HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-03-21, Page 12o 0 ham Adv e'Times, Thu Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mc - gn.ightA Darroll and Torry of Simeoe spent Saturday at the hone Qi c. and iY ,rrs. Jolla Boyd Mr. Boyd i a patient iu PalU ,erston Hospital. Mrs, Ed •, lander returned home Saturday from Listowel Memorial Hospital.. Miss Cnuxeb Tompkins is spending the holidays with • friends at Richmond Hill, Mrs. Beverley Currah has re- turned home from Wingham and Distriet Hospital. Mr, and MP, ter; Kitchener, visited friends in the villages on Sunday, Mr.. and'Mrs. Lloyd Woods and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. 'fames Shea.. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bell, and family of Preston spent the week»end at the home of 144 ° and. Mrs. Morley Bell, Mr, Bell is a patient in Windham and District Hospital, Brian remain- ed for a longer visit, Mr. Jaek Searson returned Saturday to Thompson. Man, Mrs, Chas, 'Scott of Mein- tosh visited Thursday with Mr,' Biu can claim damages from the �.otor:Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. For further .information, write;. Director of CIaims;" Motor,Vehcle Accident Claims,Fund: ONTARIO OF TRANSPORT, 10•St. Toronto.5, Ontario. Borrie and Mrs.Harry Gowdy., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Switzer of Conn visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown* Miss Joanne Strong, Kitchen. er, visited Mrs, John Strong un Sunday, Ruth and Sandra Curd„ rie Of Winghan are spending a. few days at the same honrle. Gary Bell of Preston is holi:- Baying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max bell• Rickey Nay is visiting his - grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cudroore, Brussels, Mt, and Mrs. Wrxr, Switzer and family of Georgetown vis ited Mr, and.Mrs.: John Brown on Sunday. . Mr, and Mrs. Ken Head and faranily of Sarnia Visited °over . the week. end with Mr, and Mrs. Wellesley Strong. Winners .at the Loyal Orange Lodge euchre were Mrs, Ruby Foster and Russell Nickel; con" solation, Mrs. John Strong and Robert Niekel:4'' Members of the L. O. B: A. and friends quilted three quilts on Wednesday afternoon for the . True Blue and Orange Orphan- age at Richmond Hill. Mr., Mrs. Keith hOnored by friends FORDWICH-- Friends and neighbours met in°the commun- ity hall last week for a social evening for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. They have sold their ,farm and will be leaving "soon to. take up residence in Wrox- eter. where they purchased a home. The evening was spent play- ing euchre after which Alex and Ada. were invited to the . front. Mrs, William Sothern read a short address and Mary and Earl Moore and Bill Sothern present- ed them with t ,o step tables . and coffee table, ash tray and a flower, arrangement for which they 'both thanked everyone. Winners of the euchre were. high gent, Clarence Carswell; .high lady. Mrs. Wm.. Wilson; low lady. Mrs.. Alex Keith; low gent, Cecil. Cooper; spec - Ws. Peter Chiomey and Roy Simmons. • Open for a limits DAVY CROCKEIT is at lest captured' and led away under heavily armed escort. Davy Crockett (Paul McComb): .is not. a bit con- ,,., •1/1111ti11 1.NH�IM�nitl�tn ,,* Su. 11111n.1UN1't1s. a • U.SH,s$ Buills!O lit}ilitllllitoTon11M1101001 11,K1t1 • cer`ned The grenadiers are, Richard McNair and Daniel Helm. --Advance-Times Photo, PhyIIIs McKague Queen. Campbell, Gwen Press modern* or space..age costume 6-12 years, .Gail McPherson; ladies' old-fashioned. costume.. Mrs. Jack„It glis, Darlene ,Ballagh, Ladies' fancy modern costume, Phy11r1s McKague, Mrs. Donald Eadie; -best hippy costume, Douglas Inglis, GaII` Renwidlc bird or animal costume, Wry Dickson, Glenn Campbell, Donna Jeffra Y con •; best le in P old -tune costume, Mrs. Jack Inglis and Norman, Hoover; Debbie Busby and 'Warren Zurr- brigg, . Dave. Millen and Lard Lamont; hard time costume, Mrs. Bruce Darling, :Bruce Dar ling; oldesr.person on skates, on at e 1 . x fan Kieffer, family. Race winners were girls; 6 and under,. Carol Kieffer, Mary .Dickson. Kathy Fischer; 7 and' 8, Twyla Dickson, °Laurie Thompson,. Rosetnary Kieffer; 9 and .la, Patsy Scott, Diane Kieffer, GlendaBailagh; 11 and 12, Mary. K. McKenzie, Karen BELMORi7--. *large crowd. attended the ice carnival held in the gelmore l Arena on Friday evening. There were many entries in a number of costume classes, and racesfor every, age group. Master ofceremonies was Harold Robinson of Corrie, with Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan, of Fordwich acting as judges. Prize winners Were as follows: • Pre-school boys and giris'.in costurrrrn, Valerie Wright,. Mar- ilyn Kieffer, Carolyn Mulvey and Joan Dickson; girls' .fancy. costume 6-12 years, Twyla • Dickson,. Debbie Fitch, Jo' Ann .°Kieffer; best clown, Biuice, ®• • e • • • • • • • • •ar - • • • • • • • •'•'• A • • • •• •• 0•0411 0400410••••e•ise••sooso•e.••••••••• Special FOrds...Special Mustangs! �p�ially-built. SpeciaIIy.equipped. Aiidspecially-priced! �~Spec��t Galaxie 5500 Fastback :-, SpeciaClYlustang Hardtop Curtain: raising, moneysaving deals on this hot fastback with room for nix. And even more sai+sngs lover $160.60) an this special eiuipment•package: all -vinyl seat trim •:GI' Sport wheel ewers • special,ciirame.bodysideaccent moulding• whitewall tires. Exciting prices on the happening car, *gadded savings ($73.05; on the special equipment package: chrome wheel lip mouldings. full wheel covers • race style pop -open gas . cap •whitewalls • Tutone louvered hood with built-in turn indicators. The all star east winning acclaim everywhere. We're out to make this. the-ppGst successful year in Ford's hist and the dells are just great. Style. Comfort. Fewer. Luxury. There's never been a better time to get them for yourself. Move up with Double Feature Sate savings. Get in on the Better Ideas right now! o. D ..l • rc.1,,pa.?;t • Now at yourneighit urhood P0141 Dealer IRU' GE NIT*RS ave on the Cyt. Economy', Star. And . save $68.90 on the Special Equipment Package. Y� SPECIAL EXPLORER PICKUP Great deals introduce the newest star. Plus $14.00 saving on the ' special equipment package. FORD 41M amine and Victorsi'a Streets, 357.3460 TurrnberYry Rd., BRUSSELS, Phone 249 carnival Dickson, Gwen. Pss; 13 .arid'14 . Suzanne 1 alibee Julie ;Roane, Gail hlePherson; .15 ,and :;over,. .Phyllis McKague, Doris :Stokes, Darlene Ballag h. Win>aers•of boys' races, 6.•A` Brian and under, n Hayes, Greg .�.:Y g Inglis; David Fischer; 7 and 8 David Kieffer, „Jeff 'Dickson', Glenn Jeffray, 9 and 10; 'Paul • Inglis, Dennis Thompson, Peter Ing lis; 11 acid 12,• Leland` Hark ness, Ted Dietrich Richard Inglis; 13 and, 14,Allan Dickson. sod Kevin Kieffer, Paul Kieffer; 15 and 16, Doug :Millets, Ricky Y McPherson; 17 and over, 'Hugh Leeson, Murray Mulvey. Couples' race, Suzanne Yalu' NoolUietoliktd, an iFksan, Phyll s WA .Leeson; 'musical. chairs, Gail McPherson; David Crowe,.: Walter Renwick eras the win- net o.La snowmobile race. • A special feature was the choosing of carnival queen, Phyllis McKague won the honor and she was crowned by' Mrs, George Kieffer, ott oteetttNltN tHt ttt tttb.11t14►t1t Belm�re Personals A number of Belmore' people enjoyed a bus -trip to 'Toronto recently. They viewed a rep- lica of the Temple of Jerusalem a scale=rriodel which has been built by a Montreal couple, and is now. being displayed by a e J wish synagogue in Toronto., Thirty years have been devoted Boxes of clothin : b'packed W.I. • BELMORE--The March meet- ing of the Berrnore Wonien's Institute,Was held in the Instr.. ' tute `Hall on Wednesday after noon' of last week. 'Mrs. Alvin. Mundell was the convener and 'thetheme of the meeting•was "Citizenship and Education" . Roll call was answered by dis playing 'air article from another country. Articles were display-. ed from Italy, Scotland, Eng- land, Holland, Japan, and "dif+ ferent partsdof Canada. Discussion on the Motto, " The higher you climb, the More windows you open", was ably taken by Mrs. Conlin, Mrs. Alvin: Mundell was in charge of the topic, ''What Can. We Do tb Promote World .Peace?", A discussion was held, during which the mem- bers agreed that harmony be- gins at home, and unselfishness must begin with our neighbours and members of our families, Mrs. Mundell, also gave a read- ing, During the meeting the members worked on a quilt, tfte top'of which was donated by - Mrs. Herb Busby. Two boxes of used clothing were prepared for the people of the Saugeen Indian Ressrtre. A corrtrnittee was also named to plana forts- corning pancake supper. Next month the Delmore In- stitute will hold its annual° meeting, when election of of. fleerrt will take place. to the building of the display, details of which are explained. by 'means of a tape-recorded voice. Following the viewing of the model, the group visited. the synagogue, where they re- ceived information about the Jewish religionio and form of worship; and viewed sterns of interest. It was a nice day in Beinlore on Monday, the 11th, and made even nicer by the visit` of a robin who was spreading sun- , shine throughout the village Jim Renwick spied the little fellow and heard the beautiful i song, and figured it was a sure sign of spring! Needless to say, the poor guy was nowhere to be. seen,on Tuesday -- the robin. I rnean, not Jim! We are sorry that Mr. Wal- lace Richardson is hospitalized in W Ingham, and hope that his condition soon improves, and he is allowed to come home, • THIRTEEN FRUITEENS • W iITECHURCH+}.Thirteen Fruiteens on Saturday met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John De Boer. The president, Parn-,, eta King,. opened the meeting. The roll call was answered by 12 girls telling the fold she ate the day previous. 'Ind next meeting will be held Saturday at the horrne of • Vire and Mrs. Hugh Simpson. Jane Laidlaw and Pamela King demonstrated .the making of a cherry pie. Discussion Centred on the reports of break- fast planning fruit\ for dinher or supper, fruit in..a-carried Minch or Eletween-meal snacks. As a group they sampled the cherry pie and made plans for Achievement Day. Each member it to snake a fruitpie or trials and report rci Suitt St the next meetite,,;, s sok of motors from in eighth to a five h.p. model. WILSON Phone 11 R 12 FO DWICH, Onn 1 'H rn MRS it sowc W estiFranklin PLAY IT SAFE,..BE SURE THAT INSURANCE ID .casE. f accident, .our Auto..:.' Insurance` rotests . f�a i otai Iasi, cover ever # lin , fir n�i repairs::.too per. sonal Iia ill.\ INSURANCE : AGENCY ontpl.te Insurance: Coverage refs for- -Manufactures Life Insurance. Company .JOHN ST. 1111: WINGHAMVL, PH. 357'-2636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 000000 0 4 0 0,0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 4 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O r r 'Place your .:order show!. We are booking our 1968 -work now. o¢0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 .SKILLED.. LABOR IS SCARCE so we ;axe` limited as to howmuch can be done thisyear, so we have to place our received orders on a `first come first `served i basis:: WE ALSO BUILD FIREPLACES AND ;BARBECUES We repair . all ,types of Chimneys *and • . Instal Flues and Linings -- Phone or Write. - Morrison Bros. PHONE 528-2906 or B?X 69 2.128=4b 44) 00'000000000000'0'") ri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CUSTOM DESIGNED NANOVEI Ladies! . You : spend most of your time in the kit.ch• en .. why not enjoy it! Monthly . pay. . manus as... low as W. haria s larva **faction , of Floor Coverings tb choose from, We are equipped to 'install your wall to wall Broadloom. and FIoor Coverings W Stock • ARMSTRONG' VINYL ASBESTOS OOR TILE ' and up per 9x9 thin $RPHINE* $T, WINGHAM. ► 3$7 2581 tot, Mon. Is Isr'i.,i' 11•40 12, Satiordil