HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-29, Page 8Well, we're batting 1, 000 so far in our predictions'of the WOAA
intermediate playoffs. For the two final series we chose Clinton
over Milverton and Wingham over Shelburne. Despite Wingham's
loss on Sunday we're still picking them to win the series.
Shelburne dumped Wiarton 3 straight and Wingham edged King
gardine.3-1 in. the north while Milverton clobbered Palmerston 3
straight, as did Clinton over Listowel.
BILL LINDUP, coach of the
Wingham squirts, is trying to
arrange a home and home ex-
hibition series against Kincar-
FRED LEE, timekeeper -for.
the "180 Sports" was a little put.
out when Kincardine questioned.
his ability on the clock Friday
night. We think perhaps it was
a case of mistaken identity.
'Nuff said.
McDONALD will lead his
curling rink in the WOSSA finals.
on March -20-21 at the Ivanhoe
Club in London.
through some mix-up of num-
bers on the scoresheet, was
chosen second star in the game
in Shelburne on Sunday.
missing from the line-up both
Friday night and Sunday. The
. boys managed to get along Fri-
day night but sure could have
used his offensive skills on Sun-
Last. Tuesday the action was
furious 'and the individual
scoring was high as two more
games were played in the reg-
ular schedule.
'Erwin Lanaus' team took
Carman lvlc B urney 's team by
the score of 47-35. Doug
Wheeler, who subbed in this
garne,,,was high mart with 19
:points." For the losers Jim Hen-
derson netted 16 points.
In the second gatne of the
evening for McBurney's team
they nearly name through with
their first win, being edged out
" by Al Wilcox's team by a 54-
50 count. Wilcox led his team
with 20 potnts„and Doug Wheel-
er was close on his captain's
heels with 17. On the other
. side of the ledge? Henderson
led with 18 points and McBur-
ney sunk 12.
The standings are as follows:
'Wilcox 3 • 1 7
"Lanaus 2 2 0 • 4
McBurney '. 3 1 1
Season's high scorers:
Wheeler 58; Wilcox 51; Hender-
son 46; lanaus -37; Mowbray 35.
Phone 357-1282
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy .
have returned home to the 2nd
of Culross, after spending a
week visiting relatives irr Wind-
sor and Sarnia. -
We are indeed pleased that
. Mr. Roy Rutherford has been
allowed to •return to his home,
and hope that his condition con-
tinues to improve.
Mrs. Alice Cooley of Tiver-,..
ton spent last week with her
niece, Mrs. Lorne Fischer, Mr.
Fischer and family.
Mr.' Boyd Marshall of our
village is hospitalized and not
in as good' condition as his
friends would like to see.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swan-
son of London spent the week-•
end at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Malley,
on the 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bal-
lagh and% family spent Saturday
in Kitchener' where they. attend-
ed the Ice Capades, and also
visited with Miss Isobel Darling.'
With such beautiful weather
on the week -end the ski-dooing
bugs, were scampering around
the countryside like ants at a
picnic. ' Tis -a good thing those
things only hold_ one passenger,
of the, entire village might have
been roaming the. fields. It sure
did look like a barrel of fun!
Our congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Weber on the
birth of a son last week. Mrs.
Weber is the former Dale Mc-
Nee ata' they are currently
Making:their home in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann
and boys visited on Sunday with
her mother, `Mrs. William Klein
of Gowanstown.
World Day of Prayer service
will be, held in McIntosh United
Church at 2:30 .p, m. on Friday,
,for the women of Belmore Pres-
byterian Church and McIntosh
and'.Belmore United Churches. ..
Anyone else_ who wishes, is
also invited to attend. .
CWL euchre
There were 14 tables at thee•
C.W.L. euchre Tuesday even-
ing. High lady was Mrs. Carl
Frieburger; high man, Norm ,
Ross; low lady, Miss Donna
Wallace; low man, Lloyd Mont-
ontgomery. The door prize was
• won by Mrs. O. Haselgrove.
The conveners were Mrs.
Frank Caskanette and Mrs. Cy
Seldom Pay!
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When you bring your car to us, you
can be sure we'll check it thoroughly,
repair it with precision. Our know-how,
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oeiiiiuru uuutey aulvIIy
With the frosty weather last
week, came lots of hockey ac-
tivity for .our Belmore teams.
Frri'n the wee ones up to the
oldies, the games went os fol-
And, we were all a bit dis-
appointed, though proud as all -
get -out, as our Tykes lost the
trophy to the Belgrave Tykes on
Saturday ,morning. They were
defeated (in overtime) 5-4 in
a very exciting game. David
Kieffer and Paul Dickson were
the scorers. with two goals each.
Following the game the Johann
Insurance Agency trophy was
presented by Miss Mae Johann,
to the Belgrave team.
On Tuesday evening. in the
first game of the best -of -three
series, the Tykes were defeated
6-4 by Belgrave. The scorers
were again Kieffer and Dickson.
This marks the end of the act-
ivity for the Tykes, under the
leadership of Jim Renwick. We
congratulate coach and players
on a wonderful effprt and hope
they will be banknext year to
bring the trophy home to Bel -
more !
The Peewees, who have yet
to lose a game,, are charging
"forward, On Wednesday even-
ing they defeated Kurtzville
3-1 to win the semi-final series
with Belgrave. On home ice,
1 they defeated Belgrave 5-2.
their scorers being Richard In-
glis 3, Ross Jeffray and Rob
Helfer with 1 eaeh. Next week
we hope to be able to announce
the Tri -County Peewee Trophy
coming Belmore way!
Also charging into the finals
with an as yet unnamed team,
are the Belmore Bantams who
defeated Fordwich 11-2 on..Wed-
nesday evening. Scorers were
Alan Dickson with 4, Kevin
Kieffer and Mervyn. Weisliar
with 2 each, Douglas ,feffray,
Douglas Baird, and Shayne
Goldrich with one each,* This
gave them the second consecu-
tive win over Fordwich and
named them winners of the
semi-final series, On. Friday
evening, in Belmore, 'they
played an exhibition game and
were defeated by Harriston 8-1.
Terry O'Malley was our lone
scorer. "
-With two ,garnes played with
Kurtzville last week the Mid •
gets are -out of the running, but
deserve a clap on the back for
playing some good cleaii hoc-
key. On Monday evening at
Belmore they were defeated 7-6
and on Wednesday evening, at
Kurtzvilie, they were on the
'short end of a 9-3 score.' Better
luck next year, fellas!
It looks as though 1968 will
be another outstanding year at
Stratford, Ontario, when some
top productions are being plan-
ned for .the Stratford Shake-
spearean Festival, The plays
to be presented this season,are
"Romeo and Juliet". "A Mid-
summer Night's Dream" both
by Shakespeare; "Tartuffe", by
French writer Moliere; Beck -
ett's "Waiting for Godot" r and
two additional plays "The
Three Musketeers" and "The
Seagull". . The season will
open on June 10th with what
could be this year's big one,
"Romeo and Juliet" ,
A number of the former
Stratford Company are com-
'ing back to play lead roles,
among them Douglas Rain who
will have roles in "Three Mus-
keteers" Tartuffe" a n d
"Midsummer Night's Dream".
0He is the only actor who has
starred_ in. the Festival •plays
every year since its beginning
in 1953. Martha Henry, one of
our finest young actresses, will
also have roles in all three of
these plays.; Leo Ciceri will
play leads in "Romeo and
Juliet", "Three Musketeers",
and "Tartuffe" , Douglas Cam-
pbell who starred in the Festi-
val a couple of seasons ago,
will return to play a leading
role in "Waiting for Godot"
He will also direct " Romeo and
Juliet". William Hutt will
play the lead in "Seagull and
the title role in." Tartuffe" , •
and will' turn his hand to direct-
ing this year when he cracks
the whip over."Waiting for
Godot" stars. DenisePeiletier>
will play a lead role in "The
Seagull", with other players
signed being Bernard Behrns, ,
Mervyn Blake, Barbara Bryn.
Jane Casson, 'Patrick Crean,
Amelia Hall, Max Helpmen ,
Marilyn Lightstone, Christopher
Newton, Kenneth Pogue, Leon
Pownall, Powys Thomas, Ken-
neth Welsh, and a number of
new names. The other direct-
ors will be Jean Gascon who
will be at the reins 'for "The
Seagull" and "Tartuffe" , and
Winnipeg's John Hirsch who
will direct "The Three tvlusk•
eteers" and 'Midsummer
Nights Dream". ° ,
Perhaps, the news that we
most awaited was "Who will
play the star - crossed lovers
Romeo and Juliet?" The last
tijne that play .was presented on
the. Stratford stage, the y
brought Julie Harris froth the
TJ, S..to play Juliet to Bruno
Gerussi' s Romeo. NotQhe Oat I
heard, named them thekioman-
tic team of the .century !. This
year they have brought two un-
knowns,. one .from French Can-
;ada, the other from the United
States. They ate Louise Mar-• -
.lean and Christopher Walken,
who although being relatively
unknown to many ofus, have • •
'had a great deal of experience
in drama, From Montreal,`
Mam'selle Marleau has appear-
ed in French. and Canadian.
films, and with Le Theatre du •
Nouveau Monde; Mr. Walken
has sppeared on Broadway and
received a number of awards
for his ability. He is presently
appearing on the New York.
_stage in"Iphigenia in Aulis".
Following the opening of
their play on the 10th, will
come " Tartuffe" which opens
en June llth, and "Midsummer
Night's Dream" whichopens on
June, 12th. In the Avon Theatre
Me big news is'the English ver-
sion of Rossini's opera "Cinder-
ella" which will open on July
6th. Patricia Kern of the
Sadler's Wells Opera Company •
will play the leading role of
Choose your favorites and
plan to get your tickets early.
Interest in Stratford is mount-
ing each„year and it's always
a bit more difficult to get to
see your favgrites.
. .#
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley iintief
and Wilfred Clipperton were at
yTph�am�grestpJc��rjdi y{[ n My�og�djaq�y loads,
Mr ught ibaMfk two truck, 1 ads, of.0
their belongings' to the farm
recently purchased from charm
les. Tiffin.
,Word has been received
bete that Miss Amelia Leaver,
whose former home was on the
Riverside Road, is now a patient
at Parkwood Home, in London.
We are lorry to report that
Ben McClenaghan on Monday
To turn in mite
boxes in' March
ertChurch Messengers held
theifmeeting In the Sunday.
School room during.the church
service on Sunday. The call to
worship was given by Earl
Brenda Solomon read Serip-
ture and Cathy Solomon offered
prayer. Karen Quipp received -
the offering whiRh was dedicat-
ed by Ronald Solomon. Janet
Sleighthblrn called the roll and
-twelve were present. Janet
then read the Minutes. The
mite boxes are to be turned in
at the March ineeting.
Mrs. Gibb.gave the story
from ” Long Nights in Tokyo"
which dealt with the sledge
ride. Mrs.' Cliff Laidlaw read
• the story for the juniors, "The
Gift of Akio". Mrs. Gibb then
gave -the closing prayer.
BOY SCOUT CARL LEE and his daeil, Jim Lee, dig in at
the father and son dinner for Scouts and Cubs at the
high' school Cafeteria on Wednesdai evening of last week.
Gorrie News Items
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross' and
family, Preston, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Morley Bell on Sun --
Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Clayton
and family of Owen Sound, Miss
Diane Thompson and Mr. Barry
Jones of Hamilton spent. the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Goldwyn Thompson.
mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewn
of Galt were dinner guests Sat-.
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Well-
sley, Strong and also‘visited
,and Ws. Glad Edgar
were recent supper guests with
Mr. and Mrs. ,Gordon Edgar,
Mr. Wm. Austin is a'patient
in Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Austin
Elmira,"spent Sunday with Mrs.
Wm. Austin and visited Mr.
Austin in the hospital.
Mr. and, Mrs. John McInnes
Kinloss and Mr. and Mrs. T •
L. McInnes•and family of Blue -
vale were dinner guests of Mr. •
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs: Marshall Boyd
of Clifford visiied Sunday with
Mrs. Albert Dustow is on a
trip -to Florida. •
Kenneth Templeman spent .
the week -end with Steven Ed -
Mrs. Ernest iiarris• spent. Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Atthill of Kitchener.
Mr. Mervin Stevens, Melita,
Smith and Gwen of St. -.Marys,
Mr. Angus Smith. and Miss
Nancy Taylor of London visited
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith on
ed home Friday after spending,'
two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Stevens of Fairport •
Beach, and with Mr, and Mr .
Clare Farr of Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car-
son of BrockVille spent several
days with Mrs. E. Carson and
other relatives.
Mrs. Charles Lawrence has
returned honie after spending a
.few weeks at the home of Rev.
Huntingford. Rev. Jennings has"
returned home from hospital.
Misses Faye Edgar, St;
Thotnas, and Ruth Edgar of Lon-
don spent last week -end with
Mf. and Mrs. Charles Finlay,
and other relatives.
Mr. August Keil, Mr. Wil-
ford King and Mr. Ge orge
area were almost blocked on Thursday as
blowing snow reduced visibility to nil.. A
number of accklents were reported in the
Wingham-Teeswateralyth area and above,
a local wrecker manoeuvres one damaged
car for the return trip to Wingharne
Advance.Times Photo.
Timm left Friday by plane for
Clearwater, Florida.
Student teachers at the How -
ick Central School were Chas..
Cardiff Of Brussels, Miss Ingrid
Kremer of Preston; Miss Cath-
arine Fear of Brussels and Mr.
David -Walsh, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. George Snider
and family of Elmira visited
Sunday at the home of'Mrs. R.
T.' Bennett.
Crokinole party
held in 13elgrave
'.-WHITECHURCH-- On Friday
Calvirv-Brick congregation en-
joyed a ctokinole party in the
United Chnrch basement, at
Belgrave. There was a large
crowd in attendance with 12
tables .in play.
-Each Sunday School class
selected a winner from the .
players. The beginner winner
was Donald Shiell; primary,
Jean Pattison; junior, Alice
Beecroft; senior., Barry Mason;
intermediate, Barbara Pattison;
Bible.class, Mrs. Ronald Coul-
Mrs. Lloyd Whytock enter-
tained the pre-schoolers with
games and contests while the,
.others played crokinole. Lunch
was served.
-IL al
pita;, London, to undergo sem'
gery on Wednesday. His many
friends wish hires a , very speedy
recovery, ry , +y y
,Mr. and. Mrs, Kenneth John«'
son and Debbie of Clinton were
Saturday visitors with, his par»
eats.'' Mr. and Mrs. Gershon;
Johnston of Winghatn. On Suri++ ,
day Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Smith and Dianna, of Kitchent4
visited at the, same home,
,,dies of the community are
refrifnded of the Pay' of Prayer
to be h triers ,Presby-
to ' „ n Church at 2:31 ; m.,
;day. A welcome is etc
ed to mernbers.of all faiths.
Those from this community
who called to offer their con-
gratulations on the 50th wed-
ding anniversary of Mr,,, and
Mrs. J. Burchill, Of W fngharn,
were Mrs. `Wellace Conn, Mrs.
Russel Ross afid lvs. 'Ronald
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