HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-9-27, Page 393
To the Editor of the Age :
SIR, -Through. the wide eirci -ation of your paper you will confer a favor to persons'
suffering from the torturing of (etion of Sciatica and Rheumatism and other chroiaic
maladies --considered ineurabl''y their family physiciare.-by informing them where
to obtain relief. I have been ayyti eted far some time by the above affection; finally locat-
ing itself in my leg, with sttffnele in ankle joint rendering' me almost a cripple. I tried
every advice, and ell the varioi `'1remedies—CURE ALL8 included --but without relief. I
read one of Dr: Speer s circulate + f St. Thomas, and went to seehim at theQueen'shotel,
when making his monthly visa ; I felt satisfied he understood my case, and took his
treatment for two months I l now as well as ever"I did, all pain and stiffness in
joint gone: I feel more than gratitude to hint, as well as • pleasure in recommending
im to others similarly atilk:teewith this affection. I certainly consider him the richt
man' in the right place.
Strathroy, Feb. 26, 1886. Wu. RUNDLE.
About ten ears ago I began •osehealth, and continued to loseflesh. I was treated
by manyof the best physicians }td surtteons in the Dominion. While I was reduced
physically and neonatally to tit ast extremity, I was advised to consult Dr. Speer. He
examined me and immediately -taanosed my case correctly and told me the remedy. He
performed a delicate and critic .i operation and. treated nie for about ,four weeks. The
disease seems wholly eradicate k. Persons suffering from affection of the Kidneys or
Urinary organs or any othercht nix disease of the system should never give up. before
consulting the Doctor. From t.successful treatment of my case and many others I
have since. heard of, I have eve y confidence in his abilities. I do not publish this as
a puff, but solely from gratitud to the Doctor and for the benefit of ethers similarly
afflicted. The Doctor can be.fo'.d at 279 Talbot' Street, St. Thomas, Ont.
WRoMAs McCAIvcn, 28 Richmond Street East, Toronto.
Forthe benefit of many, espe Tally the female se.'. I wish to state that I have been
suffering for several years with lower Disease, Dyspepsia, Obstinate Constipation ofthe
Bowels, liemorrahap.e and Piles tit occasional excessive Hemorrhage frrm the Bowels.
I have taken medicine and treat 'lent from different physicians without finding relief. I
consulted Dr. Speer, of St. Thom ,le, and took his treatment` for three months, and am hap-
py to say that I now feel wholly free from all these affections. He seems to have given
me a new lee -swot life, and I fee it my duty as well as a pleasure to recommend him to
others. J 28,1684 t, k '"44"MRs. E. HORTON, Chatham, Ont.
SPEER, Dear Sir --I desir '10 make a statement of my case' that many others.
Dil rly affected,
+ d on which I have been wrecked
similarly affected, may avoid the,rocl.s and quicksands
and reduced to almost a skeleto and after r he last cent extracted from me of my hard
earnings, as I should not wish rex name published for obvious reasons, you are at liber-
ty to read this to any one when •'ou consider it judicous to do so. When I came to you
for treatment I was reduced fro e. 165 pounds to 130 pounds. I had been treated by
several local physicians, afterwa'ds by others from Detroit, New. York, Buffalo and
Toronto, without any im rovemint. I should advise all young men suffering from this
pernicious habit, to avoid those 'reveling imposters and quacks from all those fictitiona
institutions, otherwise they will sure to suffer as I have done. I feel under' many
obligations to you for your kind liberal andgenerous treatment and feel happy to sy
that I am a man again, and t you kindly. Believe me ever your friend, and wish -
you every success as you dee( re. I remain, thankfully and gratefully yours,
J— R, St. Thomas.
M.D., G.S., & L.T.C.D.,
OM a
30 Ye ss'P�sa tics 30
URG ON. -:-
DR. SPEER was formerly of New ifork City, An
fornia. Vancouver's Island and Oregon ; Sargeon and
East Indies, also the ships Rialto and Kate, 1857-59, fi
San Francisco, as Surgeon during the late Americsn
same, and has circumnavigated the globe. The Doct
best medical college in Europe, and has practised me
exhibition at his office his Diplomas he has carried
and; which here been around the world. The Doctor
last thirty years, successfully treated all special chronic
not claim that he is, the only physician in the World -
claims that he understands the treatment of the dis
more thcrou hly than the graduaikd fancily phvsicia
wtratia. Sandwich Islands, Cali
r the British Government in the
m Melbourne to Port Curtis and
arfrotn 1861 to the close of the
r is a.graduate of the oldest and
kine for thirty years. and has on
n the East Indies seven years,
reats all diseases, and has, for the
uenemas diseases. The Doctor .(toes
at understands his business, but
ses mentioned"on his circular
for the simple eason tlynx he
has'practise medicine in uearly.all parts of tlieworic ori land and sea Tired in all kinds
of cl has treated nearly all nationalities and seases, and from "leis extensive
travels, practice and experience, should be more cap,
born cases.
Very few physicians, after a practice of thirty yea
honors thus gained and advertise themselves f
Still after faithful mad determined investigations f
and nature of lingering stubborn diseases, and hn.vit
the treatment of all diseases'of the blood -Naat
sal C
chitin, Asthma, Skin Diseases, Rheutnatisnc Sciatica
Scrofulous Diseases, Diseases of the liver, Kidneys
ease,.Dropsy, Strictures, Pitnples on tbe'Face, lklalaa
of a special, difficult and dangerous character, and
satisfied to relinquish previous' professional emolut
treatment of the diseases herein named, believing t
er service to the afflicted.
Ile of mastering difficult and stub -
could be induced to sacrifice the
Ir the treatment of Cituote : AND
r over thirty years i oto the causes
g made important discoveries in
trrh,, Cancer, Consumption, .Bron-
Ferer Sores, Salt Rheum. and
hd Urinary Troubles, Bright's dis
lea Fever and Ague. and diseasoe
iseases of Women -the Doctor is
nts, and confine himself to the
at by so doing he can render great