HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-18, Page 11Wirighara Adv Over 1700, people crowde into Belmore on Saturday bELMORE ' Mfihe much talked of Belmore Maple Syrup Festi- val is over, Though it was more 4r less an experiment, it proved to be a decided success.. The weather man co-operated beaSktifully and provided ozie of, those warm, barmy spring days when eVeryone love to be out.. side.. -'he predicted rain must have gone else where, as not a, drop fell here,. Ovet E100 people were serv- ed pancakes and sausage, ea ReaIiza the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your awn Organization. 51.0 COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1, WES.TON, ONTARIO. Obtain, sacks: and tWine without charge. from MORLEY McMICHAEL R, R. 2 Wroxeter ° NORMAN McDOWELL & SON Auburn • or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL . GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East • TORONTO 7, ONTARIO. or coffee anti as much maple syrup as they could eat, Home baking, Maple sugar and maple syrup also found a ready sale, Many farm people cane for dinner then went,back borne to work on the land, Others for whew Saturday wass a. holiday, remained to chat and visit`. ' Old friendships were renewed • and, much reminiseing.was done. TO many it meant corninLbaek "home" . To others, it was a case of finding out "where that place called Belmore is located anyway But old friends or . • strangers, everyone responded UtQ the friendly,atrnesphere and, judging by comments, enjoyed a happy afternoon. - The nearer towns were all well represented and many came from a 'distance,, As there was no registration only a few places were noted, among them were, London, Leamington, Tillsonburg, Ham- ilton, Weston. Guelph, Kitch- ener, Elmira, Stratford, New York State, Kincardine* St. Marys. Fergus, Ailsa Craig, .Listowel and Walkerton. The people of Belmore are grateful to ,the editors of the local papers, and other news media for boosting their pro- ject. A ‘.001 th0 REPAIRED AND REWOUND complete stock of . motors from an . eighth to a five h.p. model. WILSON Phone 11 R 12. FORDWICH, Ont. LECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Ject AUTHORIZED .SALES' & SERVICE DEPOT Wagner - Leland, Franklin N9eowtf crop competition sponsor field Net receipts are not yet ave ailable, but a goodly sum has been .raised to put a new roof Q11 the .arena and it .has been proved once more that co*opo eration is still effective, and also creates a good spirit in the community, • MURRAY GAUNT. Reportfrom Queen's Park The 'Ontario Government, introduced its basic shelter ex- emption measure this week, This exemption is a tax credit system designed to give every home owner and tenant in ,Ont- ario a property tax reduction averaging $45-$60, which was promised ,before the October 1"l general election. Homeowners and tenants will receive notice from their municipality of the amount of .the tax credit. Owners in their own homes will deduct the amount from their tax payment. ,Owners paying taxes through mortgage payments will receive the benefit in the form of re- duced payments. - The same grant will be paid to everyone eligible within any municipality, but bedause as- sessment practices vary between menicipalities, every eligible resident in the province will not receive the same amount. 'Opposition members this week demanded that the Gov- ernment increase taxes on ev- erything from °liquor and beer to insurance companies and other corporations in order to nullify a 2 cent increase in the cost of gasoline. Bernard New- man (L. Windsor -W alkerville) estimated that the man who drove 15,'000 miles a year al- ready paid $180.00 in gasoline • taxes. The increase would amount to $20,00 a year. The Legislature recessed on Thursday of .this week for the Easter Holidays.- Parliament will reconvene on April 22nd. THREE' SISTERS. teamed: up for one of the busycrews cooking sausages- at the syrup festival at Belmore on Aaturdiy. The young ladies are Karen, Georgina and Corinne Kieffer. —Advance -Times mes Photo. QORia--.The directors,of the liowiek Agricultural Society met last Wednesday in the Fordo with community hall to arrange for the 1968 Field Crop Com- petitions. Corn, both ensilage and grain, will be sponsored as well as'mixed grain and barley, Anyone interested may contact committee members Ken Mc- Michael, Jim Renwick, Sam Robinson, Oscar Kieffer; Ron McMichael or Scott Clarkson. Reports of the O. A, A. S. convention, held in Toronto, were given by the delegates, Mrs. Glenn Johnston, Mrs. Robert Gibson and the new pre- sident, Glenn NicMiehael, fudges were discussed for the 1968 fair and committeenamed for special prizes. School Fair prize lists are now. in the How - ick and Turnberry schools. • The fair will •be held in Fordwich Park October 4 and 5. • Church .services, DEIMORER-,A joint Oood Friday erviee for members of United and Presbyterian Church es was held on Friday evening fin Eelmore United Church. The choir sang an Easter .ante- eta. Rev. Everett Hawkes de- livered the sermon. / The sacraarient of holy corn. reunion was observed In the McIntosh Church°on Easter Sun day. The choir sang "Christ Arose". The 'sermon topic was: The Choice of God". The Presbyterian Church al- so held special ,Easter services, The intermediate choir sang Come Ye Faithful.' and "Mier luia". WEEKLY EUCHRE BELGRAVE--The weedy euchre party was held in the comrh.unity rooms last Wednes- day ni ht with seven tables in play. - Prizes went to high lady. Mrs, °Mark Armstrong; high man,, Edgar Wightman; .low lady, Mrs, Elsie, .,Gardner; ;low . ' man, Raymond Van Cap; novelty prizes, Mrs. Sharman and Mrs. Albert Vincent, p aye ink" as aman. SERY 1 you cut C�ut�t.... iww,A Mo,,,VOU Vit*w KEITH McLAUGHLIN 35r-3412 WINGJIAM COME AND GET IT -= Debbie Foxto;n of. , Wingham, and Leonard Metcalfe, who lives east. of Belmore were amorig the crowd of people who arrived during the day for a feast of pancakes .and maple.°syrup at Bel - more last Saturday.- .-A-T Photo. MILKING SYSTEMS • - JONE MbcNA1)(MICINI SE FOR. AND YOU SEE 4) Ili 13 *0 0 DS 1EXETER • 235-0363 . PERSONAL SERVICE THE KIND . OF QUALITY CAN DEPEND ON .. : YOUR LOCAL DEALER - HURON BRAND . FIELD SEEDS AND GRASSES HARDI-GREEN • PASTURE MIXES NEW AND IMPROVED VARIETIES OF CLOVER —TIMOTHY —GRASSES new SHUR•GAIN Injectable Iron NEW High-strength concentration -NEW Non -staining formula NEW Longer -lasting lower cost treatment SHUR-GAIN Injectable Iron affords swine men the ultimate in protection against profit -robbing iron deficiency anemia. Only I c.c. per pig does the job. A product of Canada' Packers' 'Re- search—one of the many new SHUR- GAIN Animal Health Service items. Available now at your local • SHUR-GAIN Peed Service Dealer Belmore Rev. James Eddleston died on Monday, _ April 8 in Daytona Beach, Florida. His wife is • the former Mrs. Harold West, , mother of Mrs. John Rutherford. Mr, and Mrs: Wilfred Jo- hann. and boys visited with her mother; Mrs. William Klein of anstown on Sunday. Miss Jean Neilson of Toronto visited with Mr. and, Mrs.- Tom Inglis during the week -end. Mrs. Mitchell Elliott and - • • daughter Betty of Ailsa Craig visited .with her mother, Mrs. Isaac Stokes and Edith., and attended the syrup festival. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Leeson and daughter of Kitchenet visit- ed his parents during the week- end. Mr. and •Mrs. John Douglas and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray and family on Sunday evening. A . ••t • • • • • • ••••. • • • . • • • • • • • •• ,• • ••.•• it's time to getup and •••••••. • • •: 1 •• •• • • • • e • • • .....• •, •. • • • . . • •• • • • i. • 1111. ;• , •, • •• • • •• •• •• .• • ••' • • • • • • • • • • ••• •.••• • .• • • • •. •. • .• •• • •- • •. • • • •* • •. • • • • j: • • • ••• • r. THREE MINUTES TO THE BATCH. was the average length of .time it took to cook the golden delectables at, the Belmore syrup festival. Mrs.- Bob Searson of Wrox- eter, Mrs. Herb. Busby and daughter Deb- . bie, kept the pancakes corning in one line, cooking about a dozen at a tirrie. —Advance -Times Photo: Another planting season will soon be here. Have you thought about what you'll need int the way of fertilizers? Why not come in to see us and make plans for the year ahead? i - ,e • :r ess 4 - We can give you all the information you. need on the use and benefits of high analysis Aero° Fertilizers. You'll also see the com- plete line of modern fertilizer equipment we can make available to you to get your fertilizer on your land quickly and e-conomi-. cally. Drop in soon: .. c cr cvwIVAOK JD Serving the man whose business is Agriculture. A,R.p'd Trademark animal health servlce WINGHAM FEED MILL DIAL 357-3060 • OVER 750 GALLONS of syrup. have been sold in Belmore over the last several weeks and‘at the successful syrup festival on Sat- urday, to raise money for a new roof on the arena. b Dozens of volunteers made it possible by pitching in 'with hard work and time. Selling syrup off a truck during the festival Vvas this group comprised of Dietrich, Richard Inglis, David Carroll, Martin Renwick, Peter Inglis, and Briari Carroll of Windsor, a friend of committed chairman Walter Renwick, who helped out for the day. —Advance -Times Photo. 40