HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-11, Page 11r,.
IT MUST HA1Ft SEEN a bit confusing for
the postal emp iloyees as they' started work
In the ,new pokt office on Monday .morning
but by the 8:30 'opening .,:time everything
was in order, Mrs. Zora Coulteraand Lloyd
*Elliott ,are shown • doing last minute chores
` before the doors Opened,
—Ar vahcerTirues Photo.
GEORGE . CARTER was en'ga.g.ed :on Satur-
' day to n`iocie .fixtures from the old post
office to the new building. The post of,
f ice . closed for the afternoon to, allow :For
the move.
—Advance -Times Photo.
Mr. and MU. Elmer flardise
ere guests Seturday.at the:
Noble-Stanners wedding in
Moorefield United Church,
Miss Marian Harding, was soloi %
Miss Minna Harding was flower
girl and Mark was riragbearer:
for the wedding. ' .
Miss Hannah IClxassen of
Kitchener spent the week -end
with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Blears
and Jimmy, who have resided,
in Fordwich for quite some
time, moved t1,4ih i ousehold
effects to 11 iia ,n Saturday.
Miss Karen, Carswell of Lan-
dau spent a few days last week
with her parent#, Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Carswell, ., " t
Mr, John Harris of Blyth
spent the week -end wit)t his
Mrs, George. Ashton spei
last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Art Wells, in Loddon,
Ivir, and Mrs. Ira Schae4fer
and Mr. and 'Mrs, Sam 'Robin-
son returned home over the
.week -end after spending.the
past few months in Fiorida
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Small'
moved their household effects
on Saturday to the home they
recently.purchased °in Palmers. -
Mr. and'Mrs. Alex Keith •'
moved- Friday,from the farm on
the 6th Concession. to the home
they purchased, last fall in •
Wroxeter. ,`
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothern
and Timmy of Palmerston visit»
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
James Vittie.
' .Mr. Alfred Jones -returned to.
cuelph on Monday after spend»
ing the past. week•witli Mr. and
Mrs, William Sothern.
Mr. and Mrs; Glenn Johnston
spent one day last week in .Lind'
Robert Hibberd attended . an '
executive meeting of London
Conference United Church Men'
in Glencoe on 'Sunday and Mrs.
Hibberd visited Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Campbell, and 'children
at Winthrop
Mr. and Mrs„ Austin `Stinson
and ;Sill Richards visited' Sunday
with M. and 'Mrs. George -Rich.
ards In London.
M_ r. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston_
'and Mr. Jack Ruttan attended
the capping"ceremony •at the
Owen Sound. Regional School o;
Nursing on Saturday, held in
Open fora hmi
Special Fords. . . Special Mustangs! Specially -built.
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Exciting prices on the happening car, plus added savings
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The all star cast -winning acclaim great. Style. Comfort. Power.
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$74.00 saving on e
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•Jos.phina and Victoria Straits, 3574460
Turnbarry Rd., *BRUSSELS, Phone 240
ersonal Notes
First United Church, Ow*n
Sound, A reception followed
at the residence. Miss Helen
Johnston was among toose re.,
ceiving caps.
Mrs, Pearl Patterson visited
for a `week with Mr, Ana Mrs,
it Patterson in Toronto.
Mrs, .Gary Jacobson, and
Shelly, Mrs, Ben V'iUumson.
`'and Lode spent one day last
week in Mitchell.
. Miss Louise Matthews and;
lair. Melville Batters visited
over rt e with miss
Ix, 1,, 1,4 thews, in Victoria
` a Floyd Nickel, Wayne
ails.; rnary and Mrs, Russel
Nick �r it one day .last week
in Kitchene •
• The syiripathy of the corn-
munity. go.. to Mr. Les Lough-
ran whose mother parsed away.
last week. The funeral was
held Saturday in Palmerston.
Mi. Elmer Miller, Grant,
Eileen and Karen visited 'Sun-
day with Mrs. D. Aitchison in
Elora. Mrs. Milier and `little
'daughter returned borne after
spending the week there.
`. Ansi Ws. Roo Tomlin
of Fort grie visited Sunday with
Mrs. Ethel Forte:. . Mr, AS
Feer returned home after
spending the past mcinth there,
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bxide
of Guelph and Mr, and Mrs.
Carman Bride of Port Credit
visited Sunday with Mrs. .ft,,,,
M. Bride at the Village Nuys.'
ing Horne.
Mr, and Mrs, Mad McIntosh
and family' of Brussels visited
Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs,
Wellington Hargrave. •• •
Mrs. Ethel Forster visited a
few «ays last week with rela'
fives In Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs, Jinn, Warrell
moved into the village last .:
week. They recently sold
their farm to ;Mr, and `Mrs,
John -Boonstra who also . moved
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs:. Ronald Mann
and family moved from the
farm they owned eu the town
line to the Gordon Nickel faun
on the ninth concession of •
Howick during the past in reek, .
Their farm has been sold to
William Smith.
Wroxeter_ Persona
Mr. Cameron Edgar, London,
spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross .Coates were Mr. and
Mrss. Gordon 'Heath and Mr. and -
Mrs. Jack Lucas of Listowel..
We are sorry that Miss Eileen
Haugh is confined to Wingham
.and District Hospital with
rheumatic fever and pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram
visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Elgin
Ingram and family in Stratford
recently, -
Friends of Mrs.' Ken Wil- •
loughby regret to learn she is a
patient in W inghatn and District
Hospital with a severe• attack of
Week -end guests with Misses
Elsie and Marion Gibson were
Our congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Renwick on the
birth of •a daughter in the Wal-
kerton Hospital.last:week. The
we i $ Ya s k .darer-ragf satakti,.:y
,ri11►n, and ;l leather,,..
M. and Mrs, Rowland Bal-
lagh Celebrated their 45th wed-
ding Anniversary with a family
dinner at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Claude Bronson;
Mr. Bronson and family, of
Elmira. on Sunday.
Sympathy is extended to
John Rutherford and his family
on the death of his *father, Mr.
Roy Rutherford, in °W Ingham
and District Hospitaljast -week.
Flowers were placed in both
Mclditosh United Church and
Belmore Presbyterian Church,
in `Mr. Rutherford's memory.
Sympathy also is extended
by Belmore friends to members
of the King family on the death
of 3 -year-old Lloye Ann King,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam King of Brussels: Mrs.
King is the former Joanne Gil -
mar, of this area. firs. Carl
Douglas of the village is an
aunt of the deceased.
Things have been rather
quiet this week, as far as •the
maple syrup 'making is concern-.
ed, but wait until the week.-
end wherr the entire village
will be buzzing with 'Maple
Syrup Festival' news. Saturday,
the 13th, is the big day. It's
going to be a great event so
join the crowd, anytime from
11 to 7. We'll be watching for
St. Helens
Mrs. Frank McQuillin attend-,,
ed a double bridal shower for
Misses Marilyn Fairbrother and
Joan Foote at the home of Mrs.
James Wilson, in London, on
Friday evening. Other relatives
from the district also•attended.
. Mr. and Mrs. John McCor-
mick of Beeton spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Millet.
Mr. 'Wesley Wick returned
from St. Joseph'°s Hospital, Lon-
don, this week following ari
accident in Goderich several
weeks ago. I -Ie is- Conkalesc ing
at the home of his sister, Mrs.
B. it. Green and Rev. Greek,
Mrs. Wm. G. Humphrey
held a trousseau tea on Saturday
afternoon and evening in honor
Of her daughter, Dianne, whose
Marriage takes place this
M. and Mrs. Ivan McQuil-
lin of Kitchener were Sunday
visitors with his patents, Mr,
and Mrs. Fred McQuillin.
Mr.R K. F. Gibson, Dundas, - and
Mr. Owen Jackson of Stoney
Mr. and Mrs, Boyne . Sage ,
and family. 3rd line Wallace,
visited -Sunday with the Ross
Tomans. • .
Mr. John Hupfer and Miss
Hazel Spading spent the week»
end with Mrs. Angus Carmich-
ael and Mr. and Mrs. James
Robertson, Goderich•.
Miss Nancy Sanderson is a
patient in .Winghnm `and Dist-
rict Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green
arid Janis- of Goderich visited
Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gert-
rude Bush and, accompanied by
these ladies, were supper guests
with Mr. and Mrs. George Gib-
atm Sunday
t U.C.
w R.-Chri,t's,triarn
phant entry int+ Jerusalem *as
railed at the Palin Sunday
service in the United Church, „ •
The junior choir sang. " n
the Gates of the Temple"
under the duction of the or*
grist, Mrs, Edwin Marts.
They were supported by the
intermediates for the hymns.. ,
Thjreee anew ptembelrs were
receT ved, Lance Gibson, Mar. -
vitt Mclean and laid' Louttit.
Rev. R...Sweeney gave the .
account of Christ's, triumphal
entry *with his text from St
' Matthew,, as an introduction to
Holy We.
The minekistry of,Je'sus. seem-
ed over and his passion had
started, The events which . fol
lowed.took place in the Tipper
ern°, Gethsemane , before
Pilot api OI Calvary,
As resus approached Jerusa-
len there was happiness be-
cause of the admiration ,of the
people; but there w sadness.
' because Judaswas in #he'crowd
and Jesus knew_;what was in his
:heaThert.n .
prophets; had foretold
events_ but they could .not _dis-
cern that- God.had sent His son
who was to make atonement
for the world. at Jerusalem.,
Mr.. Sweeney asked,_ "on
Palm Sunday. where do we. •
sand? With Him or against
Him? He said people today
have to know where they stand
in relation to God. • It is.a -•
..privilege to take part on .Palm .
Sunday but it must be done";in
appreciation for what God has `
done for us..
UCW groups
general meeting
•-BWEVALE-..The general
Meeting of the tt.C„W, was
hid in the school room of the
*United Church on the evening
of April 4th. with 'Mrs. Jack
Wickstead. presiding„
The roil call was," What
does Easter mean to your
Group one had charge of the
study spsslon, led by Mrs. W.
1', Peacock, The resurrection
stony, refuting the theory,
"God is Teed' wasogiven in
readings of Scripture by Mrs,
Graham Campbell, Mrs. ' Carl
:Johnston, , Mrs. Jack Nicholson
and Mrs, James Johnston. and •
Easter hymns.
Mn. Peacock gave an Easter %
-,...?,*''Mrs„ Alan Campbell dem
exited business methods ;of fine
awing in the U. C, W.. and the
duties of the
social tonintittee,
Mrs, Rosas � Jlcbobon of Grou
4 gave a chapter from t e study
book regarding missionary work {
'in china and Japan.
Mrs. Geo ge,-Hetherington
reported the 'inaugural session
of the `Huron -Perth U, C.,,W. at
Seaforth in February.
Mars.: Walter Willis presented
a very satisfactory treasurer's
Mrs. Mel Craig, Mrs. Mur-
ray :McFarlan% Mrs. George
Hetherington and Mrs,.
Peacock were appointed a
'eomznittee''to buy necessary :.
items .for the school room;
Phone 357-1282: