HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-4, Page 5DISTRICT. POINGls. Occurrences or the Past week 1iuwnslli, • Oat the Neighirorllomt in a (joncise. from!. grant's hotel, Crediton, ]las been leased, for a term of years to Mr. Greb of Zurich. Typhoid fever of a aer'icus - type has become an epidemic in several places in Huron county. In many instances the health officers are to blame. Mr, L. Palrielc, of fl1eiton hipped 1,050 barrels of epplesto Liyerpool re- cently. Five tbousend barrels of winter fruit will follow. Messrs P. Naugle and H. 13enu sold two carloads of beefcattle at Lucan . the otherday to. Mr',' James Ulse, of Exeter, for exportation to the European marker. Mr. N. McCallum, of Stephen, got one of his horses mired Last` week and barelyeen the nick of time was res- cued ,. As one of ,J, I). Moore's egg gather- ing rigs was. nearing St. Marys, the other day, ono of the wheels came off the consequence being that about $150 worth of eggs were broken. Mr. Wm. Lougheed .has sold his 50 acres in the 14th cons of Bosanquet to Mr. W. S. Williams, and Mr. Williams has sold ten nares of the west part of said lot to the Forest Council far a burial ground. Parkhill, which is situated on the main line of the Grand Trunk, com- plains om-plains' of lack of attention on the part of the Company, and the residents are agitating for increased railway facilities, David Ailtin, who lives in Nissouri township, received a blow in the eye from William Stors in London the other day, th%it severely bruised and cut the surrounding flesh, and may have serious consequences. Trankie, a young son of Mr. George Sadler, of Stephen, while driving a colt into a field, the other day, re- ceived from the animal, asevere kink, knocking him insensible. in which state he remained for some time. School teachers are invited to send in their monthly honor rolls for pub- lication in. the Times, putting them in as brief a form as possible. It pleases the scholars to see their names in print, and lends thorn encouragement. Mr. Thos. Percy, of Fairgrove, Tus- cola Co , Mich., formerly a resident of Stanley township, near Brake, died the other day of infl minat.ion of the bowels, after an illness of eight days, ,atthe age of 6S years, While at the Industrial eslribition last week, Mr. D. D. ' Wilson, of Sea - forth, sold his three-year-old carriage' stallion to two gentlemen from Felten hamtfor' $]000 cash. 'That was the price Mr. • Wilson asked. He was sired by old Clear Grit and took 2nc1- prize in his class. Mr. `lannah intends to close the Seaforth, Londesboro an -1 Kirkton creameries this weak. On account of the dry weather and poor pastures the otttpat has been small this year, and th creamery business has been more profitable for the patrons than the proprietors. We regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Smillie, Clerk of Tuckersmith, has been laid up for some time With frac. c"-../tured ribs, which he received as the result of a kick from a colt. He is, however, recovering, and was at the Exeter fair Tuesday. Warden McLeod, of Parkhill, has won his suit against Messrs. Bishop, London, Griffeth and Reeve White for $60damages caused by them in tearing down his building, to prevent the spread of the flames, on the night of the fire in last November. Mr. Edward Leitch, of Moss, who has passed his 76th birthday and raised a family of 23, is still enjoying the strength of a man in the prime of life. As evidence of this, Mr. Leitch one day lately cut and tied up an acre of corn for Mr. D. A. McCallum, and did not use any extra exertion. One evening last week some person with a sharp instrument. struck a cow brlonging to Mr, G; A. Beer of Brus- sells, and broke the animal's leg, and it had to be shot. It has been the work of some "penny wise pound foolish" wretch. The Seaforth Expositor sets up a loud wail because the terminus of the .Bayfield mail route has been changed froet Seaforth to Clinton, Seaforth is obscurely - situated and the citizens cannot expect the Bayfield mail to beconveyed many miles further than necessary. Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the country. -Duncan Pursell, For- est. Wm. Wandby, of Glencoe, the wid- ower whose anxiety to secure a wife was set forth in a trecent issue, is still in St. 'Phomas with a view of carrying out his matrimonial desires. Thus far the only: widow who .has struck his fancy is his landlady, and as slie is the possessor of "encumbrances" in the way of children he hardly thinks she will suit, A St.I\tary's'' furniture dealer offers a sideboard free to any couple who enay decide to he married in the Ag- ricultural Hall .on the afternoon of the second day of the Fair in that town. Ii addition to the, . above another Citizen will issue the marriage' lieense•-for nothing, and, the Rev. Mr;; (;l niton will tie the knot . free of. e ergo: had tried many doctors and was given up by them as far gone into con sumptitn, but was permanently cured by usingEverest's Cough Syrup. -Jas. Simpseli, A berarder, A correspondent says :-The inocss ant tinkering of. the Ontario Logisla. tura at the Ditches and Watercourses act has left that measure well-nigh unworkable and of very lithe practical benefit to the laud owner. It is. near-' Iy as well to leave the land submerged in water as to give it away in useless 1,tigation in trying to find out whet: that mixed and muddled piece of legislation meats. Surely there ought, to be enough of feigners in the &io leo' to devise and submit a short sibiple inexpehsivo and easily worked ditcher and watercourses act, that will be of some practical benefit to -those for whom it is intended. The present Act is lar'•c+lmn eed br:•'tdt who, bavo anytbinr to die) ititlr It as letie2e are. The Ilieks house, Mitellell, • has (I'.& 'rs THAT SHOULD changed hands, the now lessees beul Illesars. 1,+',indley and ,Potter. Mr, Jas..Ponneily, I5th con,Lon Lon don township, has purchased lot 20 con 14, same township., 100 acres paying therefor the sum of $5,000,: Now is the time to subscribe fo rue Toms, fifteen months. for V. We will also clue with all the leading papers and magazines , all low rates, 'Evorest'e Extract of Wild 'Bt1ac1 - borrynever tails to cure' diarrhoea, dysentery, &o.r'—the stateniei}ts of scores who have tried it, 25c per bot. for sale by alt druggists, , Charles Carey, a workman employed at the large smokestack of the G, T. 11, at Stretford. had a narrow escape on Thursday by the falling of a hang mer from the top of the stack, sonne sixty odd feet, ancl, striking: hien on the head, Tle was rendered insensible and cut on the head badly, John McLaren, St. Marys' champion oarsman, is now practising in a new shell. It is the best lie has ever built,' being S.6 •feet long, ys inches beam and 4 inches deep, a fine lapstreaic and, floats like a cork. This boat is an inch narrower than fianlan's smatl- est. A young man .named McRoberts, of London :township, !net with a severe accident a few clays ago. Ile was at- tending a threshing, and _was up on the scaffold supplying the machine, and by a false step missed his footing and fell to to the floor, alighting on a stake, a part of which penetrated his thigh to a depth ofsome inches, break- ing off in the flesh ain't causing an ugly wound. He is now in a fair way to recover. se A very serious accident happened to Mr. WYn. Schoon, of 2nd line south Adelaide, the 'other day. He was in the act of carrying a .•ail of water for the purpose of watering a horse, when it became startled and kicked him on the leg :and shoulder. Oh examina- tion by Drs. Betteridge and Hoare it was found that the leg was severely bruised, and the collar bone broken in two places. Some three weeks ago a most das- tardly attempt to wrecic a train was attempted at Graham's bridge, about a mile and a half east of Luokvow. This bride spans a large gulley about twenty-five feet deep, and one of the rails on the east side of the structure was torn up and the face plates put under ono end of it between the rail and the sleeper. The intention ap- parently was to throw the night train off the track, as the tracts was all right when the freight train passed over it that evening about six o'clock, AIr. James Aliway, pumpdealer, or Lucnn, had a close call for life recent- Iy, IIe was at the bottom of a 50 foot well adjusting a pump when a large stone irons the surface came thunder - mg down, striking him on the shoul- der. In the decent the stone.etruck some pbject, and the force of the fall was broken ; otherwise Aliway would never have related his experience. He received a hard blow which laid him up for a few days, but feels mighty thankful for his escape. The sculling race here today be- tween Wm, O'Connor, of Toronto. and George Lee, of New Yorlc, for $250 a side, was witnessed by over 1,500 per- sons, although at the time a heavy rainstorm was in progress. Lee was the first to row from his. boat house to the referee's boat, and was followed a few minutes after by O'Connor, The race was two mites with three turns. rime, 12 minutes 50 seconds. The work done by the men was exception - idly good, owing to the fact that the water was very lumpy and a steady downpour of rain prevailed during -the race. Frederick Lammy, of the Township of McGillivray, was captured at Sarnia the other forenoon by Officer Hark- ness on a charge of attempting to leave the country with intent to de- fraud his creditors. He had left a rented farm and was getting his goods on to Clark's dock when Harkness took him. The claim was not due until Oct. 1st and Lammy was appar- ently sharp enough to think he could not be taken until the account was due. Ile got a lawyer's advice and it being so near the first that Lammy was likely to be kept in durance vile until after that date, . the claim wet settled and he headed for. Uncle Sam's country. A gentleman whose propensities for trading, buying and selling. horses are well known throughout this section, accompanied by his five-year-old son, were comfortably seated on a dry goods' box in a village store not many miles from town, one evening last week, when in came a man for ` half an hours' chat. The conversation finally turned on horse flesh, and the the new -comer seemed anxious to make the purchase of a good horse, one free from ring -bone, spavin. springhalt, in fact :one that would. 'stick' to the road. The gentleman first mentioned threw out a hint that he had just such a horse for sale. The small boy was innocently munch- ing a cracker, seeming to pay liftl e if any heed to the eonyersation, The would-be seller was showir, g „up the good points of his horse to perfection; and, the -price to be paid was about completed, when the small boy de mutely asked:--'Ptl; is it the bal ky horse you are going to sell?' The reader .may guess the rest, 0.--.46:14-• How to Gain • Flesh and Strength Use after each meal Scott's ,;] mu'sion ; it is as palatable as milk. Delicate peri le impi•ove rapidly upon as use. For cou sampti su, throat aff, oti los an 1` brarehitis' it is unequalled, Dr. -' Thos. L'rin, Ala., says ; "''1. used Scott's 'Emulsion on a child tight "months Ohl ; he gained d pounds in a month;" Puts up in 50c. and ,$1. Size. A Clydesdale colt was recently :said in England for 118,000, the highest price over° paid for a draft horse. The priee of bread has been raised at; Toronto to 14e icer lardy loaf ,if sold over t1e coos to°, anti to 1Geif delivered., "I have taken, within the past year, soy - oral betties oy:oral-betties of .rtyer's Sarsaparilla, and tlud it admirably adapted to the mods of Aft iurtrvorished system. L am couvinceid that thief preparation, as n bleed purifier, is )n etlu 1ldtC t;, ft Frame,: pastel of CJott. ,) 1..nal h _ a � ae „Wb i rk'C',' tqn,.. ENOWN. AN Os'1NuON AND 'ars lessee, Dr. efailoun, a French Physician is saidito baivo',been so feud of drugging - the sick, that when one of hit patients ]rad swallow. ed a dozen or two of his prescriptions with- out wincing, he seized tree boor victi0i's band, in an eostacy of admiration, and ea- olaimed : 'My' Boar sir, it really affords the pleasure to,attend your'you'5eservo to be The remedial system cif Holloway, withwhose :fame all the world is rin(:iU({, is in beautiful contrast wild' tide whole indis- criminating use of the materia medtoit,,, It comprehends only two preparations, but they wochi seem 15 'include the antidotes for nearly all maladies. As a ease in point (for we cannot discuss a vast subject is a couple of paragraphs;) we. may instance the extraordinary succesti of Holloway's Pills in disorders of the livor and stonm0h. These comptainta,'we aro iuforrned by medical neon, have greatly extended their ravages of Bite years, and assemecl a more malig- mot form?, , Re that as it inay,, there can be no doubt that such disorders prevail in every section of the eouutty at this season, and that they baffle the skill of our most eminent medical man, One of their worst features is that they paralyze . tminstry of the busiest seasons of the year, and, if not fatal in themselves, lay the foundation of many dangerous disorders; A remedy; therefore, that will at ones break the chills, ancl restore the energy of the pieient, awl correct the liver and stomach must bo of inappreciable value in our agricultural dis- tricts. Friends upon whom we can rely, and who kayo had roll opportunities to form a'correet judgment, iuforrn ns that Holloway's Pi115 are apoeitivc, specific for' such complaints. They have been tried in the rice fields and cotton plantations of the South, in the valleys of the Ohio and the 11'Iississippi, on the uuhealtl'iy banks of the Red River, ecu the, western prairies, and among the canebrakes and swamps of Lous- fana and Texas, with the same happy re- sults ; and multitudes who have lieretcfore trusted to claurgorous curatives, and found theta of little or no use, nocv rely eutirely upon this powerful, yet harmless, remedy.. We state these facts, derived from com- petent sources, as matters of general inter- est. -Atlas. Justin McCarty publishes an indignant denial of Mr. Chamberlain's statement that the Irisin leaders have profited by the Nat- ionalistic agitation. Farmers all through Troy, N, Y., sec- tion are much disheartnecl by the -partial failure of the potato emu, duo to a lame proportion of it rotting by reason of the recent nuns. Oats also are light, while the buckwheat crop, is an utter failure, owing to the frosts. A NewSystern It will pay you to try my BREA]J&BIINS --MADE UNDER TSLR-- Iniproved System of tsrend Mak- ing. ak- m. The Bread is sweeter and will retain its moisture longer than any other in use. A trial solicited. 1 You will always find the Largest and Finest' Assortment of Pastry, Cakes, Confectionery, Or- anges, Lemons, &o. IIT E E 'S M R- --AT— E. A. FOLLICI 'S, MAIN.ST., EXETER. If you want the Best Value and the Most Goods for your Money, Eggs and Butter, --GO TO-- , Doupe & Co's KIRK'TON See their Ladies hats at 255 cents. See their Fancy Velvets at 50 cents. See their Fancy Plush at 75 cents. See their Mantle Cictlr. See their Shirtings. ' See their Dress -Goods. See their Silks and Satins; See their Tea, at 25 Cents per pound. See their tea at 10 cents per pound. See their 4-blacled knives at 25 Cents. t ti ,tat t it f pZ Nat. �tilY for Viciudyfut b .FT)WidERS °FT:OF5 •WI L. ID TBY CURES A holera Morbus R.MP IA hf.al= A. ¥SE TERY AND ALL SUM14 R COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOVVELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Alma Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, - ON T. 17 Professors and Teachers. Nearly 200 Stadetits. --GRAT TATC.VO C.'Orll 8165 IN -- Literature, Lnigua;es, iilusic, Eine Arts, Commercial. Science; Elocution, New Building, $20,000, ready in.. Septets - Sixty -page calender free, Ached : 1.''CtiXCiPAL A'U,S'PIN;1;, E. IU .ILK 'T AE OIVI'S. LoiciS'rru6 f0a•rocted ats o'cloelc li •se, W041308541 - Tall'Who a t .,. , 1 10 to 1 os Spring 'eat U 00 to 0 45. 1#alloy Nri55 t0 0aa O010 er13tot Q00to .9Q. t . 400 to 400 Tiltfothy '` ., ' 50 so 0 00` Peas „ Oopto0602 Corn 0 4G too 00 18 „ 0 10'to s) 10 Flour pnr•Onl ., fO, Go 5 rG i'ptatoes,porbushel..., 0'to ''l5 Apples,lrer bag 09 to O, GU Drfe ciAlrltlospr h . 0 0t to 0 00 Choose perlb., , 0 ou to 0 05 Burlcov l'or• lb 0 07 to 08 1)ncks'rigrpr,, ,,. 0 45 to 0 30 Chickelrsper pr ,; , ,•• 0 ;i0 to 0 90 f0ogs,cia•ossedper•10 , 5 80 to7 00 Beef " 4 08;40000 0 to 6 00 IIiapsrouhp, 3 go to 5780 00 droasoa ,. 6 OO to 0 00 Sheepskins oaoh Q 76't0 1 G0 Oalfsictus 0 35) to 0 70 Wool per lb - 0 18 to 0 20 Flay porton_ 006 fo 10 00 aluionsnerbush • 0 510,to 0,75. W0odhor uprd „ 2 G tot 00 eT: rr7ATYs. ;van Wheat 518 to 1 02 Spring Wheat -53 O5 Gar.oy 40 03 Cats.30_ 3:i Clover Seod 460 5 051 Timothy 1,:1050500 0 - 2 Ob' P0gg'9 ....:..: ..,.:,.,,. , ., :, r 7 13uttor 1n 0 Potataes 1)or; bar; .,..,,, 50 60 Apples per bush . ...:..:,25 30 Woolperllr 20 `10 Hay per ton .... . . ....... 900 10 00 Bran per tone- .......... ....... . 14 00 i4 00 Shorts '• + ,.,,, ,. 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl , . . 6 00 7 0 A GOOD NEt5*FI 3013., "Late fast fall 1 wits laid up three s with a veryda severe tof di Y attackdiarrhoea and vomiting. Noticing benefitted me until my neighbor, Mrs.: Dunning, recommended Dr. Feeler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and brought mo a half bottle, vi bleb she 'had in her house. In three hours the vomiting was stopped, and I was able to sit up by night. I would Trot now thiult of using any other medicine," Columbus Hopkins, Hamiltou, Ont, Tho yellow foyer in Florida has no effect upon the jokers. One of them lives in Palates.. 1 -Ie rushed into the office of a prominent business man the other morning and said that a girl had just comp into the city without at certificate. Tue business luau huuied out and blow up the quarantine ofiiieers for not attending to business. Then the Health Board heard of it, and they reprimanded the cfiioeos severely. • The whole town was fast getting excited, when it was learned that the girl was a baby born to the joker the night before. [lugs Iittttol 1 C RE Fi When I say Guna I do not mean merely to stop them for a tune, and then have them re- turn again. I messes A RADICAL CURIO, i have made the disease of • 7, rES, EPILEPSY ov TALL ENG SICIENESS, ,Alife Iongstudy; I wArrsAzrrmyremedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others have ?..iledisnoreason for not now receivin a cure. '1 at EomrLa GT ir; IsiaALL1.ELx rammer. Give Express and Post Office. 11 costs you nothing for a trial, and it will Cure you. Address' Dr, R. its ROOT. 37 Yonge St,, Toronto, Ont, rte„ .'44,:kAgitn . :si rs; ors, 9ilenleoe i L MILLS WOODHAM. The undersigned would` respectfully infer he community that they havoleasedthe above mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased to have a callfrom ail. Tho mill has recently boenimproved,bythe addition of new mach- inery. Itis the intention of vac subscribers to add a sot of rolls as soon as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Willbo second to none in the West. —s—x— Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Stir 'TRIAL SOLICITED, J. & A. MoNEVIN, A. J. SNELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browuiug's drug store, whore there will be found a U£.SPRING �.,., TWE2DS, TrOR SUITIIIGS &c. .—ALSO— cotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. ry� I3. �, ll di �. 17arle np on the SHORTEST NOTICE -AND AT- •-- SLY 1 AT - CONSISTENTLY \OW PRICEES A. CALL WILL CUNVINCLi`, Orointte et Ctevelatin,. euttitl ' School OFIN.:BRAyi/14, W 4 'f r �d ND f°t t _ � t�f0 Walnut & . rosewood Cn$keis Aso CiOS'FtP}S UD DVS=.as Di:aozrirstoz,,. A Complete Stook of Ropes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERAL i 51. 17RNIS-,lJ1) (,CN' DUCTED r AT ow RAT ES: My stook of Furniture is un- excelled. e lled, t' CrlVta ME A GALL Allan - Line f ROYAL MAIL ,STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service', calling at Der by Days of Sailing. -Parisian, 0Iay 24. Poly- nesian. 'Friday,Juno 1; Sardinian Thursday. Tune 7. Circassian. Friday. Juno 15, Sarma- ion,Thur qday, Juno 21. Parisian Thursday, Juno 28. Polynesian FridayTuly 6, Sardinian Thursday July 12. (!ircassian Friday June 20. Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Parisian Thurs- dab Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Aug l 10. Sar- clinian Thursday: Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Cabin 350, 305,375, according to po- sition, Return 3100,3120, 3150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 330 ; re- turn 330. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage passengers hoof echo and front GIasgow, 13e1 - fast Queenston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends oz relatives by the Allan Line. For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only autborizedagentinLx et Dr. CHASE Ras e world-wide reputation as fa physician, and author, HisDM'anilt•ake Dandelion l;ivaz tluro is a triumph of medical slci)l; oaring 411 diseases of the Xindey and Liyer, SYMPT01l13.OP Kidney3)iatl•essiug Complaint, itches and. rine in the 'melt; a dull pain or weight iji he bladder or base of the abdomen ; scald- ing urine often obstructed,; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged pers0118.1 !lot, dry akin, pale complexion red and white deposits,, dr`olr dizziness, sour stomach, eolstiptitron, piles, livor tical swellf$gs,�c. SYTtTCNS03,, Y Y LVe (iOr11p1f1Ig1!, Pain under,the shnuid:erbladrts jaanrdice, sallow cenrrrlosion,a �voar), tired''• feeling no' life or energy; head ache, dyspop si s indrdestion, spots, pimples &e. TIOW CURED Mandrake and Dandelion Lir onatOc 'sli•e r with " curos.end whet. combined it r k,tlueyre. t cillos, asiuDr.Chs Liver roost, positively cure all ltidhoy-liver troubles, It acts lilto a charms' stitusi1sstini; the clogged liver, strengthening the lcidfOysari i i nvigor atingthe whole body. Sold by '.11 '1ea1es at, one dollar. w ith receipt 0 oolc, which alone is worth the money.Iiidney•Liver_ Yells made they wort Dr. Chris's pills aro the only y be ; G1VE1 act gently yet oiroctnally! alfstp. ttelconcluring any employ - pills mart, They cure kitlhey-liver troubles, headache, le-.museess costiveness &e, a, dose cold byall dealers, 1'riee25rents, T. IDDIVIA.NSON cE CO., Bradford , Ont., 'Wallis. re OR— king The cheapest spot in, toy n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, de., 6:o., if you are, ;; t BISSETT BROS. call Aat We are now offering the balabee of our stock of Axes', Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost 30 Q T We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :- A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Letup, uew design A Good Tubular Lantern A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure herlt And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Oasis. $2 50 $1 00 $0 50 $1 00 00 80 A full stock of the followiug linos always on hand•. -Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An- talent anti Vilod wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at toe lowest possible price. A full stoc,e of tinware of all kinds alwa n stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for tbo I3 se R Metalic Shin Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sowing Macuine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter. 6r J °{ se- y r ti{ ``(ei 4t 1 e'en �• ,o. h " i 2,G s Gj( 'b , {eao .oce 5 � S °� c,o' pito e .1yet 4:1? ��a 3�\oti, fiaa� 5�0� S • 4e w1 K5\* "es 1�ti 415 E i ' be ti ECt �yf \2, , t `� `Z`� 5 25 2t Gfi 0 Gc 5'' �a a t�\'` of �y� S,yg opo N �" o '1' �ti5° •••0.--0 ,taor m{dam °��� 5 ° • 2 eer r g $ •i' v 9g' o{' fi ti c `�{y 0 c`4 T Ot, .`.N 0• oi° mow' fib, a 4 ,ieP. X43 �ti�. ro1\�5, deo �ejq Manufactured only by Thomas 13ollowsy, 78, Now Oxford Street, : ',; late 533, Oxford Street, Loudon. fin' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots:, i% If the address is not 532, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. amsmoworserummamomarmakaat SPRING 1888. SPRING Carnets. Curtains. Now that Blouse -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy` Window Blinds, &c. When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the O11 Established carries the Biggest Stook atl.tl Latest 1 ,t1 ericftn Patterns Lots of Fancy Ceil ng Papers Corners to match, Window 1V1.'� A T �rt cl -i �