HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-05-16, Page 10.....7•'"7 Tlitlysday May 16* 1968 IZ Par tub , Ott' bat LIPt Mu tinN Ste wewa , lar(*, ski) • lot cor •By Vonnie Lee Villa the oioar is.to ° Uy - woad tnaVie-in,akers, the °'rany 't0 PerfOrmeti on the, Broath.. way gage* Each year the award; are preetited to top , atikr4 ef dratilas. comedies, 'and 1111,1stg/k14 that light tip the Oreat. N./bite Nay in New York. "n' • , The shows do not neeessarily have to be successful; in •fat, Ult;testofemale perforrner for the 67;68 season, was Patricia Roiltledge whO tarred in 4,ing of the Day", a musical witich has. already closed. She, ' tied, with Leslie UgganO, star ' Pr'lialleltijah Baby I" which has'also,closed. It was also . 'named best musical and won for hest:10131c score and bet sup - actress (Lillian Hayman), I30b,Goulet. Was named best per- formerima musical;;he is per- fortnyig in "The:Happy Time". Lawrence is in another -Broadway play but she • took'n§.awards. Top dancer, . GtivgeiChampion won two • *Ards for that same play. . *Bast drama was "Rosencrantz Mid-Gtlikienstern Are Deac17, an • EllgliSh play; this also won aWards for designer Desmond Heeley, a familiar name at Stratford. Another Stratford " pegOrmer. 4e'Ca1dwell (she played Cleopatra last year) was naMed- best dramatic actress for her statring rOlein "The Brine of Miss jean Brodie"; she :saddeditill another reason for 2 rejoicfng when she annOunOed she Wpuld soon litany the show's director, ' Martin Bali* won the male drama award forflis performs= • ace fti ".You Know I Can't .Hear You When the Water's Running". Mike,Nichols, a frequent winner of honours on the movie page,won as best director for his "laza Suite".. and svporting awards went to Performers in "flow Nold pow •Jones" . "Joe Egg", and " The Birthday Party". •More honors will be handed out May 19th when the Televi. • sion Emmys will be awarded (Qn American Television only). Competing for honors there are several shows and performers that are familiar to us:, Barbara Bain (Mission: Impossible), Diana Rigg (The Avengers) and Barbara Stanwyck (Big Valley) are competing for best series actress; their male equals are • Raymond Burr (Ironside); Bill, Crosby and Robert Culp (I Spy); Ben Gazzara (Run For Your Life); and Martin Landau, Miss liain's real-life husband who 'stars with her in Mission; Im possible. , Canadian actress qenevieve -tilltrete , • ALES it SERVICE Buckets Milkers' • Pipe Line Milking Systems • Milking Systems 0.1factium Pump's ' ODetergeikts and Sanitizers Milk-Ttarrfer SIAte.m* tainless teel Wash Tanks le Strainers and Pails c AMU Poi •• fro! *fret nov. -Mot. 1)0 , .reg . Oar ten. dor ers. ers, Mar • ° woo Dee - Ate et's; ers, alto rs 1 *512 you - PHONE 357-3472 Bujold, from Mont re 31, has been ri lated for I, 0, ' it Jan" on Nb% of the dramatic showsaii formances were shown on U. television only, so are not fall. iliar.to us. Well-knoWn and remembered, however, Withe A1C -CBC productiOn, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. llyde" which is nOmin4ted for, best darmatic show, and also won nomina- tions for supporting actress Tes- sie O'Shea, who played the part of the saloon -owner; for CBC designer Bert Gordon; and for makeup man Dick Smith of New York. Its star, Jack Pal- ance. unfortunately, Was not mentioned in the best actor category. • Ed Sullivan and his perform- ers paid a fine tribute to com- poser Irving Berlin on his 80th birthday. No one has written as much great music as has Ber- lin; the world Owes him a great deal for so many hours of pleas- ure. This Friday, the 17th1, at 3 p.m., Montreal's " Man and His World" will again open for the surrimer, until October 14th. It will feature ,40world pav- ilions, plus 65 other pavilions from around the world. La Ronde will also be back. This Friday's, show will present live color coverage.of the official • opening ceremonies of the Fair. West Wawanosh Council meeting ••• own east Wawanosh Council met in -regular session on May 1, witifthe sfeve • Roy PAttillOrls presiding. and 41 the member* • preiento • Council provialOually adopt •ed the engineer's report on the Ste. tvistrie Drainage Works. Itwas decided to apply to the Municipal Board for approv. al of it hyolaw to raise 4400.* 000,00 to *id in, the constr.lcr UDR f rUs dubs. An application be a tile drain loius was accepted subject to the spproval of tbe Omni° Treasury Department. The tender from Howatt Pros. for construction of the Charter Drainege Works, AC- COIXiing to the engineer's speci,,, fications. Simon Hallahan was appointed to act as drain com- missioner on the Charter Drain. age Works. Road („teques totalling4,11, - (124642 and general cheques • amountin to 431654.18 were passed for payment, The May session of West Wawanosh Township Council was held May.?, with all; mem- bers -present.. Thelninutes of a spe6ial.meeting held Match 21, and those of the regular April session were read and adopted. • During ‘the first two bouts' of - the meeting council sat aa • Court of Revision on the assess- • ments on the Forster Drainage Works, "and the SprOulbranagei Works, The Sprota Drainage Worts by-laW' was given third • reading and finally pissed, and the clerk was instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for contruc- tion Of the drain., • The clerk was instructed. to write James Howes with regard to a cave-in of the Todd Drain on the,farm of William McPher-. son. • • . , The road accounts and gener. al accounts were passed for pay- . rnent. • fW •v011 SAVE MORE NO ROTARY MOWER • Save big now, and for the future, on a high qual- ity mower that takes the • strain out, of mowing, and • budgets, tool Bring in your LAWN MOWER" ,and TILLER NOW for expert service Authorized factory SALES and SERVICE for LAUSON - CLINTON * • BRIGGS 8A STRATTON COmplite Small Engine PARTS- REPAIRS - SERVICE • ROBIN CAMPBELL, Proprietor Josephine Street Wingham Ont. A GROUP OF suecessfi:grc1uateS of an Electric farm Course which ConsiStOd Of applying electrical energy and associated systems in farniing methods of today and the future through techrikcal lectures and •workshops. Left to right ate: Harry Mc- Arthur, manager, .Ontario Hydro, ham office: Clarence Pollock, electrical contracter, Rey; W. •C. "Ted" Collyer, electrical 't'Qntracter„ Lucknow; Bill Strong, Farm AutonriatEe Systems. Gorrie; Robert Searson, Beaver Lumber, Wroxeter; Cal Burke, electrica contractor, Wingham; Matt Boyd, farm sales repmentative. On- ' tario Hydro, Winghard • i;101.1104 c t. it 1".! IT 0; f.101.6.1014.11WAMOSti“ 1.0;111041114 WAWA 11004 BRASS AND STRINGS. were wild on 'Thurs- day at the high schaol.. end' the Grade I Rhythm, Band from .Brussels got even wild - •,et applause. The children represented their schooi in this year's spring concert for the • Belgrave„ Blyth, Brussels schoo1s4—A-T Pix.. THESE YOUNG STAR GAZERS may be stars • themselves some day. They „represented Grades VI, VII and VIII from Brussels school at • the spring concert and, bore a trophy home to boot. Back row: Chris Ex - , el, Julie Valiance, Cathy COusins, Colleen Cardiff and Connie McWhirter. Front: Fran dits ,Exel, Nancy Adams, Joyce Pear- son, and John Elliott. • --Advance-Times Photo. Morris Township Council meeting Morris Township Council named Rehert Grasby and James Mair as representatives on the Midwestern Tourist Council and William Elston as representative on the Midwestern Ontario Re- gional Development qouncil. The 'appointments were made at the May 6 meeting of coun-. cil. Road accounts amounting to 52,751.04 were passed for pay- ment. The gravel tender of Lloyd,Jacklin was accepted, sub- ject to lapproval of the district municipal engineer.' The road super intendent was authorized to purchase chloride from Pollard Bra., Harrow.Ten dollars was paid to the Huron County Road Superintendents' Association. The auditor's report showing a deficit of $3,398.14 was ac- cepted. There were no appeals at the court of revision on the Mitchell and Barnard drains. A ' court of revision will be held in. June on the Walton drainage works. Aunt Clara was pointing ont the advantages of martial bliss to her nephew. "You really should find some nice girl and settle down," she said. "Doc- tors say that married men live longer than bachelors." "Well, I've heard that too," her nephew said, "but Pop claims it only seems longer." Maturity is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind 9 -our speech. Douglas Point opens May 18 for visitors • The Douglas Point Informa- tion Centre will again be open- ed to the public on May 18th. • The centre will remain open .daily from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 'p.m. until early September. Nearly 300,000 people have visited the centre since it was opened in 1961. It is operated jointly by At- • omic Energy of Canada Limited and Ontario Hydro.' Featured displays include a working model of the Douglas Point sta- tion and other models showing °the reactorand the process of nuclear fission. Film shows of Canada's growing neclear pro- gram take place daily. . Chief guide at the 'donna - ,tion centre is Patrick Kelley who previously served in a sim- ilar capacity at Ontario Hydro' s Robert G. Saunders St. Law- rence Generating Station. He will be assisted by three uni- versity students during the sum- mer., The station first supplied electricity in January 1967 and reached full power early in 1968. Stations based on this design are being built in India and F?akistan as well as one of the world's largest nuclear -power stations, the Pickering Generating Station, near Tor- onto. The stone age is from 16 to 60 and the larger the stone, tbe better. she will -like it. •-,••• by w. M. carnpbefl your telephone manager • On rotor next visit to Montreal I hope you will find time to visit our new Panorama of Progress In Telecom. municatIons, Plano lake this column Item as my W.,. :anal invitation to visit this "live" museum which IS the story of the telecommunicatiatisbusiness from Wander. thal, Man to the present and on into the future. ,This fascinating tour through time opened last month in Bell ,Canada's headquarters building In downtown Montreal. Al) the many complexities of our fasilnating• telephorw and telecommunication: Industry are made interesting - through an Eitpalike use of sight end. sound effects. - Early visitorshave repartodAhat you feel as though you had v,.falked through $0,000 -years of telecommuni- • cations hliktOry. A favorite of visitors alreidy ls the life. size mockup of a 19th -century chemist shop, complete With patentmedicines and Victorian decor and a, tiny, primitive. switchboard. Did you 'know that . many of our " first central offices were in chemist shops? "Central," the young girl who tended:both the shop and the Switch- board 16 the early 'days Works away at the switchboard . while today's viiitorslisten and watch. In the various sections of the- Panorama you • will see the ealy • phone models as well as a demonstration of the laser principle and. a wrist watch that might one day ghee in- star* communication to anyone anywhere In. the World. When you are in *Montreal—maybe you are .planning a .trip to Man and His World this vsarr-dt, stop. In for a visit to our *Panorama. I'm planning to do sat" next time that I'm in that city. It's open Monday to Friday .from 9 cm. to 4 p.m. and elOquent hostesses will be on hand • to show you through 59,000 years of communications history. • '.*. t,u4.40ukattu.904 • * • • 1 6,3,11 1 Not long ago in Chester, England, phones began ringing constantly for no apparent reason. When they were answered, there was nothing at the ottrer end but an ominous silence. Telephone men investigated for months with no luck.. Finally the trouble was traced to •,the city zoo! A ,giraffe named George was contentedly licking wires stretched across his enclosure, and short- circuiting -all the phones in the district. The telephone poles had to raised four feet to put temptation out of 'George's reach. *Result: a lot of happy phone subscrib- • eft and one very unhappy giraffe. AS. • EXCITING NEW PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES From calves that grow & grow & grow You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 9-11 weeks. with SHUR-GAIN Wafer. • Less than 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight, . . . calves that will grade "good" to •"choice". FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat. level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you ,ama#ngly low feed conversions. • TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON SHUR-GAIN Vealer and learn for yourself about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. ASK US TODAY FOR tHE EASY FEEDING PROGRAM, AND A SPECIAL P R- FORMANCE RECORD CARD. ‘Z,G,• Winghom Fe�d1 Mill calf feeds DIAL 351-3060