HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-18, Page 12Adval oeR`f'lt e11I, Thursday April 18,, 1968 In NE W SPRING, $TYLES are NOW in stock -for all the .family Entertainment at the y � Station Hotel, Mildmay FRIDAY NIGHT Helen and Evelyn Free Fish Derby S.unday, April SATURDAY NIGHT Western Playboys Sauerkraut and Barbecued Chicken server'ibs, •Nights. Spacial every seems Frt. and Sat. sausage and.sauerkraut. Wed. IMO Fatrtnte8 sa • WINGHAM' SPORTSMEN'S .. �. AT CLUB GROUNDS 2:30. 4:00 p.m. FOR. HANPICAPPED eHIL,DREN PRIZES - :PRIZES - PRIZES ENTRY FEE YOUR PRESENCE All handicapped childrenin Wingham and Area m*y enter Registration 2:.00 - 2:30 For any further information telephone 357.2495 5:30 - 4:30 p.m. 11-18b enjoy Toronto -more m�. • ... stay at the Lord $imcoe Hotel where the service is ' warm and friendly where the prices are sensible .. . where you're close to everything downtown .. where you can:. relax in modern refurbished rooms ... where you can, enjoy fine foods and intimate lounges: Singles start .at $9.OQ and end at $13.50 , Doubles start. at $14.00 and end at $18.50 ,Luxury Suites Available Lord Simcoe Hotel : Unwersity & King St. (at the subway)— Tel: 362-1848 ' •J 1i_•tIliP►, ,— i'x;` �... THE 'WINGHAM KINSMEN Club- turned over another $500 to the swimming pool fund at the week -end, making their con- tributionsto date $4,000. Donald Lloyd, chairman of the Wingham Cen'tenn.ial Pool Committee, and Mrs: Roger West of the finance committee, are seen receiving the cheque from Kin Doug Layton, :the club's treasurer. it is expected the pool will be opened in May. Mr: Lloyd said that dona- tions of any denomination will be wel- corned.—A-T Photo. TOWNE PLAYERS are once again buStryi"6' re'- g y "H • May. "Har ey y is the story of a pooka rabbit ch can , only be seen by eccen- trics. TtleirettneclY.starts when a respectable usmessmari,starts an uncanny .association earsing this time for their new play - `, with the poeka. .Producer Jack. -Gillespie rvey,", t be presented at ' the end of points out some of the faults he finds with • the%cast.. Dick Wellwood portrays Dowd, Nancy Gillespie. portrays. Kelly and Dave_ • Bender is the doctor.—A-T Photo. Strikes & Spares WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE This was our last night of regular bowling and tW'e.now go into three weeks of playoffs. The league champions for the regular season are the Cheerios. They came up from third place. to take the ho$ors. The Cheer- los were captained by, Jeannette o uheud-enjo life now" With a low -Cost PERSONAL LOAN from Toronto -Dominion Our loans are easy•to get. In fact, you'll be surprised how simple it is.We make loans for just about any purpose. Repay over as long as three years. See your Kcal Toronto -Dominion Bank manager. TDRONTO-IXMINION The. bank where people make the difference. • ` J. SNOW, Manor, , Wingham, Ontario.': A. E. GRAHAM, Manager, Gerrie, Ontario. ,Scott with teammates Shirley Storey, Diane English, Janet -Henderson, Bea Shropshall and Linda Clark. Those bowling over 225 were Rose Grove 275 Marg Machan 280; Hilda Brown 238; Audrey Swatridge 240 and 250; Joan Irwin 260 and 267; Sharon Jones 241; Dorothy Bain 254; Louise - Welwood 252; Sharon Skinn 232; Shirley Storey 259. High single went to Helen Casemore with 303 and high triple to Audrey Swatridge with a 675. Team standings on our final night were Cheerios 117, Shred - dies 116, Wheaties 113, Trix 110, Fluffs 91, Muffets 83. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Time, Tuesday evening; 'place, Wingham bowling alley; setting,, second week of play- offs; •.results, Saskatchewan 6381, Ontario, 6345, Alberta 6074, British Columbia 6034, Manitoba 6027, Nova Scotia 5799. Only two more weeks left gang! Let's come ups with some good games. THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Our playoffs consist of three weeks of bowling with pinfall to count. After,the first week it couldn't be muchcloser; liilda's Humbugs 3300; Pat's Smarties 3260; Marg's Mints '3256; Gail's Gum Drops 311)1; Laura's Secords 3006; Marilyn', Maple Buds 2905. Pat Fry captured the laic s' high triple with 632. Sharon Jones was right behind with Marg Moffat had the high simile with 251.. Barry Fry :rolled a 755 triple to top the men and Bruce Machan rolled 'the high single 330, Many thanks to the spares who helped us out, Kay Sw'an, Bruce Machan and Stew Forsyth. And belated 'thanks to Hilda Brown who spared last week, Undergrad: for lifeguard Jane Cruikshank' is, to take ' the post ahead lifeguard at the Wingham' pool when it opens in May. Previously Jane has worked ° as lifeguard at an indoor pool in Hamilton and as assistant manager of the Sarnia pool. She has also worked at the Riverside Park during school vacations. Jane is studying at the Laur- entian University in Sudbury where she is majoring in psy- chology and sociology. .Her ambition is to work in recrea- tion; " Ilike working with people," she said. • She. coif es to us with the Bronze Medallion, Award of Merit, Senior Artificial. Respir- ation, Instructor's and Exam- iner's Royal Life Saving Society awards and .also an instructor's certificate from the Red Cross. She will be taking another ex- aminer's training, course in May. BRIDGE RESULTS The 1 Jowell, System was_ used. First, Mrs. 11. Fisher and Mrs. F. Forgie; second, G. Beard ° and A. Wilmon;; third, Mrs. B. Mathers and 0. Elaselgrove. EAGER ENTERTAINERS BE LG RA VE-- The seventh meeting was held in the com- munity rooms'on April 8 at 7 p. m. iw I call was answered by all members... The members discussed. Achicvctent Day and the eighth meeting, which is to be held in two weeks at the same place and time. Etiquette was discussed by Mrs. 'George Proc- ter, followed by judging of flowers and sandwiches. The plays were practised and` the meeting closed with taps. To represent co rbittee at- conference tcon( rence 'Two. Wingham delegates have been appointed to 3:5iOnference at Nia a' May lst. The .delegat s, Mrs. Harold Wild -and Jim Ward, will represent the Wingham Recreation Committee at a three-day Ontario Municipal Recreation conference titled.. "Participation in Recreation". The two delegates were chosen at a committee meeting last Wednesday night. CHAIRMAN RESIGNS Jack Gorbutt resigned as chairman Of the recreation cQrinnittee.. He will also be ' resigning frons the committee in June. Jack has been active on the committee since he first joined eight years ago. "It's time for some new blood and new ideas to be in- jected into the committee," he said. He will be replaced by Mrs. Wild. It is expected that up to 600' 'Children will attend swimming classes this summer, according to a report submitted by the re- creation director, The child- ren will come from Wingham. and surrounding townships, 'The swimming program is to last ten .weeks, from June '30th to Labor, Day. Fifteen people are to be ap- pointed on the pool staff as fol- lows: a pool manager, nine guard instructors, two cashiers, two maintenance boys and one change -house attendant. Free swimming instruction classes will be made available for children from Golden Circle School this year -by the recrea- tion committee. The proposal was unanimously accepted at the meeting on Wednesday night'. sty tiraspedthat acltlt,lrrn struction classes could start again this summer. Mrs. Wild'. mentioned that attempts to'run such classes in the past had proved unsuccessful, but Jizri , Ward pointed out this may have been due to pollution in the river. A proposal to increase the playgroundhours was put , forward, by the recreation dir- ector. He also suggested that I instead of opening only a few, hours each day they should re- main open from 9-5 daily, over a seven -week summer period starting in ;July. Mr. Ward also reported on the winter's hockey activity, children's theatre, and plans . for a kite derby and softball. His report was endorsed and will be presented to council for ,approval. TO COMPETE IN BOSTON MARATHON 111 Jack Galbraith of the tini- versity of Guelph is a member of the Canadian Track .`Tears competing in the 72nd Annual 26 -mile Boston A. A. Marathon on April 19 in Boston. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111• Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday -2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults. $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40e THUR.-FRI.-SAT. APR. 18.19.20 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "HAWAII" Colour 'CinemaScope Staring: Julie ndrews A best °sell is the basis for one of the most unusual films ever made. Due to the length of this feature there will be only one showing each night starting at 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE APR. 20 `APACHE UPRISING' MON.-TUES.-WED. Apr, 22.23.24 NO SHOW COMING NEXT: THUR.•PRI.•SAT. APR. 25.26.27 ,ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "POINT' BLANK" silialiallItii11111111111111111111111111113 THE TEA -KOZEES WRQXbThR -The seventh meeting was held at the home of Brenda and Debbie Townsend, on Monday evening, AprilS. The business was conducted by the,president. The roll call was ausv+tecfed by thirteen girls and two leaders. The minutes of meeting 5 were read by Jean Newton arid BROWNIE'S DRIVEIN CLINTON Box Office Opens T:45—Show at 8:15 Weekend Shows yQnly - ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS Friday & Saturday April 19 and 20 "BORN LOSERS" ADMIllANCE RESTRICTED 11 RAO 01 01 Ovu JEREMY SLATE and ELIZABETH JAMES In, Color - Shown at 10.00 .p.m. —AND— a Minnesota.Cla // Cameron Mitchell—Shcm at 8.15 p.m Color Carteon Thurs., Fri. & Sat. April 25, 26, 27 JAMES BOND is bock in "You Only live Twice" Sean Connery — AND,- • 11 In Color Way The West" Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum and Richard Widmark In Color. meeting d by (leather ,Alcorn. The lesson on "Etiquette in. Public Places" was given. by Mrs. Gibson, Plans were made' for the Mother -Daughter ban. quet and also for Achievement Day. The meeting closed with the serving of lunch., The Canadian Nati $ti cute for the J31ind se. 049 blind persons, CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON WED. !7 - THUR. 18 • FRI. 19 "THE ,.COOL.ONES" in Color- Stars RODDY McDOWALL. a musical: comedy On the Same Program — F IRST TO -FIGHT' - in Color — Stars CHAD EVERETT A marine finds himself ,,in ac- tion and in love Wed. and Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. Friday at 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. SAT. 20'- MON. 22 - TUES. 23 Ever dream of being turned loose in the U.S. Mint? See what happens in -- "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT? Stars JIM HUTTON and DOROTHY PROVINE — On the Same Program — "HOUR of the GUN" Stars JAMES GARNER and ROBERT RYAN 'Guns blaze in the violent follow- up to the battle at O.K. Corral All Colour Program - " Saturday at 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. Mon. and Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. COMING NEXT: WED. 24 - THUR. 25 - FRI. 26 "DON'T MAKE WAVES" .1111I1111111III■IInInI tII1111A1l111i1l11111IoIs II1111111111111 nim11 nni �'' i1 ' e • rive-� nneatre: HARRISTON• • 1 •T FRI. 19 - SAT. 20 hhe Swing Good time`s everybody Plus ;The .Great Sioux Massacre • . i _1 in Color — Stars. Joseph. Cotten, Darren McGavin and Nancy Kovack — Custer's last stand• ri/III/IIIRIII/IIIAIII/11111III■Ht11/III/III/IIaIIEIII/III ■ 11111111111/113/1111111111 - r Show starts at 8:p.m. E. ood Times" In Color—Stars Sonny & Cher, George . Sanders SUNSET DRIVE-IN HIGHWAY 8 GODERICH, ONTARIO APRIL - MAY MOV E SCHEDULE T•F-S (Adult Entertainment) "The WILD RACERS"APR. 25.26.27 + "MILLION EYES of SU•MURU" T -F -S "THE NUTTY PROFESSORMAY 2.3:4 " Plus "THE PATSY" T -FSS "FIVE MILLIONMILES to EARTH MAY 91 1 M.T-W • - "VIKING QUEEN" (Restricted Admittance) "MARY JANE" )r MAY 13.14.15 plus WILD ANGELS" T•F•S (Adult Entertainment) "VISCOUNT" plus "THE LAST CHALENGE6.17.18 Midnight Show, May 19 " only—"Frozen Dead" plus " IY "MATTER OF (Adult INNOCENCE" MAY plus "YOUNG WARRIORS" T•P•S 0 PICKINa . MAY 23.24.25 CHICKEN PICKERS" plus "SAVAGE PAMPAS" ' (Restricted Admittance 74.8 2. _ "CARESSED" ) MAY 27.28.29 -�-��. plus "THE SEDUCERS" T•P•5 a _ 'BOY, DID I GET A' WRONG NUMBER,, • JUNE 1 "8 ON THE LAM"MAY 30-31 plus I, Each feature shown once in the order listed. Show j is dusk—but no earlier than 8.00 time aim aus. IMIIII NNW illteMIS Oft. IMMO afters aim *rift Iwo moms iiisaa mow 'etriar ill c, Admission- $1.25 — Children under 12 free I `> 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1