HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-29, Page 10Ingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Febq 29, 196s STANLEY WORKS E$ DIVIDEND "Ot PER SHARE The board of directors of The Stanley Works on. Friday Blared the regular quarterly dividens of 30 cents per share on the common stock, Donald W Davis, president,. announc- .ed. The dividend is payable March 30, b903 to stockholders of record at the chase of busi- ness March U0 19 S. . This is the 360th consecutive dividend on the con=`n stock declared by this leading manu- facturer of hand tools and build- ers hardware, Mr. Davis said. "Average train passes this crossing in l4 seconds --whether your car is on it or not. -- A Sign at a grade crossing. �LeFUs SHOW You How With a SURGE SURGE Milk Keith McLaughlin Josephine St., Phone 357.3472 WINGHAM MAKE THE SWITCH TB -- Formula 5 gasolines have the 5' benefit additive that 1. Cleans carburetor for more miles per gallon., 2. Less power loss in storage. 3. Cuts stalling due to carburetor icing. 4, More power when you need it. 5. ^ Helps prevent rust contamination. Only•CO-OP gasolines have this special additive in. both Regular and Premium grades. �•Q, s�c Save $ 50 on this • Rocker -Recliner Chair: Ask your • •C0 -QP driver sal.esinan for details or contact: :BELGRAVE. CO-OPERATIVE WINGHAM 357-2711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • BRUSSELS. 388W10 M. Gaunt to seek federal probe of sugar company Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Huron -Bruce, stated in a press conference in Toronto last week that he will file a personal complaint about the status of the Canadian and Dominion Sugar Company with D.H.W. Henry, federal director of com- bines investigation. The question of a govern- ment probe arose after the Lib- eral M.P.P. observed during a discussion of the sugar beet controversy that he understood Canada and Dominion Sugar,. a British -owned company, was part of a world-wide cartel. The company has announced its decision to cease operation of its sugar refinery at Chat- ham, Ont., thus disrupting the market for hundreds of sugar beet growers in the southern part of the. province. Mr. Gaunt said perhaps it is time to " take a . hold look at the possibility of arit;;combines action''by a a' r :rxapki � fieri hfsposion. he , would ,forward> •a" tonplain to the combines`ih�vstig`i~i` branch of thefederal• restrictive trade practices commission. Mrs Ga unt is the agriculture critjc .in the Opposition at Queen's Park. - Credit Union to pay 5 % dividend The annual banquet and meeting of the Wingham COM- munity Credit Union. W4he1d • at Danny's Restaurant last Thaw day evening. Retiring' president, Dave.,Burgess, presided over the meeting. The minutes of last year's meeting were read by Earl Hey- wood. Dave Burgess then re- viewed the financial statement for 1967. It was recommended by the board of directors that a 5% divident be paid again on last year's savings, and a mo- tion to this effect was passeri•, It was resolved that the Sob divi• I.11IINII.N dende plus the dollar for dollar life insurance coverage lin every dollar in a savings ac count of the Winghant Credit Union,• up to the amount Qf; $2,000,00, offers a very-'attrac* tive investment with life insur- ance benefits. It was noted that the mem- bership is now almost double that of two years ago, with a great increase in assets this past year -- almost double 'the amount of money in savings to what there was one year ago. Charles Davidson reported for the credit committee. IIINIINIt.W,I ' - tt�ttN.tNtI} MURRAY GAUNT,M,SP.P., HURON -BRUCE a Some r�ew members were ° elee ,ted to fiifl':offlees, On, the boar of directors, Harry Mem. . go ..ety UUQyd Carter and Bor- den Jenkins were all elected forthree-year te�rxn, to the supervisory board, Earl Jenkins . an. Ken Wilson; and Mrs. Earl Hey wood. was elected to fill the opening on the credit commit... tee • Alf Holmes of the Ontario Credit Union League, of Lo* n+ do was unable to attend be- cause of bad weather conditions.. Tickets draws on coin say- ings banks were won by Ellen NI onffieIIiiossmeeNt emostrNtNMttttt uousitNsemmil 1numsinim Report from Queen's Park A Royal Commission report , has failed ,to support any' of 'the charges made by Dr. Morton Shulman about the Ontario Coroners' 'system and has used the term "McCarthyism" to describe Dr. Shulman's tactics. To criticize public o f - iCials when they are wrong is in the public interest. To make vague allegations and in- sinuations against unspecified individuals is not. This tech- nique is repugnant to our sense of fair play and justice," the Minister of AgricuIfure announces investigati'on Hon. William A. Stewart, • minister of agriculture and food in the Ontario government an- nounced in'the Legislature last Thury that a full-scale in- vestigation into the sale and distribution of food products will be undertaken. Introducing the subject Mr. , Stewart said, "Several months' ago it was brought to my `at. tention that certain undesirable practices had crept into the buy- ing; selling and distributing of fruits and .vegetables in the Pro- vince of Ontario. "In the •fac°e of this evience and the full co-operation of the Attor- ney -General's office, a prelim- inary investigation into. these charges was undertaken. "The results of that investi- gation•are now in my hands, and on the basis of this evidence• it would appear that in some commodities at leash, the prac- tice commonly known as "Pay- ola" may be in existence. It has been reported to us, for example, that some buyers. of .fruits:and vegetables in this province have been demanding, and receiving, from producers and producer groups; kick- . backs and under-the''table .com- •missions in return for the guar- . antee of certain market outlets. This is a highly unethical prac- tice, one that violates: every concept of•the free market, and• it is one that,penalizes both the producer and the consumer from a firiancial standpoint. r Y o O 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 Harristdn Fertilizers Ltd.. HARRISTON 338-2015 DEAR CUSTOMER: CLINTON WALKERTON 482-9133 , 881-2308 Ina few short weeks the snow and cold will be replaced with indications - that Spring is just around the corner. • ,Meanwhile, we have time tomake important plans on how to make the coming season run .more smoothly and profitably. Here is where Harriston Fertilizers can.be of assistance. Our staff will gladly help you plan ,the best cropping program and the most efficienr fertilizer program su,'rtable to YOUR soil conditions. Just' gine us a call or drop in anytime for a chat. At the present time, we are making every effort to put our manufacturing, loading, delivery and bulk spreading equipment in top condition ,so that we cangive you the best possible service when the "old busy season" arrives. We shall look forward to seeing you soon. • Sincerely, HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LIMITED 400 0000!b0000-40000000440 000000000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 00 iuu Having consideration for the evidence before us, and .realrz- ,ing the seriousness of this situa- tion, and the many undesirable implications that it could have. for the food industry, I wish to Announcethat a complete pub- lic inquiry will be held into these matters. "A special meeting of the Ontario Food Council was held on February 20th to discuss this matter, and the members of the Council unanimously ap- proved a resolution which' call- ed for an investigation into dis-o crimination and undesirable t trade•practices in the food in- dustry. I think it.is important to note at this time that the Members of the Ontario food Couhcil represent the broad spectrum of interest in the food industry; _Harvey Beaty of -Thamesford represents the pri- mary producers, J. Douglas Small, President of• the Schnei- der Meat Packing Company in • Kitchener, _represents the pro- cessors, Ivor Crimp, vice-pres- ident sof Dominion Stores Lim- ited, represents the consumer. Mrs. W.A.C. Shepherd of the Consumers Association' of Can- ada, represents the consumer. Mrs. Shepherd was unable to attend this special •meeting, but was represented by Mrs. W. A. Brechin of the Consumers ' Association of Canada. "And so,. by Order-in-Coun- cil rder-in-iouncil we have directed Mr. Doug- las E. Williams, Chairman of the Ontario Food Council, to begin investigations into this matter and to report his find- ings. as soon as these investiga- tions are complete. - • • As chairman of this investia' gation, Mr. Williams will have the full authority to summon any person and to require him to give evidence under oath, and to require him to produce suchdocuments and information as he deems requisite to this inquiry." Directors make. plans for fair BELGRAVE=-The Directors of the Belgrave, Blyth and Brus- sets School Fair 'met in t h e community rooms on February 19 with 14 present. George Johnston, president, was in the chair. The minutes of the meeting held February 16, 1967 were read. William Coultes was named to replace Harold Vincent; who is ill, to sell advertisements in Wingham., William Elston and Don Pullen will secure judges and someone to open the fair. It was agreed to pay the Arena Board $25.00 for rent. The following commlties were named: Booth, Alex. 'Nethery, James F. Coyltes, John Nixon, a n d •.Murray Vincent; guards, S a m Retch, Stan Hopper, Glen Sel- lers, William Elston; parking, jack Currie, Ronald Coultes, Seeds will be purchased from W. A. Jenkins Seed Com - luny. report by Mr.• Justice W. °D. Parker said. • Meanwhile, this week an- other "public ,inquiry was order- ed into allegations of kickback and under-the-table commis- sions in the buying, selling and distribution of fruits and vege- tables in Ontario. The one man inquiry is to. be conducted by Douglas Wil- liams. il-liams, chairman of the Ont- ario Food Council. The an- nouncement was made by Wil- liam Stewart, Minister of Agri- culture griculture.and Food. The Food Council was -set up by the Government in 196.3 and given authority to _in`vesti- gate matters concerning the Ontario food industry. The current investigation is the first that it has conducted publiely. Mr.' Stewart st '.d Mr. Wil- • liams has been directed to in- vestigate three .areas: The sale and distribution'of fruits and vegetables, from shippers in Essex County; the . purchaslr g' practices of wholesale ani re- tail-distributors e- tail•distributors 'of fruits and vegetables. The sale and dis- tribution of fruits and vegeta- bles from any other;part of Ontario. ' In other business .this week in the Legislature, the leader of the Opposition. Robert Nixon, opened the opposition debate on on the Speech from the Throne, 'He:6 dine down 'hard dh `the goverment for ' its failure`' to evolve proper urban develop. • Official r..oa:d map available. The Department Of High- : ways' 1968 official road map of Ontario is now available. Copies may be obtained free ,of "charge, from the In- formation Section, Depart- ment of.Highways'iffices throughout the province.; the Department of Tourism and In- formation, 185 Bloor Street East, Toronto 5, the depart- ment's tourist reception centres at border crossing points in Southern Ontario, and service centres on Highway 400 and Highway 401. ment policies, the neglect of Northern Ontario, lack of fir ancial relief for municipalities in respect to education costs, and the lack of government interest in the farm industry. Mr. Nixon said government Ministers• tirade Estill unkept election prdmises in some parts .of Ontario and then made post election decisions to postpone medicare, increase Ontario Hospital Insurance Commission . rates, and reduce the number of school board units .without con- sulting trustees. 'v Lakelet Mrs. Sandy Murray is still a patient in Bruce County Hospit- al, Walkerton, Her many friends hope she will soon be able to come home. Mr. Floyd Parks is confined to Bruce County .Hospital, Walkerton: We wish him a speedy recovery. • Visitcers for dinner on Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood were Mrs.: Lorne Fischer and: Larry and Kathy of Belmore, and Mrs. Alice Cooley of Tiv. erton. Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, John and Glenn visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Taylor at "Kitchener. Mr. and, Mrs, Henry Hohn - stein, Susan and Paul went to the Ice. Capades'at Kitchener on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel and family sof Fordwich visited on Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs. Cliff Hallman. • Mr. John Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth, Marion and Muriel spent Sunday with Mrs. " Ross MacGregor at Sea - forth. Mrs. MacGregor return- ed . with them to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Huth. Visiting with :Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Chambers on Sunday were her brother and. his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vanneste of Clandeboye. ' Mr. Newlywed:' "Did you sew the button on my coat,' darling?" Mrs. _ 'Newlywed "Noy love; I couldn't find thebutton, and so I just sewed up, t h e Carter and Earl Heywood.. A ciiseueio.n period took place, ° Pave Burgess expressed regret that he would no longer be on the board, siuee. lite los made plans to move to the-, United States in the near future. Dave was one of the organizers of the W ieghann Credit Union, and he said his associations in this organization had been pleasant and interesting. Dave will be greatly missed as he has donne more than his share to ,help establish this organization which .has been a service to the residents of the Wingham com- munity. After the meeting was ad- . journed euchre was enjoyed. To arils, 11611 Farm Show CLOSES 'PRI., MARCH .t 4:30 p.m. Thea's sans thiar $ for tlta 1i11ho.Io ram Isandiy , ADMISSION 50c Children with adults *dull free AFTERNOON .and ,5VENII P9G*A1 B+tri . t fiiT TOM GRAFTON Huron -farm Accounting BLYTH - PH: 523-9429 ° SPECIALIZING IN FARM TAXATIOltAND BUSINESS ACCOUNTING "It is cheaper to pay for the advice of experts than the mistakes of amateurs." —Reine Show and Sale THE ONTA -- OF — Beef Bulls Under the auspices of . RIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOC. at the HAY SAL ES` ARENA, TRAFAtGAR 5 miles north .of Oakville MARCH1 2 and 13, 1968 En les as follows: CLASS 1— HEREFORDS • CLASS 2 — SHORTHORNS CLASS 3 — ABERDEEN ANGUS Hereford .'Bulls sell Tuesda Shorthorn & Aberdeen Bulls se The bulls will be judged on the morning of. the day they are scheduled to be sold, commencing' at 8 a.m; 119 20 24 y, March 12, at .:11 a.m. 11 Wed., Mar. 13, at 11 a.m. The Bull Premium Policy . of 20% of the purchase price up to a maximum of $150 will apply " on all bulls sold that are qualified on Performance. A catalogue of .entries can be obtained JAMES McKAY, ' C. A. GRACEY, • Georgetown, Ontario, Parliament Bldgs., President. Toronto 5, Ont., • Secy. -Treasurer. frim the secretary buttonhole." s ' ..orG�y,.�' y,��t�r,•�r, ,y/r + ! r" ,i.+'i'r';r}:4+'::}! •.` ` .r r: r.;.}r.,:.;.;?r,.;ir::r,{??.rr::?:' Yr:r. vr• � I, Q4ake 4D+ 'SFen•:-. rf/. 00.-W �i.r.. .+ .• r. r xr. z..e.A..!.vL. . 5 . rrr. r..... + rry }+ ?•:?+ rr?r ••:r• •rrr r::•: r' rr. r: *: •. : x........ r ......./.�.. f ............ r::. r:.::v.•:+:.•r. %..:irir'rrrrrr:: sf? rr/.�:Y+:••?f:+.%?yr• rrrrr.%if•'�' in✓.•r n h':::: r::.?tiSi �i:NyY 'rr.{?rr:'{'?Yi:%� {' ;+. •: r :yjrr • •• f r{.vf,ir,� •ti?•r,� +{rr:?•r ?•/ r •r � _.r.�Ji?::f...d+r:.frr:r/.r...r...r:: .r!::rrr'�..d:�?•, r f ,,::. and hets s ...: ,..:.:.,„.,,v ,,,,,, .„.: ,, ,.,„ ,,, for small breeds 4 e tr SHUR-GAIN Dog Food is a superior typeof kjbbled ration with a high meat content --lots of real beef. Dogs love it. Feed it wet or dry. Available from the man whose businesseis,. feeding animals better—your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service dealer. N Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357-3060 •