HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 7r When m tons of el:ohne appear, o. goourrariooa of the Plrstvf.eetc Through,Miss Mary E. Davis, of Luslila ae, Ont., out the 1 leighbarttood ill a Concise and get gas or eiectrielty2 says—o y brother was bad with cholera . Perna. Ml, Alex. a morbus and after tieing one bottle of Dr, Water is reported scarce in many has le p t Tlis trial Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, it sections of Stephen township. fol counterfeiting t taken cured me entirely." Mr, R. S. Hodgins, of Luean is ship. The valua of goods entered for oonsumn- ' ping apples to the European,market, closing on there tion in Canada during August was $10, Mr..T. S. Coughlin, son of T. Cough, l;e . Ballantyne, AI n , Minta 222,710, and the duty collected thereon, ]in, 17sq,, M. P., matriculated for law $2,128,078. The total dutiable goods was In Toronto lately• t f and six and three-quarter millions. The ion- Fall wheat in this vicinity, notwith- preached ports aro half a million iu excess of those standing the long spell of dry weather ev[y. of August, 1887, and the revenue shows an is lookingwell. In the increase of 6140,000. Wroxter people in Huron County Tag DOUBLE LIABILITY. the existing un- Os code kl 11 h 'd y d t g tits A weak and low constitution, impure blood, are inconvenienced estby g etc,, causes a double liability to contract fair postzh service. disease purify the : blood and remove all Mr. John Duncan, of Stanleypshir'lamb of the Biu i B dg t, to Huron worn out matter and disease -breeding im- purities slii sold a pair of Shropshire lambs county 1 1 Y purities from the body by using Burdock ffo ani American buyer the other day t' bl h articles Blood Bitters which thoroughly oieeeses, for a30.: alleged pl' t fi libelous regulator and toiler the entire systen. a 1r ad named Wanless, of It. is stated that the Gorman Governtnen t woody cord . ,.,' 2 5 to a o0 A young 1 Varna, had his leg broken the other order of will ask the Reichstag to sanction try, l;`, sr: arAnre day,byone cow knocking another 1 k on the new Presby- building of anumberot rnen•of-war. IiIGHLY VALUED,. against him. terlan , 95 g ler "Last summer our children wero very Dr, Coleman, of Seaforth the other complaint and the only DISTRICT DOINGS.Mitchell people' are agitating for ( IS ti1fOLEBA COMING? coal oil lanlpy as a means of lighting Wlt sy p their streets. Why not go it one more prompt remedies should be r es` rted tt 1e Brownley, of Ailsa Craig, ft for arts'unknown. . was o have phos in London at the assizes just V Mr. - ter of Duff's church, Walton, has.re- signed on accoun o ill -health, his farewell sermon on Sun- day' last. case of Grant vs. Jenkins Mr, Justice MacMahon made an order at Ball Friday a directing conimital of the defendant, the editor Brussels Budget, to Huron jail for 30 days for contempt ot court is continuing to publish bythe plaintiff to be after being enjoined from so doing by the Court. The brick work Church Parkhill is now nearly completed, The tower is very neat design. It xs capped by a central quadrilateral cone, the frustrum of with,. variegated in atastymanner with The rus rum ,. is surmounted by an apex of painted ornamental zinc and trnvvor r. cone are gablesbetween four square pillars each Having an apex finished in_ similar tothe centre cone, MATR RET REPORTS.. Exa.xz,zi (Correetedat5o'cloekp,u . Wednesday, Pal1When f 0 08 to 1 01 Spring 11i eat... 0 08 to 1 00 if µFlo 3' Oats OloverSied Timothy ' , Peas Oorn Sags i3uttei Flourporb b I .. Potatoes,per bushel ,,, Apples, per bag DriodApplespr b tleose per lb. 1Jurkey per lb Ducks po r pr Ohiekonsper pr llogs,dreseeclper10 Beef i;laesdro sed .. .., Sheepskins each 0altskins Wool perib ayporton' Onionanerbnsn 48 to 05 0 28 to ' 30 4 00 t o 4 00 , 250to300 0GOto00'8 058to000. 010to010 ,, to to 018 00to555. 20 t o t0 40 t o 0 50 004Io000 ... 005to005 , 0 07 to 08 0 45 to 0 so • ,0 20 to 0 80 0 80 to 7 00 400 to500 • 550to550 6 00 to 6 00 ,., 0 75 t o 1 t0 ,,, 0 50 to 0 70 • 0'18 to 0 20 800 to 0 050 to075 •'Fall Wheat 88 to 95 Spring Wheat 88 14ar,ey.,... .:................ ......... . 40 ,., 51) 30 35 Oats Glover Seed...:........... ..... _460 5 OP Timothy ...................... n0 05 Peas ...... ........... ..... ...... ..... ................. 150 2 01 Eggs 15 15 Potter atoes per b day, in getting off a train while in in p t l bad with summer p remedy that did them any good . was Dr. naotion,ed himself v the.ground, and: injur- Fowler's Extract of > Wild Strawberry, he himself aeverly about the face and which is slated dark brown slate We used 12 bottles during the warm weath- head • red er and would not be without it at five times Ma'or tiYhite of St. Marys, has ter- and blue. f t cif the tower the cost, considering it to have no superior anized a company of cadets, and in- for diarrhoea." Strs. Jas. Healey, New s t At the su'ucts hem in drill three tinier n four orated Edinburgh, Ont, week on the, grounds in front of the base of the P Gen. Solomon, ox -President of Hayti, is old school iu that town. e dying at Paris, The last sacrament has In McGillivray oats have proved to fi h d a desieu been administered to him. be agood crop. Generally speaking, t +tikr„wrx, rrs P s fift. bushels to the..... the result r y -five acre. In the school lapse of twenty minu- On Tuesday afternoon a very serious accident happened to Jes. McDougal, 0 f the2nd line south Adelaide. Mr. McDougall wag engage plowing, A e % System tes one hundred' bushels of oats were d hay threshedon farm o f ] 1r James Gil- bert, Bert the other day. This is consid- ing the lines over his back, when, . it is supposed, the point of . the plow struck a root or stone. which ^caused the horses to give a sudden jerk, breaking the whiflietrees and pulling ll on to the plow with severe wound in. breaststriking hore or plow point. The in- jured man was removed to the house; ice mMc- Dougall sufferingseverely from a right real of aright angle' 3x2 inches, which pen- etrated through en-etrated'through the chest wall of the lung, but fortunately not injuring the tter•. A widow woman, named Brown, and. her mother, on their way from Eng- land to a' relative near Ailsa Craig, had only money enough to carry them to Brecon. where the widows child, two months old was taken sick. They tramped ou to Nairn, and sleeping by the road side over night the babe died. Thus afflicted the women made their way on foot to Parkhill, carrying the body with them. The case was made. known to Mayor Gibbs, and he had the child properly interred, and Parkhill dealt charitably with the suf- fering women before they proceeded further. ered good work. Mr. D. Oantelon, of Clinton; recent- ly shopped 1,040 barrels oto apples to Glasgow and Liverpooland :over 1,000 Mr, McDougall --atanYl UNDER Ten -- The up the lake. great force, making a Improved System of Bread Mak- . 'lhe weather continuing fine ducks, hie right It will pay you to try my by either the ng. do not cone in, ,consequently the coulter, s sport thus far this season has been Tbo Bread is sweeter and will. retain its anything hut pleasant, and the medical 1 en found Mr. 11Ic moisture longer than any other in use. A. The other day a horse: belonging to Dougall trial solicited. Mr. T. Carrouthers, ofBlanshard, took wound in the ig t b t in the shape sick in St. Marys and died, entailing a loss to the owner of 64(.0. Mr. John Quinlan, of the 5th con - Desmon of Hibbert, left on. Monday for the "OulctSod," he vent.to secure a large fortune which has been left to him by two uncles who resided there. Mrs. Wra.Pierce, of Brinsley, who some time ago had her leg broken by beingthrown from abuggy, diea one 4daylast ,week., She was highly re- spected, being an estimable lady. Nine cars or cattlewere shipped from Ailsa Craig for the old country markets, last week, and 50 carloads are being arranged for. We have this week to announce the death of Mr. Wm. Webb, of Bien- . . shard, at the advanced age of 81 years Deceased' was one of the township's enrli st pioneers and had a very large circle of friends. Mr. Amos Marriot, of Blanshard has added lot 6 on the Base Line to his list of possessions. The farm cons,sts ot' 100 acres, which. with the stock thereon cost Mr. Marriot in the neigh- borhood of $8,000, The other day a colt belonging to R, Hodgins, of Clandeboyevas struck by the six o'clock express and hoisted about 40 feet, luckily fracturing no bones, although the shoulder and side of the head are bruised. Mr. Wm. Henderson, • of the south boundary Blanshard, after an illness of several months' duration, died on Monday of last week, at the age of 70 years. lie was born, in Enniskellen, Ireland. and emigrated to this country, when 21 years of age. Be was a pio- neer or Blanshard and was highly re- spected. Apples are so plentiful this season that a termer exchanged a bag of pip- pins for a plug of tobacco, with one of the merchants on the shady side of the main street in St. Marys the other day. Apparently there is not a good market for apples in the stone town. A.gang of railroad men were plying their handcar eastward on Thursday morning near Parkhill during a dense fog, at the rate Or 801110 fifteen miles an hour, when suddenly the morning express going West loomed out of the mist, giving the men ; of the jigger barely time to leap for their lives, which they did. The handcar was shattered to pieces, but no other darer - age was done. Mr. David Oliver, who lives on Lot No 2, third con., Fullerton, had a nar- row escape of being burnt out on Sunday morning, The kitchen being a wooden one took fire by some means after the family had retired for the night, and was not discovered till about,two o'clock in the morning, but too late to save anything in the build- ing. The dwelling house being made of brick was saved after some hard work. Wm. Baxter. of Stephen, closed his life work here on earth, Sept. 16, at the advanced age of 76 years. His ill- ness was of short duration, de was a very plain and outspoken Christian man. A large number attended his funeral which was conducted by Revs. Carriere and Lochead . He ' passed a- way from earth in the full triumph of faith Mr. Samuel Willis, while ploughing on his farm near Wroxeter, one day last week to a newly cleared field, turned up what proved to be a coffin of primitive constyuctton, which, on examination, was found to contain a human skeleton. The coffin consist- ed of a hemlock log neatly hollowed out and-eovered with a rude slab of the same material. rhe bones, which were in a good state of preservation; were apparently those of efemale well advanced in years. as but few of the teeth were remaining and these much worn down. A piece of blue ribbon, some remnants of cloth and fur and a broken bone rattle, or some such instrument; accompanied the hones, which are supposed :to have been those of an Indian wo.isati, This find has revived stories in circulation eighteen or twenty years ago to the eilect that some Indians then camp- ing. in that, vicinity heel killed one of their women while on drunken spree District Doings. Petitions, numerously signed, askingfor the repeal of the Scott Act iu Frontenac county have been sent to the Government. The antis are well organized. Tartar Have you tried Imperial Cream Baking Powder? Do so, it is the purest: and best, always reliable. The British Foreign Ofee announces that all ports in Portuguese India are in- fected ivitli cholera. When the system is debilitated by dis- ease.it seould be strengthened and renewed with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine invariably proves itself worthy of all .that can be said in its favor. Sold by all drug- giats and dealers in medicines. Price $1. Six bottles,,a5. Wm• O'Brien, epealtini at 11f:aryborough to -day, said that Ireland's arm had been long enough to reaeb Lord Lansdowne in Canada, and would reech him in Indies... A terrible prairie :fire burned : over the entire southern portion of CampbrIl Coun- ty, Dakota, on Thursday. About 200 tons of hay and several stables have been con- sumed. An unknown Norwegian was burned to death. When symptoms •of malaria appear, in any form, take Ayer's Ague Cure. It will prevent a development of the germs of dis- ease, and eradicate them from the system. A cure is warranted it every instance. It is reported iu Berlin that futher ex- tracts from the diary of Emperor Frederick will soon appear, The King of Greece visited tl-o raiser w Vin. and Kaiserini at Potsdam to -day, and after- s' hen 1 say CEEB and then h merely ©o wai'c'ls started for.Vienna• turn again, , I artAN A RADICAL CURPL. Scott'y Emulsion of' Pure Cod ..I have made the disease of Liver Oil, with Fiypophosphites, is prepared 11 . r, QDSi° in a perfectly agreeable: form, at the same s EP1L You will always find` the 18 14 (, (10 , 25 - 50 Wool perlb,,... ... 20 28 Hay pee on 6 00 7 Oo '1;ran per ton Shorts '• " Oatiiteai per bbl. , , ld 00 14 00 20 00 20 00 000 700 BR•ITISfi GRAIN' TRADE. Loudon, Sept. 24.—The Mark Lane Ex- press in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says :— Under continuous flue weatherthe yield of the latewheat' orofi is far beyond e;;peotation. Wheat, which farm- ers intended to stack until Marob, is now threshed out and marketed. The quautities thrown on the market.oause:l a decliue'of is in price. The sales of Euplish wheat Bur- in; the past week yore 35,614 greater at 34s 11d, against 72,293 quarters at 28s 9c1., dur- ing the corresponding week last year. Olcl native wheat maintain ,their values. Flour is quiet. Foreign wheat is extremely slow. -Best white is is cheaper. In the Liverpool market prices have fallen 2d per cental Foreign flour is irregular, . and prices have te Largest anti Finest Assortment of ^,my are e k per sack. Corn, ex-ship les and t 0911. There were thirteen arrivals of wheat car- goes. Five cargoes were sold, two were with- drawn aucl six remain. At to=day's market new Buglish were found ranch out of» con- ditiou and prices dropped 2s. Old Englisb and the finest foreign whites were nuehang ed. Other grades were 10 ebeeper. There was a large supply of foreign flour et 1e de- cline. Flat corn was 1s and round corn 6cl lower. Grinding barleys were down 6d' and oats 911 Beans and peas were quiet. Pastry, Cakes, Confectionery, Or- anges, Lemons, &c., x ST --AT-- EXETER. MAIN -ST., SUMMER OF 7888. We Lead the rade FOR HONEST GOODS, FOR PULL WEIGHTS., FOR GOOD TEAS, POR LOWEST PRICES, FOR 3300T3 & SHOES, FOR RANcin .OF TWEEDS 11011 SJLRTINGGS FOR COTTONS, P011 DRESS GOODS, FOB LACES of all kinds. Ar— JOHN BRAWN, UNDDTAIID cQ,B ET- 1 boi ,1 i Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ,so Corms or Evuar Dnsonzrrioa. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED CON~ DUCTED AT LOW BATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r. 'GI'VE ME A CALL )()L Ili Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. f' . de»1ig!t time increasing the remedial Potency of FALLING SICKNESS both of these specifics. It is acknowledge by leading Physicians to be 'marvellous in its curative powers in Consumption, Scrof- ula, Chronic Coughs and Wasting Diseases. Take no other. At a social dinner of the Undertakers Association at Toronto,theplates were coffin -shaped, the napkin rings were coffin- handles, the handles of the knives and forks were the same, and the jellies were iu the shape of urns, weeping willows, -etc. A DOUBLE RECO]1IMENDATION. "We have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and find that for liar lima it cannot be equalled. We cannot speak to highly of it." Ernest. Clare Cross and Roy Neil, Cross, Jasper, Ont., April 29th, 1888. An Italian gang of railroad laborers on Friday murdered their foreman, C. F. Hubbard, - at Hawthorne, Wis., on the Omaha line. The sheriff has gone to the scene. Owing to the long -continued rain, com- plaints are heard on all sides of bad pros- pacts for crops in Quebec. The Department of Fisheries intends shipping during the month of October a large cargo of live lobsters from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Eritiab Columbia, via C. P. R., which will be pinned in the Paci- fic Ocean. This year's Toronto Exhibition has been more succesefel thanllany held there previ- ously. The total receipts amount to $59, 653.68, as compared with 9152,09 1.75 for last year, showing an inereaso for this yeat of $7,462.13 A RAILWAY SMASH BP calls vividly to mind the appalling spectre of death, and ,yet no thought is taken of the thousands annually dying though dis- naso caused by wrong- action of the stow. soh,liver, and kidneys or bowels, and tvhiell might be remedied by the use of B. 13. B., natures groat restorative tonic and blood purifier. Sinop Wednesday morning not a wheel liar turned uncle` a freight care on the Chi- sago division of tho Illinois 'Contral 11, R. Tinley art W9 have struck for all increase of 9 &life long study. I'evenneivx my remedy to Conn the worst eases. Because others have failedisnoreason for not nowreceivtn a cure. Send atonce foratreatiseand 41'111 s:302,Llo 01 Mr INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you noticing for a, trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. If. Ge ROOT, 37 Tonga St,, Toronto, Oat. 3roneet a'`.4`,";i','s W Wen 7 G WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS faRNl, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising, from disordered LIV;;.R, J<ZDN17S, STOMACH, BOW 211'LP '7 BLOOD. I'. MILBUR.N & CO. ""arxo cruse. Alnra ` Ladies' College, ST. rJ fomAs, 0NT. 1,7 Prolessors end Teachers. Nearly 200 Students. —oneoueeitai Monsen 8S— Literature, Languages, s'insic, Fine Arte, Commercial Science, Elocution. New Building, $20,000, ready in Soptom- ber. Six te.pone Calender free. Andres e PRINCIPALA,LI',ST'I1V, 13.1?. LLET 7 POWDERED 81 99 PER CENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Beady for use in any quantity. For inalcing' Soap, Softening; 'Fater, Disin- fecting, and a S.undresi other uses. - .9. can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. ,Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, saw, CtI'WIM, - go*soll'1'W a:.:D oIIx0AG0. Allan - Line ! ROYAL MALL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Dor- Days of Sailing,—Parisian, Dray, 24, Poly- nesian. Friday,June1. Sardinian 'Pltursdae, Time 7. Circassian Friday, Juno 15, Sarma- tion,Thursday, Juno 21. Parisian 'Thursday, June 28. Polynesian FridaYJuly6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Ciroassian Friday June 20. Sarmatian Thursday Jule• 26. Parisian Thurs- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Aug .10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug SO. RATES. Cabin $50, 565,375, aocarding to po- sition, Return $100.3121,3150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glaogew S80; re - tarn 860. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage passengers hooked to and from Glasgow:, Bel- fast Queonston or London at Liverpool, rates. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relativesby the Allan Line. For furthorPa; tieulars imply to JOHN SPACIKMAN, The only authorized agentin Esete 1111211, bEgt10111 Dr. CHASE' lips a world-wide reputation as a'hysia and author, leis mandrake Dandelion LiyAa core is a triumph of medical skill, oaring 0,l1 diseases otthe Kindey and Liver, SYMPTOMS of Kidney Complaint, pheaes d z, r, line in the back ; a dull pain or weight 2w 11e bladder or base of the abdomen ; scald- ing urine often obstructed ; frequent. 0esir8 to urinate, especially at night, among age'A persons ; hot. dry skin, pale oomplexiori red and white deposits, drop dizziness, son]' stomach, constipation, piles, liver sicalt swellings, 0o, SYMPTOMS OF Liver C.om laint Pain nrider ilip r shoulder blad'os. Jaundice, gallow complexion, a wear!, tiredl teeliug, no life or energy, head ache, dyspep, s+a, indigestion, spots, pimples deo. HOW CURED Mandrake and Dandelion arenitture'eltye1 cures, and whet, cam in ed with kidney rens- edies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will meet positively euro ail Sidney -liver troubles,„ it acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver ,sttongtheningthe kidneys auiinvigcsr- atingthe whole body. Bold by all deplore a't one dollar. with receipt b ock, ~thick alone ist worth the money. Dr. Chase's Pills are the only Tr I lciu ey , Paiclney-Liver Pills made ; they J1VEl1 act gently yet effectually. May be taken during any employ- ment. They cure kidney-liver Pllls troubles, hoadache,b'.eousnosw costiveness d;c. One Pula doss gold by 511 dealers, .]'rico 25 cents. T. ED11PANSON .ac :CO., Bradford, Ont.. MantF.- 9i. 1 g E a m ee The cheapest spot of in toy n for Ifarcaware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., if you are, at cal?'.;se's. BISSETT B OS We are now offering the halftime of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at a os We would call your attention to few of our specialtios :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A. Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern - A Good Axe Gild Handle An A 1MLanure Turk Aud everything at Bock Bottom Prices for Cash. r Ya tr.-erara.a. L ats/ZXLLrE°O , WOO_DHAM. The undersigned would respectfully infer 5 he community that they have leasedthe above mills fora term of years ;'and will be pleased, to have a call from all. Tho mill has recently beenimproved,bythe addition of new mach- inery. It is the intention of t.so subscribers to adda sot of rolls as soon 05.possiblc; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Willbe second to none in the West. x -x— Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantlyon hand for sale or SATISFACTION p exchanged for oats. SA 0 ISFACTION iUARANTEED. TRIAL SOLICITED & A.. McNEVIN, $2 50, $1 O0- 0 50 $1.00 i:G SO A fall stock of the following lines always on hand -.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized., An. calent and Sailed :wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having zurciiased our supply of Binder Twine early we are new in a position to supple • t;l at tile lotvcst possible price. A lull stem of'tinware of all Ulnas alwa n stock. Eavotroughing and roofing a 1may,• ialty, Agents for the It ik Ib Itletatic Shia :hoofing. Ask for, prices. Agents for t);n celebrated Sewing13aRaymond nfacuiue. J. SHELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of,Browriiug's drug store, where thero,will be found a Ass ' t,Jok OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &o. —Arno— BIbSETT BROS., Ex.eterr.. ..,,.. ....•.,.. ...,e,.smne,,.....,e w,em Scotch, :nosh, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE —AND AT- CONSISmfl'LY 1011+1 PRICEES ! A CALL `"WILL OONVINCI. An 3e SlaZILZA, Gra :rUato ot Cle'volonct fitt(tting School t`^~yO& „,.,..).b.-t ?G ` lti i :f; `vw' be, isc`moo;., t w°o 00lpc o0 r'P.,a 4 °ttGO” .4.4, 10 tide' flytitio'>•-C4 ° o- . e. .o wet/ 9. c` y r' ,4). '', tis' .. etit e, titi ter '9. , ,Q Lo'~ ate x mac i - G 4')' ,tso 0S. e ,5\4 ee ' * 5.ao Ns „pis ^r ,\O tiw ccs '9' ° fis v4e 1,1, 0S \ 4 ywo °e'cc, ei' t e''e 0- o Y` °°o'. ro Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 79, New Oxford Street, a; late 533, Oxford Straot,, London. j( eo- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots; If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurio ope.MUnesvoti0727011.111M01.7rOM SPRING 1888. SPRIN eMl,.-a..eeeeeeOM.eWin— ,mss W,A• a r Irl`.. ets o Curtains,. Now, that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your t- speetion to our BIG stock of Carpets, Curtain's„ asid.»thisi 'Palley Window Blinds, &c.' When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the 01 Establishhed carries the Biggest Stock and Latest .Ale erioan Patterns. Lots off' ano` C ilia Pape s With Corner's:lb d) o N Wind Blinds . sowswesceo.u.ausnors.wurzNMu%1n.HNxvrN.uui all.3Paper JAMES M E PIC; .. A 0y Exeter.. ,.