HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-03-28, Page 13BE1.MORE PANCAKE SUPPER Saturday, April l3th Prumeds for new roof at Comm Conk' 1 TWO PLAYERS INJURED Midgets win first game with St. Marys Monday night at the arena was a bre 4th*taking experience for spectators and players. alike. The first period, proved X proms Rising start for Winghaln. Players from both teams played* enthusiastically, arms, and legs flying as the referees took rem fuge on the fence sucking on r,eir sere knuckles.. The play was -hard and furious and held*. 'its'pitch throughout the ;game, At the final count the 'score A read 4'2 "for Winghana. , Wingham scored the first goal at .1506 -when St. Marys • le ft the net wide open and Nor- man MacLennan assisted by Ir - Win, .streaked in for *the kill, St. Marys came `forward in the formation of a well -organized -attack. The puck rattled esmartly, but missed and was sent back. • • " In the second. .period S. Gra-+ ham of St. Marys suffered a bruised rib Or two wherihe crashed and -ricocheted off the boards. • With an advantage of men. Wingharri once again failed to follow up their attacks but merely slugged at the puck - froin-a• distance and concentrat- CROWN THEATRE ISTON -•-- Admission Prices -- ,Adults $140 Students 75c Children 40c WED. 27 = THUR. 28 - FRI. 29'. SAT. 30 DEAN MARTIN as .Matt Helm in THE ,AMBUSHERS. In Technicolor See. the fabulous Slay Girls in Acapulco dressed -to -kill Recom.` as Adult Entertainment Fed. at.8:00 p.m. ' a ndat 7:15 and � a 9:15 'SATURDAY MATINEE Mar. 30 DAVID LADD in "A Dog of Flanders" ON. 1- TUES. 2•WE1t13 Aiost unusual film containing both the ordinary and the dif- ferent—based on the Beaks of the Old and - the New Testament "THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" in Technicolor -with, DOROTHY MCGUIRE • CHARL- TON HESTON and, many others Show time -8:00 p.m. COMING NEXT: " THUR. 4 • Thru WED. APR. 10. , "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" (Restricted admission) • iimanumnamiamilai r 1 1 1 ,I 1 1 1 1 ed on defence.. "' bitter andd sava ` ane,. but hard A tremendous tussle ensued an the h ° is f their s = . � first su+c when the puck froze between es,,« St. Marys struck again: the St. Marys ,goalie, 'S. Nairrt's bringing the final score to a total of 4.2. • \ ;close call was Saved in the final minutes when 'wing.,, ham's Joe -Kerr fell :on top of the punk at the crucial monienr,- just as it reached the net. In his frenzy a St. 'Marys player broke bis stick as'he hurtled in n f4u'air. 'Norm MacLnnan also e• ; ceived an ankle injury in the second period .and was tak4itto the hospital, for rays and then -.taken to his hoine. it is under' stood that he wa . at school on Tuesday but at time of writing. there was no, indication whether Or not he would•be able to play ?the Wednesday game. I feet, ,resulting in penalties to S.:MeCutcheon and. Winghain's D, Mahood.. WTnghan;n scored two more: goals in the second period, the first by .B, Corrigan, assisted by , R. Kennedy and the second by Norman MacLennan. If Wingharn failed to follow up:their attack,:. St. Marys. clic not, but conversely, left thein net wide open. The beginning of the third . period seemed as though St, ;• Marys: would have the galne all their own way, but that was e just the beginning. «. Certain ly St, Marys put up a tougher fight*. At 1206 Wingham scored again, taking advantage of their extra players,, bringing the score to 4-0, - 'When goalie Bill Skinn let in a corner shot and the tussle caused what appeared to be a serious injury to Bruce Corrigan, but he came' back after a' -rest. However, after the game he was taken to Wingham and District Hospital suffering from a bruised kidney.' He will de- finitely be out of the Wednes- day night game but it is hoped that he will return if a game is played Friday.- It was 6, -Rior- dan who scored, assisted by J. Robson. The fight for the' puck .was a III�III�III�IHrIilA�11rI11�II�RIIIRIiIi!ilr Monday to Thursday at . $ pan. Friday and Saturday— 2 shows at 7:15 .and 9:15; Sat. - Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 4oc � WED.-THUR.-FRI,-SAT. •days MARCH 27-28-29.30 ADULT .ENTERTAINMENT "THE AMBUSHERS'i Colour -• Starring: Dean Martin • 'Janice Rule Super -Spy Dean Martin goes after some Super -Girls. The re- sult is fun and adventure, SAT. MATINEE° . MAR. 30 "Lad, a ,Dog" MON.-TUES,-WED, Apr. 1.2-3 NO SHOW COMING NEXT: THUR.-FRI-SAT. APRIL 4.56 "FOR A:FEW DOLLARS MORE" -smoIsInImnsiintimIIniatiniII Park Theatre Goderich, Ont. APRIL- MOVIE CALENDAR M-T-W-T--1-to-4 'The St. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE' Adult Entertainment. Melodrama -Jason Robarts - George Segal—Bullets, battles and blood aplenty as crooks live a hazardous existence en the seamy side of Chicago. F-S.-M•T W-T-•-5-to-11 ' "VALLEY OF THE DOLL$" Admittance restricted to 'persons 18 years of age -or older. Barbara Parkins • Patty 'Duke - Paul Burke—Drama—A daring film based on America's most talked about best- seller --See This One! 1 • F•S-M•T-W--124o•17 "TH HAPPIEST MILLIONAIRE" s Musical from' Walt Disn^y he fun film for all the family —stars Fred MacMurray - Tommy Steele - Greer Gerson. nT-F-Sat.---18.19.20. "TARZAN AND THE GREAT RIVER" Plus — "GENTLE GIANT" • N. The swinging hero of all tilnes plus the story of a boy and aiant black bear—a .double thrill program. for the Whole family --Last comp ct°e show at 8:30 p.m. 11" M -T -W--22.23.24 • "THE NAKED RUNNER" 1 ,Melodrnrna—Frank Sinatra - Peter Vaughn in a thrill pack- ed adventure in suspense and intrigue behind the Iron Curtain. T -F -S-25-26.27 "F ITYWI LLY" Comedy ---Dick VanDvke • Barbara Feldon • Edith Evans. A good comedy in the VdnDyke style—See This One! I • M -T -W--29.30.1 May , "'THE SILENCERS" -- Plus "MURDERERS ROW" 1 m Adult Entertainment—Dean lVfartin as "Matt Helm" in a double•header action filled evening "Silencers" playing at 7:30 p.m. --"Murders Row" at 9:15 p.m. Goderieh! Send them to our SaturdayMatinee—Matron in Don't let the kids hold you back when you ar attendance—Normal admission, • 35c. in Apr. 6 --„Yellow Rose of Texas” Apr. 13 --"The Happiest Millionaire"• (50c. 2 o'clock start) Apr. 20 --"Tartan" plus "Gentle Giant" (2 o'clock start) Apr. 21—''Fittwilly' • Serial.—Cartoon and Free Passes given away at each Mat. Subject to change without notice ... TEAR OUT AND !MOO AS 'A HANDY REFERENCE 1 maim Aiwa oirmiii 111...111 .1...11 .:lime ..1..11 .1«1r. 4.4;i# /.1 q 1 i WOAA crown won by Gorrie Intermediates The Gorrie 'Intermediate .D hockey team downed Aima 9 to 7 in over -tithe: to take -the W..- 01 A. A. Intermediate D champ- ionship series 4 games to I. Alma opened the scoring at the 3:15 mark of the first period on a goal by Whale, • while. his teach mate Smith was sitting otit two minutes for tripping, 'Gorrie took the lead with two goals inside of a minute, but at the 11:50 mark, Whale tied it, up for the Alma . team and five minutes later Bauman made it 3-2 for them, to end the scoring in the first period. - One goal apiece in the se- - cond frame, left the Aima team with a one goal edge. At the end of the third per- iod, after a sea -saw battle the score was 7-7, forcing the tewis into;a.. i3O..minute elver time. y*• - Sanderson scored at the 58 second mark,to give Gorrie the lead '8-7 and Strong notched the insurance tally at the 3;15 mark to give Gorrie the champ ionship. NOTES AND QUOTES • Sanderson of the Gorrie .In- termediates, scored 5 of the nine goals including the win-_ ning. one.. , .Gorrie . is now waiting for St. Clements and Crediton to finish their series which 'is' tied 3-3.... The win- ner between Gorrie and ,one of these other teams, will go against the -winner of the Inter- mediate C Group, (Milverton or Wingham) for the W, O. A. A, Intermediate Championship. Lorne Baird is the team's manager, David Neilson is coach and the assistant coaoh is Wayne Brown. Drop third ef series to.. Milverton Intermediates The Milverton Intermed ate "CHentry made Made.,itthreestraigbt in their best of 'sevenseries against the Wingham 180 Sports last Friday night. The game played in the Mt11vertop *re.RS,.. • ended in a .5*4 squeakei_far the boys .from the ,sogth Milverton had thingsall. their own way'in the first frame ;At the 5.4 mark Erb slapped in thefirst one on an assist from Groep and Kerr, Font minutes • later it was Gropp front Pan Dietz, leaVing Milverton 2 0 , at the end of the period. • " Things began to look up 'considerably:. for,the Wingham boys with the opening of the . . second'. stanza. At 6.49 Et Irwin beat the Milverton goalie after he hadpicked up a pass from Peacock:and Ruston. :.At n 8.30 Neil broke throgh alone to score the tiebreaker, .At' • 13, 36, W 1 ever, Mileertnes Kerr tied it up .again on A goal assisted by Gropp and Scrim. geou'. Two goals in the first half of the .final frame put Milverton out in frontes Kerr_scored from Vipfer and :Nobs picked up a pas from Kerr to:make it 6-3. Despite. A terrific rally the . Sports were able to slip in only One marker before the final. bell. Fryfdgle scoted fin Nell and :McTavish. Twelve penalties were ,handed•oulr•during the gain!, seven to the Milverton squad. Most:infringements were minor offenses, but for .a tithe in` t e second period things;looked s bit lively and tempers wore a bit thin, when Kerr of Millner- non. and English•of Wingham went to the box for roughing. • NEW MACHINE ON TEST Tneocal Arena Commission is testing out a new machinrpe at the rink which shaves, • cleans, and floods the ice all in one operation. Look- ing it over are rec. director -Jim 'Ward._. town Clerk Bill Renwick, along with com- mission members Monty Bennett and Bill Hockey activity .. • for BeImore''' BELMORE-- With the end of ' the hockey season quickly app proaching, the activity is limit- ed `round these parts. We did, however, have some 'action. Our Squirt team competed in a Squirt tournamer i n Mildmay on Saturday, one of ten teams playing in the day's, activities, They won'their first game 12-0 over the Teeswater team. Scorers were Paul Inglis with nine, Vance Denman,. Garth Dickert and Jimmy Mawhinney with one each; the goalie ac- credited with the shutout is Peter Inglis, They weren't quite so fortunate in their se- cond game of the day, with the .Mildmay team defeating them 7.0. A� word of congratulations here to the Gorrie Intermediate. . team which has been charging.. forth, winning all sorts of vic- tories as seen elsewhere in this issue. Reason for the bragging is that the Gorrie team boasts a few members from Belmore, and needless t� say, - we wish them and their teammates 'Rots of Ruck' in their final series. 111111.1. 'Tis Show Biz By Vonnie Lee Last week must have been Lucille Ball Week, Judging by the amount -of times she kept popping up on our television sets! Thursday evening she ap- peared on Jack Benny's Special, the season's only special with the famous comedian. The theme was 'Carnival', and there were guest appearances by, in addition to Lucy, Johny Carson,' Ben Blue and Paul Re- vere and the Raiders, with cameo appearances by'many Other names in the business. Lucy was certainly not at her best for this show; she could've stayed home and no one would have missed her! Jack, of course, was at his best as usual, as was the great Ben Blue, who is always so entertaining. The kids, I suppose, .,enjoyed Revere and his group, and Jack was brilliant as a teenager playing with the group. - In her second performance of the week, if you can call it that, with Ed Sul1iVan, Lucille' Ball looked tunning. She had come to infroduce scenes from her latest movie, ,," Yours, Mine and Ours" , the true story of the Beardsley:, it California family of twenty -» a widow with 8 6 children who 'married a widow- er with 10 a few years ago. Her co-star in this movie is Henry Fonda and it should be good. She performed the title song from the picture; with the eighteen kids, on the Sullivan Show. - 0--0-0 More than 200 songs have been penned by the great Gord- on Lighfoot, a young (28). Can- adian whose talent was never recognized until some top folk artists like Ian and Sylvia, Joan Baez, and Peter, Paul and Mary recorded his songs and made them hits. For years Gordie w rote his -heart on paper and danced and sang as part of the singin', swingin` eight, on "Country Hoedown". 'Then, when it was finally discovered that he could write some mighty nice songs, and 'sing thenri as well as he 'writ' them, and play the gee -tar too, he was absent from 'Hoedown' and making his name Tri the ,world of folk music. Last week on. "Show of the Week° , Lightfoot music was . featured,r sung by Goldie, by hislood friend Ronnie Hawkins, and a lovely Canadian gal Bon- Conlron. It is claimed the new machine can give the ice a going over in less than ten minutes and maintain -the ice surface at an even thickness, thus saving the• refrig- eration equipment wear and -tear, as well as providing a consistently level icesur- face.—Advance-Time Photo. ti trikes Spares MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE There were some good' scores turned in this week, es- pecially Ken Saxton Jr. who posted 296, 302 and 306 for a terrific 904 which, won high ►triple, Keith luiof fatty minute spare, claimed high • single with a fine 310. 'Mac. Ritchie, also a spare, bowled 278, 265, 287 for a whopping 830. Elmer,Purdon 297, Walt Vrown 711, Bill Hotchkiss 294 and 745, Ian MacLaurin 284 and 757, Bob Foxton .294 and 790, Ted English 294 and :702. With only three weeks of schedule left the Canadiens still have a 10 point lead over their closest rivals, the Rangers, Bridge Club The Howell System was used. First; . Mrs. G, Gannett and C. Hodgins; second, E. Hall and G. Montgomery; third, Miss Hazel Weir arid D. Ort- leb. nie Dobson who sings as great as she looks! He has written some fine music, and it's great to,see a talented Canadian . making good. This year he has a ,number If club dates and con- certs. lined up, so by this time next year, he should be even more popular and famous than he is now. Shore hope so, any- hoo! 0--0--0 I guess the Barnum and Bail- ey Circus proved that the Circus still holds magic for many more than the young fry! Seen last Tuesday evening, it was filmed at -the New Baltimore Municipal ''Arena in Maryland, with -host Mike Douglas at the reins. ' It was seen three days in advance of the U.S. showing. NEED MORE HELP More people are needed for, the operation of the swimming `pool this year, in cashier, maintenance, life guard and instruction department. If you can help in any of these tate- gories please contact Jim Ward, .rCcreation director at 357.1208, l and the lilack Hawks are 6 points behind them for third place. Anything can happen and usually does. • The standing: Les Canadiens 117, Ranger0.0.7, Black Hawks 101, Ma le hleafs 94, , Bruins 83 . . Red `*zgi"B5 bn c 83. Red THURSDAY NIGHT. MT LEA UE With only t o w eks•of -- bowling left,' ny ne of three teams could w e champion- ship. Gwen Mac La urin topped the gals last week with a 724 triple' and a 311 single. Ross Gordon has put on a few pounds since he quit smoking, but it didn't hurt his bowling.' Ross topped the men with a 189 • triple and a 326 single. Thanks to the spares who helped ,us out . last week, cliarb . Stainton, Bill Johnson, and Joan Irwin. With two weeks left, here • are the standings; Marilyn's Maple Buds 114; Hilda's Hum- bugs 110; Gail's Gum Drops 103; Pat's Smarties 91; Marg's Mints 86; Laura's Secords 83. 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE Not a very big list of names fbr rolling over 225 this week, Dianne Groye 277, Jean King 235 and 243; Gwen MacLaurin 236, 235, 320; Hilda Brown 278; Audrey Swatridge 240, 256, 281; Sharon Sangster 239; •Shir- ley Storey 233; Diane English 308, 228 and 261. . Gwen MacLaurn took the high single with 320 and high . triple went to Diane English - 797. Team standings are Wheat- ies 109; Shreddies 102; Cheerios 102; Trix fel; Fluffs 82; Muffets 71. As you can see we have three teams fighting.for second ' place, it's a close race. . 11115 FRIDA,Y'S FEATURE. , The!Iern-!!a*0 VeSteel SATURDAY NIGHT' The Of%o Bother t~hidtaa - reri�, Sauerkr 5pe.arit .arm �I,tutrds►Y �i!Ii read evexY Friday and • 312v Battery bad? Let a Pro Take Charge ... Battery recharge is just part of our .expert serv- ice. For a complete ig- nition check-up, see us, VERN'S TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 357-3380 WINGHAM AUSPICES ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 180 AT THE Doors at 7:30 ' 15 . $10.00 GAMES 2 —SHARE tHE WEALTH 1— SPECIAL $50.00— MUST GO