HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 8"Did n't Know was
May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but
What an be said for the parent whe
eees his child languishing daily aua faii4
to recognize the want of a tonic and
ood-purieer? FOrinerly, a course of
bittere, or sulphur and molasses, was the
Tule in well -regulated families ; but now
all intelligent households keep Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, whieli is at once pleasant
to the taste, and the most searching end
effeotive blood medicine ever discovered.
Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st,
33eston, writes: " My daughter, now 21
years old, was in perfect health until a
year ago whezi she began to complain of
fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness,
indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con-
cluded that all be complaints originated
in impure blood, and induced her to take
.Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. This medicine soon
xestored her oo -making organs to
lhalthy action, and in clue time reestabe
lished her former health, I End Ayer's
Sarseparilla, a raost valuable remedy for
the lassitude aud debility incident to
apring time.
J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Coe
33rooklyn, N. Y. says: "As a Spring
Is'iedicine, I find 'a splendid substitute
for the old-time compounds in Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's
.Alter their use, I feel fresher and
istronger to go through the summer,"
An eilostration or the Strong Attachineneii
Diptheria From an Unclean Cellar-
" could not understand why that eutire Noosing ie more curious end interesting
that Elephants Form (or Dogs.
feraily of seven children should be strieken among the meny enlarge things to,be noted
with putrid diphtheria, till I had tlecasiale in And about A rnenageeie," said the veteran
to to into their eellar ;" a friend said, who manager 'lames M. Nixon, "than elle devots
had been etunnumed to help care for the ee affection that elephants frequently demon.
Welt and dying chilo ten of 4 eeighber atrao for dogs. The big pecnydernes form
no other attathments SO strong and enduring,
and the doga seem to reciprocate the feeling.
One of the beat illuetnitions that I ever
saw was the love between Bess and Rube.
33eas was a female elephant that we /aad in
the Barnum show in 1878 4, and Rube was
a setter doe. Bess was never easy when
Rube was out of her eight. }der keen little
eyes would follow his every movement if he
was frisking about, and if he disappeared
she would utter a little scream that would
bring him gallantly back to her in a hurry.
She never seemed so happy as when he was
lying asleep on the hay in front of her, with
her big trunk waving over him, Gee time
Rube got sick. She took the best care of
him that she knew how in her elephantine
way. She made a bunoh of hay about a foot
thick and large enough for him to lie coiled
upon and in some way made him understand
that he should lie down on it. Then she
deftly worked her big trunk around under
the bunch of hay so as to take it up, with
him on it, as a woman takes up a sick baby
on a pillow, ar d there she beld him and
gently swung him to and fro all night long,
rocking and. lullinghim to sleep. In the
morning he was well again, and Bees appear-
ed as happy as a mother who had nursed
her child through e. spell of illness.
"While we were showing in Boston
up stave. happened to mention to a group of reporters
Wall; green with mold and fungi; de- one day the strong Wooden Bess showed for
ed d d Rube. They evidintly considered it
" We always thought the Wrights sehli
their trim, whitewashed fences and out-
builiinge, their neatly kept door -yard and
garden, the evideut nester:it warfare, %Mast
filth and elatternlineas in any form, tpe
tease intelligent and cleanly of families in
our community, and I wondered what pm
sible breeding place for malignant diphtheria
1 caul i lurk about that home until I went into
the cellar.
I When I opened the stairway door, a hor-
rible stench:, of decaying vegetables and
I tainted brineirusheci up from theunventilated,
; loathsome ph below, that they called cel-
lar. The air was so heavy with mold and
4 stagnant imptrities, that •the Rem of the
can e I carried, flickered and lapped ever,
as though a weight had been leid on it.
Hardier had I stepped frorn the bottom
stair, before my feet Amok a slippery, slimy
°Mite of rotteu pumpkin, and I went down
into the dreadful mush that pent out its
pestilential whiffs from the very depths of
its putrefaction.
The candle still burned, and after hastily
I rising from this unexpected tobogganing
across the cellar bottom, I held the sickly
flame hieh and low, spanning well that
breeding nest of diptheria and other fearful
Ayer's Sarsaparffla germs, before cutting the elices of ealted
9 pork, for which had been sent to bind up-
nmpAazo on the poor lhtle, awollen, choked throats+
pr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, $8. Worth $5 a bottle..
Is utibliseed every Thursday niorning,ab th
Main -street n arl y o pp o si a Pi t ton's Jews tory
Stoke, Exeter, Out., by John White ds lion, Pro-
ire t insertion, per line 1.0 cents.
e eh subsegusetinsertion,per gents.
To insure insertion, advertisements should
he South) notlater than Wednesday morning
/ the largest and best equipped in the County
Abron, All work entrusted to us will mealy
nr prompt attention.
Decisions Regarding Nevve-
Any person who takes a paporregularly from
he post-m.110o, whether direoted in his name or
another's. or whether he has subscribed or not
ft! responsible for payment.
2 If aperson orders his paper iliseoutinued
he must pay all airears or the publisher may
sontinue to Bandit until the paym out is made,
and then collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or nob.
8 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be
gabitnted in the place where the papez is pub-
lished, alebouen the subscriber may reside
hundreds of miles away.
4 14,e PQPrte Iiivrit decided that refusing to
Milts newspaper.s or pei ipdicals from Me post -
office, or reinoving and leaving thein unealled
hr is Prim a. feel° eeideece of intentionaltrasid
y an ecayin ve etables ev a
g g et yet ere ;
n slosh of rotted apples oozing their pungent ohm fairy story,"eand were not delicate
prices from the bloated staves of a dozen in anYing so. "Very well," I said, ' if any
barrels ; a great bin of frozen, then thawed, of you doubt it, just get Rube away from
potatoes, that to stir meant development of Bess a little distance and hurt him slightly
gas, powerful enough to run an electric plant eneagk to make him yelp.' I hadn't any
if odor is esower. Under the stairs a heap idea that they'd do ib, and I didn't stop to
of pumpkins had been stored in the late think of where Bess might be, and whether
autumn, that decaying bloat—months before shesveas chained or not. The fact was that
—had hohted and rolled apart, mime of the she was at the time going through a rehear
mushing, sliding spheres falling directly in sal in the ring, loose, and. Rube was sitting
the pathway and making the slippery chute np on a folded carpet some way off. The
that had unbalanced and mired me; and in reporters left me and strolled out into the owe -
every corner, petrifying stacks of turnips vas. Pretty soon they edged around to
and oabbages goading out their penetrating, where Rube was, and one of them gave his
loethasma breathe, tail a twist, which the dog instantly re -
The cellar %vas as dark as a coal pit, the
little three -pane light tinder the dining -room
windowa being buried under the winter
Junking that late May atilt found unmoved.
The vile gases and stagnant air, thick
with dreadful odors and disease germs, had
no outlet of escape from the cellar, only by
stealthily filtering through every possible
cranny and seam of the heavy timbered
ceiling into the living and Weeping rooms
overhead, and by sarong rnslaes up the stair-
way, whenever the opening cellar door
stirred a current upward."
And, still, those pannier wondered why
their seven young children, whom they
thought to cherish and protect from every
harm, should be stricken with diphtheria,
and °stied it one of the moat mysterious of
God's prove:lances when they were called to
lay two of their darlings =der the sod
Are Corsets a Necessity ?
Exeter Butoter Shop,
The perfectly shaped woman is a very
ideal of refined curves ; and the fact that
women lots their graceful proportions with
the pasting years, is not dee as is charged
Butcher 84 Cieneral Dealer dreesing and inattention to the preservation' tbe wagon being kept open,"
to maternity and age, but 'to false living.
marked loudly. Bess, at the sound his
yelp, wheeled around in the ring, threw up
her trunk with a shrill scream of rage, and
started for those reporters. They flew.
Therewasno time for explanation, argument,
or dignified leisure. The forty or fifty ern.
ployeea who were standing about ran too.
Bess stopped at Rube, and when she sa-w
that he wean't seriously hurt, she calmed
right down, walked beck to the ring.
and went on with the rehearsal.
" When we were going to Lowell from
Boston, Rube, who had a sore foot, was put
in one of the baggage wagone and sent on
ahead. When they came to start the ele
phants for the march, Bess miesed her pet
and broke out in open rebellion. She atocal
and trumpeted for hinOnorted, and tramped
around in excitement, and a man had to be
sent on a swift horse after Rube. The wag-
on he was on came back. The doors were
thrown open, so that Bess could see hint. e
She went up to him, touched him gently all e
over with her trunk, blinked at him, made
a euocession of sounds that sounded like the
blowing off of steam from the exhaust pipe
of a boiler, and then jogged along behind
him contentedly all the way, the doors of
Electricity Instead of Hanging. SCIENTIFIC AND DERFUL.
After Jim. 1, 1889, all persone convicted jusenyoform. g filo. aff—tote4 limb in a coating
of murder and coadenmed to death in Nevr of Rower, of istilrbur for one
insteed of by hanging, No experiments have „.
York will be executed by electricity cure 8,1at1oa. ri he skin shouidnbigehttoitosuagidhlt;
dbeeveilisearntaodea,ppalyndeieontoricimtyr 81:108 thh:tvtil ,ziheaeini 18,':eiellinlreci:b1;07abLgioloodaernxturehilloegtewowpitahrLu,t water be absolutely certain as an ageat cd death,
of even 2,000 volts,
It is known to all eleotarniodianatin tiltearoofotfrocge i attLeopidaroefs,haecoettiocoaacoidddonoeopoalfoor, b doisfsoolivooefjobly
current at
that, might Pretluee ina411" I, onle-htheitredutehilaetaotrietutigethaaemf ea rwopete rope
eenie ednryly,
idnetsetnh8eianoennye, f°0arowweditbilvoudte:buhfrienreulangnggo'etshatellerdd. land a rope 80am-cited with grease or soap is
The various devices thoeutraot weaker still, ea the lubricant perinite the
agfileld magazines' i rope contracts considerably on being wetted
to some objection.
are °Peri and a dry rope twenty-five feet long will
i fibres to slip with greater facility. Hemp
• Dr. J. Mount Bleyer, who was one of the Ishorten to twenty-four feet on beieg wet-
• commission appointed to report on "the'.
committee appointed by the Societe
devised a method which he believee is commending boards ade
the et inmaetttile°rclac4 geoxOecleutdiena81 etoirifinteulde'Y", ave
Industrielle de Mulhouse afrei strongly re -
perfect, but which is really open to the and reeds. The home% ar:rnPueree tferleg fittfrie-
geavest objectione. Dr. Bleyer's p(an h to .e, t- Iayers of
oomprened, They are sad
plaster of Pans and reeds
htihseb°a°rnedfeernetn:ecietpinergsonnn jail Ina estaulbflo°f°ar IthoY4frue'runlileetliYan excellent building material 1
yen cli oonneete with one pole of the battery, leartioularly- for walls and ceilings, as the,
An 411xstrode coming through the roof of fitnv:poternialsei piserdriquwahr ee when ouoste used. 1'h 0F3h90 ionooshb toina k; y, I
the hut and touching the doomed person'a
head is connected with the other pole and .
so completes the circuit. Should the
condemned person twist, his head so as to According to reoent experiments of MK
Ilatiriot and. Riohet, of which an account
•pbarre:k oftheanootteehot theovenofrroeft thwoouuslaandthe
has been given to the French Acestlemy of
Memos, the ventilation of the lungs is in-
inoomplete, •and life would be prolonged oreased by muscular labor. In moderate
as long as he remained in that position.
Work the ventilation is more than sufficient
aeoepted authority on medical j arisprudence,
" I fear," Bead a gentleman who is all for the exeretion of the carbonioacidprodue-
" thet unless the state gets to work at ed, and above all for the absor tion f th
onoe and devotes a great deal of time to
experimentation, that the first execution
by electricity will be a most distressing
bungle."—[New Yerk Press.
necessary oxygen. In hard work the pro-
portions of carbonic acid produoed and
oxygen absorbed rise slightly the harder
the work.
At the meeting of the German physicians
known as the Wiesbaden Cougreas, Dr, Bin
Making Wills.
of Bonn read a paper on" Alcohol as a Rem
ediaa Agent," in which he referred to ex
It is an astonishing thing that lawyers
Furled opinions and upheld the effiemiou
and men who are moat careful in all other
virtues of alcohol, contending that it has a
business matters often show the
greatest especial value in heart-heilure and lung
carelessness with respect to their directions
disease, that it is consumed in the organism
for the disposition of their property after and
that it operates as a controller 0
death. The late Lord Chancellor St. Leon. and
and fever while he regards it as a
artist for instance, wrote much respecting
invaluable aid to the physician. Dr. Binz a
the importance of drawing veins so clearly
the same time holds that the consumptio
as to leave no room for litigation, and yet
of alcohol between meals, especially in th
after his death the will which he was known
to have , executed could not be found, and form of beer, is in Germany a " nationa
the courts were asked to determine whether
it ntents could be proved by his claugh. evLilinseed is recommended as a substitut
th from memory. Mr. Tilden, also, with water for an hour; the resulting thick
t . ho declared that she could repeat of grom-arabic. The seeds are first boiled
though an able lawyer, left a will which mass la filtered, and then treated with We
rendered legal proceedings almost necessary its volume of ninety per cent. spirits of wine.
to its interpretation. This week also it has A flocculent whiteprecipitateseparates, from
been discovered that the late Courtlandt which the dilute spirit can be readily de -
Palmer, of New York, the founder of the canted. A yield is obtained of ten per cent.
Nineteenth Century Club, left two wills of dried " gummi lini" on the weighb of the
and two codicils which are conflicting. geode taken. The gum forms a clear grey -
One would think that men would pay parti- brown fragile mass which dissolves in water
cular attention to the proper transaction of without taste or smell similarly to mim-
eo important a piece of business, but it is Arabic. Two gremmes are sufficient to
Ltot so.
of oil, which resembles the emulsion formed
form an emulsion with thirty grammes
with gum arabic, both in taste and appear.
For several weeks, says the Atlanta
Constitution, there have been on exhibition
In the office of the clerk of the Superior
Court samples of pulp made of the hulls
Discharged. for aat188.
Citizen (to milk dealer)—What has be-
come of Jim, your delivery boy?
Milk Dealer—I discharged him.
Citizen—Wasn't he faithful?
Milk Dealer Yes, Jim was faithful
nough, but he would go driving about the
treete in the early morning singing "Tho
Old Oaken Bucket."
of the figure iustead. To keep one's figure,
ALL ItINDS OF— e4ce pal..1q 172 tytketli end that not the care
a buying the stilleet and most ithylalc!itg
corsets possible, with which to confine the Repartee.
body, but the care which preserves inherent 4,-oit, John" said Mrs. Bjones, "I have
grace; the care. which keeps down the just found the most beautiful receipt for
edipoeg thews I the care which prevencurrant jelly.
ts the "Well i wish you'd find e receipt,for your
Onstemers supplied TUESDAYS, TEMi. toSOM. from becoming heavy and gross; the dress-maiaer's bills."
DAYS sten SATUBDAYS at their reeidease care which keeps the muscles flexible and
well poised; in other words, the care which "Oh, no, John dear. Thatis'not necessary.
ORDERS LEFT AT VIE SHOP WILL BXI always have Madame Brunetti make my
mtg. insures the gradual and desirable change
from the slight, girlish and undeveloped pre-
dre,ss-maker's billfor me,"
--- portions of youth, into the symmetrical, well
rounded and luxurious curve e of the upe. N othjto
lorwription of a pby
has had aIle I
treatfemale sea
monthlY with perigee itkumes
over 10,000 Iodise. Pleakatat,
effectual. Ladiei aek_yent
fast for Pennyroise w
take no substinste, otftms
age for sealedparideulars.
all drugglistg, Visor boar.
SEIM Ofililsaideera CO.. DlATI1017,
110- Sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning,
0. Lutz, and all druggists.
Sandi() cents postage
and we will sendyou
frees., royal, Valuable
sample box of goods
that will put you in the way of making more
money at once, than anything '.se in A.meriea.
BothseXes of all &gee can live at home and
work in sparetime, or all the rime. Capita
notrequirad. We will start you. Insinena
Lpe.y 0 LOr those who start al once. ST1110
Co ,Portland Mame
How Lost, How Restored
Jn t published, a new edition ef glor. Culver.
w 's Celebrated Essay on the radical Mire et
9ROLitilICSA or incapacity induced BY 055CSIS sr
early indiscretion.
The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,
dearly demonstrates from a thirty years' suceeesful
practice, that the alarming consequences of self -
Shim may be radioally cured; poingng out a Mode
at care at once simple, certain and effectual, by
sleeps of which every sufferer, no matter What Ms
conaition may be, may cure himself oheaply, mi.
vittely and radically.
W. This lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man in the land,
fienf under seat, in a plain envelope, to any ad
drams, pottpaid, on receipt of foil, cents, or two
postage sbanips. Address
41 Ann Street, New Ye*.
ost Office Box 450 486-4,
an learn the exact cost
of anyi proposed line of
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell &
atovveiesiner Advertising Estieselei,•
70 !Spruce Et., ileve• York.
SOcts. for 1.00.Pagto rehab/Qua
Thirl flan latccibes a tine aft With the feW
who give it thotight; entt the art fa legitimate
arid conothendabie. We will not deny that
the woinan IsPho theme aside het corsets
and reposes With hencls folded tO grow fat
will have suffictently ubehapely e.nd un-
attractive form to coal fOrth a protest ; and
so, too, will tlie woman Of teetnendous ner-
vous energy who ?winces herself to a skele-
ton, fail to attract th'e aye which delights in
firm fair Ifiesh e bah the women who use
plenty of cold -Water and friction In the
body, who take rational physical exercise,
'and employ scientific means for develops.
ment where they have it not, who hold the
chest firmly raised and breathe properly,
will have decided natural advantages over
the foolish ones who depend upon the corset
for form.
We do not doubt that many women wear
corsete who do not lace them unnaturally,
and with the present style of cloth -fitting
bodice they look the better for it: but the
tendency, onoe within the corset, is to pull
upon the lacingsuntil the natural organs of
support lose their power and yield place to
the artificial ; and even where there is no
deliberate tightening of the corset string
there is a tacit understanding that a few
added pounds of flesh shall not be considered
reason sufficient for letting out," and
thus rigidity S0011 reigns and grace becomes
These are the reasons why those of us
who believe in health and freedom for the
body say, eschew the corset altogether.
Were women possessed of the artistic: send.
Wilber which would insure the triumph of
true proportion, they might then wear a
wellalutped waist, of if the name se he bet-
ter, corset, vvithont disadvantage to health
or figure; but the monaent that the corset
idea is admitted abuse follows, and before
long disproportion reigns and physical weak.
nestm becomes general. Once exaggeration
begins, the beam goes up higher and higher,
the waist lino comes down, throwing the
hips out, the shoulders are squared, and the
elbows take an angle; in fact, the whole
tout ensemble becomes one of stiffneee,
awkwardnese and disproportion. Stylishl
yes beautiful 1 no.
Were comete worn fo meet the require-
ments of • nature, instea& of compelling
nature to meet the shapes and purposes of
the oorsetf there would be no cause for
quarrel between us.
Was He the Jonah/
She (in grp.t agitetion)—Oh, George, I
hear papa at zee front gate, and he is very
apt to be impulsive when he comes home
He (reassuringly)—Calm your fears, dear.
I'm in the coed business, you know, and. he
has owed the firm money for coal for over
nine months,
Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage. we observe has
been avowing himself the possessor of Bening
annexationist expectations. He sees in that
tha only, or at any rate the most satisfaotory
solution of all difficulties, whether about
fish or anything else, and hopes to live to
see the wedding day with the Niagara
rainbow ae the marriage writ. We cordially
wisk the genial preacher long life and
prosperity, but we have our doubts about
his living to see that day.
This is from the New York "Herald :"
"This principle of sectionalism intenetfied is
worthy of tbe gravest consideration by other
than New England States. Ik may be said
that the fishery brawl is a email matter;
that it willlblow over with thaelection, and
that retaliation 15 not war. Let us remenn
ber that the severest wars in history have
arisen frorn small matters. The custody of
the hely places led to the Crimean War; a
wordy quarrel at a. German watering place
between an irascible French Envoy and a
high -tempered Emperor cost France Alsace •
Lorraine ; a contest over a tax worth only
fifty thousand dollars to the English ex-
chequer led to the War of Independence,
and no process of historical analysis has
ever been able to discover how minute were
the causes of our Rebellion."
If young ladies who pride themselves on
their skill and tact in the art of flirtation
could only hear all that is said of them be.
hind their backs we think, says a New
York paper, they would renounce their
meretricious blandishments forever, and
blush, if not past that wholeetme indication
of shame, for the false part they had so far
played in society. The practical flirt is
looked upon by all young men, save those
green enough to be her vietinis, merely US a
frivolous piece of human trumpery, with
whom ib may be well enough to while away
an idle hour now and then when nothing
better in the way of amthemene offers.
She is freely diseessed in the olulat000rn
conversation, and het Woks of faecination
are eubjects of the warmth jests. Instead
of the respeot with which all honorable men
regatd true women, she earns for herself their
contempt, while the good and amiable of her
Gustave Gundersen, steward of the steam- ciwn sex look upon her with loathing. Of
er Thingvalla, eurvived six ocean ditiaidere obtaining a desirable husband the hast not
prior to the tecent one between hi weep' the slightest chance, and the probability is
and the Geiger. Beginning in 1806, he was that the will either die unmarried or aceept,
shipwrethed on the math of Norway. The as a last resort, so!ne wretch Who will
next vessel oh hoard Which he served found- avenge Upon her by has brutality the decep-
eked off Cape St. Vincent in 1808 ; the third Won she has enclealbred to practise 'upon
was wreeked off Anstralia in 1872; the better men. Irk either case she wilh deserve
fourth was: Olmsted of the Cape Of good • her fate, We would advise any young lady
Uope in 1873 ; the fifth was lost in a great who le inelined to flirtation to ask Wane old
gale on the voyage from 11/4Tew Zealand to jilt who has been through the mill whether
dAustrallad 1k874, and thee sixoth owes r.un thinks that tort of thing pays in the1878en
swn an
Her Effective Voice -
Mies Screecher—Wele dear, how was my
oice to night? Did it fill the room?
Miss Veracity—At first it did, but after-
Miss Screech er—W ?
Mies Veracity—It emptied it.
The Trials of Business.
House -maid (entering hastily). "Good
heavens, Mrs. Pancake, I'm afraid that new
boarder from the country has suffooated
himself I His door's looked, and the hall's
full of gas."
Mx e R.encake. "Dear me 1 how dreadful!
And the gas bill's so high already 1"
Keeping it a Dark Secret,
"Clarence, dear," said. the girl anxious-
ly, "what in the world do you suppose papa
wouldn't say if he know that you drank beer?
You know how very strict he is."
"But he doesn't know it, darling," re-
sponded Clarence reassuringly; "we had a
drink together tieday, and we both took
The Bale Side.
Little Dot—" I don't like to help wipe
Loving Mamma—" Why not, pet?"
"If I learn how to do such things just
right I'll grow up into a servant girl, won't
I 2"
• What a Time
People formerly hatl, trying to awalloW
the old-fashioned pill with its film of
magnesia vainly disguising its bitter.,
nese; arid what a contrast to Ayer'e
Pills that have been well, called " med-
icated sugar -plums" —the only fear be-
ing alga patients may be tempted into
taking too many at a dose. 13ut the
directions are plain and should be
strictly followed.
J, T. Teller, M. D„ of Chittt3nangoe
1st Y,, expresses exactly' what hundreds -
have written at greater length. Re
says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills are highly
appreeiated. They aro perfect in fermi
and coating, and their effects are 11;
that the most careful physician co ict
desire. They have supplanted all the,
Pills formerly popular here, and I think
it must be long before any other can
be made that will at all compare with
thorn. Those who buy your pills get,
full -value for their money."
«Safe, pleasant, and certain. in
their action," is the ccincise testimony
of Dr. George E. Walker, of Marting
tails outsell all similar Peep'
&rations. The public having once used
them, will have no others."—Berry,
Venable Re Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa.
Sold by aU Dealers in Medicine.
Unapproached for
— Tone arid Quality
Guelph, kt.
The Groat English Prescription.
A. successful Medioine used over
SO years in thousauds of oases.
Cores Spermaterrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Isnpotookty
and all diseases caused by abase,
nsnronal indiscretion, or ever -exertion. [Asvaid
. Ask your Druggist for The Groat
ackages Guaranteed to Ours whom et=
neer' tt k ne
V. Six$6, by mall. Write for Pamphlet
' Eureka Obonsloal Co., Dotrolt,
I For sale by J. W. Browning, C. Lutz,
Exeter, and all druggists.
and stalks of the cotton -plant. The pulp is I
as white as snow, and can be oonverted into
He Was No Night Hawk.
the finest writingpaper. It is regarded "Young mac," be mid sonorcusly, "are
es valuable, and is the product of parte of . you ever abroad in the early morning when
the cotton -plant hitherto deemed valueless. the great orb of day rises in all his majestic
The process by which it is made is new. and brilliant glory ?"
It is one by which the ligneous substance ( " Well--er—yes, sir, sometimes," replied
of the hulls and seed are diesolved. By the young man " lout I generally try to get
this proems over fifty per cent. of the fibre to bed earlier than that."
Is extracted from the hulle, whieli hare been /
regarded art fit only for fuel in tho mnilis, Homely girl (coufieently )—" List night
or for feed and fertilising purposet, and Mr. Nicefellow seid I had the evecetest
whion were sold for four dollars a ton. face he ever gazed on." Sympathetic friend
These, converted into pulp, will be worth (fervendy) -"Hew he must love you 1"
about forty dollars a ton. At a very small
expense this new promo utilises about it was almost the first time he had spoken
thirty-eight percent. of fibre from the stalks openly of his despair. From the hour of
usually left to rot in the fields. the crime until now there had been no con-
ficlence between the brothers. They had m.
• lived together, and talked of the daily busie-
The strained relatiens which exist between nem of life; but there bad been an impute -
able gulf betwixt the past anti the present. .
France and Italy are evidently being taken
By mutual cansent they had been ,eumb.
advantage of by Prince Bismarck, who sees
in them. an opportunity to isolate the former Both En4 ion and Germany have their -
Power from popular Italian sympathy. Its ly hands .xcentred over Zerz' bar, in a filibus-
would certainly never risk the chances of an tering spirit. Formerly Engiandand France, •
open rupture with France but for her con- as successers to Spain and Heiler:id, had the .
fident expectation, in the event of troutles game of annexation pretty much in their
of securing the united eupport of Germany own hantis, but now Russia, Italy and Ger-
and Austria. In ;spite of the facts that the many are fully awake to the ides thet each
public debt of France is larger than that of and all of them went the earth, and are
any other nation in the world, she ha paid itchieg along or making rapict mileage in
all her expenses, and last year had a surplus their ea,rts to peesees whatever can be
of a few millions. She has doubled the snatched from half civilized occupants of
power of her ermies since the German war, two continents and any allude that can be
while her navy is more powerful than that eeized.
of Germany. Bismarck knows this, and, The plague of locusts, so called, in the.
therefore, seeks to deplete and humble Western Suites, did not come to the pro -
France by aiding Italy in her schemes of portions expected as but little was heard of .
aggrandizement. While the Triple Alli- it after the first werning lamentations were •
ance might, at first sight, be considered as a :Tread. abroad. In Anibia they weloome •
menace to Rustle., it will undoubtedly be the locust swarms as a great benevolent
seen, when an opportune moment for making food supply, gather them up for soups and
it operative shall arrive that the Caar has stews, end preserve the bodies of such a.s
"No, dear. If you learn how to do any. been placated so far as his desrgns on Bul-
thing just right you'll never be a servant garia are concerned, and that he will not
girl." be interfered with in mis onward march to
Few of th3 crowned heads of Europe have
been more fortunate than King Christian of
Denmark. One of his daughters is Empress
of Russia, and another is likely to be ti e
future Queen of England, wnile one tf hie
sons ia King of Greece and another is the
husband of the only daughter and heir of
the King of Sweden. And now his grand-
son the Crown Prince of Greeoe, is to marry
theaarineess Sophie, sister of Emperor Wil-
liam. If dynastic alliances could assure
peace between nations, such widespread
marital relationships would surely afford the
necessary guarantee.
• Ontario farmers think they have a hard
time fighting the potato beetle and other in-
sect pests of field, garden, and orchard. If
misery loves company, let them sympathize
with the farmers of Minnesota, and at the
same time realize how trivial are their own
troubles in comparison. In some counties
in that State a bounty of $1 a bushel is paid
or the collection of grasshoppere. It taken
some 20,000 grasshoppers to make a bushel,
yet they are so numerous that hopper
catchers are (Said to make good wages, Truly
the farmers out that way must feel that the
"grasshopper is a burden.'" ,
If our north-western ferment would adopt
the method of protection against early frosts
practised in Southern California, they might,
perhaps, be saved losses of many thousands
of dollars in vegetables, cranberries and
other fruits, In the latter region they
place at intervals around their vineyards,
orchards or gardens duke tif porous bricks
soaked in petroleum or wane other inflam-
mable 'rensterial that Makes a deem smoke.
Mr such fresh 'usually &tour on ant tights,
the bau of smoke hangs over the phew and
effectively averta trod by acting AS a gab of
blanket. The fires ars knitted When the
Mercury drops into the thirtiee. Sonia
hottioultitriets are Said tO have had sucoefts
with an automatio system that lights them
fires when the thermometer indicates a our.
tain temperature. The 'California method
might repay looking into. f
are not required for the bill of fare to in-
crease the riohness of the ceramist heap.
The people feed on the invaders and con -
Sider them a good crop.
ommassi3 ELTNEeme
Medicated for all diseases of the blood and ner.
voas system. Ladles' Belt 02 for kmab.
plaints it has no equal. Mena' Bolt es, eoinblfind
Belt and Suspensory $04
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giving a ciirept current of ectrlo
twiomithonetipncaortnysetien(e. HibeunIrctrorn rngb2tf or
Imonials on file from those cured of female dises.ses, pains in back one
eines. nervous debility, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, paralysis, tie
disonso of the kidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver, gout, leucorrhosa, catarrh
sexual exhaustion, seminal omissions, astbinaheart disease, dyspepsia, conettee salon &eft
inapotenov,, piles, epilepsy, dumb ague and diabeteci. belAd StatrejO fel
beedSomily mllustraied booli and health journal, Correspondence strictly confidential Cleut.
sultatiou end electrical once:met free, Agents 'wanted everywhere. Pat. Feb. 26th, 189/•
Cures Cuaranteed
Medicated Electric Belt Co.. 155 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canada.
5",7Y"',1 r`t
gwapartaINDIscotery et
*too • Sae
eatwall reactor ever offered to the palette an IS days taiAl.
tiben fi=i6verearrosoVA oontrp. 9Uairtunent. W. T. atm et oft.
iittlakle not ti naldisias �r itopplibt Powder ball, but h floitgenera•
Eng Voitor, ed Mt honks, &Odd and Plaea0.
ftellrut No. 2.—Qta Oen and Orontdily Mara tehreitt an
Teting disease&
Adtliii NO. 2.-,4esithielY Once el distiatkiii Of the Este, Oatelleet Gran
ideahied *00 neer' and far SiglOtodlieS0 Thal HU
ettatelega witteAl ditatiertleis
Misit " -"*.a ti 000 ' Otta Whiablint emitiketen CR 12 ti
1E2ar..._ *MOO SEntiP ely' satisomea beg* 'tetra bee Ai
pow& Iv', T. tuna%m 4 IOC Eituttii troot Week Tata*, Grit