HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-03-07, Page 6s Thursday,
features from
The World of Women
Rich -Peterson vows said ai
Sacred Heart in Wingham
Scored Heart Roman Catho-
lic Church in Wingham was the
thug for a pretty winter wed-
% Saturdays February 24,
at S p.m. when Louise Anne
Peterson became the bride of
George Edward RRcla of Water-
. The bride is the daughter
of Mrs. Robert Chettleburgh of
Wingharn and the late Mr. Olaf
Peterson. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rith
Of Wingham. •
Father JeGe-Mooney, parish
priest, officiated and the 'organ-
orgaitist was Mrs Richard Campeau.
"'The church was decorated with
gold mums for the occasion.
Given in marriage by her
stepfather, Mr. Chettleiaut h,
the bride was attired in a dress
;of satin o%erlaid with chiffon,
fashioned -with fittedbodice,
• 'full: skirt and long sleeves.
Pearls and •rhnestones enhanced
the neckline, She carried yel-"
low rosebuds and white'came-
•, tionsaon.a white Bible, °
Miss. Mary Claettleburgh of
Wingham wasthe maid of hen -
or wearing long gown of -apri-
cot crystal charm in A-line
design. The bridesmaids wore
dresses styled the same as that
of the maid of honor, Miss Ruth
Anne Rich. sister of the groom
in gold, Miss Esther Chettle-: .
',:burgh inen, and. Miss Anne
Marie Steinsland,'-tyre junior
bridesmaid, in; lavender, They,
carried satin muffs covered
withlege end', yellow and °White
'Darlene Richt sister cif the
groom;, was the flower girl,
• wearing white crystal; charm.
She carried a basket of yellow
and white mums.,
A reception was held at
Danny's Restaurant where the
bride, s mother•rece ved in a
pink crirnp',knit dress, pink hat .
and brown accessories! She
worea caxnelie. corsage. The
mother. of the groom wore a
brown two-piece dress, --Metal
o lic hat and brown accessories.
Her corsage 'was yellowtosebuds
The bride's tratreliing cost-
ume was navy blue linen with •
red accessories; with which she
wore a corsage of white rose-
buds, .
Special°guests were the three
grandmothers of the bride and
grooen, Mrs. Nicholas 'Doles of
London, Mrs. Ann Rich of Wing
ham and Mts. Leah Fitzpatrick
of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Eich have ,
taken up residence in Waterloo,
Mrs. D. Bunker
is speaker for
Day of Prayer
FORDWICH-- The World
Day of Prayer service was held
on Friday at Trinity Anglican
Church with 'a very good atten-
dance. Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg
of the Fordwich . United . Churcr .
Mrs. Don Cober of the Brethren
iri Christ Church and Mrs. Em-
erson. Ferguson from Trinity •
Church were in charge of The
Mrs. Stewart Strong read
the Scripture • lesson. Mrs.
Sheldon Wilson and Mrs. John,
Topham also assisted in the
service.. .
The theme was " Bear one
another's burdens" which was
prepared for world-wide use by
Mrs. Rathie Selvaratnarn of
Ceylon. Mrs: Doug Bunker
wase the guest speaker and de-
livered a bery impressive talk;
MR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS MacLEOD have .returned from
their wedding trip to Florida and are residing at 42 Patrick;,
Street, Wingham. They were married in Knox Presbyteria
Church, BeImore, February 17. Mrs. MacLeod is the form-
er Shirley Baird.
---;Mr. and Mrs. Alf Lock -
ridge left Saturday for the
warmer clitnes of sunny Cali-
fornia: where they will spend .an
enjoyable three, weeks.
lean Ann Landers: We live in.
a development which has a :large
playground • area.,' Our son who
is 12. hastold .usabout a' young"
lad in his • mid -teens who is
looked up to' by the younger
boys. They both admire him and
fear him. ,_
This past•week we have heard
that this boy 'has been perforrn-
ing sadistic acts, such as tortur-
ing, aniunals in ways I . won't
even describe. This is the same
boy my husband reprimanded
for shooting sparrows with -a BB
gun last year.
I worry about where it will
end. • .,Is it possible that these
small voiceless creatures _will
not appease his. hunger. for
thrills? , Will the boy one day
feel the. need to torture a young
human? What should be done,
Ann Landers, I am reluctant to
speak to him or to his parents
for fear he may become angry
and take it out on our : children.
Please advise me at once.—NOT
Dear . Not ee Merry:.Alert the
juvenile 'authorities. Ask your
Sins to 20
Half Sins 14% 24%
Navy Crepes - Silk -
knits in styles to fit
every fashitin seeker
Heading your fashion list for spring,
are hots! See our notuto-be-topped
selection of lovely styles 'that
flatter your face . your entire' look.
* * *
Dear ' Ann* Landers: Yon ad-
vised "Magic Fingers" (the girl
who was massaging men in her
apartment ta make a little extra.
moneyT to fieish her "training"
and be a physical therapist.
Such counsel is Misleading. if
not inviting, to- the fine pro-
fession of phyeical therapy,
To begin with. the girl's let-
ter sounde.d as it she was rnas-
saging as a cover up for, another
profession. The oldest one.
Physical therapy is a para-
medical profession, where,
under a physician's prescription.
disabilities are treated. Massag-
ing is only one of the techniques
used in physical therapy. .
A physical therapist must
tend college kir four years. Only
after the student receives a
bachelor of science degree is he
eligible to practice in hospitals,
clinics and. rehabilitation eerie
° ters. I hope you will publish
this letter and set the record
streight —INDIGNANT.
Dear Inclement: Here is your
letter. My thanks and my apolo-
'1 Dear Ann.LanderseThe letter
'from the ColuMbia • University
graduate sounded like a page
out of my life. I, too, accepted
the attention of a married man.
I said yes to dinner, the theatre
and the inevitable lovemaking
that followed.
little gray now..a little heavier,
Still single- anctatill having 4in-i,v
ner and going to the theatre one
. • flow is your math, Ann? H
_Spouse. Me: Zero Him: 1
is the score:
Daughters Zero Hun: '2
Sons Me: Zero Him: ,2
Yeari spent
bending a life
with another .Me: Zero Him: 24
Total commitment to an affair-
-Met 12 years. Hem: One din.
ner a week for' 12 years.
I know that love is raising a
family, preparing daily mealse
mending, washingr ironing and
staying up nights with sick kids.
So, Columbia graduate, foe all
your education you are still al
fool. Mid so ane 1. — -SISTERS
Dear Sister: Thank you for
the arithmetic lesson..And now
for all you women out there
who are playing the same oame,
sintply substitute • the figures
that apply in youi case. You'll;
arrive at the same • total.
Too many couples go from
matrimony to" acrimony. Den't
let your marriage flop before
it gets started. Send for. Ann
Landers' booklet, "Marriage
What To Expect." Send for your
recruest to Ann Lapders in care
of this newipaper, enclosing 50c
in cein phis 5c for postage and
a long, self-addressed unstamp-
ed envelope.
All letters or requests should
be addressed to Ann Landers,
Thee are forwarded from this
office unopened. lee sure to en-
- eloee a long, self-addressed WI -
stamped envelope and 5c for
postage, and the necessary coin-
age for the booklet requested.
Iff 'Mr, and Mrs, Harold
Wild spent Sunday in londorr
with relatives and caned on
improving nicely,,
and lArs, Junes
smith, Kevin, Heather and
Craig of Lambeth spent the .
week.end with Mr. and Mrs, .
--Min Elizabeth Burre/1 •
of Groderieh, formerly ot Wing.
ham left on Sunday froM Inter-
national Airport for seven, days*
West Indies, vidting cousins,
Mr.'and, Mrs, John Horton,
niece of the late Mrs.. H„, Buse
and Mrs,„ Duncan
Moffat of Kitchener and, Miss
Gail Steele. ofs*carbora spent
the week -end with Mrs. L,
OtrSunday Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Roistin and, Rick
of Walkerton visited at the
., --Rev., and Mrs. tire Stew-
art of Seafoith visited an Sun-
day withtivirs. Olive Bost of
Wingham. It is, 55 years since.
he and his family lived-in the
manse at Whitechurch and they
newel) kdown in this district.
Rev. and Mrs, Graydon Cox, and
his lather, Mr. I. Cox of Cites,
ley, also vitited with Mrs, ,
BOSS at her home on. Edivard •
Cruikshank left recently' 14, ,
plane to holiday in southern'
Lent is topic
at UCW meeting
pELMORE—The February
meeting of the Belmore United
Church Women wai held on
Wednesday afternoon ofila.st.„
week, ar the home of hilrs.
topie Was "lent'. 71'he meet-,
, ing opened ifith the singing of
a hymn, and Mrs. Sangster led
'in prayer: Scripture was read
from. the book of Isaiah by Mrs.
_John Rutherford.,
Mrs. Sangster then gaVe.an
• excellent meditation on the
topic She entitled her medi-
tation "The Six Weeks teading
up to Easter" , and reelewed
Jesus' life, from the time He
was born in Bethlehem, ontil
the time He was crucified on
the Calvary Cross. *Another
hymn was then sung.
Mrs. Wilfred Johann deliv-
ered a reading. "The High Cost
of Decision" .' Mrs. Earl Fitch
read and led_ diieussion on a
.Chapter from the study book,
"JesueChrist and the Christian
Life" . A Temperance reading
Asas given by Mrs.' Newanse
Roll call was answered with a
Lenten thought.
Mrs. William Mulvey pre-
sided foi the business of the
meeting. She gave a report -
of the annual U.C. W. Presby-
teriai which had been held the
previous day in Walkerton and
which she and two otheemerref
bers had attended. A vote of
thanks was extended to Mrs.
Alvin Fitch and Mrs. EarlFitch
whomivere responsible for the
sending of a bale to Overseas.
Relief: °A letter 6f ackilow -
Wgernent was read from 0.R.
thanking the group for the bale.
Other business was discussed and
Mrs: Newans served lunch at
the close of the meeting.
Whitechurch News
We.are sorry to report
Duane Currie. son ef Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Currie was ad-
mitted ori Friday to Wingham
and District Hospital where he
enderisent an appendectomy.
Mr. and Mrs: Sydney .
Thompson and 'family were
Sunday visitors with her par-
ente Mr. and tiers. Gordan
Wright of Clifford.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Helm of
Zion were Sunday visitors with
their daughter.. Mrs. Lloyd'
Mr. aed Mts. Bob Gordon
and Robert of Waterloo were
week -end visitors with her par-
ents: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
• On Monday Mr. and Mrs.
Carl MeCienaglian were in
londoh at Victoria Hospital
where they visited with his
father. Ben McClenaghan who
had undergone surgery there
last week. We are pleased to
report he is making favotabie
progress. Mrs. IvIcCleriaghan
returned home with them from
Lucan where she had been stay-
ing with Mei and Mrs. Bill
Parker and family while Mr.
McClenaghan was hospitalized.
On Friday." March 1st. Mr.
and Mrs. -cad McClenaghan
attended the wedding of Miss
Carrittne Hedand Paul Geiger
in the United Chum/1,F strat-
ford. Carl was best Man at the
Wedding. In the evening there
was a reception which was at-
terided.by 100 friOds. Mr. and
Mrs. McClettaghan remained'
overnight and on Saturday as-
sisted the newlyweds to move re
their apartment iri Kitchener.
points and on Bahama Island.,
Glibarr and son Douglas of Ed.
ward Street spent the week -end
with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.0
- Wesley Gilbart of Stratford.
DS, set for
Day ,of ,Proyer
Day of Prayer was observed in
the Presbyterian Church friday
, afternoon using the world-wide
theme; "Bearing one another's
' The first leader, Mrs. Ws*
lace Conti gave the' call to
worship and the fiist part of ,
the service. Other leaders were.
Mrs. Elwood Groikorth,. Mrs..,
Russel Ross. and Mrs. .Millan
• Also taking part were ,Mrs.
Earl Caslick. Mri. Russel Chap-
man. • Mrs,',Aitirew Gaunt was
the pianist and she also -sang
-"le Times Like These" and "We -
Need a 'saviour". accOmpanied
by Mrs. J. Conn at.the plane.
Mrs. Elwood Grosluarte and MrS.
George Thompson, aecompene
ied by Mrs. -Garnet Farrier,
sane "Sweet Hour of Prayer"..
The message was given
through e.film on world mis-
sions , which showed the mis-
sion work being done in all
countries, "as well as vatioirs
types of industrial w6rk.
There were 28 ladies in et -
pointed wee Mrs. -Walter Ars-
It was decided by a show oi,
hands td -have the spring thank -
offering On Friday, March 15
on furleugh from India, will be
viied but all people a the corn-
munity. are also wekorne to
hear and meet Mr. MacKay:
Lunch will be, served at the
close of the Meeting.
Day of Prayer
at United Church
BLUEVALE--Ekev. E. R. Haw-
kes, of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Was the speakee at the
union service for the World Day
of Prayer, held in the United
Church on Fridey.
With Scripturalellustrations
he spoke on the topic, " Bear
One Another's Burdens" , show-
ing the great need for sympathy
and help -to be bestowed on
suffering 'people in the world.
dent of the U.C.W., conducted
the service. Others assisting in
Scripture reading and prayers
were Mrs. Bernird Thomas,
Mrs.- Burns Moffatt, Mrs. Mel
Craig. Mrs. Michael, Ross, Mrs.
Jas. Johnston. Mrs. Jim Elston,
Mrs. Harvey Edgar.
Mts. Gordon Greig, of Pal-
merston, and her daughter,
Mrs. Alan Campbell, sang a
duet. with Mrs. Carl Johnston
Teeswater Couple Wed 50 Years
A farnily dinner and social
evening was held at the Ven-
dome Hotel, Teeswater, on
Saturday, Feb; 24th, to mark
the fiftieth wedding anniversary
°The couple *as maiXed at
27th, i1918. The bride waS the
former Janet Watson of the 8th
Con. Culross.
Before moving to Teeswater
in 1965, they resided at Bow-
hill Farms on the 8th Conces.!
sion east.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong
have two datighters and two
sons: Mrs. John (Agnes)
Wroxeter; (Jean) WUtson,
Ninth Bay: Watson•and Donald
on the home farm. There are
nine .gra hdchi 'drat, •
It is best to thaw all froz,en
pork cues before cooking. If
this is net possible. increase
the cooking time by about one-
half, being careful to c ook the
meat so that it is well done on
the inside bin not over done On
the outSide.
eek -end Spe
MARCH 7-8 9
will be offered at a.
This includes a large and varied selection of child.
ren's patterns, florals, stripes, border and novelty
prints as welt as all whltes and plain shacks.
Reg. 69c yard
AVinghom) Limited
Roast 65c..
R AST 65
Beef H AM BU
3 us. $ 4/