HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-11, Page 2Otiinghaal Adwance-Times„ Thum lay, 4ria 41, We8
Personal Notes from Gorrie
and Mrs. Harold Edgar
.ot MonetOn, N. attended
the funeral of the larter's moth-
er'• Mrs. Edgar Swift. in Toron-
to on Thursday and visited Mr.
and Mxs,, cordon Edgar on Fri-
' day and Saturday.
Miss Janet McDonald. Tees-
" 'Water, spent the week -end with
Miss Elaine Ash,
Mrs. W,A. Cathers, Waox-
eter, is spending some tirrie
with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Fin-
Mr, Arthur Goulet, Hanover,
.spent the week.end with Mr.
nd Mrs. Robert Searson. Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Steinbacker of
Teeswater visited Sunday at the,
same home.
' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hubbard
visited Mrs. Wesley Underwood
-on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl of
Atwood were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Mrs and Mrs. Harold Ott,
ListOwel, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Koch of Gowdnstown were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Koch.
Mr. Edwin Searson spent the
week.end with the Wingham
District High School Cadets at
Mrs, Les Howes, Mrs. Frank
Davic3 Mrs, Edward David and
Miss Edith Howes, Guelph, en-
tertained Miss Jennie Howes
and Mrs. Murray of Harriston at
the Four Aces, Clifford, on
Sunday, the occasion of their
83rd and 95th bit:II-War.
Mr, ad Mrs. Bert Hubbard
visited M. and Mrs. George
Hubbard of Clifford on Sunday.
Mr. aand Mr, Win. Kaufman
Listowel, were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndrhan on
Supday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dowdall of Toronto Spent last
week -end at the same home.
• Mr. Robert Wade and family
and Mrs. Norman Wade spent a
day with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mat-
thews of Pine Grove spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Manfred Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Irwin
and family of Goderich visited
Mr. and Mrs. Claus 0*Krafka
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Easton,
Orton, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Glad Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. James Howes
and Mr. and Mrs. William Far-
rish, Listowel, visited Mr. and
Mrs.John Steurnol and Mr.
Nelson Steurnol on Sunday.
"WHY?" •
• Special music by the choir. •
Soloist: Miss Dianne Watson of Holstein,.• Ontario.
7:00 p.m.—"EASTER SUNSETS."
•Music by St. Andrew's Bell Choir.
• We welcome all who care to worship with us this
Easter Sunday.
fhthiatinti Army
1030 a.m.—GOOD FRIDAY,„•
Brigadier William Stanley of Listowel, special speaker.
•.4. 7:88 a.m.—Sunrise Service.
- 8:00 a.m.—Corps Breakfast
9;45 a.m.—Sunday Sebool.
.11:00 a.m.--liolineass Meeting, (Family Worship).
•800 p.m.—Evangelist Service:
•'Special Gueif.EaSter Sunday—Major Margret Green of
_ The public is cordially invited to attend all services.
TWingliam, United. Church
Minister—REV. CECIL M. JARDINE, B.A• .
Director of Music—MISS IVA MAI SMITH, L.R.C.T.
11:00 L.m.—"1T IS FINISHED." (John 19:30).
• 1100 a.m.—"CHRIST IS ALIVE." •
Solo—"THE HOLY CITY." (Adams)—George Sardine:
Anthem—"KING OF ICINGS." (Simper)
Solists—Peter Callan and George Jardine.
Solo—"BLESS THIS ItOUSE." (Brahe)-4anet. Haines.
Anthem—"AS IT BEGAN TO DAWN." (Vincent)
• Soloist—Lynda Reavie.
We welcome you to worship with us at., Eastertide,
• St. Paul's Church
REV. H. W. HAMILTON, Dip. Th., Rector.
Thurs., Apr. 11, 7 p.m.—Maundy Thursday Holy
• Communion.
Fri., April 12, 10 a.m.—One Hour Meditation On the
'Seven Words from the Cross.
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion without Sermon
11:00 a.m Holy Communion, Sermon and
Church School
7:00 p.m. Service of Healing
• Fri. end Sat., April 1940—Brotherhood of Anglican
, Churchmen Annual Conference in Windsor.
Sioux wokout
•'Hospital, to Mr. and Mis. in
L. Howes of Sioux Lookout on
• April 4. 1968, a daughter,
Lana Lee,
• COLLYER-1n St, Catharines
Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Collyer of Si. Catharines,
a son, on March 27, 1968.
Mr. and Mrs. Gershom
• Johnston of Wingham were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Robinson, of Donnybrook.
Percy McClenaghan, who
is on construction work, was a
Saturday visitor with Mrs. G
George McClenaghan.
Rev. Horace Braden of Lon-
don was a dinner guest on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Peter
De Boer and family, of Lang -
• Early last.week 14,,swans
settled on a pond on the front
field of Henk Kragt of Lang:
side. They were quite tame
and were not easily scared
when the car or truck came in
the lane. By Saturday all had
left but two.
Art Moore returned last
week to his farm on Conces-
sion 12, W. Wawanosh, and on
Monday visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat
and Heather of Wingham were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
• Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet.'
• The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Harper in the
death of his brother, Mr. John
• Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Harper
spent last week -end at Toronto
• and attended the funeral from
Ridley's funeral horne, New
Toronto, on Monday.„. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Den-
nis of Toronto visited on the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Harper. , •
Mr. Wm. Boehler of Ford-
wich spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Winger
and family spent Saturday at
• Kitchener. •
Mrs, ,Lloyd Jacques, J9hn.
and Glenn, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Lew Taylor at Kitch-
ener on Sunday. •
BLUEVALE--The Iasi euchre
party of the season provided by
the Bluevale- Recreational As-
sociation was held on Thursday
evening with 15 tables in play.
Prize winners were high score,
Mrs. Harry Elliott,. George,
Brewer; low score, Mrs. Cas-
well, Ken Mailers; draw, Mrs.
Fred Sawyer,. Harry Elliott..
• The committee in charge
was Mr. and Mrs. Ross•Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffat and
Mr. and Mrs: Ken Henry.
If your baby has some object
in his throat, and is choking,
turn him upside down, ,hold him
by the legs or ankles and slap •
his back vigorously. If this
does not work-, get him to the
hospital at once. Never put
your fingers in his throat to. try
to get the object out. Youmay
force it farther down.
Mitchell, (second from right), journalist
and author of Perth County History, was
guest of)honor at a mess dinner of 21st"
Field Artillery 'Regiment (AA) at. the Lis-
towel Armouries. Taking ,part. in dinner
were, from the left, Major R. P. gitter= of
Wingharn; who assumes command of the .
regiment later this month on retirement
of Lt. Col. ,J. D. Harvey of $eaforth, Sec. "
gond from left. Officer Commanding Mal,
J. R. S. Brown of Listowel's 100th Bat-
tery ,is shown at right.
• --Banner PhOtOil
News items from Old Files
APRIL 1919
• An open meeting of the Lit-
erary Society of the high school
Was held in the assembly hall.
George Fryfogle gave a violin
solo. A debate followed. Re-
solved that the good that has
resulted and will result from the
war offsets the evil. James
Spence and Lottie Johnston took
the affirmative representing the
fifth form and the negative was
taken by Clayton Zurbrigg and
Eileen Kennedy representing
the second form. The judges
decision in favor of the nega-
tive was given by A.H. Mus-
grove. Della Brooks and Grace
Tucker gave instrumentals. Mr.
Butcher, William Wallace and
May Bone distributed books to,
the fieldday prize winners.
Lieut. Hal MacLean, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. MacLean,
who left here with the. 61st Bat-
talion and who remained in •
France until a few weeks ago
•has returned home. He went.
through several engagements
and won the Military Cross in
OCtober last at the battle of,
Cambrai., •• - •
On Tuesday evening a large.:
crowdof neighbors and friends?
gathered at the home of Mr. J.
T. Wy 'e, Con. 6, Turnberry,
to welco e horne his son Pte.
Howard lie on his return
from overseas. An address was
read •by Edgar Higgins and a
purse of money was presented to
Howard by Lloyd Henning. '
APRIL 1933
A number of friends of Miss
Janet Cowan met at the home
of Mrs. W.W. Currie Friday
evening when they held a kit-
chen shower for the bride -elect,
Mrs. R. L. Stewart entertained
the girls of the Bell Telephone.
office Tuesday night when Miss
Cowan was presented with a . •
floor lamp from the staff.
Miss Louise Thompson of
Kitchener, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. Thompson made a
• very remarkable showing in
badminton last year and this
year again did exceptionally
well. The teachers of Kitchen-
er and Waterloo held a tourna-
ment at'the Granite Club and
Miss Thompson and Miss Mabel
Miller won first plape. Louise
also won first in the ladies' -
double's with Mary Doherty as
partner at the K -W Club Tour-
nament arid in. mixed doubles
• she and Alex„ Jordan, were'run-
At 'King's GroCery this week:
Castile soap, 9 bars 250; black
tea 390; cheese 154; Princess
soap flakes l50; peas, corn and
torbatoes, 100- per can.
Dr. and Mrs. R. C, Redmond
have returned from two months
in the—West Iridiee. They sail-
ed from Halifax and returned to
• the same port arid by s� doing
were able to enjoy considerable
ocean travel. .*
Fire of anknown origin com-
pletely destroyed the barn and
all its -contents on the -farm of
• the Misses McGinnis, Con. 7,
Morris Township about 2 a.m.
Saturday. •
• Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Fry en-'
tertained the teachers of the
public school staff, Prof. An-
derton and Mr. M, Graham °
• •
theschool board at their home
• •
folloWing the presentation of
'the school concert on Friday
'filghts •
At a festiyal at St. Peters-
burg, Fla., Kenneth Crawford
won first prize for original
costume. The St. peteriburg
Times said Kenne9 was a real
„Scotch 'addle in his kilt; •
APRIL 1943 ! . .
• Notman Harold Mundy has• :.
enlisted with the RCAF and will/
report next week.
Miss Jean Sharpin on Monday
joined the staff of the local
branch of the. Dominion Bank.
•• 'William H. pyin, RCAF at-
tached to the RAF overseas has
been promoted to the rank of
Flight Sgt. Bill has been doing
operational.flyilig since Sept-
• L. A.C. John Pattison has
successfully completed a course
at the TCinton Radio School and
• is at present on furlough at tbe
• home of his parents, Mr. and
• Mrs. Edgar Pattison. He will
report to the West Command.
Wilfred Reihl.suffered a
• brokenarmlast week while
changing a tire on the road
grader. He spent a few days in
HIGH WINDS knocked over a portion of a
partition wall under construction at the
high school on Monday. No one was injur-
ed aithough one workmah had moved to a
position of .efety
15 -foot high wall
quickly repaired.
just moments before the
fell. The damage was
—Advancellmes PhOto.
Ken Johnson of Toronto, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson
of town has been transferred J
the Mount Forest branch- of tht:'
Dominion Bank as teller.
Donald Adams has accepted
a position in Monkton. N.B.
and left on Wednesday. to take
up his duties there, repairing
Lieut. A.D. MacWilliam
who has been stationed at De-
bert for the past seven months
has been transferred to Winnie
peg. Mr. and Mrs. McWil-
liam were in town on Tuesday.
• APRIL' 195.4 •
• Carl Bondi opened the boat-
ing season in Wingharn this year
by taking a trial run across the
prairie on the Maitland last
• Sunday. • We,,trust there was.no
repetition of last year's aquatic
display down there when the
tiller handle broke off and -no-
• body could stop the thing.
Richard Gardner, 3 -year-old
son 4,„1 Mr. :and Mrs. Ivan Gard-
ner as, taken to the hospital on
Sunday•-after•gWaliOWing a 'small
steel' ball rralil 6ICafffis
—,Aftet kr=rais'Were'lakerfaitit
hospital the boy was allowed to
go. home.
•.Patients from municipalities
in the Wingham General Hospit-
al area which' have not contri- •
buted. to the cost of the propos-. ,
ed new wing will be surcharged
.at a minimum of $1.50 per day;
it was decided at ,a meeting .of
the hospital board last week.-
• Winners at the Wingham
Public School's second annual
music festival last Wednesday
were: Girls' solo, 8 yrs. and
under, Kathleen noggins,
Brenda Conron, Alma *Jane El-
liott; boys, Bob Crewson, Tom-
my Falconer, Bob Lunn; girls
11 yrs. and under, Ruth. Hodgins
. Joan Angus, Sharon Lewis; bon .
Paul Hutton, Bruce Machan,
•Walton McKibbon; girls, 44 .
yrs. and under, Dorothy Cham-
ney, Mary Skinn, Sharon
Thomson: boys, Bob Rintoul,
Billy Henderson, Raymond
Ruth Thoinpson, 12 -year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Thompson of Lower
Wingham fractured her right
arrn while' jumping off a post
in front of her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murat of
Ciino.t were Vithiti.14a Olt $1.31y
with, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Vin'
Ws and Mrs, Bill Hall,
Brian end Donna of Chatham
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall,
David $16d Debbie of Brussels
visited with Mrs and Mrs. Gov.
.don Hall on Sundays
M. -and Mrs. Harty Gunther
of Windsor, are at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Noss
Mr. and Mrs4jill
Brian and Donna, Of Chatham,
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
anti Mrs, norrion Hall. • •
•Friends will be sorry to hear .
that Charles Coultes who has
been with bis daughter, Mrs, •
Qeorge•German of Clinton dur,,
Ing the winter, is very ill in
• Clinton- Hospital.
• Mr. and Mrs. moss Masco
of Teeswater; and Mrs. Albert
Walters of Winghorn, were
Sunday visitors with Mx, and
Mrs, id. Pillott.
• 10 FIN* SAW
• DIAL 357-2170
Emergency: 357-2992
ANACIN, ins, reg. $1.35 • $1.09
ASP.ERGUIVI,, 36e, reg. $1.09
CONFIDETS, 12a, reg. 55c ••2/91c
regular_ 75c , 59c
Lovp..y LADY NYLONS . 3/0.00
'Super .$1.4.9 •. $1.21
5 -OZ., reg. $1.39 $1,.09
ANCEiS 0441'14447 SrAe
E h T S. 10 " *St W anOS
Z akinia 4•14 a .4.4 P
, e
At Brussels Public School... , ..APRIL 10
At Blyth Publicgchool • APRIL 11
At Belgrave Public School • APRIL 16
• °• From 2:00-- 3i30 p.m.
Kindergarten AGE 5 by January 1, 1969
Grade I : AGE 6 by January 1, 1969
.Pupils already Kindergarten need not register ".
.• •for Grade .1.
• Parents please bring birth certificates and '
• immunization cards. where possible. 4-1.1b*
Wingham will be increased to
ADULT $1.50 - CHILDREN $1.00
item solo' PRICES...
'66 DODGE, V8 automatic, power steer-
ing and brakes •
'64 VALIANT, 2 -Door, with radio
'64 DODGE, 6 cyl. automatic, 4 -Door
'64 METEOR, 4 -Door, 8 auto., radio
'62 CHRYSLER, 4 -Door
'62 CHEV., 4 -Door, 6 cyl., Standard
'65 CORVAIR CORSA, 4 speed fl. shift .
'63 PONTIAC, 4 -Door, V8 automatic,
•- porker steering and brakes
'65 PONTIAC Statign Wagon
'64 DODGE, D-500 Truck i 3 -ton, chassis
and cab, 8 cyl., 4 -speed transmission
'63 CHEV. Station Wagon
• 3