HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-03-14, Page 10a 8*'-'Itaghsinnitdvar,e�, .wkk Tuwnshp Imes. Thursday': March 14, 1 8 Cornicil meeting Reeve Harold ikobinson pre- sided for the March 5 meeting of Howick 'township Council. A grant of $200..00 was giv' en the Hawick Recreation Com- mittee for insurance on the Barrie rink. A number of by-laws were read and passed and. the reeve and clerk were instructed to sign the petition for the final road subsidy for 190, The gravel tenders of Joe Kerr and Jack Inglis were ac- eepted. The tender of R.11, Carson 84 Sou for warble fly powder was accepted. Council decided to engage James Struthers as War,' hie fly inspector. at $1.40 pet, hour with Ken Voisin to spray cattle at 100 peril head,. The accounts were passed for payment. /on FREE 1N PicnoN CLPAl11tNO AND ADJUSTMENT OF YOU* iiiversd MILKINQ IIQ IPMENT, ATT.IND OUR ,.. . 1 1 1 Thursday, Mar. 21 bring in your complete MI R "'versa UNIT for FRE? charge� by qualified personnel. No labor cola � worn or damaged Parts --you pay A .' Diversiy Representative will ' be • in attendance 'to discus sanitation problems.. BELORAVE CO-OPERATIV( ASSOCIATION BELGRAVE, ONTARIO PHONE — TNINGHAM 357,2711 Organization meeings a ,latel now 4H• Beef Calf Club at Ashfield Central School Lucknonr 411 Dairy. Calf' Cliiib• MONDAY, MARCH 18,. ,Dungannon 441• def Calf Club 2:15 p.m. Dur neon 441,1tair* Calf Club Lucknow 441 Grain Corn 'Club Howirick' 444 Calf Club. 'Tura rry . Calf Club North ffuroni 441 Grain . Corn Club GtYt ehravw- 441 `Beef Calf • 'Club Myth 4H Dairy Calf Club B1s Of—Grain, Corn Club at Wroxeter Community •Hall, 'TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2:15 p.m. at Blyth armorial Hall TUESDAY, MARCH -79, 8:30 .p.m. • Huron;, County Hog Producers' at O.Q.A. Board. Room, Swine Club -... Gait and • Clinton Market WEDNES. MARCH 20, .E: p.m. Enrollment for special 4Clubs 'sue -11 as Engineering, Wild Life Management, Forage, White 'Bean, can bemade at, any of the .above meetings: `.You may also. enroll by sending your application form to the Ontario Department, c►fAgriculture ,and Food, Box 159, Clinton, boia and .girls who have reached:their 12th birthddy January lst, 1968," and have not reached their 21st ay by 'December 31st; -1968, are invited to • join .ne. of. these clubs. . n.County 4 ricuhural Club Leaders' Swine Club prograrn wile get underway This year's 4.H Swine Club, program will get under way on Wednesday, March -220th at 8:30 p., Xn in the board monk at Ontario Department of Agri- . culture. and ,Fcod, ,Clinton, .All young people between the ages of 12 (as. of January lst, 1968) and: 20 whoare interested in joining, should get 'in touch with. their township hog product*. ger director, A new and important devel- opaent in 4-H swine club'work will be tested ,on a pilot basis OAS year in Huron County. Members 12-20 years of age nay' take part aspects of the project. Each merziber will have his or her .choice of a breeding hog or a market hog project. In the breeding hog project, • each member,waill have two purebred "gilts and will use the regular swine club record book. Gilts should be born between March1 and April Inthe market hog ,project. each member will have a group of not less than five market hogs. These members will use the market hog record book. Market hogs should be born af- ter January 1, 1968. As well. all hogs must be weaned and on feed not later than May 1. A number of members will be using pigs from their 1963. 1965 or 1967 4-H sow, while new members will purchase pigs from these litters or from purebred breeders. E.W. Council accepts tenders Reeve Roy Pattison presided at the regular session of East W awanosh Council on March 5 when minutes of the February meeting and the special meet- ing on February 19 were read. . A motion was passed that the Department of Highways ap- prove the transfer of certain allotments in the '1967'road ex penditure by-laws. •Mr. Gibson met with council to review 'insurance policies. The gravel tender submitted by Joe Kerr Limited was ac- cepted at 960 per cubic ya . The following warble fly tend- ers were also accepted; George .Walker, .inspector, 1$1.54 per hour; operator, Frank Cooper, $2.00 per hour; helper, Bruce Currie, $1.75 per hour. • The tender of G. A.- Gibson " and Sons Limited, Wroxeter, for the ,general contract on the McLean Bridge,' lots 39-40, , Concession 8 at $19, 662.00 was accepted. East Wawanosh Tarr ship will accept from the Bell Telephone Company: of Canada the charge •af $290.00 as a flat rate for the work requested ,by the* township at McLean's bridge. Road accounts in the amount of $4,830.38 anal general ac- counts, $3,126.26 were passed for payment. The by-law to adjust the salary of the treasurer was giv- en the necessary readingsand passed. Got your cropping plans made for the. corning .year? Know what you'll need in AeroF utilizers? • Come in and talk things; over with us. Corn, hay and pasture, small grains, vegetables, cash crops — whatever you plan .to grow this year, you'll profit' by using Aero 'Fertilizers. And right now isn't too early to get things started. We'd Ii1ke you to discuss your crop plans and fertilizer requirements with us. We feel we have the product and service you can rely on. .ate Drop in any time—or call us today. c -r.. ww fi• is, Serving the man whose business is agriculture. iRap'd Trademark Your local AERO FERTILIZER CUSTOM BLENDER station to amend Bruceiiosis Act is introduced. by Hon. W,' A. Stewart The Hon. W. A. Stewart,. Minister of Agriculture and. Food, on introduction to the .legislature of the. batt, An Act to Amend . the Brucellosis Act. which was passed originally in 1956, clarified - octane points for the, Members. 'He said the Act had perform- ed a valuable service to agri- culture, Prior to and including the 1940's and 1950 s, Brocei» losis caused heavy economic losses. resulting from the harm- fui;effects of the disease which included abortion, sterility, and reduced milk production in dairy animals.' In 1906 the Government of Ontario introduced The Brucel- losis Act Which provided for the compulsory calfhood vaccina' tion of all female calves in the province. In addition. the Pro- vince assumed responsibility for the, payment for the veterinary service involved .in vaccinating these calves, and. for the conn- pensation of cattle ownerswho might lose calves from an al- lergic llergic reaction resulting from .norms, tiM tr•arurrm,r vaccination, This: compulsory program was this first step in a battle plan to control e1,.0 - sit and reduce its incidence to a~ point where It would "be finan- cially ikzttblia for the Canada Department Of Agriculture to undertake Or eradication pro,. gram, Asa result of the vaccination , program the .incidence of the.' disease was Sharply reduced, and its 1958 the federal eredicm- tion program was initiated. This federal, program, operating alongside of the provinclal.pla.n, involved the blood testing, of susceptible cattle-,. the identifi- dation and.' slaughter of reactors, and the payment of compensa- tion for the slaughtered animals, The program was so,.successfui that by Septerobetr of 1964 the, last area to this province was declared certified; under the Federal Bruce:lloais Control area plan, With all areas. in the provin- ce achieving thus certification stature,it was decided to dis': MURRAY GAUNT, *pip., continue the compulsory **Peal, of the camination ice' , but to provide facili* ties for a voluntary program, This was aclaied by repealing • the original Brucellosis Act and the passing of the Bruceliofls Act of 1065, which was pro. • claitned ianualt 1, 1966, With the federal eradication plan being a continuing one, and with• the incidence of Btu" cellosis now at -such- a lOw level, . it is the opinion of the Ontario Government that there is .no longer any, justification.for it to continue to pay forthe vaceliia- tion of calves, or toaward cotta" pensation fo. oattle owners who may lose calves as a result of vaccination. Mr. Stewart assured the Members that this does ,not rnean a cattle owner will be cut off from this service.:• Live- stock producers will still ,be T. `able to hada their calves vac citrated by a veterinarian app pointed under The Brucellosis Mt, although thefarmer will be responsible for paying the NNNS'}Iff,"4"1 40,,4✓ ireilnso!em M„omiaigirlateemmN gHeutaNMpumapio eetemNrH.,H/rlw HURON -BRUCE • An Ontario Royal Commis sion this week urged greater protection of civil rights, many of which it ;said have been en- dangered by the laws of the province. The McRuer Royal Commis- sion son •Civil Rights in a wide ranging report, pleads for great' er protection of the individual and greater control of the pow- er of governments and police; Premier John 'Robarts told the Legislature the 599 recom- mendations of former Chief Justice J.C. McRuer establish "What' Might well be considered as guidelines for our approach to all legislation corning be- fore this ” House" . a Highlights of the Royal Com=. mission Report include: . n ‘:.. mum. 1) More,controi of police powers. 2) A tribunal 'should be set up to set a fair price on expro- priated land.. All expropriation procedures should be reviewed, 3) The bail system was • branded as discriminatory to the poor and a fairer system should be established. 4) Citizens injured while helping police ormaking citi- zens' arrests should receive' compensation, .5) Police enforcing highway.. liquor, and garne regulations should not have=the powetto search a person. 6) The philosophy of admin- • istratiorl of the: estates of the--• mentally ill should be revamp- ed.- • •Mrti,` McRuer is working on West...Wail* anosit council meeting Reeve. Lyons presided. on March 5 for the 'West Wawanosh Council meeting, 'A letter 'of appreciation was read from Lorne Ivers expressing his grata- tude at being honored as the recipient of a Centennial Medal... Tenders accepted 'were from Murray Reid of Londesboro to supply warble fly powder; Ken- teth Weber, of Brdssels for spray- ing .at $1, 000 lump payment; and Delmar Sproul as inspector at $1.50 per hour.. The rate :charged to farmers will be 180 per head. ° The road • superintendent was instructed to call for gravel • tenders.. A by-law in the amount of $45,200 to cover road expendi- tures and a supplementary by- law "in the amount ,of $35, 000 to cover construction cost on the Harper bridge and the Ru- tierford erford bridge (culverts) were given the necessary readings and passed. • The allowance for. conven- tion expenses was raised from $40.00 to $55.00. Frank Thompson of Dungan -- non, and F. Greene, represent- ative from the Frank Cowan Company, presented a review of the township insurance cov- erage. No changes were author- ized uthorized at this time. ' Omar Brooks, reeve of Luck -- now; and E.H. Agnew, clerk, explained the steps taken thus far-by-Lucknow in the proposed renovations at the arena. An invitation was extended to . council to attend a Meeting to be held March 18. Tie clerk will advertise for tenders for the construction of the, Murray Drainage Works and • road and general accounts were passed, Scout News BY DENIS DOLGOS At the last meeting of the W. inghanl Scout Troop, games • were'played°and Ricky Shrop- shall was voted to be the patrol second for the Gold Bar. Russell tones was to be acting patrol firster for a new patrol just cont' ing in. This Saturday, March 18th, the troop Will go to the Spottunen's Show in Toronto. ;,,,, 40 mp'.h. speed limit will be strictly enforced The 40 tri. p, h. , speed limit for Belgrave, as requested by the Department of Highways, was approved at theeMarch.4 meeting. of Morris. Township Council. The speed limit will be strictly enforced. The Belgrave, 'Blyth and Brussels school fair and the Blyth and Brussels fairs were each givers grants in the same amount as last year. Warble fly powder will be, ' purchased from Belgrave Co-op at the price quoted. The con- tract for spraying was given to James Leishman at 100 per head per spray and Gordon Guy's ap-. plication for .inspector was ac- • •cepted at $1.50 per hour and 100 per mile. Farmers will be charged 150 per head per spray. The George Radford Const- ruction onst- ruction tenderfor gravel was ac- cepted at 930 per cu. yd., sub- ject to the .approval of the dist- rict municipal engineer. ' The road expenditure by-law for $65.000 was passed and road accounts amounting to $6, 870.- 46, and the 8eneral ,accounts were passed for.pa ment. The council paced a mo- tion to -request department ap- proval for the transfer of allot- ments in the 1967 road expendi- ture by-laws as follows:'Frans- fer $4.475.19 from#construction of roads to construction of brid- ges; transfer' $3.245, 32 from construction of roads to road maintenance; and transfer $2, 262.81 from road construc- tion to the Maintenance of bridges; . Euchre party • BLUEVALE-- Seventeen tables were in play at the euch- re party in the community hall on' Thursday evening, sponsored by the Bluevale Recreational • Association. Prize winners were: High scores, Mrs. Thomas Parker and Lloyd Taylor; low scorer, Mrs, Warr. ReVo:' and Harry Elliott, The committee In charge • -was Mrs. Andy Adams, Mrs, .Ken McMichetei, Mrs. 8i11 Mun- dell and Mts. Andy I aiuyko. the second part of the report and should have it -completed by' next fail. The initial, report is the product of four years' work.' In his maiden speech In the Legislature this week the cont • rsversiai and well known Dr. Morton Shulmian opened with a - barrage of charges. He accused the Government of failing to lay charges in a: case of forgery and'other crim- inal acts arising out of the 1962 takeover •of Canadian Oil Com- panies Ltd. by Shell Oil Ltd. which. he said, gave' a $5 mil- lion profit to insiders with prior knowledge. In addition he. accused E.P. Taylor of participating in a $1 million corporate theft involy- • ing Feller Brewing :Co. Ltd., asked the resignation' of Health Minister Matthew Dymond for supposed persecution of a pri- vate mental hospital owner, and accused Social Services Minister John Yaremko of • "shipping,out" to other count- ries healthy Canadian babies for adoption. The Throne rebate contin • ues but will likely conclnde some time- next week. veterinarian for thole services, The Veterinary Services branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculturcand Food, which' . administers ters this Act, will con+ tinue to distribute vaccine to veterinarians and to provide them with vaccinationcettifi. cater and identification tags, Because the serum and the tags. eke provided free of charge, the only cost to the ltvestock,pro- du e 1 .. c r Will be for the;.setrvices of the veterinarian,`` To 'c�dvertse� for principaI The Morris East Wawanosh hool. i�cl t s' grave S,Boaohool on✓neMarin;112h:4AP:istp, aScll•thetrustees presee* clot nteeting,was, announced, for March 15, in the Belgrave School*, to meet the 'teachers' negotiating conannittee for the purpose of discussing contract tents for next year. . A motion was passed that when. 'a teacher advances to a higher category. the secretary. be authorized to Increase the rate of pay accordingly as 'soon as written confirmation of the new certificate is received. Carl Gowi g reported on'the school gsmods. CUnelli account imposes for the mad amounted to 112,4440 001 $1.112•00 of this amount was Ogg furl at tke Itrusaels and schools Completely self contained, stainless steel portable' unit with Releaser tack for in-place cleaning ahd automatis hot sir drying. , As easy•to operate as stepping on a pedal. Carries yak wash pails and lets you weigh • shrottloilinoillittbucamodot;eartriaddsrtersdis:b.osinlii.thuloolc.feeetot seibesit., ,aphinolCerith..,5110. Cphotal:g351/11117:2 '472' Mr. Farmer DO YOU NEED A MO OR PERHAPS A SECORP SILO? COIMICRITE SILOS • FROM 14 FT, DIAMETER T0-60 FT. HIGli Why not ,Ireeresee yosir beef production and milk 'output? Wrift ,111-1004 illakikas Mather' With ARNOLD HUGILL & SON • CONTRACTOR BUILDER . '92 CAPABRIA RD. N. GODERICH Tel: 5249437 • • r. SHUR GAIN DIVISION INA large dogs and small dogs thrive on SHOHAM DOG FOOD SNIM.GAIN'S NEW 5 lb. size Dog Food is conveniently 'ideal for small breeds and house pets. Owners of large dogs or kennels a'ppreciate the 25 lb. and 50 10. bag sizes. This superior kibbled ration contains lots of real beef. Fed wet or dry, your dog will love it.# Mid Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357 3060