HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 6.._.--RURSDAS•.�",,. T ,�N 7.r1al C r ' kY'x�za� 272zi, TS88. ;, EDITORIAL NOTES. Eighty-five cents is the ruling: ,price paid for wheat in Manitoba. This is equally as good as $I,00 per bushel in (Ontario, Senator Sherman, of the Unite. d States should come over and visit the Caaadiaas zt while that he may form a proper estimate of them..' Small -pox bas made its appear- ance in Buffalo and manly deaths are occurring daily. The people of the city are becoming anxious lest its ravages become general. Stubbs is the name of the gentle- man who is going to oppose Mr. White in Cardwell in the election of member to the Piouse of Com- mons. It is'1''ardly likely he w be successhii. The Indiansof. California are only a couple of centuries behind the cultured. Eastern States in point of civilization. Recently a tribe there burned a witch at the stake to cure an epidemic after the manner of the Puritans at Salem, Mass. The deadly scourge, yellow fever, is still on the rampage in Florida, over 2,000 cases with nearly 300 deaths, having thus far been reported. The majority of those who have succumbed were colored people. The only nediuni through which the floating disease can be abated, is frosty weather. The balance ,of the thirty per cent. Dominion three per cent. loan fell due at London Friday, amounting to ,•CI,200,300. The effect is apparent on the market, money being In good demand, and the supply of available capital showing a slight decline in the stock markets from the rapid rise of the last few days in home rail- ways Other stocks followed in the slight reaction, in sympathy with which Grand Trunks and Canadian Pacifies are fractionally lower. By reputation they are strong ail• ne;,ationists, but by character they are etaur-ch admirers of this Dom inion, and it would take, a great deal to destroy their roftidence in it. Re rnay, come across news- papers ha different parts at the caul try which will tells !aim the. contrary to this, but the ; large headed editors of the same are professional .rhetoricans who pride hemselves on the fact that they` are open to engagements to plead any cause for a consideration, just as lawyers or other professional men are, and who at the present' tune are trying to convince the farmer that he is writhing under the malleable iron heel of oppres- sion which will .grand him to the dust if he does not arise in his might and ` demand con mercia annexation with the United States the other kind of annexation to follow as a matter of course. But the farmer doesn't ,arise ; he loves his country !even though at times ',the crops be short, and lie sometimes gives vent to down cast feelings and talks change When the crop is -good and the wheat reaches $e per bushel, the farmers will sit around the stove in cross road stores and swear ur affirm Canada's the greatest count- ry under the sun. They have ?ro desire for annexation. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED, To 'Nidi l niTOlt Please informyour readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named die ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been perrssueutly (lured, I shall be glad to send two' bottles 4. my rernedS i ltzr? tq any of your areaders who have consumption if they will Bend me their Ili xpresB" And P. 0, address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, Toronto, Ont.. 37 X•onge street BORN. Towess,--In Exeter, on the 21st inst., the wife of Lewis'1'gaere of a son. JoinswegN.-Cu Play, ma the 22nd inst , the wife of W. H. Johnston of a son. RNIGx,-At Ontario, California,' on the. 15th nit,, the wife of Mr. Frank' knight of a son. MARRIED. Eni,rr-AiLSN.-In St. Marys, on 24th ,Sept:, James Ellis to Boxy Allen, daugh- ter of the late Abraham Allen, of East Nissouri. Shirai.-Keuste,-On the 2Ot11 inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by ;the Rev. W. 13, Eifel Mr, John Smith to Miss Mary!{lump, all of Stephen. F ssineenen CIASLARE. -.- At the R.0 Churoh, on the 17th ins(„ by the Rev, P., Brennan, Michael Haudrabao, to Miss Lena Oasleke, both of St. Marys Sittspali-PATTOx.-At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich township., on the 19th inst,, by the Rev. Mr. Raney, Mr. B. Semen, of Sebringville, to Miss Maggie, eldest daughter of : Mr. Tames Patton. BoweiterAs-WILSOIt-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 18th, by the Rev. Wesley Oasson, Mr. Guy' E. Bow• ermau. of Del Rapids; Dakota, to Miss Susie Wilson of Mitchell. DIED. Mis6i Turney isre pared to do all kinds of dress and reautle makln( in the latest fashions. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Next door to Sorlthootts taller shop ESTRAY.- Came intq the prem- ises of remisesof William Stacey, Lot 7., West. Boundary, T3lansherd, on or about the 1 irst of, September. Three Ewes. The owner can have the same by proving property and paving ex- inemses, \VAL SIACEX, kirkten, A band of burglars are operating in this county. Several merchants north have been•;victimfeed. Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Melbourne, is to take charge of the Presbyterian church at Eensall at en early date. While packing apples one day re- cently Mi.. Whiles, of St. Marys, fell from a tree"across a'±ence and broke 3 or h of his ribs. between Niagara Palls and Luck - now a trunk owned by Rev. Mr, Shaw was robbed of $50 or $60 worth of clothing. Jacob Hodgson, of the township of Bosanquet, shipped 150 barrels of ap- ples on Thursday to the Liverpool near. ket. It is the first freight shipment made from •th'tt point this season. The Blyth Standard says :-112r. A. Scott, brother to Scott Bros., of this town, is lying seriously ill with fever, at his hona.e near Lucan. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. John Graham, Blandford, has the champion industrious'eturkey hen. She has laid an egg every day since she started in the spring, continuing todo so while hatching. 'Henry Knott, of Clinton, rammed a red-hot iron clown a gun barrel tore move its contents and now his fore- finger and part of his hand are not. A rather rare occurrence took place near Oshawa, one day lately. In one fancily a birth, marriage and death occurred within three or four hours. Mr. Tuck of Waterdown, Wentworth county, for seven consecutive years has taken the Canada Company's prize of 5100 given at the Provincial. fair for the best 25 bushels of , fall wheat. Mr. Robert Ward, of the 13th con. of Fullarten, recently sold to an Am- erican dealer a mare and horse for which ho received the nice little sum of $470. The Mitchell baseball club made a very good record this year. They played ten matches, winning 6, losing three and one tie. They were beaten by Stratford, Motherwell . and St. - Marys. The United States Senate las transferred the control of the St. Clair Bats canal to the Secretary of war. This is with the object of finding out the ,ownership of the canal. The best of authority says it runs altogether through Canad- ian territory. rii-fowever, the fact will be settled as soon as the 'first vessel is fined for violation of the rules. The case will be carried to the courts under the plea that the United States government have no jurisdiction, which 'will be an easy an peaeetul solution of the difficulty, It all up with Canada now. This Dominion is to be annexed to the United States at once. Sixty-nine (veteran) officers of Meagher's Irieh Brigade ate ;a sup- per in New York pledged their sacred honor and their lives to se- cure the annexation of Canada. Therefore the country is doomed. Really the situatioo is dangerous (?). This new move of the gall- ant sixty-nine is even worse than Cleveland's move, which is to 'shut us out completely. They purpose gobbling us up, body and bones,. This will be deplorable. Haying reviewed the situation in all the wheat producing countries ENVELOP S Prices Reasonable at Times Merchants Can 'get defer ''Bill Roads, Letter Roads, &o•, 40,, printed at 'Tnnoo Mice for very little more than they generally pay for the paper, and it helps to advertise their busi- ness, See samples and got prices. Good work is done at TI MFS Notice ! BAXTER -In McGillivray, 24th con., on the. 15th inst., Wm. Baxter, aged 76 years. IxGRAitr•-In Iditehell, en the 17th, the only son of Thos. Ingrain, aged 8 mos, bfoIiaxxs-In Parkhill, on the :13th inst,, elle. d of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. hle- Inu Fis,txois-In Ftillartor , on the 16th, Jean ette, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos yraneis, aged 13 months and 7 days. SALE REGISTER. T unsnAr, Aua. 4rrr,-Farm Stook and implements &e., the property of Thos. Cook, Winchelsea. Sale at one o'clock. H. Borown, Auet. ADVICE TO.111OTEmite.--axe you disturbed at night ancl broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of"141rs.Winsl0w's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve thepoor little sufferer im modiat?1y ieenend upon it, mother ; there is uo mistake about it. cures and Diarrltcea, rr'egulatestthe Stomach an l J3 owels, cures Wind Colle . cottons the Gunis. reducee Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mx s.\Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste =die the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians a"eel nurses in the 17nited States, and isfar. sale by all druggists throughout the. world., Priee twenty-five ea cents bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mils. Wnesnow'e ''r 'oTII213G S'Ttuv -•'i nd take no other kind. Commercial NOTICE is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Munioilfal iCouncil ou c 113f8 Stephan, ori.the Third Day of bel provid- ing the issue of debentures to the amount of 8,3,505, Dor the purpose of dredging the river Saublo and making an outlet of said river' di- rect to Lake Iluron at the G -and Bend. 'and that spoh by-law was registered in the Regis- try Officio at Goderich in the County of Huron, on Tuesday. the'Ith day of September, at noon. Any motion to quash or sot aside the the same or any part thereof must be made within 3 months from the date of registration, and oan- not be made thereafter. Dated this Rh day of September, 1888- C• PROU'TY, Clerk. The above amount is the amount required to be raised by Stephen alone ; the whole estima- ted cost is over $20,000. tidy'co a,1>.,`, I care nothing about Oomnier dial Union with the U. S., but T do desire union with thee citi- zens of Exeter and surrounding country. Owing to the great depression of theinar- kete I have been ante to purchase my stook much below the regular wholesale prieesr and will give any customers the benefit of it. --MY STOOK CONSISTS OF - Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Siioss, Cnocrcnux, GLAsswAnri, The prices of which are in no way influenc- ed by customs duties or other tax impo- sitious. One Door South of Post Office • COICSImipTIOw CrTYt•ED. Auold nhy:.sician, retired from practice, Navin `'liaiplacedin his hmelsbyfill Bast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable comedy for the speedo and pereea- veut cure 'of Consumption, Brcnohitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and ' 11 throat and lung affections, also a positive ,and radical euro for Nervous Debility andel' Nervous Com- plaints, atter lit vu.ug tested its wonderful curative powers in thousaade ofcasos, has felt it his duty to make it "known to "his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tuiF n dive and a desire to relieve num au suffering, I send free of oh ergo, to all who desire.(; this recipe, in Gerrnan,Fronoh or English, withfulldiroctionsfcr preparing and using. Sent - by mail by address -ng w ith stamp, naming this pap or. W.A,NOTES 149 t'ower's. Z?Iocu 18crheedertaiSMN 9 ut:l~4stzsxransilxreseks 10R SALE at a bargain. -One Horse, black, aged G years ; quiet, On Saturday, as Mr. Robert Roy, of Mt. Pleasant, Fullerton township, was returning home from Mitchell with a load of lumber, his horses took fright at a threshing machine at Mr. vG. Vos- per's and ran away, throwing Mr. Roy off, whereby he received a bad scalp Wound, and. one of Inc lungs was also seriously injured, which may yet' take a fatal turn. Geo. Johnston, Summerhill; Ed. McCabe, of Colborne, and rico. Smith, of Goderich, were up at Clinton Fri day, before Henry Steep, J. P., and John 1110Garva,, J• P., charged with passing and having in their possession counterfeit money. Several bogus 25 cent pieces were found in their pock- ets at the time of their arrest. '- They were committed to stand Weer trial at Goderich. McInnis & Talbot's general store, WInghanm, MO gutted by fire Friday night, Stock insured in the Lancs shire for $21000.' and in the Phoenix for $2,000. ,The building was owned by John Bone, and was insured in the Western. The fire is supposedtdhave started in the back stairway, and was undoubtedly the work of an ineen- diaTy, Mr. Jas. Patton, clerk of Goderich township, has been in correspondence with Pion, A. M. Ross, in regard to whether the horses, exemptions on cattle, &c, takes place this' year or not, and has received the following re-. ply: -'The Attorney -General is 00 the. o;,xnion that taxes oan be collected on horses, cattle, deo,, this year, and that the exemption does not go into effect pi'actidally until next year. The members of the Executive com- mittee'were in :session at 'Brantford the other day. The High Chief Rang• erreported that he had issued a cheque in favor of the widow of the late Bro, ',Thomas Gipson, *he died over eight 'fears ago. No claim 'e''erhating been made, the officers of the Court came to the conclusion tbat the late broth en was not in financial staudieg at date of death. But recently it was learned that the Conclusion arriyed at was in• correct, and this being proven antis- fiaetory to the nigh Court the payment WAS to �.de, thus showing that the Can- adian Order of Poresters are always ready' and wilting' to pay just claims,, even should they cenie after they ere out-lhweel. of the world, the London Econ- omist estimates that the supply will be about 184,000,000 bushels or more short, while Beerbohm's estimate is i6o,000,000 below that of last year. Taking all points. into consideration the Economist saye there is every reason to .esc- pect for the next twelve months at least a considerable higher range of prices for wheat than any that< have prevailed during the last few years. All this bodes well for the fertile counties surrounding where the wheat yield has been large and the quality excellent. The price' will probably rise higher than it is at present and remain firm. The ,amount standing to the. credit .of depositors in the Post Office�,avis� s Bank at the end o3 August was $1,005,oteo. During ---HE ELAS-- A.NI W AND COUPLET ILI c --STOCK OF--- o ts n l e tlp restore Our SuocifleNo, M$ pqrrna t o ... s a • r D r S 1I00 I, 0 2. IrIA.'14 1.'Xl~`ATJ S 1`l,D YI l,t\ ITar,1, ;end 05NI!IRA1a 11 CII3ILIPY when outer treat, Inept fails . See& 6 oer is in stamps for our Tres•tise au Tpireetions for borne pure. To- uoNTo, MenxoxNlt 00„ 848 Spadina-Ave•, To. route, Out. I do not give my goods away, but sell them at the lowest figure consistent with good business principles, Parties inwant of goods will consult their iiwuinterests by examining my stock before purchasing else- where, . Remember this a new stock, No trouble to shoe goods. Farm produce taken at market prices. One door north of Town Hall, Exeter. J. Parkinson. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MA.NSON, One two -seated buggy ; 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, and sett of harness. Apply to JAS PARKINSON, One door north of town ball the month the depositors' accounts m the Goverment Sa1*ings Bank, at Moncton, gmounting to $293, ono, were transferred to the Post Office Savings Banks. This chatige was made tinder the de- cisioei reached by the Goverment some time ago to close the banks tinder the management of the fi- nance department, whenever the offlice of manager became vacant and tratlsfer the accounts' to the Post Officee Savings' Bank. In this way the Goverment savings bank will ttradflally become ex- tinaliished. I)ui'iug Ailgtist tti6 t4eposlts in the Post Office Bank e cetided the r'epapt61.lts 00 dopes - :tors by $02,000, once,to Credit.rs In the platter of the estate of HANNAH SHORT, late of the Township of Ste- phen, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. Pursuant to R.S.O., Chapter 110, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other per- sons having claims against the, said Hannah. Short, aro to scud to the Rev. G H. Thomp- son, OentraliaP. 0., on or before 1\To•ember 1st 1888; their Christian names. surnames, address- es and descriptions, with full: particulars of their claims, and nature of their securities fif any)heldbythem, after which date the ad- ministrator of the said Nemeth. Short, will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among those entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have no- tice, and the said administrator _shall not bo liablelfor the said assets or any part thereof to any personof whose claim he shall not have notice at time of such distribution. 11, E, COLLINS, Solicitor for Administrator Dated at Exeter the 25th September, 1888. TEACHER WANTED. -Male. With second 'or third class certificate for school section No. 5, Ushorne. One having experience preferred: Duties,' to oommeno after Christmas holidays. Personal applies tion desired JOHN IIEY a`w O0D, Secy Board She Trades With ll, . ULF1AGE i And is a well know customer. FR4EAN'S. WORM POW �� Are pleasant to take. Contain their own! Purgative. Is a safe, sere. and: efrectizai (Foyer of %roti in Children or Adultb veret's Gough ,Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. it and be convinced of its wonderful Ti,y curative properties. Prins" 2;5 ots•., The following is only is few of entries to date : Miss 1? oRTI Nk.--Laigo and wealthy eas- terner of Dulinage's. Miss Celine.- -Big Injure fn society --Buys her millinery of Dulinage. Miss °GAMY.—Old Maid. —HOS wept for many a year in Dulmage's handkerchiefs. MSS CELLAnnY,-An accomplished lady. Great judge of Dulmage's dress -goods. Mass Serrx-Moblernatron-Buys Faney Wool Shawls at Dulmage's. Miss Fairs-Rorearkable Figure -Wears Dnlmage's corsets. Sault Ste. Marie Canal N otloe to Contractors. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the unclersign- ecl and endorsed "Tenders for the Sault Ste. Marie Canal; ' will bo received at this office until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on TUESDAY, the 23rd day of October, next, for the formation and construction of a. Caul on the Oanadian side of the river through the island of St Mao'• The works will be let in two sections. one of. which will embrace the formation of the canal through the island, the construction of locks, c. The other, the deepening and widening of the channel -way at both ends of the canal; construction of piers..&e. A reap of the locality,' together with plans and specifications of the works, can be seen at office on and after Tuesday. the itis clay of Oc- tober, next, where printed forms of tender can also be obtained. A like class of information relative to the works can be seen at the office of the Local Chicon in the town of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Intending contractors aro requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered pr less nted forms ane d be accompanied byin acaordance ith the letterlet er stating that the person or persons tendering have carefully examined the locality and the nature of the material found in; the trial pits. In the ease of firms, there must be attached the actual signatures of the frill 'name, the nature of the• occupation and residence of each member of the same ; and further, 0 -perm 00 - e CURES Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Biliousness, lick Headache Kidney trouble Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, .And all im- purities of the blood from what ever' cause aril - w sang'. iug The Great 8, inng Medicine PRICE 7u Cts. (with Pills 51) (Trade Mark ,) Try Everest's LIVE!? REGULATOR, For Diseases et the Liv er,Kidnieys S c„ and Purifying of the Blood. Pride 81. Six bottles, $5. Per sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured ouly'by 0.M. EVEREST, Chemist, 'Purest Little Liver - Pills Very Small and Easy to Take. NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. Sold. everywhere ; price 25 cis. Union Medicine Co. Toronto, Can., Props rosrT ttEOErPT for th" sura of 520.000 must ac- company the tender for the canal and locks and e. RAxic DErOSte REC 5n's for the sum of $7.500 must accompany;- the tender for the deepening and widening of the channel- w,ay at both ends. pi ers; l&c, 3'he ':respective rEPoSIT RECEIPTS-CllagneS will not be accepted must be endorsed over to the Miniaterof Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited' if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works, at the rates and on terms stated in the offer submitt 0dThe deposit receipt thus eent in wilte re turned to the respective pareses whose enders are not accepted. This Department does not, however. bind it- self to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, ,3 A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary.: Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 8th August, 1888. s To Advertisers. A List of 1000 newspapers, divided into States and sections will be sent on application -rune. To those who want their-ntdvertising to pay, we can offer no better Snodium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of. Mir Select Local List. Geo P. Rowers, Se 00', Newspaper Adv. Bureau, 10 ,Spruce -et. New York. . • i N THE IiIGII COURT OF J Justice, Chancery Division. Ie En lSs7. Lxa>2 H vs. FORD. Auction c! t o •-01i'A Valuable Farm, vik t Lot 8, Con.. 21, Township of Stephen. At 13RENNER'S Hotel, Grand Bend, ON - THE 2Sbhh F,l�iID.A,Y" SEPT`. 1888. at Oono O'clock, p, m. Parra contains 111 hares, 85 of it cleared, bal- ance timbered.„, There is on the premises a welting house, 2 frame barns 56X36 and 3Ox80, and a driving Shed. AIs,) good orchard, and never failing supply of water. Thi8 property is Si miles from Parkhill, •and ebotit4 miles fromZtirieh. TERMS OP SALE : Teri per cont, tlOWnibelatoo in -80 flays, /M - media to possesion can be given. For Furth et pntticulers see post etre, or apply to Plaintiff's Solicitor, Dated this llth Septetnber.1888, S• MALCOMSON,. LOOM r\ astir ht Codorieh= tit's�TaIl T.11 (tMOT)iVAN, P ninlill';'Solicit(:r.Perkhlll1. ease• -o ;Y4 c as �l w Gtrit SDR. Was i n ton, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, TTIEB. SEPT .a.Bth UNTIL NOON Catarrh,Bronehitis, Astha, Consumption. ote, permanently and effectually °urea. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures : Mrs. Jelin MoIOo,y, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumpption. John M(Kelve, Kin goton, Ont., catarrh. Mrs A. hopping, Kingston, Ont„ Broncho Contumpti on. Mr. E • Soott, Kingston,. Ont,, Catarrh, head and throat, Read W, I1. Storey's Original 'Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W TI Storey, Esti , of the rfirm of W II Storey .1: Son, Acton, (love Manufactur- ers, also Presidon t Manufacturers' Association of Canada. DR, WAsnrxo'.eov, 215 Yongo-st., Toronto, are 3 =' hi' 0 i' (ilii EST, i Y.*, r.,rt Y n S,” NS NO 7�..1,' Litton', FHOSPHATES, • any ielurieuc materials. 7.OI302 TO,OIL CI -C.tOO, ILL. CENTRAL Drug 'i%° r Drees SIR•—i assure yon 1 fool grateful for the radical cure you heye effected in my threat trouble) and though I dislike having any name appear in connection with the testimonial bus- iness,yet, homing regard for those who, are similarly affected. as. well as having a desire to recognizethe resultse yourtroatniont.Ineake a departure in t111s:es,: Prior to myaequaint- anoo with you, I o S suffered for two years from repotted., racks of catarrhal sore throat each succeeder , ataekbeing morn prolonged and violent f e, n the former. At these times l had violent rt5 et' coughing, and would dis- ehartiolarge rti.ntititfes at mucous, reeling alarmed I sow,;ht thebost medical skill ays•il able, inetudi.n a much -noted Spcefalist, and toolsprialImwentost ecoto14urythinrotte, rt knownThesban to go niedididoirhieie withgq out en:orienoingeperttole of relief, Last good. but 0n; my return the old trouble was rtr ed. Seeing you advertised ,to 'visit this new Lrlaco,ithough:tZ4v0uldoonsalt3,cu although loonfosswithnotrnuchhopeof los vingany benefit, Iiovevor, l was favorsb, mhos. ad with your candor, and resolved , give your treatment a trial, 'lhe''mault„ enemy to inform You, is n comtrltfo 1• ., nd ene so marked in its ottarectt net• ' iso both my seif And my friends, Prom the r,"t'styour tned- acme seemed adapted to myoneeand gave res lief. In two mos. r wits ontfrelywoll,:tindhave so dentimted through the most nhfaversblo' onset of year, You aro at liberty to melte whet use you please efthislettet, tid,i shall be pleased to answer any entitliriosreletiee to w. tnyartse- `$iodic very `rut ,1Cinn,.Tnrti.le'Pli li1Rr, .stoltl;x` i COY."s1Tt3•C,i'I:'t- I"li li,litt. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package , Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drag Store Exeter. Ci U'TZ• 500 TUBS Butter Wanted atheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stook is Well Assorted r,e Yen THE SEASON'S T18A�D°0. li LOW PRICES STILL MA.,I1V�1.'AINID';' i l�. G}I'vQCDRIES • 10lbs. °sugar$1.00;13 ,lbs, white sugar, Wo can't be undersold in Teas from 2 to 76e. per lb. • Boots 86Shoes ,1115 Styles at Low Prlao A. nicely assorted stock of A. 1 1.10�ZA�,7LD�' PORK8, SOy'THIIIS and GLASS all sized( (Cheap.) Best Machine 011 60c per Gal,;rift COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST; It✓�' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.70,` if' A Od suit of ready-made clothing o O�; Ordered snits got up i=t Good St,V1e r ai�e marked dotvrh. Our bf'es„ ddod ;, the Lowest Ndteh. ; CIOT'PON' 20 YARDS FOR' ONE )Ota t A lOouso and Lot, also a Mar f '101', Apply to /T0''.1111 tl':f •EN8 . , -RA p, O.