HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-05-16, Page 12PAGE EDITOR: Pat Walker
By Pat Walker
Peter Snow senior champio
for boys at the St. Marys meet
Our bays managed to come
in second place to St. Mary's,
with a total of 58 points, thanks
especially to a newcomer to our
team this year, Pete Snow..
Pete managed three firsts in .the
high jump. shot . put, (in which
he. set. a new record of 44110's .
The former record was 42'5");
-.and in the running long jump in
which he also set a- new record
of 21'4 (former record was ,
20'7 3/4"). Besides all this
Pete also took a third in the
discus. With a total of 16
points he was Senior Champion:
Congratulations Pete'
Another senior to pull
through in the lead was Mark
Wardley in -the triple lurnp fol.
lowed up by Don Rae who alto
placed second in the shot put,.
Pete Callan came in third in
the 100 yard dash. John. Haas.,'
.noot came in second ;irn'the
mile and John Rae thir+l' in the
open 2 mile. Wingham also
placed third in senior mile :acrid
open relay.
Junior boys managed to ;
chalk up 17 points'with the help
of Dale Wardley who got 1 of.
these points. Paul Guest came
in first in the 440 and .John Rae
yin the mile, Wingharn'au►t�ior
relay team managed to pull in
Bringing, in points for the
Midget team were Ken Mathers
and Gary Barbour who placed
second and third respectively In
the'' bile. Rick Kennedy 'carne
in third in the 220. - Other win-
ners were Ed Blackwell, placing,
third in the hurdles, and Neil
Beiman, second in the Miming
long PAPP. Midget 440 :relay
also, placed third.
All, the abovewinners help'
ed to place W°.ingharrr third in
the Huron -Perth Track. Meet.
*t$ft+ U$'f.1.• to ttoIAHOD;iu1flugr snf"YHd"Y
Ted Ahara had the "Yes, Sir"' habit Friday night, when
Principal Frank oladilt asked, -Pay here?" at the school
H.HHHI I,I 1" Ntt•
By Barbara White
'ingham girls fourth in
Huron-Pedh track • meet
At. last, the big day had
arrived! On May 8 two bus
loads of anxious Wingtsam' girls
andboys journeyed to St. Marys
to participate in the H uron�
Perth Track and Field meet.
The Junior girls chalked up
eleven points through thehelp
of Sue .McKaguee. Who placed
ant lathe high jump, and
`.tea Watson, who took two
Seconds =- one lathe softball
throw and one' in the 449.. Sue,
made an excellent jump of
r , just one incloff t.
rd. And Linda did exception-
*ly well in her events also.
'In the Intermediate gnarls
Linda .Schultz placed third in
high jump Bonnie Willie
took second in. to discus, and
Barbi White canine out fourth in
the shot put. in the 440 relay
Bath Boyd,. Margo tie &uyn
ttit Jane -,Hughes and Gioria
Lewis.p eked -up speed in the
stretch to come in thy.*Al.
though the Senior girls
mat a tteinindouf effort, only.
Mary Ann'C.ckshankbrought
in the points for Wingilam.
ing thitd. itt the discus:,,
In the, overall. Wingba •
eglrls stood fourth witit.17.ppints..
In total ,schi t points. Wfngham
quite'weU, placing third,
after Stratford Central, second
and St. Marys. first. for most
of th<e• tit " 'ingham held
second • spot. but Stratford Cent-
ro/ managed
ent-ral..managed to pass as with
points frOM Their racers.
Despite a few, disappoint-
ments.. the gds rude a a great
Toon Topics
{ QUESTION:" If you could
spend one day with your favour.
ite movie star, who would it be
and why, .
NANCY W 1YTt K 9; 11,
laws, that's for the paper isn't
it? 1 like Tony Curtis because
he's tall, handsome and all that
attempt in their events, and
deserve our congratlatoas.
Those who placed first, second,
third or fourth will go to W.O.-
S. A. on Mak 15. Yotk have our
support and .prayers.. •so girls,
get out there and win. With the;
excellent coaching of M•1ts._ Dn'
derwood, hits. McLennan, Mr..
Campbell, Mr. Stuckey and
Mc. McLennan, yore' ll be sure
to walk off with all the prizes.
a st) 68
Thini of straw hats; waving
palm trees. cool, clear pools
of water, 'luxurious flowers of
all colours under a brilliant sky
streamed with orange and yet-
' low and where .would you be?
At Calypso. '68.
On Friday night at Wingbatrt
District High School about 250
handsome boys and beautiful,.
elegantly -dread girls danced
waltzes, polkas, eontempory
originals. and even the Mexican
l at Dartce to the =tile of the
"Sound Judgment". The high-.
light of the etreg was the
crowning of the School Queen,
Gloria Reed by the School Lead-
er. Stan. A theme -
oriented Lunch consisting of
tropical* .t punch and cake
was served: at intermission.
Many thanks to Kerry Stuck-
ey for taking pictures, Ted
&Ara, and all the graduates
who pled and decorated to
make sttch a wonderful evening
"Mickey Rooney, because he's
short." •
"Herman Munster. He's just
My size I '
Presley because he's a good
PAT W AMER 12: "Steve Mc-
Queen —because he acts dumb
just like' I do."
neyo Polder. Why? I'll think.
of something and 1'11 come
back. ( She didn't come back).
Skeleton, ' to see if he's funny ,
off 'stage.`.
a --0--o
TED AHARA lk "Elizabeth
Taylor. Why? -- I think you
can answer that.`.
"Faye Dunaway from. Bonnie &
Clyde. She would make drive-
ins mote interesting
Place third in
Huron Perth
The cheerleading competi
tion for Limon -Perth seems to
get .xougber evety year. Every=
'one is.otitif'.'I.fig',;
.hours of practide for the past
two: weeks however, proved '
profftrabie for us as we placed
third in the competition.
Fourteen of the sixteen
cheerleaders representing Wing -
ham journeyed to St. Marys
with the Track and Field team.
There. were eight schools com-
petng including Godericb,
Stratford North Western, Strat-
ford Central, Mitchel, Wiing-
ham, St. Marys, Exeter and
Listowei. The competition was
quite keen. Categories we
were judged on ineludeckigin-
ality, appearance and co-ordin-
W e,.were hoping the com-
petition would be held indoors.
Needless to say We were praying
for rain all day, and 5 minutes
before the_ competition began
It rained but the Judging was
still held outdoors. However,.
we managed ti; t place third.
Strafford Central was first and
Gaderig'b was second..
° Special tanks go to Miss
Small for her fantastic coaching
for the past two years. to Mrs.
Underwood i'onr. the use of the
volleyball uniforms last week
and also to Mary Lillow for her
great coachiag. Next year
girls, well cheer right to the
and ,� Jnr : Cc�• and Mark d
:ti ;�rs� � t.ari �a� +ad' � � . Kathy��caR6ny_ �+� � e�>
the. cashier . ".. the formal
Doug Alcorn and Helga Iwanyk'
Ann Vatn, Doug Mowbray
Aryan Forsyth attended the izrunal 'with Gloria Reed'"whO.
was crowned, School .Queen..
A series of gulf lessons will start ai the 001f Cours.
next week with weikly dosses for -both ladles and men
--Glenn Madill instructing. A class for juniors will be
organized if a sufficient nomber of boys and Eiirls •re.
quest it.
A small, voluntary contribution will be Wicked to de.
fray *expenses.
Interested members please notify W. H. French (357.
1821) or Mrs. 1.. Cell (357-2)19) without may:
The University of Western Ontario
JULY 2' - AUGUST 15, 1968 —
All students who are- planning to register for courses at the
Owen Sound Summer School and who, have not already been
admitted to the University MUST apply for. admission at once.
e- applications for admission for attendance at the summer
session will be considered after June Ist, 1968, unless at $25,00
late fee is attached.
For an Admission Application Form or for a Summer School
Handbook, write to:
The Director; Summer School and Extension ,Department,
The University, Of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
.or consult the Owen Sound Co-ordinator:
Mr. W. M. Prudham;
499 2nd Avenue West, Owen Sound (376-2384).
The Mature Applicant Aptitude Test will be available in Lon-
don at 9 a.m. in Room 7, Natural Science Centre, IT.W.O., on.
may 25th and June 8th.
NOTE—Miss Angela Armitt, Director of the SummerSchool
and Extension Department, will be in Owen Sound, at the West
H ll Secondary School, for student interviews from 12, noon
to 1 p.m., and 4 to 8 p.m., on Friday, May 17th. Prospective
students should come in for an interview,
orrice at the
—r__.. —
Murray Mstan, Mtn a Ccar w
era Corrin,
and Paul
oak* .+ a
t bickgy