HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-29, Page 6Mate eeTimes, Thursday gib, 2 1908' ':"`N'% Tp Sir-�...,�iy�y, : elm�l! us.C�AsI�iE11W AA FOR SALE B L. BACON ENDS $1.25. ,,, W*ngh m Meat Market. 29b 500 BALES of straw for sale. Ted. Fear, Brussels, 362J13. 29b MILK FILTERS for sale, Plain, rapid no, 61/4" -- 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. 16rrb 15" CONSOLE color TV for sale, older model Westing- house. Good running order. Price $100. Call D. Burgess, 3.57-2645. 29p FERGUSON `TRACTOR and heavy duty Davis loader with hydraulic bucket for sale. Ph. 353J7, Brussels. 29p VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service on all makes. ,Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph. Hen- sail ensail 262 5350 ''Collect. My26rrb CURRIE'S FURNITURE, Wing - ham featuring Sealy anniver- sary sale. Mattress with match- ing box springs only $78.99 complete. 29b FOR SALE -19 sheets finished knotty cedar and 6 sheets un- finished walnut, 4' x 8' x" panelling. Must sell. Contact D. Burgess, 357-2645. , 29p REFRIGERATOR with large freezer compartment for sale; also walnut bedroom suite. Both in excellent condition. Phone 357-3522. • 29b EAVESTROUGHING a n d metal flashing, material and labor. For free estimate call Morrison Bros., at Murdie' Hardware, Lucknow, phone 528-2906. Ap20rrb FOR SALE—Top Line Electro - home 25"' floor model color television, $1100 when 'new; , still like new. Call D. Burgess, 357-2645. 29-7p TAKE A CHANCE -1% 29% off any article purchased Currie's Furniture on t ' eir Leap •Year Sale Thurs ay, February 29th, only. ' 9b SAVE ON PAINT -- 10% off regular prices , on Kem Glo Enamel, 'duper' Kem Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kem lines. Alexanr der's Hardware. . rrb FOR SALE -20 ton excellent Herta seed barley; 3000 bales hay; 2000 bales fine straw; 150 cedar posts. Phone 357-2768. 29p DRIED SHELLED CORN for sale*$52.00 ton FOB Bruce- • ,Could ruce- Coul ...`also ...deliver Haugh Bros:, Brucefield, -527- 0927: _-29-7b 6 and '8 CYLINDER MOTORS, automatic and standard . trans- mission, batteries, tires, fend- ers, doors for all makes. Any- thing you, may need ,see ' tis or phone.291-4849, Listowel Auto Wreckers. beside Listowel Drive-in Theatre. 29-7-14p • USED FARM EQUIPMENT " Tractors. 400—Case (gas) 560-�-Cockshutt (diesel) 830 --tease (gas) 8O0—Case-O-Matic 2010—John Deere (gas) B275 --International (diesel) 440--J. D. .Crawler with in- dustrial ndustrial loader 10 ft.—L.H.C. Cultivator 8 -ft. -J: D. Cultivator Also Ploughs, Corn Planters, etc. ° JIM ` CHALMERS R. R. 2, Kippen, bnt. (4 miles „west on . Staffa 'Road) Phone Seaforth 527-0205 29-7b WALL CLOCK -Antique West- minster .chime, Al condition —$75.00. MANTEL CLOCK - Modern style, • Westminster chime, just like new—$25.00. 16 SIZE ELGIN POCKET , WATCH -21j. (B. W. Ray - mend) high grade 'quality .525.00. a All have, " been reconditioned arid are euarenteed. WRIST WATCH—Ladies', new, 17 jewel; shock proof, reg. $24.50, going for --$15.00. TWO USED pocket watches- one at $10, and one at . $15. guaranteed; also one boy's wrist watch—$5.00. • H. J. MILLER Watchmaker - P.U.C. Building 'Upstairs 29b CARS FOR SALE 1966 VALIANT 200 Slant 6 for ' sale, 7500 miles, automatic with custom radio. Ph. Lloyd Ruttan, Wroxeter 101. 29.7b 1960 CHEV. BelAir for sale, 6 cyl. automatic.. New battery; motor and' transmission Al, $425. W. James Bonnett, R. R., 1, Holyrood. 29p CARS FOR SALE '66 Ford 2 -dr. Hardtop, 8 auto- matic, full power, Lic. A64602. '64 Olds 2 -dr. Hardtop, full power, Lic. 89395K.1 '80 Chev,- 2 -dr. hardtop, full power, Lic.. 832590. JOHN BROWN, Gorrie Wroxeter 325W2. 29b MALE HELP WANTED MAN WANTED tor position of bookkeeper including trial bal- ance. Willing to be trained hi invoicing and retail sales. Ap- ply Burke. Electric, Winghsrn. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE SPRINGING Holstein heifer f rr sale. Phone 137, Wroxeter. 29b FOR SALE—Holstein cow, 7 years old, due to freshen in a week; purebred Holstein heif- er, 11 mos. old; 6 grade heif- ers; various ages. Phone 357- 1420. 29b FOR RENT 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Teeswater. Centrally located, Apply Teeswater 392- 6893. 29b FOR RENT -- Heated apart- ment,,, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen; 3 pc. bath. Available immediately. Apply to Albert Gammie, Ross St„ 528-3104, Lucknow. 22-29b SALES HELP WANTED Male, and Female FREE COOK BOOK _ Get your Rawleigh Cook Book now and information how to make money selling •Itawleigh. Products, full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 3 -453 - FC., 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry. Montreal. 29b FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON CALLING WOMEN who want to be suc- cessful and earn good money in their spare .time. Money- back guarantee makes Avon Cosmetics very much in de- mand and easy to sell. For in- terview write Miss P. 'Hurley, Box 19, Advance -Times. 29-7-14b TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP E. WAWANOSH ' TENDERS for Warble Fly Inspector, War- ble Fly Spray Operator and helper, by ,the hour. Tenders to be received by the under- signed by 12:00 o'clock noon, Tuesday, March 5, 1968. State. salary expected. Any tender not necessarily accepted. - Winona Thompson, Town- ship Clerk, R. R. 5 Winghatn, Ontario. 22-29h TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TENDERS WANTED Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the t ide�•signed until 12 noon, Marc ..4, 1968, for spraying. I -cattle lop warble, :fly` control -ape, • the Township of Morris. Tenders must state price per head per spray, Township to supply the 'powder. Lowest or any', tended not necessarily accepted. • Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario. 22-29b HOWICK TOWNSHIP Sealed tenders will be re- ceived for loading and hauling 25,000 cu. yards more_ or less pit run gravel up to a five mile haul, when and where re- quired, under the supervision of the 'Road Superintendent. Tenders to be plainly mark- -ed and be in the hands of the Road Superintendent by 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, March. 5th. 1968. Tenders subject ,to approval of D.H.O. Robert Gibson, Road Supt., Township of Howick,: Gerrie, Ontario. • 22-29b ° TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK WARBLE FLY PROGRAM Separate tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for Warble Fly Spraying, Warble Fly Powder and Warble Fly 1nsiector for the Township of 7 °.wick for the year 1968. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, March lst, • 1968. • . Lowest or any tender or. application not necessarily ac- cepted. Ivan Haskins,' Clerk. Town- ship of. Howick, Gerrie. Ont. = 22-29b TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Sealed °tenders clearly mark- ed will be received by the undersigned • until 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, ,March 5, 1968. For ` crushing and delivering, 20,000 cu. yds. more or less 3/4" screened gravel to be deliver- ed anywhere under the super- vision of the road superintend- ent, and state price to stock pile 400 cu. yds. more or less 2" screened gravel. Contractor to strip and maintain pits to the satisfac- tion of Road Supt. A certified cheoue for $600 to' accompany • tender. Accepted tender sub- . ject to approval of DHO. Low- est or any tender not necessar- ily acceptor). Robert Gibson. Road Suner- irtenrlent. Township of ew- ick. Gerrie. Ontario. C129b MOO APPLICATIONS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS APPLICATIONS WANTED.. Applications clearly marked as to contents will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until .12 noon, March 4, 1968, for War- ble Fly Inspector for the Township of Morris to work according to the Warble Fly Control Act. Any application not neves• sarily accepted. Mrs. 1lelen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ohta'rio. 22-20b • ANNUAL MEETING WiNGHAM AND DI$TRiCT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Association will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 1968, at 8:00 p.m., in the Recreation Room of the 14sPital Train- ing en (former Nurses' Residence) at Wingham. All matters of business pertaining to> the Wingham And District Hospital Association will be transacted including the elec.. tion of directors and other -of- ficers. In'order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a per- son mUst be a member of the Association. One year member, ships may be obtained for the sum of $5.00 from the " Wing - ham and District Hospital of- fice. These memberships must be purchased at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. R. B. Cousins, `President, John Strong, Secretary. 15-22-29b TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP E. WAWANOSH Sealed tenders' will' be re- ceived by the undersigned un- tilTI2-:30"pan:, March 5, 1968, to supply, crush and deliver to township roads approx. 12,- 000 cu. yds. of % gravel; also state price to stock pile 1,000 cup. yds.. in pit. Crusher to be shovel fed. Work to be coni- pleted by Sept. 15, 1968, to the satisfaction of Road Superin- tendent. • Tender must have certified cheque for $500. The accepted tender to be approved 'by the Department of Highways.. Low- est or any tender not neces- sarily accepted: C. W. Hanna. Road Super- intendent,' Belgrave, Ontario. 22-29b WANTED FARM WANTED - 30' to 60 acres, some bush, stream and liveable buildings, south-east • of Wingham. All particulars -tea L. Robillard, R. R. 1 Jordan, Ontario. 22-29p PERSONAL TORNBERRY Federation of Agriculture requires the names of all egg producers in the township not later than March 6th, so that the names may be placed on the egg voters list. Contact -Harold Elliott or - Jack Willitts. 29b THE VILLAGE NURSING HOME has 'accommodation available for elderly people. Private or welfare patients. welcome. Ph. Fordwich 109R1. 22-29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Lloyd Coulter, deceased. ALL persons having` claims against the estate of William' Lloyd Coulter, late' of ,the Vil- lage of Wroxeter, in the County -of Huron, Retired, . de- ceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of • December 1967, are hereby notified to send full particulars of the claims to the, undersigned so- licitor for the Executrix, on or before the 15th day of March, 1968, after which date thel.,Es- tate shall be distributed hav- ing regard only to the _claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. •- DATED at Listowel this 13th day of February, A.D. 1968. C. JOSEPH- BENSON, Q.C., Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for; the Executrix. JIM'S TAXI 'Local and Long Distance PH. 357-3680 - WINGHAM JIM NETTERFIELD . O26rrb SERVICE. CENTRE SNUG HARBOUR Goderich, Ont. TENDERS WILLIE RECEIVED by the undersigned for the sup- plying of all materials and con- struction of a proposed building to be located at the north side of the Harbour. This is a general construction call and includes electrical work, plumbing and construc- tion. A marked cheque for 10% of the tender should accompany the bid. . Plans may •be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, 57 West Street. For additional informa- tion, contact Councillor B. R. Robinson, 61 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-8831. Tenders to be received by March 14th, 1968. ' The Harbour ' Committee re- serves the right to reject any or all tenders. , S. H.- BLAKE, Town Clerk,* 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 4 :NA..ME;NT, Mr. William Lediet_ot Wl. ham is . pleased to announce the engagement of iris only daughter, Frances Marie, to Mr. Wilson Daw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw of R. IL 3 Wingham, A private ceremony will take place March 1, 1968. '29p • Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green, 233 Bingham Dr., Goderich, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lynda: Anita, to Mr. Charlie Bruinsia, SQn of Mr. and Mrs. Douwe Bruins - ma of Clinton. The wedding will take place March 22nd at 8 p.m.,' at North Street United Church, Qoderich. , 29 CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Ed- win Day would like tol)xprasge their thanks to friends Litidl neighbors for their kindness at the time of :their bereave- '. ment. •29p I. would like to thank "my friends and neighbors far re- membering me at the time "of my . bereavement of at dear brother. Rev, • C. A. MacSWireen. —Mrs. Mary,MacLeod. 29l The family of the late Mrs. Harold Moffat ,and Mr. Earl Dickson would like to thank the friends, relatives <and neighbors fez' all their kind- ness during their recent ber- eavement. Special thanks. to the nurses, Dr, McGregor and Rev. C. M. Jardine. 29p I would like to take this op- portunity of thankingrela- tives. neighbors and frids for their kindness during our • sudden bereavement. Special thanks to Rev., G. Fish. .Toho Currie, Dr. McGregor. all those who sent f'nwerc. donations to the Heart Foundation. the deons; bui'dine fund of St. Andrew's Preshvvterian . Church and to those who helped at home. ---Dorothy Irwin. 29b I would like to express my - sincere appreciation to all who remembered me with visits, - cards and gifts while in hos- pital.,, A special thank you to Dr. McGregor . and all the nurses in the intensive care war-d.—Lenore' MacTavish, 29p wish to **press my ap-, nreciation to all who rememi bered me with visits, cards and gifts while in Wingham and District Hospital:' Special thanks to Dr. 1VIcGregor and- nurses on second floor.,- and -to the staff, --Mrs.: Jean Kerr. , 29N J' wish to thank my , friends and neighbors for cards, treats and visits while a patient • in Wingham and District Hospis tal. AIso special thanks to Dr'.' W. A. McKibben, Dr,; Leahy. and Rev. C. M. Jardine and the nurses on second floor. Mrs. G. Allen. 29b We ,wish to thank everyone for cards, gifts, telephone calls and good wishes extended to us on our 50th wedding anni- versary. A special thanks to those who honored us at a din- ner Mondaynight and tothe friends and neighbors of th4 2nd_ of Culross for their gifts and surprise party. A sineere thank you to one and all. John and Mary Burchill. 29p Please accept my veru sin- cere thanks. to one -and all who visited. ;gent cards, flowers and gifts. which helped -to make my stay more nleesent. while n^tient in «ringharn and. District , TTospit'al, Sn.ei?,) thanks to the nurses and or- det•lies in -the isolation ,eVar4, and on 2nd floor; also' to De, W A. McKibben . and Rev. R. M. Sweeney: Thank you. — Alice Taylor. 24b I would like to express my sincere . thanks to my friends and neighbors who remember- ed me with flowers, cards an& treats and visited me while' a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins, Rev. R. Sweeney and the kind nurses on second floor.—Mrd. Lillian Weir. 29b iN MEMORIAM JENKINS—In loving memory • of a dear mother and grand mother, Irlma Jenkins, who passed away March 6, 1967. God saw that you were suffer- - ing, He . did What He thought best. He put His arms around you And whispered "Come to rest." The golden gates were opened, One -year ago today, And with goodbyes unspoken, 'You gently slipped away. —Sadly rnissed and always remembered" by son William. daughter,in-law Marguerite and. grandchildren. P 29b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SAW VHS HEAVER HOME WAY Over 30 Factory Built Kontos to choose from .. ranch, split loyal • and two storey. Pre* Pian Brochure For further information contact • BEAVER LUMBER Phone 3574591 • Winghas $HRPE ArPilt* 0 MurrayGarda $574002,Wl ..-. . REAL ES 'AT.I FO WILLIAM S« REED G . - G rai !wafts and Real Estate Broker Phone 357.2174 • . Winam 1 etorey home situated. on large lot, kitchen has built-in. cupboards. Large living room, 4 bedrooms and. 3 piece bath, oil furnace. Owner moving -out of town. Immediate possession. 1% storey ne-wly renovated home. Kitchen, livingroom,den and laundry room, 3 Iarge bedroom on second floor, 3 piece bath, Immediate pos- session. Owner will take a low down payment. 2 storey solid brick home, fully modern, oil furnace, hot water heating, new 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 piece' down, Extra lot. Spring possession. Several choice #arms through- out the district. 29b Gibson 'lVilloughtby Limited FARMS MOE MONEY FARMING. A REAL producer 100 acres —90 acres workable, balance young maple bush. Good house with modern, bath. Large barn 66x60, good stables. Garage. Water in house and barn. Hydro throughout. Price $20,- OqO: Terms. IDEAL SUMMER PROPERTY $10,000 doWn buys this 96 acre farm .on paved country road. House 11 years ' old. 4 bedrooms, 3 rooms down; bath upstairs and down. Good barn. 16. acres maple bush. Full price $16,500. Vendor take balance at 7%. - - ADDITIONAL FARMS 150 acres ---135: acres 'work- ing land. Price $22,500. Terms. 108 acres -80 acres working land, good buildings. Price' $21,000. 50 acres excellent land, • modern t. heuse, large barn: Price_ $21,000. Terms. OUT-OF-TOWN PROPERTIES TiRED OF CITY LIVING? 9 room brink- house •in Har - 1 iston in a good-1eeatioll..Dargd:- bright living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and • . bath, ojil hot water heated. Lovely home. INCOME FROM YOUR PROPERTY $25,000. Semi-detached one level home in the town of Har- riston. Each unit ,contains _ 2 bedrooms, living toom, kitclieri with built-in cupboards. Paved' driveways, etc. If you are look- - ing for a honle with. income, • look this over very carefully., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $35,000 BROILER BUSINESS Successful broiler business in village of Clifford. Price in- cludes all buildings, equip- ment, land and quotas. of 14,- 462 chickens. This business net $3,000 en last bunch of chick- - ens. Full price $35,000 with good terms. EXPANDING' HARDWARE STORE . Hardware store in Ethel buildings and warehouse at $15,500. Stock at invoice. Books open to investigation. Can be expanded to include plumbing, heating and tin- smithing. Real need, for these services in this area. BUILDING TO START A BUSINESS Vacant Legion building in Brussels. $8,500' full price. Suitable for offices or ideal for a restaurant. Basement finished. 2 storey brick approx. 40x60. Washrooms on- every floor. Oil heat. CONTACT Mr. Clifford Cooke at Gorrie office, tele- phone Wroxeter 205W. GIBSON WILLOUGHBY. LIMITED REALTOR 29-7b Phone 351-2310 give... so more will live HEART FUND ir $LYTH SINGER- CENTRE Repairs to all makes and mo - dela of sewing maclail. Warner Collings, Prop. Phana. 523.4215; Ras, 523591 Pets CUSTOM INSTALLATION of Fir Covering and. ilia ROBERT E. ° "EEARSON. Painter and Decorator Phone 357.3044 • Wingham L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, -large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357.2339, Wingharn. LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Pltne 357-1359 - R. R. 14 Wingham, Ont. FOR YOUR' Insurance Needs,. in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co -Op Agent' -- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area • 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 271.6736 Collect or Sale HOMES -1 storey home in Wroxeter, modern kitchen, 2' bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, oil furnace, hard- wood floors throughout. Largs Ia'ndscaped lot, •Full- price $4,- 500.00, Good` 114 storey brick home in Wir'rgham, 4 bedrooms, oil furnace, 4 pc, bath. A good solid brick hone on a'.Iarge lot. �F.ul price 47,900...0. 1% `'storey home ori ^ Pati'icic�ry Street. Modern kitchen, dining room, living room with fkre place, .3 large bedrooms with clothes closets, 4 pc. bath. Large panelled rec room. Laundry room with tubs, oil furnace. Well landscaped lot. Paced to sell. 1% storey brick" home has modern ,kitchen with dining " area, . living room and dining room have hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, oil fur- nace. Small workshop on -pro- perty. • Large lot, central Iota- . tion. Full price $15,500..00. . Beautiful home on 'Frances Street, large living room, din- ing room, den, modern kich- en, laundry room, 4 bedrooms with clothes closets, 4 pc. bath, rec room, oil furnace. Attach- ed apartment has modern kit- chen, 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, electric heat/ good income pro- perty, central location. Priced, to "sell. •FARMS 100 acres west of Wingham, 60 acres workable, 12 acres hard maple bush, steel covered barn 84x36, steel shed. Large home has 5 bedrooms. Full price $10,500.00. 90 acres near Kincardine, choice level, medium loam, barn 40x80 with "L" 30x60, cement yard, litter carrier, im- plement shed, garage. 1'/s storey brick home, modern kit- chen, 3 pc. bath, furnace. A good farm that is well drained. Full price° $13,900.00. 100 acre farm near St. Hel- ens, 85 acres workable, Targe barn ties 25 cows, alsb loose pens- 11/4 storey home has kit- chen, dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms. Full price ^ $14,900.00. • 100 acre farm near Tees - water 96 -acres workable, self drain ng;`' oarIV• land, Targe barn ties 25 cows, cattle pen, hen house, implement shed. Brick home has modern- kit- chen, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath. Lo- cated on a paved road. Full - price 521,000.00. 100 acres in Walkerton area, 85 acres workable, level, mad- ium loam. Barn 60x90; stable cleaner, paved yard, new steel and concrete stables for 350 hogs, 50 cattle. Brick home, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, furs*ce. Located;, on a 'saved road. Full price $29,000.00. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTORS, WINGHAM "Rural Ontario Specialists" " Kstth Fittslinnions, Manager, or Annalise Fitzsimmons, Rep., Phone' 3574940; Res. 357.1117 Cecil Mahood, Repr- . ntativo', Phone Teeswater, 3924952 4 ii:iiiiiimiiiiiiittaiiiea orsi:nottttttttstat'at4titttttttttoMMi,tomailoossausomiN anon)°';:. ---- u ii 101$4,1411000100104!4604411511101001$41.040;r1 tit'h'awe'e',at,tto,pa,omoat,ado'stlA,aattttotomkWoortU as44►t LIVING FAITH Telecast Saturday, 'March 2, :30 p.m., . CKNX-TV, Ch,. 8, will present the, second phase of "Foos !8 oo. YQRth." 2911,, EUCHRE S.9cred Heart Parish Fall, Tuesday: March 5, at 8:30 P.M. • Good prizes. Lunch. Everyone Orel come. cge26rrh DANCE . In Bluevale Half: On Friday, March 1St, in- honor of newly- weds, Mr, and• Mrs. Jack Ver. bolt (41'udy Clark) Ross's or- chestra. Ladies please 'bring lunch. iveryone welcome. 29p BIRTHS 11 FARRISH —In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, February 21, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald son. WEBER — In Wingham and DiStrict Hospital, on Friday, February 23, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weber, Hospital, Cobourg, on Satur- day, February 24, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newman, a daughter, a sister for Kim, pital, Kitchener, ,on Satur- day, February 24,' 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toman (Verne Metcalfe) a son, . Michael James. McGILL — In -Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, Febru- Stewart McGill, of Toronto, HARRIS In Wingham and . District Hospital, on Tubs- day,e-February 27, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris, Teeswater, a daughter. WALKER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wed- nesday, February 28, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Rayniond Walker, Wingham, a daugh- ter. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. 'William tran- chuk, (Marlene Stainton), of Agincourt, Ont., are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Angela I3ar- OLD TWO DANCE At the RoYal T, SiturditY, Orchestra. AdM. 41.00, 2i* DON'T MISS 4, The Sadie IlawkinS lee Car- nival in the Belgrave Axena eh Friday, March lst. Jodging starts at 11 o'clock sharp. the posters for entries. 22b HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, Mar. 1st, at 8.30 p.m. in Wroxeter Coinmunity Hall. Admission $1. 12 regular games for $10: 2 /iShare the Wealth"; one 525 Special; doer prizes; Jackpot of $65 in 52 calls. FIGHT HEART DISEASE GIVE HE T FUND Creative Peo'ple WHY LABOUR? We will remove for you.— paint and varnish from early furniture, doors, ,shutters; -etc. Why not•call us at — 3571011. ttn.tutp trip 20 Water ,Street WINGHAM "The only stripper in Western Ontario" of HOUSEHOLD. FURNISHINGS and EFFECTS at Estate Marketing Services 20 WATER STREET, ( beside LCB0), WINGHAM, ONT. SATURDA\Y, MARCH 9th, at 1:00 p.m. The facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES have been engaged for 'the presentation of the following lots of household effects for sale by public auction: Chesterfield; several upholstered arm chairs including Victorian style arm chair; 3 wicker type chairs; set matching chairs; 4 chrome chairs; desk; studio touch; dining room table; sewing stand; hall ratk with mirror; 4 'pedestal tables; foot stools; console table; 2 pine blanket boxes; spool corner seat; single bed, spring And mattress, like ne*; 4/0 metal bed; commode; wash stand; divan; , sev4ral pieces of 'Ironstone, including two 2 -pc. wash sets; carnival Klass; several china pitchers; selection of glass ware, including 3 sets of water glasses and pitchers; several flower vases and bowls; spatter glass; some crocks< and sealers; seyeral hand -made. fancy doilies, cushion covers, throws;„ rocking chairs, includ-1 ing Boston type rocker; lamps include a "Tiffany Lamp": many, many other interesting items and novelties too numerous to itemize. MRS. ROBERT DEYELL„ JACK ALEXANDER, Proprietress. Auctioneer. 5 -pc. walnut bedroom suite; 3 -pc. chesterfield suite; large oak rockeq Bell piano and stool; 3 rocking chaits; VietroIa; smoking table* settee; 3 'pine blanket boexes; ▪ drop-leaf kitchen table; dining table; several chairs; porcelain top kitchen cupboard; crokinole board; 2 mantel clocks; 2 sets of dinnerware including Limoges "Bridal Wreath"; dishes and cooking utensils; sealers; 3 rolls snow fence: aluminum wheelbarrow; refrigerator; Mc - Clary -Easy coal and wood stove; plus 'several other in- teresting items. MRS. GEORGE FOWLER, JACK ALEXANDER, Proprietress. Auctioneer. • 'These two lots will be offered at the same time and will r be available. for viewing by prospective buyers at 20 Water Street, Wingham, from 10:00 a.m. the day of sale. TERMS ARE CASH — Plus 5% Ontario Sales TRUCKING SERVICE WILL BE AVAILABLE "raellitles and Administration fc!r Bettor Auctions" TATE ARKETING ERVICES 20 WATER STREET, WINGHAM, OfilT. Phone 357 re71 Eleven HIGHWAY NO. 4 LCSO ESTATE SWIM