teacart was the goeet of Mrs. • John
Farmer during the forepart of the week.---
.,r11r and', Mrs.' Alex Colquhoun have
arriyed home from their North west trip.
They like thelcountry splendidly but will
not migrate for some time, if at all,-
Many were :the .'visitors to the fair on.
Monday and Tuesday. All spoke
ably of the exhibits that theywere ex-
ee1nt and healel:tltc',list
for `variety.''--
Hon. Thos. Grammy, Premier -of Alani-
tobe, spent a callple of days ie town din'.
ing the week,; a guest of Dr. Rollins. Mr
txreonWay Wears a happy look, notivith-
standing that the labors of Premier, es-
peciailythose incident upon the IL` R,
1'.11. bear heavily on him. He' is' finite
assured of the success of the recent rail-
way project, •.- Mr. R.'Seidon, of Ingersoll,
larinerly of Samsvell zi; Piekard's Exeter,
spoilt three -days of this week in town,
visiting his many frioncls. 111t'. Seldon .is,
at present. engaged, in farming 200 . acres,
carrying on extensively the agricult-oral
and dairying-branelics.. The reeafilife he
likes very wall and it apparently agrees
with him, }its Visit to the S. 3, of the
Moen street Medi, cherub of which he
,vas separizrtendent 'for several years',
pleased' the scholars all, of whom gave ex-
pression by the 'glowing countenances. -
�telc s of U's orue has returned
Vl t r
'4 n
, ,
froitl his trip to 1fhnitobal -Jas, Creech.
has gone to Brantford, where he has se-
tured is situation, -Mr.. Danl. Dyer, of
lunch, assisted as Sceretary at the fair
here 'Tnesday ; honer this week's bulict
front Zurich being so e'lryali,.-X61tn 3. A.,
Stewort and clerky,of Toronto, have ar.
rival And *ill,°pep ,L very Parse stock
in t3 itetett's bloek, Saturday.
6 papers of pins for 10 e, ; good grey
cotton for 31, c. ; good all wool grey
flannel for 16o, 5 -buttoned black kid
gloves for 49 o., at the Big Bankrupt
Store, Exeter. Open Saturday next.
While driving up Main•st. the other
evening, Mr. Louis Wolper and wife,
were ahrown from the buggy, by the
horse making a sudden start and run-
ning away. Neitherof the occupants
was injured.
One tlity last week, in the space of
twenty minutes; the people of this lo-
cality experienced, rain, snow, hail and.
a spell of sunshine. For varietyweath-
er Friday -last capped the climax.
Sportsmen are rentiuded that the
Game Law prohibits the killing of quail
before the 15th of October, not the 1st
as in tile. past. The sporting fraternity
would do well to keepkeepdate in their
Whileitching horse shoes on Mon-
day,Bert Spicer, ' a young soh: of Mr.
y e
D. Spicer, sustained a serious cut in the
back of his head, by one , of the shoes
alighting on Mild. .A. few stitches from
a surgeon's needle. were necessary to
draw the scalp together.
Mr. John Hawkshaw, last week, sold
his roan trotting horse, "Tont Burke"
to Mr. John Beacom; of Goderich, for
a sum in the vicinity of $1,000. "Tom
Burke" is a colt, and has thus far, been
successful in winning money, both in
allow' an trotting classes.
Tho new Methodist church at Cen-
tralia is about completed, and will be
opened on Sunday and. Monday, Oct.,
14th and 15th, by divine services on the
former and a grand tea on the latter
date. See bills. Particulars next
week. -
Twenty years ago a Goderich roan
failed, indebted to a Mr. Dillon, a
Kingston wholesale shoe merchant, in a
large sum. Thursday, Mr. Dillon was
handed a cheque for $1100 of the amount
which bad been willed to him by the
bankrupt, who, in later years had pros-
When New Hamburg had two bakers
the price of bread was ten cent's a'" loaf,
it. third man carne in and now it is
cents. We have oftenheard it. said
that competition is the life of trade, and
the baking business in New Hamburg is
a remarkable exemplification of. it.
lfujru•e, \
On •:AYe day, ; u'1Lile ht London, e
most appalling 4Qeldent OCCUL1e,lto Aliss.
Annie:Towers, daughter' of MG Reit..
Towers of . 1-libliert. She, in, company
pith friends, wasitttendiu5 the \Yestero"
fair, . endabout`e O'c1oc1*'while in the.
Machinery hall, - sho sat doll It to eat het
lunch,1Tnfortenately Miss Towers did
not observe how•olose she was to the
moving machinery, and ;before she coelrl
realize her ;danger her dress became eu-
tengled in tate shafting., sand she vl'es rap-
idly whirled around a number of times'
before she could be released from her ter -
tilde situation. When extricated by a
number of men ,near by, the lady was
er=tirely denuded of clothing with the ex-
ception of her shoes and: stockings, her
inlu}•iesbeing serious. She is. now : at
The windows'of the dry -goods depart -
Merit of
epartMerit,ofl Mr. Jas.-„Pickard's, on '''Sttur
day evg., were very attractive, They
were tastefully, dressed, and to lend
splendour to the;occasiene Mr. Pickard
had two ,electric lamps, erected •in front
of his premises., Much credit is due
Mr, E. Spackman, the energetic mana-
ger, for the taste displayed on this'. and
other occasions,
We have on hand'about 300 copies of
"Kendall's Treatise'of the horse and his
diseases,” one of which we intend giv-
ing to every person who will call at the
Titcres offrdeor send a twe-cent stamp
for postage. This book has nearly 100
pages:, and is indispensible as •'a home
veterinary. Every person who olvn 'a
horse ought to have one. • It :costs you
nbthiug"more than tivo'cents pr a little
exertion. ' . • `
Nogi;les sad.131oomer, the lat&leesses
of the Grigg House byarber, shop, left
London early Monday morning, to the
regret of numerous creditors. One well-'
is et in for a
rc ant tailor l
In h,
l; sown e
sum, while nearly all the people
they did business ',with are more or less
victimized, including the washerwoman.
Noggles, same time ago, resided in Ex-
eter, bub previous bo his going to Lon-
don, lived in St. Marys.
The Boil Ringers,
The Swiss Pell Rhigers'and comic con-
cert Company gave two of their popular
entertainments in Exeter, on Mend* .and
Tuesday, under the auspices of the t'Sons
of Eeglao1L ., Owing to the batt . state of
the weather • the attendance first evening
spas slim, but iiuesday.evg. the company
was greeted with a very large audiersee,;
the receipts on second occasion atnountip
to upwards of i$I45. '.Cllr 13011; `Pingere
Progranitne was varied and attractive and
had many novel features, the inesieal
part of it beim;
articuhsrly good,
modore Foot avl57S Cr attracted agriSr. Cr-
able attention, especiallycapecially in their da
performances which were good. On the
whole the euterteinndent wes a good one,
and the company justly ge i the credit of
being very :popular. The - "Sons of ling,
intra' arc,to hecomplime heel 'upon their
success, and in giyitig the, Exeter pttbli.o
so grand an entertainment for, the small
admission fee of 25c,
-.�.. n.....
Mr. John,l olleneet Feignliar, is digging
wells for Mr. 3, Earle, '
Mr. James Earle has one of the,larcest.
cabbage in this neighborhood:
Mr. T. Smale has had coesiderable well -
digging to
ell-digging-to do, and has had some ;ruarrow
Rev iV, Penhall burial a little, girl two
years old; daughter of 111r, George Ker-
slake, on Sunday last,
Rev. ` Penhall, wife and family have.
been visiting relatives in 'London during
fair week. ' •
Mr. G. W. Holman attended the Teach-
ers'. Institute on Thursday and Friday
last. The scholars were pleased as they
enjoyed two holidays.
After spending two pleasant weeks in
the village, Mr. E. Stone,; of Poplar Grove
returned home last week, taking with him
Mrs. and Miss Bennett. -
FRIDAY, Oct. 12th. -Farm, farm stock,.Im-
pleudeets eke., the property of Robb. . and
Wm. Gardiner, Farquhar, Sale et one
o'clock. A Bishop, Aue.
Tsunaner, Oct. 7ltb.-Farm,°farm stock,
implements &c.; the propeity ;of James
King, lot 13, N, B. McGillivray. gale
at one o'clock. H.Haber, Awe
TxIInsDAY. OcT 4'ru.-farm Stock and.
implements &e. the property of Thos..
Cook, Winchelsea. Sale et one o'clock
I3 Brown, Anet
TlzczesnAY. Oct. iltb.-Thoroughbred Cat -
tie and High Grodee. On Lot 32 South
Thames Roue Fellation. Sale itt tine o' -
obese. W. It Gill Pioprietor.
ADV1OP. To dun rams. -Are ou disturbed at
night and broken otvoile Test by it sick child
suffering and. crying with pain: 01 cutting'
Teeth? If so sond at once and get a bottle
of "Alis. Wins low's Soothing Syr'up', for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It willreheve the poor little sufferer iu1
mediately l.,ependupon it, mothers; there'
is no mistake altotit it. It cures Pyseutery
and Diarrbcea, regulates the Stomach aril
Bowels, cures Wind Colla, sottens'the 'Gums.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to thewhole system.'Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest- and best' female
physicians and nurses in tiro United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price . twenty-five.
Dents a bottle. Be sure and ask "for "Dins.
WIN3Lotv's ennrlslsG s-'ntra.'•tnd take no
other ]rind.
. �r.T
Ila H;nmaSSaa's Favorite 1enst (Onkel+.
10 years in L9ee market withoinia 0001..
plaint of any kind. mind wily 7ieaet
which lass atooal she test 01'Elmo nacl
never made moaar, unwholesome bread.
Grocers mollies
abrDM la
t' 111 Rebell,
Maneritly reel. e.
If you want a servant ;• if you 'want
to sell village or farm property, you
will Yet a quick response by placing an
ad, in
this colunuit '
.Advertise all your astray animals
the Trails. ` The law compels that they
shallbe-advertised, under a heavy penal
ty. ,
For the sued of 5 as, aPr line each in -
sertioii ad‘ ertscutelits of wants, artlQle s
ill be inserted in .this
for sale,t�c,1 pdo
column. Give it a trial.
Cheap excursions b the CanadianPG-
ra cy
eifio Railway to the Canadian, I orth-
west a lc1 return. Goocl to. return till
21st of November from Exeter fur $28.;'.
Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent.
5s. LEON \ .V.CE .-The Great Health.
restorer. If your system is out of order
,drink St, Leon and be happy, eeGo to the
s oatstnen's , depot at Geo. Sa iclers' and
see his celebrated powder, the Wild
Rover and People's Favorite ; they are
the latest, A full supply of ' sporting
goods. An inspection will O011viuce.
Lsrs Undersigned would announce to
th, public that he has now on hand one of
the best assorted stocks of harness, boots
o d nail
and shads, &c. in town,, al -1 w ul
special attention to his Scotch Collars,
Children's Carriages & Express Waggons,
as they are the best in the market, , and at
prices et snit•the tines. Boot & shoo re-
pairing _promptly attended' to. Call and
be convinced. C. . EACBETT, Exeter.
ort.ly, . to per.
STRAY. ---Strayed front the
Unde"si ne d.L
Usborne, on
or ah'ont the First ofSotitentbcr,last,'twoewes :
ono black and the -.other. white. Tho lambs
part Southdown. Any person giving informa-
tion that will.lead to their recovery • wi11 be
suitably reiva'rded.
W. J. CAVE, Crntraliap' 0.1
aTSCA'xSor upp_
'Prepares younginen and woalen. to sort tliomsdvesand
caumutnto ,Vealth, Sand for' fnotp: to- DETRIIT .BUCl1•+lIt
treiveester, Detroit, Elicit. "T1.1, ,r; College of Business
>choot of Shorthand, School of 1'on,ltanihip; and English Tram
ng 5c11o01, Elegant QatalOguo freete appUednts..
ale of Tboroughabred Cattle and
-'II'i h0rades.-lherewill"besoldb ppu�b-
lic. auctioe on Lot 32. South 'Tbames•Read, Fill-
larton,.(R'usseldaio P.. 0., 'Mitchell Railway
$tationl on Thursday, Octeberleth, thefollow-
nig Valuable Num Stock, viz:- 6 Shorthorn
bull calves and yptr olds,. registered .in the
new Dominion hera book ;;7 cows and heifers.
bred and registered the same; also a. 'number
of high grade cattle. Salo at ere) 'o'clock, P.
M., sharp. ',L"Eli,MS-Oath q or14months' cred-
it willhc giyen .bepaying 6 Der cent. •interest
and furnishing approved notes.
Auet. Prop.
Sault Ste Marie Canal
rr Ile `ivOrl.s fol the constructionof
L'•`t cs canal, abovo'itiontioned, advertised
to be lot'on the 23rd of ()etcher ,next, aro :un-
avoidably.,post toned to tho following dates::
Tender's will be ;reoelv,ed until _
.Wednesday, Nov.; tkie 7th, next
Plans andspecifcations vv'iti be ready for,
examination at tins oil cc had at'Sault Ste.
Marie on and' after
Wednesday, October 24th, next,
13y Order,
Department of Railways 4,- Canals;
Ottawa, 27th Soptombei', 1886.
fte,ai ririr Fags
This powt3ernevervaries. Amarvel ofpur-
ity.strength and wholesomeness. More eeon-
omtcalthantho ordinary kinds and :cannot
be soldin oompetitionwith the multitudes of
low test, snort weight, alum orpbosphate
powders. Sold only in cal:s.-ROYAL BAK-
INQ-1'OWDElI 00..100 Wallstreet N.Y
Card $,::° !-hanks.
Co 1v1ri:It+ Isfuovzra, District Agent of Confed-
eration Life,, Asseciaden ;
fI 'hereby bxot vl.to you lay sincere thanks
orthe prompt anti sfaetorynRan er
which you have settled the ilairns of 'pc lidos
Nos. 4020 and l 577 in your Obmpany,sard.not-
idles being on ;the life of my sister, the fate.
MTS. ilitnnsk,5b rte, if Centralia. x feel, per-
sonally. ar on be talf of the heirs.:of hor es-
tate, that v alio tl isftttetully acknowledge
.tie) vory
t you have taken
and d
the 0 t itin wier the Combnily
has risCondcl mg the c1ams in full with-
rl-in less than ale ght of the time the appli-
cation therefor' ; • resented I cert and
therefore', tee,„ ,otn�the<l mpany,tendyour-
uio f persona , yy s alt ayao' .`to all wlro wish
.life insurance whore Y»<to1 ssettlembnt of
claims can bo cagily obtained„
,0110.11. 1'110i1'11'SM ,'
Administrator lfstateof Leto Ilene th Short-
C ontralle, Seat- 28 '88.
Furniture' Undertaking
W aA
Irn returning thanks to our numerous
customers' 'for past favors it affords us
great pleasure in stating that we have got
nicely settled in our new and commodious
premises, and are prepared, (if quality
and selection of stock, and honest dealing,
will do it) to supply the wants of the
people of this district, in the furniture
and undertaking line, -s th goods
The finest stock in Huron county to oboose
from. For proof positive as to the
extant of our stock ;and; be
low prices at: which we
Mrtepublish no clap trap nonsense, but
produce facts, which can be'yerified- in'a
practical way
Our Etook of undertaking goods is 'very
complete, embracing' funerai! furnishings
frain the highest, the lowest grades, and
at prices far below any in town
An inspection of oin gods is respectfully
p g Y
I.... EE
• S. G D
(Successor to,C-; & S. Gilley) .
July 86. •
arawoll k Pickard
eter:umOr Yara
, s
Tho 'ein gene a1 t1laL. vi ,, t
L7n(lerslanecl wishes to inform theptibll b 1 1
tantl 111 Stook-
1e11 StarFlooring, Siding,, r1rvssed-•11C1inch-all-a-quarter? i ] h-1
half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material
Lath, ct�,c,
t challenged. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. -Competition cl bed. The best and the
largest stock, ,aucl at lowest prices. Shingles A. 1,
l seasoned. and ready for use, No sli ul a e
dressed lumber thQl,ough y se, sQ y a
assured. „, A -call will bear out the above-
r Jas.Willis,ain-st.
$10 Reward, Tor
the Conviction
Eureka, Cylinder, Bolt- MVIoColl Bros. & Co.,
tri Wool Oils. For' sale by all leadingdealers.
Cu ng �(I
MIS SZTT BROS ., Sole Agents, Exeter.
Iltive just; reeeivocl direct/rem England
a floe assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack
aucl U1 for also, a Fine As-.
els, Dolmans, s s,.
sor�tmcnt of Soalettes,, Itnitatioti Leinb and
F 1`+]S 011 DRESS
Ulster Cloths. 17L� TINES
At Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the'
Exhibition. It hes been awarded NINE GOLD. MEDALS during the' last three years
l 'See that you get .Peeerrlless. It only made by : pryq �+�p
.m�`d!� CM Gi co., TO'wh. �d TO
Tan --
CCheap Store, Crediton
For the next 60 days at cost, consisting
Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw
Bats (about 400 to select from.)
Having secured shop lieense:to sell all
kinds of
I have decided to clean out some of the
above lines at or below cost for' cash
and ready pay, to make room for
a large"stock of
Don't forget as it' is no humbug. •A11
:accounts dee ird October, 1858.
S.:5a!ab,IT iLT, o,
'Cheap Store Ci
Public t Lare.
•o ��1�►Cl�JI �
Ism offering my. summer goods at COST
"PRICE, to- make room for.
V r P . I
n 11 sf.elL1,.
lr X GLOVES, z�.
�Iv abs R G
1�lkir-• b07S
� all � Pureliases
—AS r�sravn nECElVED A PA=T OP—
fir' ll St
Please call and extimine before going
elsewhere. `
Organs for Sale at
Cost Price.
House & Lot
FOR SALE -Opposite Town Hall
A'. enfsWanted immediately
R. L. HERRICK, & Co., - Nurserymen,
G. �o ll1MAJ.
Call on G. A. H. for Groceries
Dashwood flour
" Petty Hams and
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
c[ - ac
For i
rely Finished Photos `of all sizes,
from small album•sise to 11x14
from life, try ,
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
graph Frames. Sizes : Sx10,
J1x14 and 14x17.
It will be to the advantage of those
having pictures to frame to examine his
stock ,of Picture Moulding.
Get prices before purchasing' elsewhere.
Don't fail to examine his exhibit nt the
Exeter Fall Show, on Monclay
& Tuesday, Oct. 1 & 2.
cxallery Opposite Post -Office.
S1YzlY1e1 Silks, ,Dl
ess Gaols nuslils, Pr is, C'1n
dT1S Las Ribbc4s, H1s1o1y; Globes, Undexwear, :
"r T1lirilnin s,'eto
COl'Sc�tS; �`9iSa,"SOi%i M1�111 e �', � r -
At •Greatly Reduced Prices;
rand bargains ia Even Dopartitent,,
u%T St ok t0001)1616.rte as
•� t to a cheap goods,as the subse b L
li.�`Ladres, do not miss this Opportunity buy p ,
olid of the finest stodke in the town to ehooise fram A gall will repay you.