HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 10SNSURAN CE'
re a<ai° . of'Toronto ; also for the Pli.co tlx
r*IIx ElgSU1 ANO lu 0011:k'AN1,'or Lcudol},
Enelanel,the 11o1AL, ilANADIANL of Mon-
, t?,w cl ilia 13ki1`k`iSII 1,1\71'11i1a 7Glk`19 AS
1?li,4NCEl Q01\ PAI' Y, gf l,ouctosa line lE•nd,
+a,lxabliehed Dm. &suets over :5,000,000;
s:lainis and bonuses paid, over ta7,10,0OQ,000,
shall beitapap yto re
3.:ive at al/ times, from any Mart of the
tccurtty, items of local news, such ,ts ac-
stat3ents,or any interesting �inctie,it what
aver, front antic of our sttbscrOers or react-
ors generally for the purpose of public
alettir c ilt3VO.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th 1888.
I'ilr Undersigned would announce to
the public that he has now on hand one of
;the best assorted stooks of harness, boots
.and shoes, &e. in town, anal would call
special attention to his Saeta). Collars,
Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons,
Whey are the best in the market, and at
rpr ces to suit' the times. Boot & sboe re-
rtrwiring promptly attended to. Call and
tbc.eonvinced. C. EAcnETT, Exeter.
raTat ! Salt ! Salt !
The Exeter Salt Works Co. have an
gland any quantity of fine and land salt.
S''tally Scalaed.
On Thursday a 10-year-olcl daughter of
Mr. Digory Braund, sustained a serious
:scalding by the upsetting of a pot of
water over her person. She was putting
.a stick of wood. in the stove, when the
end of the wood, striking one of the lids
•ee:used the vessel containing the water to
Turn over, the boiling fluid scalding her
. from head to foot. Medical aid was sum-
moned and curatives administered ; but
witheent avail—life taking its departure
,early Wednesday morning.
Speer, M. D., Surgeon, etc., M. C. P. S.
G. S. and L. T. C. D., Head Office St.
Thomas. The Great East India Physician
:and .Surgeon, for the treatment of all
,chronic diseases and dise tses peculiar to
women, for which he is well qualified, will
las ;at the Central Hotel, on Wednes-
day and Thursday, October 3rd and 4th.
are.,,one day only. Persons suffering from
diseases that have baffled the skill of local
physicians should not omit this favorable
opportunity of calling upon him He has
been .educated in nearly all the best coll-
egesin Europe, has been in the army of
the United States and the British army,
nnd,kas circumnavigated the globe By
all means givehili a call. Consultation
free. Remember the date, Oct. 3 & 4.
Patients should call early so as to give
;plenty of time.
Adc1iticnel locale .on front page.
New goods arriving every week. at
l'he Janzes-st. Methodist church hee
been reshingleU.
Numerous complaints ;ire being make
about the boys stealing fruit.
Call et Parkinson's and see the hand-
some tea setts. Cheap.
A quantity d£ paper, suitttble far car-
pet padding,
ar-petpadding, and ;wrapping, for salve at
TIMES' office, et two cents per lb.
The St. Clair flats canal dispute, with
the U. S., does not ' affect the pride of
goods at Parkinson's.
The stone leaders for Trivitt 1Vfem
oriel church have arrived, and will be
placed in position at once.
Farmers having butter to sell will do
well to market it before October 10th,
as after that date it is too late for ship-
ment to the old country.
In order to complete our fyle to date.
we would be much obliged if any of our:.
subscibers would let us have the issues`
of Feb. 16th and July 5th of this year.
It would be *ea very good idea if the
streets of Exeter were placarded as
named. A resident could bo more
easily found.
A wedding party from Orecliton pass•
ed up Main street on Thursday. On
their return they stopped at the Cen-
tral hotel where they had an enjoyable
In our mention of the test of the
new iron bridge, last week, a figure '9'
getting turned upside clown, made the.
length of the bridge appear sixty feet
instead of ninety feet which is about
the length of structure -
Mr. N. A. Markill manager of the
grand. opera houseLondon, says that
the McGibeny family gave four of the
brightest and best musical entertain-
ments, ever given in the city, last
Communications sent to us without
the actual signature of the writer as a
guarantee of good faith, will not get a
place in the TIKES. We have received
several of late, all -of which have been
consigned to the waste basket.
Wallace Graham of the Windsor
Record, formerly of the Parkhill Gaz-
ette, has sold that paper to a Mr. Me -
Nee of Winnipeg, who takes charge in
about a month. Brother Graham will
go to California.
The Brandon Sun says .—''Mr. and
Mrs. Colquhcun, of Exeter, Ont., who
have been at Douglas visiting friends
have left for the east. Mr. Colquhoun
was so satisfied with the condition of
affairs here that he has purchased lance,
and will likely come out and settle."
The Wingha•n Times says :—Mr.
James H. Greive of Seaforth, late of
Winghans, who has been in the employ
of Bright Iros., has secured the posi-
tion of head cutter in the well-known
firm of Samwell & Pickard of Exeter.
Jim has made many friends while here
who will puss hint.
Messrs. Smith Bros , stock breeders;
have almost completed their new barn.
It will be the finest in the vicinity
having all the modern improvements.
The young mon are enterprising and in
a few years will have one of the finest
farms together with buildings, in the
county, the site being admirable.
On Friday of last week while Mr.
John Dew, of Usborne, was unloading
a few baskets of eggs in front of Mr. J.
Pickard's store the bottom, unfortuna-
tely, fell out of one of the baskets, and
the eggs fell with a crash to the side-
walk, breaking about twenty dozen of
the fruit.
Allan Halford, a gentleman well-
known to the people of Exeter, having
given several theatrical performances in
the opera house at different periods,
died the other day at Cleveland, Ohio,
of heart disease, in the .50th year of
his age. He leaves three sons and two
daughters to battle with the world.
The next entrance examination will
be held. at Goderich, Exeter and Dun.
cannon, on the 19th, 20th and 21st of
Deceuaber, 1888, beginning on the 19th
at 1.30, p. m. A fee of 50 cents will.
be charged each candidate. Drawing
Book No. 5, certified to by the teacher,
must be presented toexaminer on first
day of examination.
The annual fair of the Stephen and
Usborne Townships' Agricultural So-
ciety will he held in Exeter on Monday
and Tuesday•of next week. Great pre-
paration has been made,: for a sucoess
ful exhibition and from general 'indica-
tions the results will be pleasing alike
to exhibitor visitor and society. Entries
are being booked daily and from the
number and variety of the exhibits, the
coming fair will be the most Voted in
the annals of the society.
Never send a dollar away from home
when the article that dollar can pur-
chase can. be obtained at home. Money
is our, financial Mooch Its circulation
keeps the business body alive. Bleed
that body by sending your money away
from. home, and soontrade will put' on
a look of lethargy and inactivity. Al-
waya trade at home and spend your
W. J. Hayward, of Windsor, Inspector
•af Weights & Measures for the Western
district of Ontario was in town on Friday.
Mr. ,iohn Shipley, who has visited the
Kingston, Toronto and London fairs dur-
'.ng the past two weeks has returned home.
—Mr. 1. J. White, of Windsor, who has
been spending his vacation in Exeter, re-
turned to Windsor on Saturday. -Mr. A.
McArthur was among the number who at-
tended the London Fair last week.—Two
.agents of a Collective agency were in Exe
iter last week. --Inspector Tom visited the -
public schools here last week and reports
the attendance good, and the scholars as
making splendid headway.—Messrs. Snell
< White are capturing first prizes at all
the fairs with their handsome team of
horses. —The sauntering season is about
over and people are preparing to settle
down for the winter. The summer through
out has been very pleasant and favorable
to pleasure seekers.—Miss Charlotte Baw-
elen returned 'Thursday from a trip down
.east.—Mr. Fred. McDonnel, of Chicago,
is home recuperating, he having just re -
,covered from an attack of sickness,—Mr.
i- C. Behenna, business manager of the
McGibeny family musical troupe, was in
:town the other day, arranging for the
Company's appearance here on the 19th
prox. The McGibeny is the largest and
test musical family in the world, and
their entertainments are unsurpassable.—
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ready of St. Marys,
spent Sunday and Monday visiting their
paronts, 11r. and Mrs. J. A. Hayes of the
`Metropolitan."—Mr. John Ha'vkshaw's
Handsome roan gelding, "Toni Burke"
won the three minute trot in connection
with the Western fair, at London, last
week, in three straight heats. He was
net pushed for time and got the race with
ease, the average time being 2,44. `Tom
Burke" -is a nice gaited horse, and has
lots of vigor ; his future promises to be a
bright one.—Mrs. John McNally, of Han-
over, ie the guest of Mrs, D, Spicer.—Mr.
R. H. Verity has returned fromthe prair-
ie provinces. He speaks highly of Man-
itoba and says the people there seem quite
contented, having as many advantages as
the people of Ontario.
More new goods at Parkinson's.
Ton can see at Parkinson's the finest
selection of dress -goods in Exeter,
.cheap for cash
The St. Marys arid Ailsa Craig base -
bell clubs played a friendly match at
the latter place on Wednesday, the
::score being O to 5 in favor of St. Marys.
Everybody visiting the fair should
call at Parkinson's for cheap dress goods
groceries, boots Se shoes or crockery.
Get your sale bills at the Tlnixs office
:unci et a free
notice in a widely circu.
gated newspaper, Bills printed while
"you wait .
Idr. Ed, Roberts has sold his resi-
'lence on Suncoe' street to Mr. Wm.
:McComb of Devon, London Road,; who
will move intoli
v the townto reside:" We
'welcome Mi. McComb amongst us.
The foot -ball club is out of pocket a$
t,, consequence of the poorly attended
.,concert last Fridayevg. The entertain-
ment was a goocl one, and for local
•tatont, happily snrprisad those in at
The list of convictions for the county
,of Huron, for the quarter endinc; Sept.
':lith contains 83 cases, the offences
being of a general nature. In the list
,n .
ettar is not to
rEsentel 1
ane, which the sobriety
speaks well for t.
and conduct of our citizens.
Advertisers, the nuns has by two -
lairds a larger. circulation than any
'paper published in this vicinity ; and
.e cend . largest eireulation. of any
iL,00al 23rlofS
Don't forget the fait next creek,-
Beech nutting is now in order, and the
small boy pronotnces the crop good..-
L adis's attending ; our 'fair
don't forget to call and see our
big display o Millinery.
,aavt s Pickard.
Azt Acceptable Tetter.
On Monday we received a letter from
our old friend, Mr. N, J. Clarke, of Col
use, Cal,,, with an enclosure of $5, which
pays bis subscription uplto Jan. 1892. Mr.
Clarke would not be without the TntrE$,
and;says it read each week with much
interest, Such letters and enclosures'
make the editor smile, but remittances
from those of our readere who are years
behind would cause a "great big stnerk:'
All do their best, The date- on the label
of your paper shows the date to which
your subscription. is paid, so you Deed not
wait until you receive a request through
the snails. Like most other businesses .t
requires money to run it, and the more en-
couragement given in a substantial way,
as above, the easier will it be for us to
"get up" a good local paper.
The game of ball on Friday last be-
tween a number of the band and, apicked
team • of . Exeter, was keenly contested.
Owing to the pito hour at which the game
was called only five innings:wee% played.
The band boys led off in a pleasing way
givine evidence of viototy being on their
side. They batted the ball vigorously and
in field work acquitted ;themselves very
creditably, the pitcher putting the balls in
such an' artistic way as to prevent the
"Unknowns" getting many bases , for a
time. Finally the "Unknowns" got
warmed up, andbecoming acquainted with
the pitcher's way of placing the balls,
commenced to score more to their satis-
faction, making six home bases in the
fifth inning. Some., good batting was
done by players of beith sides. Following
is the score by innings
"Musical Nine" 3 0 0 '1 3-7
"Unknowns" 21 11 6-11
.honey at home. It twice bl s
It helps the person patronized, and
finds its way to you again.
"Toni Burke," the coming star of the
trotters' in Western Ontario, made a
good showing in London in the team
race. He is a beautiful roan gelding
will mature
to 16
hands, His gait
is perfect; even uniform, long and steady
with the far-reaching stride of his sire,
and excellent qualities. ` He is as lever
headed as an old campaigner. "Tom
Burke" is considered a most ; valuable
toll, andtivotalcl be considerer.. cheap at
$2,000 on the other side. Exeter
people are especially pleased to see this
horse making such a good showing;
and wo compliment Mr. .Ilawkshaw on
bong the possessor of such horse -flesh.
Leaving out of sight the drought, has
there been in the recollection of the
"oldest inhabitant" more beautiful
weather than this section of Ontario has
experienced for the past fortnight?
Clear, comfortably warns days, a grad-
fter sun -down o-dovnand a t
nometer alrttle below the fifties in the
morning. The old days of Indian sum-
mer are gone. We have broken up the
prairies and growed grain, which the
Indians used to burn over that the
buffalo might have the young grass in
aper published in tliecount of Huron. the spring, but with such weather to we
;Paper published �' tl p fir ,
.Faets''tvlueh can be adduced will. verify have had, the s bsence of those old Oe -
statement. i tobel` days is .riot 80 mod/ doted,
Our 1liarket'
Saturday last,wasa yery busy day in
town, many farmers who had not been in
Exeter for upwards of a year, helping
swell the crowds. and doing 'business.
Merchants report an exceptionally good
day, the best for many months ; and are
a unit in accepting the lively business on
the market as a cause. The ruling prices
were $1.00 and 51.02 ; and these figures
have been paid ever since. Farmers from
near Seaforth, St. Marys and Parkhill
were noticed on our streets, and all
seemed favorably impressed with the
affability and straight -forwardness of the
buyers. A -Hibbert farmer said, that
last week he went to his accustomed mar-
ket, which is Seaforth, with the impres-
sion that he was going to get the price
quoted in the market reports of, the local
papers ; but instead, got four cents less.
He came to Exeter next day and received
four cents more than in Seaforth. Sever-
al instances of the same and worse treat-
ment conicl be given. Farmers ale; not
slow to discover the best market.
The McGibeny Family Coming.
Who in America has not heard of the
famous McGibeny family of Portland,
Oregon, the greatest musical family in the
world? The family, the pride of America,
consists of father, mother and twelve chil-
dren and two daughters-in-law, sixteen in
all, who travel and live in their own splen-
did palace hotel car costing $20,000.
This family will be here in the new opera
hall on the evening of Friday. Oct. 19th,
to give one of their grand entertainments,
comprising a grand. orchestra, full brass
band and silver band, full chorus—the'
finest and most impressive now travelling
in the world -ten soloists, male quartette,
string quartette, incl double quartette.'
They are spending only three months in
Canada during the absorbing excitement
of the Presidential election in their own
country. Nothing approaching them in
the musical line has ever visited Canada,
is what the well known Rev. Dr. Vincent
says of them. Look out for their coming.,
At the Zurich fair recently • held,
prize list of which appeared last week,,
Mr. Delbridge, . in addition to getting
several prizes, was awarded lst and 2nd
for sow littered in 1888.
Grand special Millinery -op-
ening at 3ames Pickard's Mon-
day and Tuesday, October 1st
and 2nd.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Amarvelofpur-
ity,•strengtlt aur. wholesomei,esa. More eeon
omtcedthanthe ordinary kinds and cannot
be sold in conip etitionwiththe multitudes of
low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate
ppowders. Sold only In oasis.—ROYAL 13A1I-
INGPOWDLIi CO -106 Wall street N.Y
Cenral Hotel Exeter,
On Wednesday and Thursday,
Oct. ; 3 and 4.
Thos. Speer M.D.
11, C. P: S. G. S. & L. T,
The Great East India Specialist.
Treatment of all Chronic Diseases.
30 --Years Practice ---30
WANTED.—A good servant to do gen
eral house work. --Apply to MRs. D
If you want a servant if you want
to sell village or; farm property, you
will get a quick response by placing an
ad. in this column.
Advertise all your astray animals' in
the Tnoxs. The law compels that they
shallbe advertised, under aheavy penal
For'the sum of 5 cts. per line each in-
sertion ado ertisements of wants, articles
for sale, & c., will be inserted in this
column. Give it a trial.
Delft forget to attend R. Hicks' dis-
count sale of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Spectacles, etc. All should
aivail themselves of this opportunity.
At the old stand. opposite James Pick-
ard's store. —11. Hicks.
Look out and remain over to see the
Bellringers when visiting the fair.
Bring your Wife or sweetheart she will
enjoy the treat in store at Drew's Hall
lst and 2nd Oct. .
To buy goods at low prices is an
object you should always have before
you in making purchases. The prices
are right at Parkinson's.
Don't forget the Bellringers will give
a grand concert at Drew's Hall, Oct.
1' and 2, fair night. Come and bring
your families, fun for, all. Popular
prices, 35 cents and 25 cents.
Cheap excursions by the CanadianPa-
cific Railway to the Canadian North-
west and return. Good toreturn till
21st of November from Exeter for $28.
Apply to W. J. Carling, Agent.
Head Oftieo,-ST. THOMAS.
Zhu D
0ciorhaa been educated
in nearly
all of the lending medical Colleges and hos-
pitals inl:uropel has served as Surgeon in
the British Army in the lust Indies ; Sur-
geon in tile American Army during the late
war from 1861 to the close of the came, has
treated all nationalities and eircumnsviga-
ted the Globe. ills thorough ed teation,
large and yariedprtctiae e,nd experience
entitle hint to rank et a specialist second. to
none on this continent—for the treatment
of those dangerous and rlitneult diseases
that have baffled the skill of a local physic.
The foliowing disonsesTwith naavy others
slaceaullY {coatof:-:st hma1
datarrlt, rlisoase of Cie Lungs, Dyspepsia,
Diseases of the stye or Aar, Heart Disease,
iiitiloitsy,Paralysis, Nervous Debility,Gcitre
,everarnd Ague, Malarial Ai'feetion, When-
matiatn,SciatiCa. Syphilis, Strictures, Run
titre, Slan base aces, Piles, etc
Electricity used when required...
The following tt timonlale and cliploniaa
may bo 50011 at5'ny ()Mee, with many others
all the
edical a
in '
0t0 ,Trinity tloleog0i'alk at School of
i4 edicino andRoyal college of +Sur conn
buhu; IloyalUoliege of Singocss, Dell est, ,
'Ireland Itevnlinlhtgc of Surgeons, hoiden,.
i;nglaiicj;lkto al College of `Surgeons, .kldin-
burgh and t�ivasgow >3cot7and Lieantfate in
Furniture ' Unda r•takin
ter .1U1tOr Yard
thepublic in general the', 110 keel
The Undersigned washes to inform
.-constantly in stock---
All Kinds
Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—•inch, inoh-and-a-q uarter, inch -and -a
half rind two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material
Lath, &c.
SH1NGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles'A 1,
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. " A call will bear out the above.
In returning, thanks to our numerous
customers for past favors it affords us
great pleasure in stating that we have got
nicely settled in our new and commodious
premises, and are prepared,, (if quality
and selection of stock, and honest dealing
will do it) to supply the' wants of the
people of this district, in the furniture
and undertaking' line, with roods
The finest stack in Huron county to choose
from. For proof positive as to the
extent of our stock and be
low' prices' at which we
Wo publish no clap Trap nonsense, but
produce facts, which can be verified in a
practical way
Our tock of undertaking goods is very
complete, embracing funeral furnishings
from the highest to the lowest grades, and
at prices far below any in town.
An inspection of our goods is respectfully
(Successor to C. & S. Gidley)
July 88.
iiL z -r; 868,
Samwell & Pic�ari
10 Reward for the Conviction
Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- McColl Bros. & Co.,.
Cutting & Wool Oils. I For sale by all leading dealers. Toronto.
EISSETT Sole Agents, Exeter,
At Toronto.�,Every Barrel Guaranteed.. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years
t See that you get Peerless. It is only made by
a,i„ � ;. E .00+ S C'QC C O., TOROTTO
Clearing Sale,
Cheap Store, Crediton
For the next 60 days at cost, consisting
Diy-Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw
Hats (about 400 to sdlect frog:.)
Having secured shop license to sell all
kinds of
Have just receivecl'direct from England
a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack-
Dolmans, and Ulsters, also
of Sealettes, Imitation Lansb and
, + Y
i9 �
Our p
I have decided to clean out some of the
above lines at or below cost for cash
and ready pay, to make room for
a large stock of
Don't forget as it is no humbug. All
accounts due 1st October, 1888.
Cheap Store CreditonPlIQT0 A 0iSTUDIO.
i'l11nory Opening
Clot, �'�..�t � 2nd
t'ttrt.y, and ns in fh, by tfle higbeet will show all tho latest nov-
mrSdtoicT aittht5rities 1n Jho 'CJitod gtatea and ��helt wo
Canada., fha above With many letters from Ities an Millinery,
o the Mope, are a medical •
different parts f b q )5 i.
tit examinations doubt or ` invite dto call and • in-
pe,H�ort—witl.o . + . . Every lacy' as y
ultd thcovtk!'C,very sea , and 01 every lend eel tiro stohlt,,
flout the rlsing'.t6 the setting of th'o MAO. ',r 1p
Agents Wanted Immediately
R. L. HERRICK, & Co., - Nurserymen,
Call on G. A. H. for Grocery
rr Teas'
r' Spices
" Dashwood flour
Petty Hams and
Bacon 'rte
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
T o the Public at Large.
I am offering my summer goods at COST
PRICE; to make room for
all Purcliases
y Fall Stock
Please call and examine before going
elsewhere. Sale � at
Organs $a
Cost Price,
House & Lot
For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes,
from small album size to 11x14
from life, try
E I0 :E
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
graph Frames. Sizes Sx10,
11x14 and 14x17.
It will be to the advantage of those, •
having pictures to frame to examine his
stock of Picture Moulding.
Get prices before purchasing elsewhere.',
Don't fail to examine his exhibit at the
Exeter Fall Show, on Monday
& Tuesday, Oct, 1 & 2.
FOR SALE—Opposite Town Hall JOS. S F NIOR9
20Z XNCa lxallery Opposite Post-Of6oe.
` h�,
Prints G1
Silks, Dress Goods MuSlins Pxl , Gingham
Summer ,
,- er Gloves Underwear
Laces, Rlbbcns, Erse v, ,,
Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, Trimmings,' etc
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Grand Bargains in Evan Dopirimon6
, ubsoriber
. . oods as the s
Y�'.Iradres, do not misli ibis opportunity to buy ohenp goods, � + .
o e f ueSt tooka it1 the town to elrooto Item, A Sall will repay yon.
ate of the n s