HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-11, Page 4P*
TA Advap,ce-Twaes, mut
alio. April 11. 1968
features from
the World of Women
Home a
Knox W.M.S.
hoids meeting
• BLUEVAIsts4The W.MS.
of Knox Church met at the
149me pf Mrs. Wm. ElStOn on
Tuesday'eyeuing of last week.
Mrs. 'Burns Moffatt opened
the meeting with an Easter
thought, The • Scripture was
read by Mrs. James Elliott, ,
followed by comments.
An interesting newsletter
regarding Indian Missions was
read by Mrs. Moffatt who also
had charge of the study book
which was .on. the Korean
Church in Japan.
At the close of the W.M.S.
meeting a short Ladies' Md
meeting was held at which the
ladies decided to hold an anni-
versary supper the middle of
A social hour followed and
lunch wasi served by Mrs. Ross
Mann 4na Mrs. Alec MacTav-
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Former Wingham girl wed
in double -ring ceremony
jacket with beige accessories.
She carried a bouquet of pink
sweetheart -roses.
For travelling. the bride
chose a strawberry colour wool
twill suit with seven -eighth
length Nehru jacket and gilt -
coloured fasteners and blending
accessories. She wore a white
Guests came from Burling-
ton. London, St. Thomas; Clif-
ford, Toronto, Gorrie, Guelph,
Exeter, Strathroy, Listowel,
Wroxeter, Wingharn, Hayfield,
Clinton, Ingersoll, Woodstock,
Lucknow, as well as the God-
ericts area.
The couple will reside in
Hayfield after their wedding
trip to Montreal and points east,
and United States.
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was honoured at showers
given by Mrs. Harold Jeffery,
Goderich, the office staff of
Sheaffer Pen and Mrs. Pat Wil-
kinson, Mrs. George Gibson,
Wroxeter, Mrs. Irene Ott,
Clinton. A rehearsal piny was
given at the bride's home.
Thsr Rev. J.D. MacDonald
and Rev. G.J. Ifeersink offic
iated at the double -ring wed-
ding of Lynda Green, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green
of Goderich and, Charles Bruins -
ma, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Douwe Bruinsma, R.R. 2.
Clinton. Friday, March 22, at
North Street United Church,
The bride, given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a
floor -length empire gown of
peau de soie d'Ameribaine With
elbow -length sleeves, a French
chantilly lace coat in cage ef-
fect with scalloped edge, and
a veil of illusion, two-tier,
held by a cluster of organza
and seed -trimmed petals. She
Carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Maid of honor, Miss Janice
Weigel, Kincardine, wore a
gown of shocking pink satin
shantung with wedding ring col-
lar and elbow -length sleeves,
with cage effect in the back
lines of the dress.
The bridesmaid, Miss Janis
Green, sister of the bride and
flower girl. Miss Karen Weir
of Toronto, a cousin of the
bride, wore identical gowns in
simpler styles.
Each of the bride's attend-
antswore a bow headpiece with
shocking pink veil and carried
white fugi mums.
• Groornsnien were Peter Ott
Jr.. R.R. 1, Hayfield, and
Cecil Bruinsma, IL R. 4, God-
Ushers were Murray Gibson
of Wroxeter, Mel Greig, God-
erich, Fred Bruinsma of Exeter,
and Sidney Bruinsma of Wind-
Donald Bakelaar of Ingersoll
was ringbearer.
Mrs. M. L. Hetherington,
Goderich, was organist.
Decorations in the chinch
wee candelabra, and baskets
of white mums and gladioli. -
The reception was held in
hall. Master of ceremonies
was Peter Ott. The hall decor-
ations were white mums and
gladioli, pink and white stream- •
ers and bells, and a three tier-
ed wedding cake. '
• The bride's mother wore a,
costume of petal pink silk
worsted With self -embroidery
crescent hat of tulle and ostrich
tips, matching.accessories,
>and"white sweetheart roses.
• The groom's mother wore a
blue. linen dress and matching
To conduct
service here
Major Margaret Green, Sal-
vation Army officer for 26
years, will conduct service iri
the local citadel this week-endh
She has served in various
capacities from teaching in
Newfoundland to directing
youth program S in Aiberta.,
She has been in public rela-
tions, travelled with the Gos-
pel Caravan, and for six years
was dean of women at the Sal-
vation Army's Training College
for Officers, Toronto. -
"A third generatien S. A, of-
ficer, she is presently engaged
in administration in the South -
em Ontario area,,
l'Intt's the day you've got a (14.4e.:7ivith the government, Income
Tax -Day. W you Spent hours bent over a pencil last year, get
smart . . GET A
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Snap on cover, handy carrying handle. SEE IT TODAY ,at the
PHONE 357-2320
CHIEF JIM MILLER and Constable Earl
Jenkins provided police escort when Post-'
master Gordon Sutcliffe moved the cash, "
stamps and money,orders from the sald
post office to the new building on Satur-
day, Part of the transfer is shown being
put. in the vault in the new building.
--Advance-Times Photo.
Mrs. H. Wallace returned
as Institute president
LAKELET—The annual
meeting of the Women's Insti-
tute was held in the hall Thurs-
day night. The president,
Mrs.' Harold Wallace presided.
The devotions were taiserilsy
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Roll call
was answered by payment of
fees. The reports cif the stand -
Ing committees were given by
.,the conveners and Mrs. Percy
Huth gave the feature on "The*
Changing Seasons", which was
enjoyed. The ladies were re-
minded of the Freezer Forum
to be held at the Presbyterian •
Church at •Wingham on April
18 and Achieverpents•pay,at- -
Howick Central School on May.
MFS. Hohnstein reported on
the 4-H club's trip to the Lis-
towel florist.
. Mrs. Emerson Ferguson was
chairman forsthe election of
officers and Mrs. Arnold Garlke
was secretary. The new slate is
as follows;
Past president. Mrs. Jack
Ferguson; president, Mrs. Har-
old Wallace; 1st vice-pres.,
Mrs. Walter Demerling; 2nd
vice-president, Mrs. Percy
Huth; secretary -treasurer, ,Mrs.
Emerson Ferguson; assistant,
._Mrs. Lyle Murray;. district dir-
ector. Mrs. Jack Ferguson; al-
ternate, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques;
branch directors, Mrs. Henry
Hohnstein, Mrs, Walter Dem-
erling, Mrs. Edward David;
_public relations officer, Mrs.
Lyle Murray; pianists, Mrs.
Lyle Murray, Mrs. Jake Ver-
steeg; auditors, Mrs. Henry
Hohnstein, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Elmer Greenley, Mrs. Arnold
badke, Mrs. Rebert Allan;
press reporter, Mrs. E. Fergu-
son; shut-ins, Mrs. Gordon
Wright, Mrs.3'Elmer Greenley;
curator, Mrs. Robert Allan.
'Elected to the standing com-
Synodical to be',
held in Chatham
The annual meeting of the
Hamilton -London Synodical of •
the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of the Presbyterian Church
in Canada, will be held in •
First Presbyterian Church, Chat-
ham, April 23-25.
"Stepping Forward into a
New Century" will be the s
theme. Devotional services
will be conducted by Rev. Gs
Dalziel, 'minister of the church,
Rev. R.D.A. Currie, Rev, D.
MacInnes and Rev. M. Tubb,
Mrs. R. S. Bilrnham, president,
will preside.
A complimentary dinner
will be given by Chatham Pres-
byterial to,the delegates on
Tuesday evening. Miss Agnes
Gollan of Biafra, Nigeria, will
be guest speaker on Wednesday
afternoon, Mrs. W.E. McCue-
cheon, treasurer on Council
Executive will speak on Tues-
day evening and Rev. A. ROss,
Mitchell, will give a comment.
ary and evaluation of the Teens
and Twenties panel discussion
on Wednesday evening. Meet- •
ings will close Thursday noon.
mimes were; Agriculture and.
Canadian industries, Mrs. Ro-
bert McComb. Mrs. Emerson
Ferguson; citizenship and *edu- •
catiOn, Mrs. Lyle Murray, Mrs,
Jake Versteeg; home economics
and health, Mrs. Walter Dem-
erling, Mrs. Arnold,Gadke;
historical research and current
events, Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs.
Robert Allan; resolutions, Mrs.
Jack Fergpson; ways and means
cotrunittee, Mrs. Lyle Murray,
Mrs. Walter Demerling.
Mrs. Ferguson moved a vote
of thanks to Mrs.*Wallace for
her work during the year and •
invited -her to return.to the
chair. Mrs. Wallace thanked '
everyone for their support.
Lunch was served by Mrs."1
Walter Demerling, Mrs. Henry
,Hohnstein, Mrs. Harold Wal-
lace. •
Coupies' Club
met Thursday
The March, meeting of St,
Andrew's Couple's Club was
held in the church parlour
ThUrsday. The call to worship,
entitled "Where Do You Fit In?'
was given by Gordon,Sutcliffe.
A hymn was sung.
The minutes from the last
meeting were read and the roll
call was answered. The Scrip-
ture reading from 1st Corinth-
ians was read in unison. The
meditatien. "Some Thoughts
of Love" 'was given by Mrs. J.
Donaldson. Mrs. J. Carr led
In prayer.. The offering was
received and the offertory
prayergiven, by John Donaldson,
Jim Carr introduced the '
speaker, Ed Fielding, who ,
showed slides of his trip to San
Feancisco and California. Mr.
Fielding showed Many flower, •
shiubs and landscape scenes
and described them. A social
time followed and the meeting
was closed by prayer. •
WROXETER--The regal)hr
meeting of the United Church
Women was held in the church
last Wednesday evening.
The devotional program was
taken by Mrs. Mary Wearring
and Miss Elsie Gibsisn. The •
theme was Easter.
Mrs. James Alcorn sang a
Solo "The Holy City"-, accom-
panied by Mrs. Edwin Martin.
Mrs. George Gibson gave an
enjoyable topic pertaining to
Easter in which she described
thr seven last speeches of our
Lord before His death.
Mis. Stanley Lockwood oc-
cupied the chair kir the busi-
ness, The minutes were read
by the secretary, Mts. Lillian
Gallahernd Mrs. Glen Mc-
Michael gave the treasurer's
report.' Several items of
money -making prOjects were
diseussed. Mxs. Lockwood
closed the meeting with the
benediction and lunch was ser-
ved by the members of the
Harmony Unit,
Describes part
•therapy plays in
mental health
spring Thankoffering meeting
of the United 'Church ,Women
, was held Thursday in the church
which was decorated with bask-
ets_of spring flowers.
Mrs. Garnet Farrier presided
at the piano while Mrs. George
Thompson welcomed the'mem-
bers and guests from LuCknOw
and Calvin-Hiick U.C.Ws. and
Chalmers. Presbyterian Ws M. S.
• She gave the call to worship.
Mrs. RusserChapman read
the, Scripture. Mrs. Thompson
read a letter from. a friend in
Korea. Prayer was given by
Mrs. Russel Gaunt: y
• Mrs. Harvey Houston and
Mrs. Raynard Ackelt, sang . •
"Have You Been in the .Garden",
accompanied by Mrs. Wesley
Joynt at the piano. •
Mrs.- Dan Tiffin introduced
the guest speaker, Dr. Ida Mac-
Donald of Teeswater. She
'chose as her topic, ." Man's
Greatest Wealth Is Health".
Religion has. a great part to
•play in mental health. As a
result the 'ministerial associa-
tion has much work to do in
these hospitals. Dr. MacDon-
ald described the work of the
old and new hospitals construct-
ed in London. Describing dif-
ferent types of patients she told
of her work in occupational
therapy which plays a large
part in helping mental patients.
Miss Mildred McClenaghan
thanked .Dr. MacDonald and
presented her with a gift.
• The offering was received
by MIS. Albert Coultes arid
Mrs: Carl Weber and dedicated
by Mrs. Elwnod Groskorth. Cal-
vin-Bkick ladies, Mrs, Donald
Dow aid Mrs. Sydney Thomp-
son sang "The OM Rugged Cross"
accompanied by Mrs. Norman
Coultes, An Easter,hymn was '
sung and Mrs. Thompson closed
the Meeting with the Mizpah
benediction. All were then
invited to the basement for
lunch and a social time.
Attend wedding
the wedding of Wayne.Farriet
and Beth Annie Jean Barbour
at nillsburgh Presbyterian
Church on Saturday were his
parents„ Mr. and, Mrs, Garnet
Farrier; his grandmother, Mrs.
Gibsan Gillespie; his sister and
her husband, Mr' and Mrs.: '
.• .
• Fred Davis; and his uncle and
aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Russel
Farrier of Wingharn. The re-
ception was also held at the
church. The bride Is the
daughter of Mrs. Wallace B4r-
• Dessert Euchre.
The lAringharn Branch of the ,
Women's Institute held very
successful dessert euchre in the
. council chambers last Wednes.
,day. There were 29 tables in
play. There were guests pre.
sent from surrounding intitutes•
The high lady, was Mrs.
• Oeorge Drennan!). second,
Mrs. V. Ford and third" Ivirso
3. one. The hostesses were
James Halliday, Mrs, F.
McCormick, Mrs.- .Robert Pow.
ell, Mrs. 0. Haselgrove and
Mrs. Olive Boss.
4,1 '
W/II/GNA,41 avr
, issoita
We're prepared to go to any fashionablelength
to put the finishing touches on all your spring and
• Easter costumes. . . with a 'Wide variety of long
and short gloves in many styles, colors.
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