HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-03-21, Page 8Wi
barn Advance Times. ThUrsday, March 21,, 1968
Mr, and lvIrs. Bill Willis
moved into te apartment own-
' ed by his Mother, Mrs. Doris
'WUUSS We welcome them to
the viallago..
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fisher of
Port Credit and Niz. and Mrs.
Arnold Lougheed, Lori and
Cheryl.of Fon Erie spent the
week -end with their parents.
Mr. and Mis.*'George Fisher
and faMily of Wingham.
, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin,
Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mrs,
PurQlon on Tuesday went
to visit for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Hector Purdon and
family of Strathroy.
Mr, -aiid Mrs. Carman Far-
, rier.and faiiIy,of Longiiranch
are visiting for the holidays
with relatives in, the area.
and Mrs. jack Gillespie
of Sarnia were Monday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Far,
,Mr., and Mrs," Elwood Gros-
korth,spent the week -end in ,
TorontO with M. and Mrs, Paul
Grositorth and family, and
other. relatives,
Calvin - Brick
- Messengers held their March
meeting on Sunday in the
church. The second vice-pres-
ident, .Margaret Robertson„. pre-
' The theme was, We need,
each other"• •Alice Beecroft
read the Scripture. Prayer was
givensby Darleen Coultes. The
.Herald report was given by
}Jelin Chandler. Douglas
Shiell and Michael Moore re-
ceived the offering.
The story of St. Patrick was
given, after which- all Went to
their*classes for further study.
Miss Debbie and Master
Donald Montgonnevi ale spend*
ing a few days this week at the
home Of their uncle and aunt,
MP, and Mrs, John Sinnamoo
and faintly at Seaford',
The Ross Tomans•viSited
Mt. and Mrs, Boyne Sage, 3r4
Line Wallace, on Sunday.
• Mr*apd Mts. E. L. Gibson
of Gormley visited his sisters,
Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson
over the week -end, -
Mr. Wallace Nixon and
Howard of Cafnp _Borden were
week -end visitors az the bailie
of Mrs. George Griffith and
Howard is visiting with his
cousin. John .McKercher.
Miss Daisy Gibson, •Waterloo„
is visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon,.
Grant, Lori and Andrea of Lon-
don,are visiting this week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fra-
ser Haugh,
Miss Aileen Eaton. Seaforth,
and Mr. Oliver Edwards, Dublin
visited at the home of Mr, John
Hupfer last Thursday evening.
Mr:1'nd Mrs.Danny Salter
Qf Toronto spent the week -end-\
at their home here. Wemiss
teeing Mrs. Salter's mother,
Mrs. Mudd, who has been con-
fined to hospital for surgery but
she is now able to be home
again and we hope will soon
feel up to the trip to their home
here fora week -end,
Bridge dub
There were thirteen tables
at the CWL euchre Tuesday
evening. High lady., yrs.
Jean Crump; high man, Carl
Frieburger; law lady, Mrs,
Doris Adams; low man, John
Sproal. The 'door prize was .
won by Mrs. 0. Haselgrove.'
The- conVeners were Mrs; Sarah
Anstett and Mrs. Joe'Redman,
' 111.1111111111111111111111111611111111i111111.111111114111111111111111111111111111111311111E111111:Mile
Sealed. Te clearly marlkad as to contents, will be received
by; . C. W. Bamford,
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority,
Box 760, USTOWEL, Ontario.
at the Conservation Authority Office iji Wroxeter, Ontario
1200 o'clock NOON, E.S.T.; TUESDAY, .APRIL t!, 1968,
the construction ' of as*cOncrete block Service building in the
Reserve Conservation Area.
Plant and Specification's may he obtained from the office of
Cryiler, Davis & Jorgensen, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 5803
'Amp Street, upon the receipt of al10.00
deposit. , The deposit shall be in the form of a certified cheque
loyable' to the. Maitland, 'Valley Conservation Authority. The
deposit shall be refunded upon the return, in good condition, of
the plans and specifications. ,
ITinder. this contract, the construction shall include a con-
crete if block service building withstone and wavy edge siding,
baying a floor area of 713 sq. ft.; a septic System, with tile bed;
*3 is.p. pump. and,, 1000 gallon water supply tank and all intern-
al'plumbing. to be located in the iFalls Reserve conservation
Area,.1tesuniller, Ontario,' • -‘
Tinders will be opened and awarded 'on Wednesday, April,
1.0th„ 1960,, With Work to be completed by May 31; 1968.
, • ,
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
„C.,- W. Bamford,
secretary -Treasurer, .
Maitland- Valley Conservation Authority,
' Box 760, LISTOWEL, Ontario. . •
—Crysler,.Davis & Jorgensen, Ltd.,
• Consulting Engineers,
. 5803 Yonge Street, Suite 105,• •
WILLOWDALE, Ontario. 210
W. M. S„ held its Easter Thank• -
offering in the Sunday school
room on Friday afternoon.
„ The president, Mrs. Wallac
Conn, welcomed the members,
the guest speaker', Rev. Angus
NlacKay of Ihansi, India and
the O.C.W. members, Easter
hymns were sung.
Mrs, &Mei Ross read the
Scripture. The meditation was
given by Mxs. Wesley Tiffin,'
stating that Jesus 'was never
farther away from home than
200 miles; and that after all
the ages He is. more alive to -
TWO MEMBERS of the upholstery class try to appear mo-
dest about their beautiful handcraft.. They are, , left, Mrs.'
John L. Currie of R. R. 5 Wingbam; ahd Mrs, Alex Mac'
Tavish, of 'R. R. 1 Bluevale.--A-T Photo.
0- C-10-Mr4 Jim Gibbons'left from
Crumlin Airport, London, on '
Tuesday for' Calgary, ,Alta.,„
where he will attend the funer-
al of his brother, Rev. fr. John
T. Gibbons who passed away
suddenly on Monday, March
and Mrs. John H..
McLaughlin, an and Shirley
of Ottawa Are Spending this
week with Mrs. N.X. ,McLaugh-
lin, arid'Miss Nell Hutchison of
Toronto was a visitor over the
week -end, Mr. Muir, McLaugh-".
lin of Sarnia was a recent visitor
at the same home.
--Paul Boucher spent the
week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lender Boucher
Chatham. .„
--Mr. and Mrs. Lame Mc-
Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Harris attended the convention
for elementary ,school
trustees in Toronto early this
•--Mrs. Don Delmage, Gail
and Cheryl of London are.spend-
pig this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris.
.-Barry and Duane Boucher, .
sons of Mr. and Mrs. 'gander
Boucher of Chatham, are spend -
invite holiday week with their
grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs.. Ab
Nethery. , (.
• --Mr. Oliver Stokes moved
on Saturday from his home to
the apartments on Minnie Street
and Is visiting at the home of
his niece, Mrs. Selah Brecken-
ridge of Jamestown. •
• --Miss Helen 'Ford of Deep
RiVer is spending her vacation
this week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Ford of Leopold Street.
--Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Ro-
binson motored to London on
Tuesday of last week and his
mother, Mrs. J.C. Robinson' of
Shuter Street who has been hos-
pitalized in Victoria Hospital
with a' broken hip, was able to
return to Wingham and is•a pat-
ient in the hospital here.
• --Mr. and Mrs. Albert
• Spyth and Andrea of Kitchener
spent the weeksend with his . •
• parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin,
Smyth of East WaWanosb. and• •
with her mother, Mrs. Leach-,
of Brussels..
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs.. Jim
Alexander of Toronto attended
the Baccalaureate service at
War Memorial Hall at Guelph
on Sunday for -the graduating
class of the University of
'Guelph, of which Kathy'Hod?
gins is a member
- -Mrs. Oliver Donald of
Mount Forest is visiting this'
week with her mother, 'Mrs. S.
A. Murray of Minnie Street.-
--Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ham-
ilton and David of Islington
spent the week -end with Mr„,,,,
and .Mrs. Norman Weiweod.
- -Miss Dorothy Comber of
Boboaygem Spent several" days
last week with ,Mrs. William -p
Connell, and visited other
' Wingham•friends.
. --Mr. and Mrs. Ralph John-
son and Derek of Waterloo were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lee and family. Mrs.
Johnson and Derek returned re-
cently from a six weeks' .visit •
with her family in Mexico.
Shower ..h•lit
for Lynda Green
WRQXETER-4-Mrs, George.*
Gibson was hosteis for a mis-
cellaneous shower last D'xiclay
evening in honor of her niece„
Miss Lynda Greenof Goderichr
who is being married 'Friday
evening', •IS,larCit 22nd, in North
Street United Church.
About thirty guests.Were
present, relatives and former
-neighbours from 2nd of Turn -
berry. Misses Janis Gree)),
GlenkGibson. Lynne Edgar and
Laurel Dane,presented the gifts' -.
to the bride-to-be andjter
mother, Mrs. Allister Green ,
and the groom -elect's mother,'
Mrs. D. Eruinsma assisted her.
contests were enjoyed and
a social evening spent.
Weekly, euchre
BELORAVE-- There were
nine tables.** play at the Bel -
grave euchre _last Wednesday
night, The winners were; high
lady, Mrs. Sewers; high man,
WilUam Gow; lo/W lady. Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler; low man,
George Walker; novelty lady,
Mrs. Gordon Higginsv novelty
man. CieraId Nicholson, $t.
Patrick's prike, Mrs. Vera
s aks at T
day than ever. Mrs, Dawson
Craig led in prayer. A reading»
"The Way of the Cross"' was
• $ivert by Mrs. Earl Caslick.
• The minutes were read by
the secretaiy, Mrs. Russel Ross.
A thank you card*Was received
from Mrs. George Fisher and an
invitation waS received from
the United'sChurch t4) attend
their Thankoffering service on
,April 4th, at 2:30 p.m. when
Dr. Ida MaeDonald of Tees.,,
water will be the guest speatier,
The offering ivas received
by•Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Mrs;
W.. Purdon, - and dedicated by
.The guest speaker, Rey,
Angus MacKay of Plans!, India,
was introduoed by Mrs. Johns,-
ron.Conn Who said it was 41
years' since he left for the ruts,.
sions faeld, Angus recalled.
that he had received a lot of
his training night there in his
home ehurcli. He mentioned
the group of young people who
one' winter studied three books,
and then wrote exams' on them,
Several passed the exams;
A saving, sending God is
'seeking to save man from sin."
'Mr, 'MacKay said. God is- a
universal Saviour but He can"'
.not save those who will not
come. He gave *splay be-
gotten Son to minister and to
give *His life 4.'.`11 ransom Tfor•
many. •
Missionaries sent out to
.kleathen countries Must en-
dowed with the spirit of Christ
to carry on the work, and be
prepared to be used. •
'In Indiait isn't easy for
anyone to become 4 Christian
If they have been heathen,
but irif; spite of castes and the
devil,' some .are 'becoming
.c hristians.
Mr. McKay hopes to re-
turn to India this fall as he is
afraid religion is being squeez-
ed Out; ,
Rev. MacKay then showed
pictures and gave a cornmeriv-
ary. Ile was rhanked.by Mrs.
ViCrOt Emerson for his interett-
Mg address and the educational
pictures. She presented him
with a gift.
• Mrs, Milian Moore gave a
reading, "The Master Is Com-
ing to My House Today'. The
meeting.closed With the Lord's
prayer, Grace was sung and
lunch served. During and after
lunch 'everyone had an opport-
unity to visit with Mr. MacKay.
Co t
IS 1 it t, •
PlAferi uri ,
Our lovely now spring‘.collection h mid, from kp
quality water.ressellent 'fabrics, strong wearing yet hix
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The blending of cotton and nylon or tho us 0 tho
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• --Suzanne and Peter Doll of
Hamilton, are spending their
Easter holidays, with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
°Fred Ohm Sr.. Victoria Street.
Miss Patti Don is -holidaying in.
New York City._
--John Rafferty of Kitchener
Is spending this week with"Dav#
id and Steven Langridge„
--Rodney, Doug and Joanne
Cameron of London are spend-
ing this Week with Wingham
relatives and friends.
• 4Mr. lid Mrs. L, ileirnes
attended the funeral of Mr.
Beirnes' sister, Mrs. R. Bell in
Stratford on Saturday and spent
the week -end with his sister,
Mrs., George Caslick. in Strat-
• ford.. -
--Mr. and Mrs. !Eugene De-.
vereaux. Molly and Danny of
Alliston were week -end visitors.
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Devereaux of St.
Augustine and Mrs. Joseph '
Brophy of Wingham.
"TRADEWIND" Panelling in Almond, .Cintone,
Nuirneg and Pomegranate offer natural wood
beauty with surprising economy.
Made with selected veneers that reveal the natural
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carry WeIWOod's "Life of the Building" guarantee.
But you're more than just
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PCA is the low-cost way to pay bills and keep a
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Cheeuine Account at Toronto-Domlnion todtiy.
The bank where people make the difference.
Manager, A. It GRAHAM, Manager,
• Winghint; Ontario. Gerrie. Ontario.
Messengers meet
ed Church Messengers held their
meeting Sunday forenoon during
Church service, in the Sunday
School room. The theme of
the meeting was, "The One
who gives life and breath and
everything else."
Earl Thompson gave the call •
to worship. The Scriptuje was:.
read by Jane Sleightholm..Jor
de Tiffin led in prayer. The of'
fering was received by Calvin .
Quipp and dedicated by Earl
Thompson. The roll call was.
answered by 13.
Janet Sleightholm read the
minutes. Some members re-
turned their mite boxes. Thos -
who forgot are to take them tek
the next meeting. ,
Us. Dave Gibb gave "The
Mountain Top" and "Doctor°
and Grandpa Sato's'Magic Hat"
two,ehapters fromlhe book.
The Long *Night to Tokyo?. Mu.
Clifford Laidlaw gave the story
for the junior °loss and the
meeting was closed with prayer.
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