HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-04-04, Page 8•
Wiogisam dvanceeTimes. Thursday, AprU 4. 1968
Musi pay for economy
Pattison tills cooOdl-
Huron County councillor
CliffOrd-Dunbar ,of Grey TQW11-
$bip termed the coming county
aliaesaing system as a "tragic
increase" representing one and
00e-thire mills— or $100,000
to the taxpayers. Reeve Dun-
bar .was speaking at the Tues-
day afternoon session of coan-
cil.in GOderich last week.
Chairman Roy Pattison, of
the equalization cotriMittee re-
ported that his committee will
advertise fora eomrnissiener
qualified to oversee the county
asSessing operation. He added
that a full report will be avail-
able at the June session of
•Grade IX teachers
at workshop
The teeehers of Grade =I
subjects in District No. 10,
OSSTF. assembled in Listowel
District Secondary School on
Saturday to discuss matters of
concern arising from the
changes which have taken place
this year. Most significant of
these is the absence of external
final.etaminations set by °the
Department of Education. /Alder
. the new system all final marks
will come from the school
which the 'student attends.
an Davies of Barton Second-
ary School, Hamilton, speaking
on behalf of the Ontario Sec-
ondary Education Commission
Who sponsored the Workshop,
pointed out that the change
• places heavy responsibilitiee on
the Grade XIII teachers. The
Workshop is an attempt to pro.:
vide an Opportunity to discuss
the new problems and to ex-
change information which may,
be valuable and timely.
The speaker for, the occasion,
Tars -G. Melraffie, pointed out a
!timber of the thorny issues '
resulting from the changes this
year. One of these is the prob-
lem of continuing to keep all
Grade Xll-ft classes across the
provinceatan equivalent level
in standards. Another concerns
the new effort to teach for
"fire -kindling" rather than
-"mind-stocking." This approach
is an answer to the former a
criticism that Grade' XIII, teach-
ing Wistocusedl-ou passing the
final all-important June exam -
Still another inquiry' was,
-"Has the amount Of homework
in Grade VII been reduced?"
Mr. 1VicHaffie, an assistant
superintendeneof curriculum
with, the Department of Educe -
'thin. carried on a discussion of
these issues before turning
them oyer to subiect discussion
groupswhich took up the bal-
ance Of the day.
The chairman and convener -
of the Workshop was Herb
Murphy of ,Goderich, who was
assisted by John Kopas of .
Members attending from the
"Nifingharn area were Miss L.
Beiwetherick. Mrs. E. Suter.
Mrs: Ss Campbell. Mrs. A. Tiffin,
F. E. Madill, R. P. Ritter, K.
Wood, J. /Copes, C. R. Morrison,
E. Anderson, J. Gnay and D.
Neil. .
county cOun41.
Though elveUlatiOn has it
that the new, assessing system
will cost in 'excess of $100•000
annually,. Chairman liattim,
reeve of East Wawanpsh be '
lieves it is a "good idea which
will bring us Up tO standard
with the Ontario assessment
He suggested that if conneil
wahts economy it will have to
pay for it. Pattison added that
it has been the experience of'
some municipalities that the
cost of assessing has been off-
set by the collection of taxes
which through neglect or ig-
norarkae, had never before been
• billed.
Bayfield reeve Frank Mc-
Fadden saie that the 1966 assese.
ment bill was $38,000 and in
1967 it had been estimated that
the'new system would cost ap-
proximately $80,000 per year.
If anyone has a headache I
have sonie aspirins in my jack-
et," McFadden quipped,
In the absence of Zurich
Reeve Leroy Thiel, chairman
of the finance and executive
committee Howick Reeve Har-
old Robinson breaght in the
committee report which showed
that total grants and member-
ships this year would amount to
• Warden's salary and expenses
will cost $3,000; county $12,-
000; warden's banquet $900e
picnie $400; hes tour $500: and
printing. $4, POO; cOmmitees
and conventions (excludieg
health, Huronview, library and
roads) $10;000.
• • Salaries for clerk -treasurer,
deputy -clerk treasurer and -sec-
retaries will total $37,900; as-
sessing department salaries,
$11, 840; travel and conventions
for' both departments, $4; 000;
telephone, $2,590; office sup-
plies, $5,000; postage, $1,000;
equipment, $2,500; fees (audit
and legal), $5,000, .
Mens Town
• +lie Rangers moved a little
closer to first place as they took
five points from the top Caned -
fens. There are still seven •
points between them and only
two weeks to go. The Bruins are
• back in the winning habit as
they Cleaned out the Red Wings
and the Maple Leafs did the
same thing against the Black
• Not many good scores were
turned in as quality was ahead
Of quantity. Bob Fiecton took
all the 'honors was a 335 single
and /64 triple. Perrie Holmes
was -eparing and rolled' a fine
333 and Ken Saxton Jr. 'had a
311 and 729, Ted English 298,
Stew Forsyth 282 and 'Bill John-
ston had a.700 triple.
The standings: Canadiens 119,
Rangers 112, Black Hawks 101,
Maple Leafs 101, Bruins 90, Red
Wings 65.
0144 4041 !Ivo Net *ware
when I sot there," Hugh laid
wet sacking over the roof and
with the help of nearby farmers
DeUred pails of water over the
"We held the fire pr \over
an hour until the firetnen
came said Don Carterone of
the neighbors who went to help,
Bystanders believed the fire
to have started when a cinder
had blown- onto the roof from a
nearby. bonfire.
The firemen were still at the
scene Of the fire near the eezn.
etery when the'Siren sounded.
When they got into town they
"Ar :re told tile firs was I's miles
north of Wroxeter but no mos
had been given bv the nersoe
who phoned. Fire Chief Dave
Crotheri stopped at the Nee-
juyko Garage in Wroxeter and
celled the local telephone opera.
tor who gave him definite in.
,struetionl and the name of the
owner of the farm,
10111DWICH-4 dame was
held Pray night in the Ford-
wich community ball, sothbor-
ed' by the younger groups of
heickey players. It was quitt.
secceSSfel. MUSie Was supplied
by Bill ?Akin's orchestra.
Nance Avonwo North LISTOWEI, ONT.
is another project that is rapidly taking
shape now that the weather situation has
eased. Murray McDougall' is contractor.
The buitclIng features en AirriOSt soljd glass
wall on the east ,exposure for two titOrcri
but on the west end '0n4i one storey is
above ground.,-A4`PhotO. ,
“1911,141.04111414011WII.111040.41#441111430404111111111.440p,s '
Fordwich Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrar, Douglas and David
, visited Sunday with Mr. and
,Mrs. Ronleed at Dundas.
• Miss Helen Johnston of Owen
Sound spent the week -end with
her parent, •
Mrs. David Steinacker and
children of Orangeville visited
Qver the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Steinacker.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll John-
son visited, Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Norris in /eant-
Friends of Mrs. Noah Reis •
will be pleased to know that
she was able to return home
last week from Victoria Hospit-
al, Londqn, where she had
been confined for the past two
mohths and underwent major
surgery. . •
• Miss Karen Carswell of Leh -
doe spent a few days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Carswell.,: Bill and John
Carswell of Kitchener spent the
week -end with their parents.
M. and Mrs. Fred Norris of'
Brantford called on friends in. -
the village one day Jest week.
•• Mrs. Ruby Forster spent a
fee., days last week with Mth
1 Mary Corbett in yoronto.
, Mr. ,AIfred Jones of Guelph
is spending .this week with Mr.
and Mrs. William Sothern.
• ':Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Moore ,
visited one day last Week with •
•Mr, Jack Bricker at St. 'Mary's
Hospital, Kitchener.
Mi. and Mrs. Stan Bride
visited over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bride in'
is• Mrs. C. Carswell"; Miss Kar-
On Carswell and Mrs. Ted '
Klaasien spent one day last
week -in Kitchener.
Congratulations to Mr. and
• Mrs. Ross Doig who.celebrated
their 46th wedding anniversary
on Saturday, March 30th.
Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frew,
-Misses Catharine and Sharon
• Frew and Mi, Archie McDonald
.of Preston.
Come view our 'selection
of pretty coats, styled
'from fine fabrics that
easily take care of those
spring showers.
These exquisitely molded
garments carry the proud
label of "Posluns" or "Gunn"
—assuring you of only the
very best in styling and comfort.
will help to complete your
Our selection is delightful
from $1.00 up
Every model is vibrant and expressive -- There's
'Certain to be one best suited for you.
$24•98 $26.98 and $35.00
Be Prepared for thoiii- sudden spring
• showers with a pretty UMBRELLA
New styles to choose from
$2.98 - $3.98 and $4.95.
Telescopic Styles — $6:98 and $7:98
in adorable feminine styles and
. featuring the loveliest array of
•spring colors you could wish for.
Choose yours early and be, ready
for the Easter Parade.
'(Wingharn) Lintited •
Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Jacob-
son of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs.
• Bill Demerling and two child..
ren of Dundalk were week -end
guests with Mr. and Mrs. cad
Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence P.91*
lock and Barry of Ripley visited
one day last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Howell eraser.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig
were in Melton last week to
meet their son and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig who,
had spent six months in Greece.
They also visited England and.
Scotlandon the way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rache
van spent one day last week in
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Crow-
• der of Peterborough visited over
• the week -end with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everitt
Mrs. Ethel Aitchison of Elora
spent last week at the home �f -
her daughter and sen -in-law,
• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller.
Mrs. Miller and Lori -Lynn re-
turned to. Elora Sunday and will
spend several days there.
Mr. and Mrs. William Soth-
ern and Mr. Alfred Jones visited
• Sunday with Mr. and Mts. Wil-
liam Mulvey at Belmore..
Mr. and Mss. Roy Stewart ,
and family of Owen Sound
to get those newWindow Shades or'Venetian Blinds
visited Sunday -With Mr. and
Mrs, gad Stewart,
'Ms; Tom McClement and
mrs. Ida Gallagher visited one
day last week witif-Mr. and .
Mrs, Jim Inglis in Acton.
Mr., and Mrs. George Merk-
'ley. Sandra and Brenda of Bel -
more, Ivirs. Jack Wilson; 'Don-
ald. and John spent Sunday at
the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs, Carl Steitart joined the
staff of the Imperial Bank of
Commeree. Wameter and com-
menced her duties last week.
Farm house
roof blazes
flue men battled a fire for
about- an himr when a cinder
ignited q.,,Aarm house roof on
Saturday afternoOn. The house
belongs to Airs Harris and
„ . •
her still Hugh, 1Y. -Miles north
of Wroxeter on the Belmore
Road. •
e4Chief Pave Crothers
estimated darnae to be in the
region of $1500.
'I was -cleaning up the back
Yfir4 wtgrO first 1100%4111Q
• smoke," said Hugh Harris. "I'
• gribbed a garden hose and
• upped the ladder. The fire was
36 x 70
Cellulose ,fibre coated
• with. linseed
oil paints ,
37 x 70
, -
• . Bleached; long staple. cotton,
machine painted with I t 4 211
Oil colors• • •
• 36 70 — 42 x 70 -
Vinyl roorn darkening
•Will not yellow, •t
'harden or dry out; "Pp
- Elgin -
36 x 70
• Vinyl plastic, embossed
, linen finish. Will•og
not tear or fray •
WINDOW SHADES cut by machine to your size requirements
at no extra 'charge.
• We have a large stock rangintrin.size from
18" to 48" in width s
and 64" to 72" in length
We will also. repair your Venetian Blinds with-o.new cords
and tapes.
•UP TO 30%
ee en
The best reason to
paint -up for tb.e hol-
idays is Flo -Glaze*
Colorizer* by DuPont.
1322 colors for you in
all finishes.
Bring in a color
swatch and we'll
match it for yoti. And
mix it 'right here in
our store.
Get ropady for the
holiday weekend by
getting in on this
Holiday Weekend
Decorating Special.
Here's the paint buy you've
• been waiting for... •
C P411 A 11.) A
took! Beauty
without 'bather,
$10.95 GALLON or
• $1.30 QUART
LE $7.99
a alion
°r $2.49 QUART
Doesn't drip like rogular paint 1
*Rem T.M.
Flo Glaze Colorizer
Floor and Porch
Doesn't 'Cl)ip like . •.
regular paint
DULUX Satin Sheen Enamel
Wail Paint ,
nunvel 1 ;
Modern, matching colors. For
woodwork. kitchen and bath-
room vvells and ceilings, use
DULUX* Satin -Sheen Enamel
matching„ LUCITE* colors.
Get both at your neighborhood
paint dealer's. in 22 smart corors
and white.
SALE $2.99
• a