HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-07-25, Page 2FaSe .4 Winghanra Advance -Times. Thursday. July a). r$C8 Fordwich Personal Notes M. and Mrs, Eli er Miller and family. spent Sunday at zi fa fly picnic in Elmira Park. Mr. and Mrs. Rache Sullivan spent the week -ed at their cottage near Williamsford. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mad- gett returned to Weston on Sun- day after spending two weeks at their home here. Mr. Clayton Brown of Hearst spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown. Mr. and Mrs. jiob Hibberd attended a school reunion held at Dunkeld on Saturday and al- so visited Mrs. William Rib- berd in Walkerton. . Mr. and • Mrs. William Wil- son of Toronto spent several days w_ith Mrse Florence Wilson. The sympathy of the com- munity goes to Mrs. Bert. Win- ston in the passing of her hus- band on Sunday: I - Miss Donna Armstrong 4p is employed -at a Lodge in COI - ling wood for the s u rn m e r months smit a fe w. days last week with Rer .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Armstrong. Mrs. Ruby Forester, -Mrs. Charles Ver Schoor and Mrs. COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE When you're sick, your family suffers! Adequate health insurance for you and your family is a necessity. Help pay your future medical, expenses now, with low. cost premiunis. Inquire! Stewart Macilaughtea were guests Saturday at the weddi of Miss Stephanie Penny to Mr. Dada Darras in the Presbyterian Church, Milton. A reception was held in the evening at the U. A. W, centre in Milton. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mowatt of Milton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Craig were M. and Mrs. Harold Jarrow of Morris - burg, Pa. and Mrs. Alan Castle and Karen of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Janice spent the week -end at Inverhuron. Mrs. Ruttaii and Janice remained for the week, Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCle- ment spent the week -end at Port Elgin. Mrs, Gordon Richards of To- ronto visited a couple of days last week with Mrs. Ruby For- ester. Carl Stewart, Ron McCle- ment, Jim Stewart, Lloyd Nick- el, Glenn Martin, Bill 'McEl- wain, Mac Inglis and Cecil Wilson, were among the Masons who attended the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada, A.F. and A.M. in the 'Province of Ontario, held last week in To- ronto. Mrs. Royer Espensen and Mrs. Russel Ruttan were in Streetsville on Saturday where they attended the funeral of two-year-old Scott Ruthledge. The little boy was killed on Thursday night after he ran in front of A car near his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen and Teddy were Kitchener visi- tors one day last week. Misses Maud and Esther Harding returned to Toronto over the week -end after spend- ing a couple of weeks at•their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Douglas and family left on Sunday for a three weeks' motor trip through 11.* 11.10NRON -all INSURANCE AGENCY 3574636, Complete Insurance Coverage Agent for • Manufacturers Life • Insurance Company 5 John St. W. - Winghare Jim Seli has submitted a picture of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Netter - field Sr., who lived in Lower Wingham in the early days. They reskpled where Walter Simmons lives at the.present time. The picture was taken in 1908. - Wills SHOW You How With SURGE Mil Keith McLaughlin Josephine St., Phone 357-3;172 WINGHAM • FED UP with PAINTING? COVER UP THOSE UNSIGHTLY WALLS WITH Kaiser Aluminum House Siding! LOOK! at this beautiful maintenance - free hom., Installed 1941 still beauti- ful after 20 years, ✓ Ends painting and maintenance ✓ InsulateS, beautifully ✓ Eight permanent colours and three surfaces I/ Free estimates ✓ 20 -year transferable guarantee • Do-it-yotirself — or have your ALUMINUM HOUSE SIDING INSTALLED BY BEAVER 44111 JOSSPHINI ST., WINGHAM 357.2511 Oafs $ to ‘, Moe. to Fel.; $ to It Saturday the western provinces and on to the west coast. bits. Jack Wallace of Liso" wel is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Har" grave. • Mrs. Ross Tomlin and daugh- ter of Fort Erie spent last week with Mrs. Stan Forster, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn, Judy and Karen of Cigna spent a few days last week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Earl Rid- ley. Friends of Mr. Cecil Cooper will be sorry to learn that he is at present confined to Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Janette Lindsay reriirn- ed to Toronto Sunday after visiting the past three 'weeks with her sister, Miss Ruth John- ston, Miss Leslie Campbell of To- ronto visited over the week -end with her grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Roy Simmons and Mrs, Doug Wildfang spent one day , last week in Kitchener...... Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Redman, and Rick of Listowel visited Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart. Miss Doris Obberiaire of Hamilton spent two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rache Sullivan. Mrs. Dave Inglis of Thed- ford visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carswell. John and Bill Cars- well of Kitchener were Week- end visitors of the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cal - man of Prestwick, Scotland, visited. one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. " Mrs. Calman is a sis- ter of Mr. Alex Keith. They are on a six weeks' holiday with 'relatives. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gauthier were Mr. and Mrs. . Martin Gauthier and family.of Knowlton, Quebec and Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Murphy and family of Hathilton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern,' Mr. and Mrs. Carl„Stewart, Greg and .Doug spent Sunday at Goderich. ,'Doug remained and wilt spend this weekcat the . United Church Camp there. . Demonstrations at W.I. holiday tea FORDWICH- -The Women's Institute held a very successful holiday tea in the community hall last week, convened by. Mrs. Harold Mfg and Mrs. An- son Demerling. • The hall was decorated with baskets of delphinium and ma- donna lilies. The tea tables were centred with rote bowls with a single rose. The ,,tea was served buffet style and was con- vened by Mrs. Harold Doig, Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. Stan Bride. *Table assistants . were Miss Elva Foster, Mrs. Clare Harp's, Mrs. George Ash- ton, • Mrs. John Wingel. _ There was a table of home made baking for sale. Miss Minnie McElwain and Mrs. Sam Johnston were in charge. During the afternoon three demonstrations .were in progress. Miss Marian Harding, hairdress- er from Clifford, demonstrated hair styles and her models were her grandmother, Mrs. N. Hard- ing,her mother, Mrs..E. Hard- ing. Mrs. Mel Penny and Mrs. Graham Murray of Palmerston demonstrated large exotic flowers made of crepe paper and Mrs. Harold Keil of Gorrie dem- onstrated the making of purses and hand bags knitted of raffia twine. There were three draws. The one conducted by MIs Harding was won by Mrs. H. Doig, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs, Graham Murray. A balloon draw conducted by Mrs. Anson Demerling with the prize dona- ted by Mrs. Elsie Demerling was won by Mrs. Mel Penny. The. Wingham Acivance-Tinuis Published at Wingham,,Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited Authorized a$ second class mail by the Post office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash SOME OF THE local youngsters had fun watching Ken Flood of Owen Sound, shoe ponies for Percy Clark last week. Ken went into the business when he could not af- ford to keep his -own ponies -shod. He is in demand in places as far away as Toronto and Sarnia. With.the num- ber of ponies in this area increasing perhaps the black- s.mitli will not be a forgotten tradesman after all. -:—Ad- vance -Times Photo. C.O.C. present program at W.M.S. meeting WHITECHURCH- - Last Wed- nesday afternobn.the W. M.S. and C.O.C. met in Chalmers Church Sunday School room. The W.M.S. president, Mr s. Wallace Conn, presided and welcomed the members and. C, O.C. Mrs. Conn led in prayer. The secretary, Mo. 'Rirssel read the minutes and the roll call was answered by naming a child of the -91%14' 4iihiZ11-4W Members answered The roll calFp. Mrs.' Conn then asked the C. 0.C. leaders , Mrs. jlugh • Simpson and Mrs. Archie Pur - don to preside for the C.O.C. program. Mrs. Simpson gave the call to worship, Bobbie Ross read the Scripture and Mrs. Purdon. led in prayer. The roll call Was answered by twelve chil- dren naming a summer flower. David Ross received the offering and prayer 'was given by Lori. Purdon. • . Jean Simpson,gave a reading, "How". The C.O.C. then sang "This Little World of Mine" and Mrs. Purdon gave a. read- ing. Pictures of Canada and the United States were showen by Murray Simpson with Darlene Simpson giving the commen- tary. Ruth Elliott, -Jane Laid- law and Darlene Simpson sang "Jesus, I Come". . Mrs. Johnston Conn read the story, " The Coat of M a ny Colours". Cathy Purdon gave a reading, " Advertising Pays" and Barry Elliott read "The Year,is Like a -Rhyme". The last half of the pictures was shown and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Simpson conducted a sword drill. A balloon relay race was enjoyed and lunch was served. WHITECHURCH Mrs, Victor Emerson visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs6 Charles Tiffin of Wing - ham. Mrs. James 1McInnti.return- ed home on Frjklay after visiting for a few weeks with relatives at Teeswater and Gorrie. • Mrs. Ezra Scholtz accompa- nied Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, Karen, Leasa and Kenton tp Upper. Charlo, N.B. to visit with Mrs. Clayton Scholtz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J oh n ‘; Levesque. It was the occasion of their 45th wedding anniver- • , sag which they celebrated July 6. 1• • f 13611Tofe:'Petsonal. Mrs, Eldon Renwick has, been allowed home after spending sme time in hospital. We hive that her condition contin- ues to improve. We hear reports of an excel- lent ball game being played in Belmore park one evening last week.' Seems a group of 10031 girls got together for sorne fun and provided some great enter- tainment for spectators. Keep at it, gals. One of these days you'll be able to challenge the Yahkees ! Mrs. Carl Douglas has re- turned home after spending two weeks at Toronto , u m e r • School studying the Zoltan. Kodaly Hungarian vcical method for elementary and secondary schools. • ' Mr. Dwight Metcalfe is suf- fering a bit of discomfort fol- lowing a mishap on Fr id ay evening. When changing a tire, the jack slipped and Dwight's hand was severely cut. The wound was closed with stitnhes but no doubt it is still q u 1 t e painful. We're glad it was no more serious. - Mr. Elwood Fitch, Mr. Ross Fitch,, Miss Sharon Fitch and Arthur Fitch spent the week -end at Orillia, soaking up the sun. Mr. Mas Omoto of Cooks- ville spent the week -end with the William,Mulvey family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Met- calfe, Mr. .and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Mrs. Carl Douglas and M iss Lavonne Ballagh were among those from the area attending the Saturday wedding of Carol Coupiand and Glenn Pyke, at Wroxeter. • Children of the area•are at- tending .Vacation BibleSchool‘ this week. More details on this, in next edition. • Mr. Jack Sangster of Wing - ham passed away last week -end.. His funeral was held on Monday of this week with burial in Mc- Intosh Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to MO. Alex Sangster and the Ivan Mawhinney fam- ily o_n Mr. Sangster's death. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Brussels visited on Saturday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and also called on Mr. .and Mrs. Elmer Zinn. ilMr. and Mrs. Albert Nutkins lifludsor spent a few days' recettiy wt! i Mr. and M. Pat, Murphy* Mi, and Mi5, Tom Ingl1$0 Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Aitken and girls have left for Western Canada. The. Aitken 'family ,reunion was held in the UelEnore Park on Saturday. Relatives attend- ed from far and near. Mrs. Belle Aitk?n, S9, of Walkerton attended and also called on MN, Notes and Mrs. Elmer Zinn, Mr, CharOs CorigrOal of Wingliarn, was Speaker at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. The Intermediate and Junior choirs provided mu- sic. There will be no service in the Presbyterian'aurch next..b. Sunday* Sincete sympathy is extend- ed to members of the Schlegel fanaly on the tragic death of Tom, last week -end. DRUG FACTS. tit'‘ t 'fie 11-) in and' (./ (.1) . . xe,,set tpt•ton Ole 1Niice " MAL 357-2170 Emergency: 1'57-2992 IptT'S sgt NOvt... WHAT WE NEED Ik1 THE ? Suti VAW LoTIQII,GLA141*.COMB, EATHING *AY, WE'D SETTER an4e5r % PHARMACY Wit ARRID, 5.oz., $1.39 value, reg. $1.19 99c COPPERTONE WNTAN LOTION, 4.0z., $1.79 '....$1.49 DIPPITY-DO SETTING GEL, 8 -oz., 11.25 99c FLUSHABYES, Newborn, 48s, $2.29 ' 52.09 FLUSHABYES, Medium or Toddlers, 48s, $209.32.29 • GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE CREAM,L11-oz., $1.25 value,- regular 51.09 188c IDASAL TABLETS, 300s, reg. 77C . 57c JOHNSON'S BABY OIL, 5 -oz., 87c 69e KOTEX PLUS, 12s, 59c 49c; 48s, $2.09 51.79 PEPSODENT *TOOTHPASTE, Super size, 51.59 value, regular $1.29 99c RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT, Family size, reg. , $1.59 51.19 SOLARCAINE, -reg. 51.29 , TAT ANT TRAPS 3/63c $1.09 VANCE'S PRETCP/PTION DRUGGV,ST EXCLUSIVELY FROM GORDON NEIL supervises a demonstration of how to stop fire originating from a small leak of propane' gas. The fire- man at right places his thumb over the escape point.— Advance-Times Photo. UNDER FOG SPRAY members of the Blyth Pitt Department move in on a propane. fire originating from a leaking pipe et a demonstration in Blyth last Thursday evening. Members of the Huron County Mutual Fire Aid Association attended. -100 HIGH HEAT MEANS LOW APPETITE MAINTAIN STEADY EGG PRODUCTION DURING SUMMER MONTHS WITH SHUR-GAIN SPEcI4 HOT WEATHER LAYING FEEDS. Hot weather requires special hot weather rations. Special SHUR- GAIN feeds are formulated with increased levels of protein, minerals, and vitamins to compensate for reduced feed intake during periods of high temperature. Keep your egg production up to 10 profitable levels with a SHUR-GAIN hot weather laying feed program. We would be glad to work it out ' 0 with you. poultry feeds Wingham Feed Mill PHONE 357-3060