HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-10-4, Page 1tee•nateeese • PRAM:IVA/4 Watch -Xa,kor & Sewelier, For the Finest Spok ud Clieapeet • 0)I to to he found in Ontartc call on, VIC enbach "%Vetch -malt & OPtieian, Fine ASsart verware• Ito all k n ds eatisfa et o r work sent to er, jeweller •.1'orkhi1l,„' A Mont or Sit - "pairing of Promptly Se. ,,i1a01141,1S0. autedati his • own OStabliShmentr•unclor hi j ersonal sepet-- .visSen. •Spectacles of all sizes td suit all sights Atr a1 oiioitoU. C. Itk3 IOTT Maid AC IT LEGAL. '1f H. 1)ICKSOIN, Barrister, Soli- . ' • :alter ef Supreme Court,Nothry Public Clonveyaneez Commiseioner, &c. Money to Loan. - OD:mein Fansou's Block, Exeter, RkL aoLLIiNs, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,, 31:XETER " ONT. OfficeSaraiwell'sBloek Hall's, old office,) A RMOUR W. FOlti), SOlioito't ill the Supreme. Court of Ontario, Conveyancer Commissioneri &e &c Special attention given to the collection of erlaims in the United. States: Patents procuredi, money to Joan at lowest rates. Odice 01101th ,Rouse Block St Marys Ont. ELLIOT Sz; ELLIOT, " Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. r---,,Nrooey to noau at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE. - MAIN- STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. • ti L. BILLING'S, -Li. • DMMSTIST, OFFICE : °Coe ovrEiums Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 1K1,NSMAN,DENTI$T,L.D.S lifunwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, „Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Pilings amtall other dental work the beet possible. Goes to Zunron on last Thursday in each monthr MEDICAL LUTZ, D. IVI., • Officeathieresiclence Exeter W. B.LIOWNI1sIG M. D., . P.S,GraduateVictoriattniversity.Offiee 1,11direSideECO,D031:111i0ELAbOraIM v. Exe bor DR. B.YNDMAN, coroner for the 1." County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store,Exeter. TAR. J. A. ROLLIN b, M.0. P..S 0. Office, Main S...0xeter,Ont.11esiden oe haus erecently,occupied by P. Mabillips, Esq. ATJCTIONEERS• HENI-tY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tionoor for Eay,Stephen, and McGilli- uaY:Townshipst. seies c ductecl at moderate rates. Office—At,Post-oirteesarediton,Ont. TOHN GILt Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Nay and Usborne ancl the Village of Exeter, All sales promptly attended, aucr satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arxanged at this °Ewe. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY STJR4.x..t.,UNS, - Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary- College. , . :Deegan : One a oor South of Town Halle. , MONEY TO LOAN. • ONE./ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i per cent, S25,000 'Private Funds, Bost Loaning Companies represented. • L.II, DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, INSIIBANCE. • " • lorfine4164 AND 1-ITJRO &• MiDbLIX • rer 6-AZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEIRE THEY MAY." VOL. XVI. NO, 5. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT; 4th awarxinaur-r•wrarsothramosawasema.zramr=oncessmomosamrsaummusaarnavieworioramisavoinaposononagnscs=msnotalmmeowewmgexewoorammglocassovarmalommularmw. 1888, 401IN WHITE & $01tts tibitsher e and Proprtetpis sonirawroriamusaa 1/larket Square eneral Store The uudersigned would infoina the pub- lic that he has just received his , SPRING STOCK • —INCLUDING— A full line of Dry -Goode, Elate & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Sham `Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to oall and in spect nay goode and prices. Highest prices paid for But- • ter and Eggs and all kinds Of produce. J. P. Ross. To Let. STATION HOTEL 'TO LET,Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.— I. CARLING-. For Sale. Threefirst-class farins-100 acres each—Lon. den Road, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT. • Solicitors, &c., Exeter. To Rent, One hundrel acres in 90i cone Blanshard, excellent soil, and in good cultivation. dry rolling land, well watered by spring creek. Large barns and comfortable house. 13 acres summerfallow. Liberal terms to good tenant. Apply to ROBERT BOSIS St. Maryy P. 0. • H'E WAT'ERLOO„ :Art! ruAL -IL FLEE INSURANCE CO.. Ilretablishrid in 1,063'. "; • I1e40 OFFICE - ONT., This comr.any has been c-i.irer.,E3.ghteen. srettre in successful operation in esadsterii On- tariortndcontinues to insure against:toss or damage by laireaBuilclingS,MorehrtudiserMan- ulamtori es And el1 other deseriptionsefetaisue- •a lei e property . Intending indlIrOt13 13 aye' the' option of insuring on the, Preiniura,Note or • Cash,Systond,. • ';," During the past ten,1yeare this, CoMpany has issued 57,030 Policieb.0,overineproporty tlasramount of:540,8701038 ;ealcImaid inter:fa; 'etralb.nese0e,75e,00 ' *. • , AssetS, artera,10,0.00,, consistiedgetif 'Cash Buunk, Government DenositAnt th un ass; ssed eremiuniNotesoillenaadamajn lorce. 3,.• W Wastinsas M D. Peosiactet. c , TA,yno0,, • Secretary. 3.13. Hoontis,Inspecter. CHAS, Afontear:qtxoteraliMicinitv, • The Great • A sucoessAdIVIedicine need over • 30 years m thousands of casee. Cures Spermat,on.hea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions Impotency and all diseases eause'd by abuse, fekroarl indiscretion, or over-exertionParritn1 Six packages GUartintced to Core/010 aii others Fail. Ask your Druggist for'!)*e Oreattngnek. prexercirnD on, talce O-• tqlbstitute. One package SI. Si:re $5, by mail. Writelor Pamphlet A ddiese Ffiurelett, Chemical Co., Detroit, lallehe ar er NO SON' g 131.1 A. l-lasting;s, Shaving and Hair cutting in the lafost,stylos of the art. vary attention paid t '°Uttin . Ladies'ana 0 hilciren', For Sale. Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-st. Good house containing seven roome,two kitchen, pantry, wash room and cellar. Also a good stable, and fruits in the garden. The property will be sold cheap as the proprietor is giving up house-keeipng. Apply' on the premises. RICHARD ILANDFORD. sr. Well Digging. The undersigned wishes to inform the nub- ile that he is now engaged in well digging. He will dig, brick up and bore 25 feet for ; 25 cents raise on every additional ten feet. Atrial solicited. TflOS. SMALE. Eliniville P. 0. ithQ, Fall Show. , The thirty-eighth Animal fall exhibition of the Stephen and reborn() townships Agl Society, was held in ,Ieter on Men - day and Tuesday. The praviede week had been rough and wet, and it was expected that the weather would have °Mined down and brightened before fair days ; but it continued inolement, Monday opening stormy indeed, while Tueeday dawned in- auspiciously. Thus the seacess of our fair was marred. Thoge who visited the town came late and went home early, the threat- ening weather compelling themselves to do so. Considering the ladveree ciecumstan- cos the exhibits were good and while not as large as on former occasions, every depart- ment was represented. In the hall, tho', the exhibits fell short, members conveni- ent to the town being the only ones repre- sented'. Among the most creditable , dis. plhye of the indoors department, those of Messrs Biesett Bros. awl Mr 11. Muir of the Exeter Woollen. mill, were conspicuous, the former having a fine range of stoves, tinware and copperware, the latter an ex- cellent • assortment of tweeds, flannels, blankets, &c, an exhibit in fact which would have done credit to the most pre- tentious factory in Canada. Mr. Muir's enterpriee is commendabie, and as will be seen by the prize list hie efforts have been rewarded. Unlike others who have exhib- ited in his line, he manufactures all ho ex- hibits, and does not choose to take credit for articles not his own make. The cover- lets which adorned the walls gave the visi- tors a good idea of Mr. Muir's ability in his special line. The outside exhibits were larger than might have been expected. Local poultry fanciers, as well as those of Lucan, filled that class up creditably. In cattle, there were many thoro'breds and grades. Messrs. Smith Bros. and Tilos Russell being pres- ent with their herds. - Hogs and sheep were poorly represented, while the horse ring, which is usually the centre of attrac- tiou, was well filled in the various classes. In many cases the Judges found goat clif. ficulty in awarding prizes, especially in 'ounger stock. Taking the fair altogether it was a comparative success, and had not the weather proved inclement its success would have been great. Among the dis- tinguished visitors were Meesrs. T Cough- lin end Jas Trow, 31. P's, and AIC13 Bish- op, M. P. P. The following is a list of the succeeeful exhibitors:— r HORSES—Imported heavy • draught. - Brood mare, D McInnis, Jas Sanders Semi Smilie; foal Jas Sander, Satn'l D McInnis; filly 2 years 01(1, Jno Span -ow, D Medley 2nd and 3rd; team I -Bowerman. Canadiandraught—Beth:el -mere, eliebert McDonald", John teock; ,Simon: ,Gentipbell; foal, John Essay, Hy Collins, Simon Campbell; filly.or gelding 3 yrs "old; John Hawkins, A Archibald; filly or gelihng, 2 yrs old. G 31 Shoults, John Caldwell, Jno Hawkins; filly or gelding 1 ye old, Benj Pyle, M Maguire;. stallion 1 year old Semi McCoy; ;draught team, Francis Coleman, Geo Spearin, Gavin Ross. - Agricultural and General rPurpoze—Brood snare, Wm Cornith, Alex McEwen, Wm Essery; foal, Wm Taylor, Robb Pringle, Robt Hobkirk filly or gelding ,3 yrs old, D IVIcEwen, Jas Moir, 11^bt McAllistere filly or gelding 2 years old, A Brethour, Robt McAllister, J McGregor; filly or gelding, 1 yr old, Hugh Norris, Benj Pyle, Robt llobltirk;• •stallion 1 yr old, Goo Coward; agricultural team, Jas Crawford, Jas Hackuey, J MeGrefor. Carriage—Fcial, Wm, Bagshaw; filly ' or geldiug 3 yrs old, Leo fleeter; filly or gelding, 1 year old, Sawl Rolm, Jas son; stallion 1 yr old, W B idleLoau; single carriage horse, Thos Bissett sr., Jas , San, dere. Roadsters—Brood mare. Jas Oke, Alex Buchanan, Jas Oka ;' feel, Win Page, Alex 13uchanan, John Ponbale; filly or gelding, 3 yre old, Jun Sparrow, •James Gould, Wm -Rollins ; filly or gelding 2 yrs old, W B McLean, Alex Ingrain, Alex 13richenan ; "filly or gelding 1 yr old, Sam'! Sanders, Sani'l Pyrn, Alex Buchanan ; team of rocaleters, T Slcinner, Thos Bissett sr., Leo Hunter ; sinelo roziclster, TBiesett, sr., John MoNevin, T Handford ; saaclle Wine, ,liobt Creery, W J Carliug ; pair roadstels, speed, style and value considered , Thee ,Bissett, sr., T Skinner ; single road - store, speed, style and value cameidered, Thos Bissett, ere Jno,Snell. QATTLE--COW, • Tho. Bussell. lst aucl, and 3rd '• heifer, 2 yrs old, II and D Smith ; heifer, 1 yr old. John Hooper, lst and and, H & W Smith '• heifer' cell, a de SV D Sitaith, let and and, :Leo Hunter bull. calf, Thos Russell, H &'W D Smith ; herd, Tilos Russell, II dt VV D Smith ; °Gracie-- 0ow, Jae Pieltard, Jno I -deeper, L Hunter ; heifer 2 yrs alO, Jno Hooper, ist arid 2110, •Jaa Pickard ; heifer, 1 year ' pld, Wm Weetcatt, let and 2,a, ,Too„ Mis8 Turlley is prepared to do all kinds of dress and mantle making in, the latest fashions. Cutting and ,fitting a specialty. Next door to Southcott's tailor shoo Our Specific ho, 23 permanently restore s EXHAUSTED VITALITY, LO ST MANHOOD and 0 ENPIDAL DEBILITY when ath er treat- ment fails . Send 0 cot ts in stamps for our Treatise an d DireetiOn s for bottle cure. TO- RONTO MEDICINE, Co., 313 Spadine AVG., To- ronto, (nit. ' LONDON, ONT. . The,OPENING. of the, Forest city Business College on Sept. g. was 25 PER CENT. IN AD- VANGerefany previous year. FACULTY has b een.Streng th en ed1 11110 Spitting Capacity in- creased to accornmodate 1.63 student's. • , „ ADDRE88 WESTREVELT & YORK. t1141.1-, 11,11m Worits The subscriber woild respectfully announce to the public that he has now on hand a large stock of the varione kinds' of wooden pumps ; and thathe hes ad( od facilities, by which ho can supply ordeead work on the very- shortest n otice. BIS PUMPS ART:WELL AND EAVORABLY KNOWN, AND iteamian So tAtqm G HERE. Well -digging for „fifty cents a foot for 30 feet, e5 cents for every.exta•ft ten feet. • -A call solieited. • , • GEO. CUDIVIORE, Exeter, July. -188B. ": , Huron Street. I, , OF. CANAD.A. The diveet route betweeu the west and ell points 00 the loevee St. Lawrence and Salo clo Oltaleur, Peovinen af Quebec, also for•. New Bruin:wick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward • and 0 ape 13 r ton Isidode. Newfoundland and St, Pierre. . All the popular emir:nor sea Seething 'mad . 11 ehing reeovts are along tin§ lino, New and elegant Defect Sleeeang andlaity Ceas ruin on through Express trains, be- tWoon MouirtcalFlalifax and St. John, uanaIJin..11Dur opean 11ai1 and Paissenwer _Horde , . • • 1?a,seengees,forsGreet meanie °rule coheir tientibyleaving Montrearon Thitteclay, will join outwavd mail steamer at Itimousici tbh some eveeiltgae 'The attention 01 sbippors is direeted "-to • the superfor-fanilities" afeerea bythis Tout° for trateport of flour, and genoyal -morthan- dime intended for flits Eastern Provin6es and NOWORIA1111ftlf oleo for tillipments of emits a,nd proclueti iuttlinleci Ter the Iltiropean market, • • Tickets molar) obtained and all Infornact- tiou abett the r oute, freight and passenger etttee on application tte 1101111R1713. ler:Screen, " Western Freight &Passenger Agent 0311:evil» House Blook,Yotk St. Tort:into , . ' , • oniot stpOontondati. SWITC}IUS IVTADE Tb ODE llailwaY Offlees Moncton N 13, Match 05, ais 11 FIowaed ; any variety coating, Wm Mc- Leod ; langehans, W Folland 'ist and 2nd ; °adored dorkings, Wm McLeod let And 2nd; any other variety dorkings, Wm Folland ; black -breasted red games WM McLeod; W Carling ; any other variety game Win McLeod let and 2a3 ; silver hamburge, Wm McLeod, .1' Piceard ; golden pencill- ed hanaburgs J J Pickard; black hamberge E Howard, Wm McLeod; WO 13 polands, E Howard,; any other variety polauds, W McLeod ; 'White leghorns E Spicer : pair brown lognorns, Win MeLemi W Folland; black Spaiiish,'J j'Pieltard, A MOB/aerson ; black minoreas, Ed -Howard, A Hyndmatt ; black Jayne; Ed lioward; Nyandottes, W J Carling, Ed aawata.;, Ez.or variety geese, 124 Hunter; Pekin ducks, WIn MaLeod. 3 J Pickard; Ayleebury ducks, Wm McLeod.; any other variety of ducks, Wm McLeod, Geo Davie ; any vari- ety bantams, Bissett Bros 1stLind 2nd i; collection of pigeons; D Spcer ; singing birds win Sweet. Birds Bred in 1888.— Pair light brahmee Jas Down ;' dark brae. mas 3 J Pickard 1st and and. • Plynibuth delta Ecl Howard, his Down ; pair 1 ang- sheets Wm McLeod; colored. dorkings, Wm McLeod let and 2n0pat' B red games Die - sett Boos, Wm'MeLeod any other variety game WM McLeod, Bissett 13ros ,• golden spangled homburgs Wm McLeod ; silver spangled hamburgs 3 .1 Pickard lst & 2nd; • golden pencilled hamburgs J J Piekard let and 2nd ; black hamburg() Wra McLeod, A McPherson •, any other variety polands. MCLeod lst and 2ncl ; white leghorna, V7ne,Folland ; brown leghorne Win Fol. ldnti,MVIc Lood ; black Spanish J J Pickard 2ucl ; black minoreas, Ea Howard; black Javas Ed Howard.' lst and 2nd; wyandottes 110 Howatd, D Spiesr,e, any vedety geese L Heater; Peitin 'OAS; J J Pickard, Wm MoLeod ; Aylesbitry ducks, HA Switzer, Wm :McLeod : any other va- riety (Woke, Geo Davis. SPECIAL,—Light brehmas Ed Howard; dark brat:Imes, J J Pickard; Laugshans W Folland; 13 B red games 13issett Bros ; auy variety gaines, Wm McLeod ; S S Hamby:cm 3 3 Pick- ard; G S Hamburg Wm McLeod ; G P Hamburg JJ Pickard; black haraburg E Howard ; W C 13 Polauds 1.1 Howard. White or Brown Leghorns W Folland ; black leghorns Geo Hyndman ; black Span- ish J J Piekard ; Plymouth rocks Wm Mc' Leod ; black minorces• E Howard ; black Javas E Howard; Wyeanlottes E Howard; Malays Al Bissett : Ducks JJ Pickard. IMPLENENTS,—Patent axle Wagon James Down: top buggy I Handford lst and'2nd; Portland cutter Colwill di Beverley, James Down; piano boxcutter E• Handford, Jos Down ; sett heavy bob sleighs Jos Down, Wm McLeod; iron beam plow W H Veri- ty & Son lst and 2nd ; wooden plow W II Verity & Son 1st and 2nd ;. horse shoes, I Handfordelq.an4nd ; horse hetes W H Verity & Son ; eulkey plow W EC Verity -de Son lst ca-21id , • two horse cultivator W e Smith lst and 2n0 ; gang plow W H Veri- ty & Son, Patterson Bros; *iron harrows, Saan'l Buckingham ; roller W H Verity Sr Son ; horse bay rake G A Massey, J W Smith ; binder Patterson Bros. Massey lalfrx Co ; single mower Massey Mfg Coe PattersonBros ; grain seed drill 3 W Smith, Patterson Bros ; ,purnp, Swallow Bros, John Leonherdt. Engels. -- Bob- eleigh Jas Down ; clothes dryer Coferburn & Son. s GRAIN8 AND SEED8---F1111 wheat, white, • Robt Pringle, A 'Johnston, Samuel Peart ; red fall wheat, Jos Hudson, Leo Minter, A Brethour ; any other variety, Smell Peart, Sated Rtmdle ; 6 rowed barley, jos Jas Gould ; large oats, A Johnston, 4 retbour ; •Oomtuon °Ate, Robt McAllis- thr; Arch Hoclg,ert ; black oats, A prethou'r Jos liaison ; large peas. Wm Dearing 'Rebt "McAllister ; semi! pea. , Wm Camp- bell, Arch flodgert ; timothy seed, Arch Hodgert, A. Johnston ; flax Fated as Snell Arch liodgert ; merchants' flciur, Jas Pick- ard ; beaus, Jas Sanders, Thos Rowe, Wm Balkwille clover seed. Alex Tugrann Peale. • '• floneminereiten PILIDLIOT8-AxPLES-11011T • Varieties -winter apples; John Copeland, habit Mcdorde four varieties fall apples, Tno Copelend, Jno 'Allison ; collectien of pples, Jno Copeland, Jon Allison ; five Rhode Island Greenings, Tilos Cedinore, Geo Lowe ; Northern spies, J T Westcott, Geo Lowe ; Roxboro ressete, Jas Hodgson, Motet MeCtord ; Spitzenbergs, Tilos) Cud". "mere, Wm Jackell ; Go Nott, Nett, dohn Copeland; Westfield's seek-no-fneth- er, Geo Lowe, Dyer & liciWard ; snow tip- ples, Benj Case, Wm 13alkWill; fall pippins Jas Ford, Jno Allison; dolverts, E., Spanks man, John Copeland; king tompkins, Thee Outliner°, Jes Ford • Alexander's, 13 V El- liott, Ely Collins; Cnada red, jas Snell, John Copeland ; swear, Jos ' Airth, John Allaron ; Itibeton pippins,*13 V, Elliot, John •Oceieland ;" Wagnov, jno' Alliscee, Pherison; long orange or red carrots, James Sanders, John Smallacombe; White Belgian carrots, Wm, 13alkwill, Jas Pielcard; In- dian oorn, Wm 13alkwill, Thos Welsh; water melons, A Johnston; musk melons, A Johnston; cauliflower, A Johnston, Tas Newcombe; red onions, Goo, Motts, Wm. l)earing; white or yellow ouions, Geo, Motts, Viral Dearing; tomatoes, Jos Down, A Johnston; celery Jas Creech, W Foliated; citrons, A Brethour, Win 13alkwill; pare - nips, Saru'l Martin, Joseph Bawden; corn, ,Tas Sweet, Rowe & Andrews; Nantes chrot jno Sinallacombe, W Follat3,0; squaelt, A. Johnston, Dr. 'Lutz; pumpkin!, Jno Dal - bridge, Thos Snell. . ' DAIRY PRODUCE -174'A lb's butter suffi- ciently salted, A Brethour, Robt Bell, Jas Cooper; five the butthr without salt; Tames Cooper, P Andrew, Alex Buonanan; fifty lbs salt butter in tub private, Alex 13a - °honer), E Williams, Wm Jeckell; cheese factory made 50 lbs, Thos Rowe; cheese, private made 15 lbs, Win Bagshaw, nos Rowe, A Dougall; MesureeTuaes—Woollen hotne made quilt, Geo. Nott, Wm Cooper; domestic cloth, A Johnston, Robb Muir; flannel, all wool, Robt Muir, Geo Nett; blankets, all wool, A Johnston, D McEwen; satiuett, Robt Muir, lat and 2nd; woollen yarn, Robt muir let and 2n0; Dom wool cotton A Johnston, lst and 2n0; factory made quilt Robt Muff, lst and and; factory tweeds, Itobt Muir, Geo Nett; factory flan- nel. Alex Ingrain, Geo Nett; factory blankets, Robt lVEuir, let and 2nd; set single harness, John Treble, Jacob Ta s - tor; set double harness, John Treble. Jacob Taylor; ventilator, Biesett Bros; asst stoves Bissett Brosecured ham, Jae Tom; thee& pieces coppei'dwork, Biseett 13'roatdetssert- mept tin work,' Bissett Bros.; sewing Ma- chine, Geo Vickers; organ, D W "Kern; set of parlor lurniture, Rowe & A.uclvews; set of bed room furniture, Rowe & Andrews; panel door, Dyer ca Howard; stuffed birds stuffed since 1867, A McPherson ; ornamen- tal plaster work. Wm Howard. Frete ARTS.—Water color drawing, Alex McDonald lst and 2n0 : painting in oil. D Mill, lst and 2nd ; pencil sketch, Dr Brow- ning ; collection of photographs, Jos Sem ior : hair dresser's- work, E H Fish. Faowens,-3 varieties verbenas, in pots, Joh a Smallacoathe ; fuschias, 3 ve.rietiee, Hy Kerslake : geraniums, 3 varieties, John Smallacombe; collection of flowers in pots Wm Snell. C At 6v ti J 1 Hoover ; heifer calf, Alex Ingram let and talteddy ; best seeming apples, Juo Copeland Pud, Jas, Pickard ; steer 2 yeare old, John Hooper Thee Hawking Jno Willis'• steer 1 yam. old, John :Hooper Thee Hiewhins,; fat ex. or, steer Rich Davie 1 st & 200,4 fat cow, Snell Bros.'Rich Davis, Thos •Shama ton ; fat heifer. Biala Davis, E Williams, 2nd and 3:0 ; herd 5 shipping stem, Rich DAVi13 1st and 2h0. Jereey—Cow, Geo Samwell, let and 2nd ; heifer, 2 years old ;Geo. Barnwell, Sneer —Leicestev, jno Penhalo swept everything, taking seven prize's, Shrop- shire D owner-4tged, r am , II.A,Switer, Wm Cooper shartivi' ig ram Jno Do»ca,n Wm Cooper, 2ndfafi4,3ed ; ram lamb, -11 Swit- zer, Jas ClOopet; 300 Duncan • pair ewes, J/10 DU iSt and 2n0, Jas Cooper ; Pan", ellearlings, John Denten, lat MA 2nd, 11 A Switeir ; pair eteelambsefoo•Duncan Wird Cooper, .Jno Sweet. , Any other breed ewes, Jas Pickard• 1st and 2n0 ; pair sheaeling ewes ;dim) Pickard ; pair 'owe lambs Jas Pickard ; pr let , men Jim Pen - Ji ale, Win Cooper, , Pma—Large er medium—Aged boar, P D Coersoy ; boar litterea, in 1868, le D Coursey 110 and 2nd ; aged sow 13n j SOW littered in 1888 aos Bs.wdert, P D Coursey. Suffolks-*--jno Lcunbardt took all iho prizes in this Class, eight in all. Berkshire—Aged boar, 131) Com sey, Rich Delbridgc.; boar littered itt 1228. Coursey, Rich Delbridgo aged sow, Rich Delbridge ; sow littered in 1888, . Rich Delleridge, let and 2n0. Isorrany.--tight brahruas, E HOWIlrd, jag Down ; dark brain:tins, 3 3; Pielarri lst Wni • Jackell ; S way zie- Porn iii leris,•• John Allieem Jut) COpelanct. • SieftitAdneri- con golden reeset. SA9 FOId ';'Etglit11.1:g0111-' eu russet, Alex BUchenaria Cayuga; • red' streak, Rieh ; Maiden blush Sarni' Bundle. "" , ' ' P11,1.118—TAir-varitiesNviiitou'ilears, T Weriteott, Jae .1.51c1thed ; tWol Verrietiece fall penes, Dr Lutz' ; 13.Flenalahheautiee,- John .Nowcorribe Thos 13rock ;'Duchses Angonl- Thos Ouchnore, Sanauel Randle ; •0Iapp'e favorite, .Robt, Spicer ; Sheldons, Alm( leteEveen; Jno Newcombe"; . Louis, Benned jersey, Wm Sweet; J`no Newcombe. „ Pauets--ticenbOtd, Jae ' GRAPES, nm,-1)olaware, Jos Diller; Jne Smallaeornbe ; I-lartford Profilla, 'John Andereon ; Concord, Dr. Lutt,'John An- derson; Rewire No 10, lel ,Placrett ; llogers No 4 john' Anderemie ithje vatietYej crabs huy veriety, E Sr aeltmert, II°. Perth ; drawford *pea:3116S A Johnston ; 1ibyal Ceorgo poaches ,A joinislon ; any other variety, ,Jes Dillot;' 'collection. ,of • canned fruit John 'Willis Win Snell rsTnewrAnra.68-;-tarly 1'0SO potatoes,' jas Snell, Arch kr,oeigert; Beauty of Hebron, Jas Snell,'Al 13issett; tato Bose .petatoee, P Andrew, ' lathes Iiirtin 'Early 'Vermont Thos Brock; Snowflake, Sas jaines °recoil; Brownell's Beauty, Wm. Campbell; &II other vitrio0, James Snell, W Folland; wintet tabbage, rjoher. ,Newc,oinhe, Jas Sweet. blood bNIts Thos Snell Wni Dear- ing; long inangolas, d'ncr Yes •-•1nell lobe inangolas, felaItinfta Alex Ingrain; 0 ode. turtips, D Mataniie, Vscht Balkwill; and ; Plyntotilh roebs, Win 141sLood# early horn aerrete, Sae Sancleta, A, Ma. 05 LowEns— s En t3,, e es, o m Smallacombe ; petunias, six varieties, juo Smallacombe ; zennias Jno Smallacombe. Lames' Woex.--Home-made bread, Robt Pringle, Robt Bell, Alex Bechanan ; patch- ed quilt hand made, Geo Nett, A Johnston Rich Glanville ; raised quilt, Geo Nott, Bissett Bros. ; tatting, Geo 'Nett, Wm • Sveeet, Jas Tom; crochet work,, Jas Tom, P AncirewdJas Hodgson ; embraidery in silk velvet or satin, A Brethour embreid, cry in crape or chenille, Geo Nett, A Sohn sten ; embroidery in worsted, 1st and 2n0, ' not known, A Johnston; braiding, S Ho- garth, Geo Nett, A Johnston ; faney knit- ting, Jas Tom, Geo Nett. Jas Hodgson ; woollen socks, Geo Nutt, A Johnston ; wool- en. stockings, Geo Nett, A Johnston ; wool- en mitts, Jas Tom, Geo Nott 2n0 and 3r0 ; woollen gloves, Jas Tam, Relit McAllister ; wax flowers, Geo Nott, wax fruit, Geo Nett; honey in comb, S Hogarth e honey in jar, 5 3 lingiirth, A Johnston ; Mae work, Jae Tom, A Johneton '• Berlin wool work, Goo Nett, McEwen ; Feather flowers, George Nat ; shell work, Alex McEweu, W Swen.- ertou ; hookedl mats, J T Westoott, George Nott, Jas Cooper; hair flowers, D. lacEtven: genVe shirt, plain breaet home made, 0 Hogarth, S J liogarth, Geo Nett ; collec- tion home made wines, John Willis James Tom, 5 Hogarth ; rag carpet, John. Hor- ton, John F.rayne, A, Brethour ; jog cabin quilt, Geo Nott, A. Johnston knitted quilt 11A Switzer, A. 13rethour, Jas Hodgson ; baker's bread, 3 H. Northcott. Ezra:le—Oil painting on satin, Ales. Me Donald ; Kensiugton painting, Rev Mrs Fife ; painting on cnoleakin Rev Mrs Fife:; nafficiug stool alma. ptg,) D Mill ; Berlin wool raised work; A Johnston ; darned net tidy, A Bretheur- tufted quilt D McElwee; -crazy' quilt Rich 'Glauville. The Mc)Isoris: Batik (011.AlirrEitI6D Bydree aLTANK.NT,IeS5j Paid tip 011,1)1t111 a•S000,e0 Reet Puma , .1, ., 875,00 WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, 13er1,, Giareuet KANAGNao 20 branch..t)MQ,A,S'ill ])onxinion., A genclea in tho DonernIbia 15. S.A. ana. Europe, • a e f Exeter 13ranon, Open every bervf ill day, from10 is. m. to 3 p, m SATURDadt'S, 10 a, am to 1 p.m. 3 Per Ceut.tler min um, allowed for- money on Deposit Reconate and Servings hank. C. I)NOVAN, Manager. isesserseeseeest=caliaareaseeszaaaawirarameamosmiimmormi 'ROUND THE COUNTRY. 3y Onr Own Correspondents, ZOT30.11. Wm. McKee, of 13roneon Line, has die - posed of hie farm to Mr. Justus Mellick, a neighbor for a good figure. Pnitsoxere—Miss Baird of Parkhill ar- rived Saturday evg., at Mr. D. Steinbach's with whom she is engaged to take cherge of the millinery department this fall, Ladies; wait for a grand opening to take place in a few weeks. lareara,-.4 1)astwooct. Beinrs.—Very rainy weather.—Snow fell here last Saturday. --Mrs. Woodhall and daughters of Foveet, were the guests of Mr. Hall last week.—Mr. Charles Hart- leib, our respected waggon maker, is ina low condition with typhoid. !fryer- It is to be hoped he rimy soon recover. People should see that their outhouses and. yards are in a clean ooudition. One or two other cases is reported in this section.—Messrs. . Eidt aucl Hartleib have just made a large shipment of flour to Montreal. Theyear getting ready another large one for Hi fax. Hensall. ---- Bantrs.--Rev. Mr. Henderson the new *Presbyterian ininieter, was inducted in Carmel Ghtuch on Wednesday.—Quite ' 'a number Of people attendeMne•-.Exeter fair - - on Tuesday.. --Our nubliemirda4 teacher, Mr. Wien,and thaidAles,OrPArarray eand Dent, attended the West; Huron Tetteei's Association at Godererich last week. Me briok wot k of the Methodist personal is completed. --Quite a numbe) of sinung people assembled at ,Mr, T J. Wilton's residence and snent a few hours 'tripping the light fantastid toe.`—Mr. S. Bonnie is building a residence near his •mills.—Mr. Thos. Berry purposes erecting a dwelling on Main street, in from hie sale aod ex- change siables.--leliss Hunter, -who has been very ill for some time past, is slowly recovering. --Robert Patterson, son of R. Patterson, of Heusall planing rnills, is ill of a fever in Brantford. —Oar merchants are getting iu their winter stook, and re- port great bargains. Junons—Manufaetures and fine arte, Robt Bonthron, elensell ; Rich Galley and P Flayue, -teeter. Ladies' work, Mrs Wood, Crediton, Mrs Crocker and, Mies Galley, Exeter. Grain, seed, &c, 1i. Ley- ott, W j McRoberts and D Mclnuis, Erre- , ter ; fruits and flowere, D French, Steph- on and Robt Lang, Isoceter, Junens—Ileavy horses, David Hyde, Shakespeare; G Morlock, Stephen. ; Geo. Flame'Downie. Cattle, WtaRoger, Blan. slava, R. S. Robson and Wn Pridham, Hibbert. Sheep aucl pies, :Duncau Mc- Laren, Cromarty ; Jas Darling, Lieniy ; 1TaasraPI,detth.tY, II:7111. Poultry. J Bar that t Stephen Counen. AU inembei s present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Resolved that the following orders be granted :—Econom- ical insurance Co., $7,50 '• T Godeave, pt. contract 41h side road, $10.00; D :French, expenses in connection with M. Bloom- fi ehl's admission into hospital, 53.65; 3, A. Wilson, work 190h con, $12.80; John Mc- Innis, contract, B line; G Tapson, gravel- ling near A. Sherron's, 10,00; A. Moln- tosh. work 19th con, 5.25. Resolved that the council now adjourn to meet again aturday, November 3,a., vromaiy,erk. Hay, Seemet, Rerone S.'S, No. 2, 1 -L. --The revert is,based npen the Cliligeece, Conine(' ettendance and putictatality of the minds, The names' an in ;order of precedence. Fifth—Alfred. E aerett. 'Sen. Fe t --J Campbell, Aggio. Murray, Alice O'Brien. JomFourth—tionaer Russell, James Camp- bell, WM, Murray. Third—Ellen 811itay, Chris rChapman, Dated Shit -ray, Second e -gate Chapman, • /eggio Shirray, Prod Illaorett. Second part—Willie Hawkins, Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien. Sen:' Pint part--Arnolia Jackson, Beatrice Warren, jeSsie Hawkins,' dM Maud Ilusfsell Jun, First pet Northcott Nellie Northeott, Ralph Chapman.. Crediton, ' As the S. School lesson of last Sabbath was on the subject of Temperance . the - minister of the Methodist Church here „ preached in the evening on the eubjeet. Ile gave a sound scriptural discourse,. aen0', ere effect of the servie,e was to help -'el,, victina of appetite to overcome and li•ee a reformed life. As Show fairs and exhib- itions are now in season, Mr. Pile announ- ced that the subject of the sermon next Sabbath evening would be "Exhibitions". Pansoirea.—Mr. John Sweitzer • spent Sunday with his friends in Crediton,—Mr and Mrs. Christopher Hiner have returned: after a two week's trip visiting frieude Columbus, Ohim—lefte Ben Eilber has re- turned from his trip to Colutnbint and. Cincinnati Ohio, after a three weeks 80- j0111:11. He also spent a week in Detroit on his way home and seems to have enjoyed himself by his reports.—Mr. A. II. Geiser, who has beeu visiting friends in Buffalo, has roturued after a pleasant sojourn of 2 weeks.—alies Sadie Banns who has been. •, with friendelin Indiana- doing tbo last year has returned to her horne.—Dev. G. S13rown and bride are spending their honeymoon visiting relatives in and about, . Crednon. We extend tort congratulations to the happy twain.—We are sotry to learn, that Mr. Wm. Belies is indisposed and not able to be put of the house. •We wish him a speedy renovery. 13rneee.—Mr. C. Kibler has secured the servieoe of Mr. Stung Wood and anyone desiring a feney turn -out in the line of °harness will find it to their it -est to sell on the boys.—During the last ten days a large number ir0111 Crediton and vicinity have been attending the fairs at the several places. The unfavorable weather last weele was not yety welcome to pleasure seekers and had a tendency of keeping a great many from going hut still a large number atfencled Emden. Exeter also re- ceived a good detachment from here, con- sidering the state of the weather.—The stormy weather during the last eight days new made the fax menefeel tether uneasy and bit continuos much longer it will destrpy about ten thousand dollars worth of fax fibre still lying out in the fieids.—A . good joke on a rural beaux has jest coin° Lo aur ears. On Sunday evg. last, he placed himself at the front of the church and aweited the appearance of his beloved, the evening being dark aud stormy made eyesight rather dull and he mistook another young ladyl going in the same direction for his lady love. Ho escorted her for a considerable distance when she opened a gate and bade hitn good -night. 'Whereupon he diseovered his error and was greetly chagrined ovet the mistake. We mulerstand, however, tbat he eventu- ally diecoverocl his fair one. Be careful Fred, and in the fatatre adopt this motto, "be sure you're right then go ahead,".— Tim oc.ld weather 18 heving its street and, we understand, a number of weddings are on the temis.—Sfe. Walter Clarke is erect- ing A 110W Slled 11•18id0 1113 hotel etable and when completed wilt greatly improve the appearances of his outbeildingene eareneefie at present briefly engaged eon - S tett:atria seine 'flue new cuttere foe the ()militia winter. Ile has thein th a11 styles and anyone vetptiving 11 niao turn mit will miee it if they cton't givo hiln a ()all Woe() purchasing. Me. W. Mill retains his top. titration Sor terning mat firstmlese Wanted to hear from any city, town, village. or municipality which can furnish a Inan withinore ugall" or "cheek" that st fedivithial in Crediton has, who, after forfeiting all elaitn of society, still persists in trying to make us believe in his virtues. • - Y011 Alit SAVE, in buying Irnp'erial dream Tartar Belting PoWdor, It is the purest made. All gro- cora 8.01110. -47 •