HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-07-25, Page 4Page 4 Winghataa Advance -Times, Thursday. July 25. 1968
features d from
The World of Women
Couple wed on lawn at Coupland home
The lawn at the home Of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Coupland, R. R.
1 Wroxeter, was the scene of a
pretty wedding on Saturday
sftnoon when their daughter,
Carol Annie, became, the bride
of Glenn. William Pyke, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pyke of
Rev. W. Hird. officiated.
Mss-. Carl Douglas was the pi-
anist and accompanied ,Miss La-
vonne Ballagh who sang. "0
,Perfect. Love" ands `"I'll Walk •
Beside You" .
The bride was given m mar-
. nage b? her father: She °wore a
white organza over taffeta gown
styled on empire lines with a
row of guipure lace separating
the bodice from the full-length
skirt. The bishop sleeves were
edged with lace as was the full-
length train. attached at the
shoulders. Her headpiece wad- a
single rose centred in daisies
and a four -tiered veil of illusion
net. Her flowers were red roses
on a white Bible.
Miss Louise McComb of R. R.
1 Clifford, the maid of honer,
and Miss Jean Adams of R.R. 2
Wroxeter, bridesmaid, wore
identical gowns of turquoise
blue chiffon of princess design
over sheath underskirts. Their
full chiffon overskirts fiaired
from the embroidered lace yoke
collars. Their headpieces were
matching bows with silk petal
veils and ".their flowers were
nosegays of miniature turquoise
mums and white carnations.
The flower girl, Melanie • -
Beyer of R.R. 1 Harriston, wore
a white, gown of peau de soie
'with turquoise velvet bow. She
carried a nosegay of miniature
turquoise mums and white car-
Brian Pyke of R.R. 2 Gorrie
was best man and Stewart Coup -
land of Burford was the usher.
Brian Edgar of Georgetownl was
ring bearer,
The Wroxeter hall was dec-
orated with white and turquoise
streamers and white belie. The
wedding cake which centred the
head table was decorated white
and turquoise and was flanked
by white and turquoise candles.
Guests attended from Sud-
bury, Scarboro, Georgetown,.
Brantford, Burford, Oakville,
Harriston, Gorrie, Clifford,
Whitechurch, Palmerston and
Teeswater. Mrs. William A.
Cathers of Wroxeter, grand-
rand-mother of the bride, and Mrs.
-Victor Stockton of Clifford,
grandmother of the groom, were
The bride's Mother wore a
'yellow flowered.. crepe dress
with white accessories and a
corsage ,of gold and w Ii -i t e.
mums: The groom's mother
wore brown and white chiffon
over silk with brown and white
accessories, and white mum cor-
Mr. and Mrs. PYke left on a
trip to Northern Ontario, the
bride travelling in a two-piece
turquoise lace dress ensemble
with black -and white accessor-
ies. Her corsage was red roses.
Picnic foliov . s
V .
W.I. meeting
The July meeting of the
Women's Institute Was helik
Thursday. in the councilcham-
ber with a large number in at-
tendance. Mrs. Robert Powell,
president, presided. The cor-
respondence and the minutes
were read by the secretary,
Mrs. Charles Shiell.
A bus trip to Godericb will
take place in August.
Following the short meeting
the ladies met in the town park
on Josephine Street fora picnic.
Games and euchre were enjoy-
ed, followed by a tasty lunch.
The hostesses were Mrs.
Robert Powell 'and°Mrs. Alf •
The 'engagement is announc-
ed of Vera Elaine, daughter
of Mrs. Harvey E. Robb cif
Wingham, and the late -Mr.
Robb to Mr. Peter Alexander
Askey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Krueger of London. The
marriage will take place Sat-
urday, August 17, 1968, • in
NiVingham United Church at 4
o'clock. p
-- Miss Mary White, nurse -
in -training at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, Guelph, was a weekend
visitor with her parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred White,
Ruth Louise Michie was married on: .Saturday
Belgrave United Church was
decorated with yellow gladioli
and shasta daisies on Saturday
afternoon for the 'wedding of
Ruth Louise Michie and James
Allen Baker,. 'both of London.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, George Michie of
R.R. 4 Belgrave and the groom
is the son of Mrs. Ward Baker
of Napanee and the late Mr.
Rev..John G. Roberts offici-
ated. Miss Joyce Procter was
the organist and the soloist was
Miss Janie Beecroft. She sang
" Wedding Prayer' -and "0 Per-.
fect Love"
Mi. Michie gave his daugh-
ter in marriage. She wore a •
romantic empire waisted gown
of gossamer silk draped in
classic lines. A narrow band of
French Ivlattelassa lace trimmed
the scoop neckline. The wrist-
length sleeves were made of
alternate rows of narrow and
. wide French Mattelassa lace
and the long detachable train
which fell from the neckline
Was trimmed with three rows of
the same lace. A queen's
crown of crystals and pearls
held her five tiered scalloped
veil of silk illusion. She
carried a cascade of yellow
roses and . i4v.
Miss Helen Anderson of Lon-
don was the maid Lon-
She wore a slender sheath gown
,of green shantique with empire
waist and elbow.length gth sleeves.
Pelgian lace .aoeented 'the
waistline and a two -pet train
fell from the 'shoulders to the
hemline. Her 1e address was a
matching bow.
The bridesmaids, Miss Doi-
na Grasby of Brussels and; Miss'
Marion Gibb of London, and
the .flower girl. Miss, Sheila An •
derson of Belgrave, cousin of
the bride, wore 4t,essei ide� nti-
cal to that o he Maid of. oat
or, They criedcascades of
white shasts mums. •
Carman Phifer of Ottawa
was the best man, , The ushers
were the bride's brother, Lloyd
Michie of R.R.. 4 Brussels and
Peter Ridout of Kitchener.
The tables in the ,church
parlor were decorated with
green' candles and white shasta
,mums floating in water.
Attending the wedding and
reception were guests from
Barrie, Kitchener, Lo n d o n,
Moscow, Napanee, Newboro,
North Bay, Ottawa, Seaforth,
Toronto, Wingham, Yarker and
Summerside, P. E. I.
The bride's mother chose a
pink en ole with white. lace
over t e bodice of the dress
and full-length coat. Her hat
of pink tulle was trimmed with
flowers andother accessories
were white. She wore a cor-
Meal -in -one dor outdoor cookout times
Take a vacation from the •
ordinary in outdoor 'meals' --
and. from fuss and bother, as
well. Enjoy a cookout prepar-
ed the easy way. -- all in a
package, and with no dishes
to wash!
For example, a large ham-
burg patty garnished with pot-
atoes, onions and carrots makes -
a tasty, satisfying meal. Pre-
pared at home, foods are car-
ried cold to the picnic spot in
a portable refrigerator.
Place the hamburg patty in
the middle of a double square
of super strength aluminum foil.
On it, arrange the potato and
onion slices and some slivers,of
carrot. Season with salt, pep-
per and butter, and wrap tight-
ly, ready for the fire. '
To hold steam and juices ,in
the . package, use the "dump -
-- Anita During
r.1 Open For.
Don't let the appearance of the front of our build-
ing fool you: During our renovation period, we
are still open. for business with our usual
good food, fast service and ample park-
ing. We feature • stereo music with
every meal ... all day* .. .
• 'l every day.
Banquet Facilities --= Excellent Food Fine Music
Highway 86
Phone 357-3114
Lad'ies' Sweaters $5.99
Values to $12.95 CLEARING AT
Dresses 20X' OFF REGULAR
SPECIAL RACK reduced to
All -Weather Coats
Ladies' Summer Suits
Wives to $29.95$�Or
All Pantsuits
Consisting of SLIMS
A camping vacation is fun .. and it builds
appetites! Prepare for healthy desires for
Tots of food, but do it the easy way. This
meal -in -one idea in foil satisfies the heart-
hungers, yet keeps on -the -site prepa-
•fation to a minim6m, and makes cleanup
almost negligible.
Married iri livingroom
of new home in Hanover
Dr. anal L.Irs. James Gt lean
were married Friday, July 5th
in the living room of their new
home in Hanover. Paster Al-
brecht of St. Marks' Lutheran
Church, ChOsley, officiated.
The bride is the former Pa-
. tricia Elizabeth Holmes of
Walkerton, a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Holmes of
Bay Ridges. She is a graduate
of Macdonald Institute, Univer-
sity of Guelph and the Ontario
College of Education, Toronto.
The bridegroom is a son'of.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Golem,
formerly of Dobbinton, now re-
siding in Owen Sound. He is a
graduate of the university of
Toronto, faculty of Dentistry,
Mrs. Allan Mill of Wingham
was maid of honor and Dr. D.
T. Sybersma, formerly of
Wingham but now of Stratford,
was best man. Immediately
following the ceremony a buf-
fet dinner was served.
After their honeymoon at
Inverhuron the couple will re-
side in Hanot►er where Dr. Gol-
em is presently practising.
Mrs. Golem will -resume her
teaching position at the Walker-
• ton District Secondary School
in the fall.
Photo by Ducharme
ling.wrap." Draw the four cor-
ners of the foils square together,
folding and crimping the edges
where they meet. Put the pack'
ages in the -refrigerator and take
- along .a loaf of Italianbread,
some apples for -roasting, ban-
anas for '.frying, • and something
hot or cold to drink.
• • Slice the bread, but not all
'the way through, Spread soft
butter between each slice,
addinglittle garlic. if desired.
Wrap the loaf in super strength
foil, folding oyer all edges
securely. Take along a roll of
super strength foil for the fruit,
which ds prepared at the picnic
A wire tray from an old re-
frigeratpr or kitchen range
serves as a cooking surface.
This is placed level on a rim of
° rocks, with. asmall fire under-
When dinner time comes,
merely set the hot dinner pack-
ages .on the grill and put the
bread on the hearth where it
will warm slowly. Put each
apple on a doubled square of
-foil, twisting the edges together
on top. Partly core the apples,
if desired, and fill the holes
with raisins, butter and sugar,
plus a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Peel and slice the bannanas
lengthwise, sealing them in
,ifoil with a little butter,.,cinna-
mort and sugar. Put these on
the grill with the hot dinner
Cooking time is about 40
Minutes over moderate heat, •
so there's time for a swim to
work up appetites. When the
meal is ready, 'simply open
the packages and use the foil
as a plate.
You cannot put the same •
shoe on every foot.
sage of white oarnatiQns,,
The groom's mother WO a
turquoise crepe dress with int
lace panels. She wore a mite °
hat and shoes and 'carried a
Alto purse Ana gloves; .Hier
corsage was pink, .carnations.
LLTte young couple left on a
rotor trip to Peterboroo and
east the travellingride
in a, . lace ensemble bond'b
ed on "green with a V neck of*
green ruffles. Zier hat was a
matching green beret aad she
carried awhite-pp r se and
glo, tear dainty corsage
was of inverted shasta Manns,
W. and Mrs. Salter will live
at 100 Grand Avenue In London,
The bride is "a graduate of
Wei Acadeiny. 1,,oxiono and „
the groom is: a graduate in el.
eetrioal, engineeriing,from the
University of Waterloo«
-'Photo by Richard . Anderson
furniture' needs
from our: 'large
stock at the
- .1.7 f.✓
x ;c ea«c«;, a w,,. .:tea ae .>.•cx da .a !!f ;;AeD.,, r� �," . %w'
ur Inventory Sacrifice
We are still overstocked with first quality
brand-name merchandise that MUST BE
CLEARED. Every article- ii this large
stock will be offered at genuine bargain sale
prices. Take advant ge oi this. sale while
the merchandise is still in stock.
Ladies' & Children's Wear
10 2-0z. PORTIONS
SAUSAGES or WIENERS 6113+�)( $2 ,69
BACON ENDS ,�: 9.15
RK CHOPS 104.B. PACKAGE s]'.90