HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-02-29, Page 5f.. M 41.0 4 tuevale Personal World Day of Prayer obaervoid In the 'United at 3 p.m, on Friday, MaVit. 1*Y. E. R, klawj i,; of Prilebyteirian Church 1 "► for ALLYUUR PHARMACEUTICALS It Pars to Be -PrepOnidl Make sure )you are _. .`well prepared to meet . ac.1 ° � !Vents '.111,. around your home, with an up-to-date, dependableasupply of first aid needs. JOHNSTON'S DRUG STORE. will be the -speaker for the union service, ,• A family reunion was held ,, at the home of Mr, ;and MTS Oliver Campbell on Sunday. The 15tth.wedding anniversary of Mar. and MO. 'Colin Camp' • bell, of Hamilton, was cele- • brated and •theywere present with their three children, Also present were. Mr, and Mrs. - Charles Campbell and family,: Mr, and Mrs, Pete Campbell and. family, Mr, and Mrs, ken `Xohnston and' family, Mr. And • Mrs, °Hugh Campbell and fain», ily, all of this locality, and - . and. Mrs. 'Murray Sheari family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Colin Cawpbell were presented with an electric oof* fee pot. Mr., .and Mrs, itoy• Worming- ton.and• family attended the wedding -of their daughter Susan and Eric Wolfe, at`'Dasbwood on. Saturday, 1A reception and dance. were held .in the evening. Visitors with Mrs., and Mrs,. VR,oss Mann: on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Erol Johnson, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. `R J. McMurray, 'of Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor ,were in Kitchener on Sunday; Owing to stormy weather on .Thursday evening the regular euchre party sponsored by the Sluevale Recreational Associa- tion •was cancelled. Smith Robertson flew home from California last week for a brief visit with. his brother Wil- don, here, and his sister, , Mrs. Thos. Inglis, of Wroxeter. He arrived without an. over coat and said, he didn't own one in California. a pot INFANT'S AND CHILDREN'S ['WEAR iW//i/G HA.W.1 04/T. IN THE GURNEY BLOCK Nom Notes Mrs, R, H. McKinnon is a patient b* Wingham and Distris Hospital., Mrs. LJ. Elliott, and Mrs. Albert Porter of Lucknow are visiting Mrs, Elliott's daughter. Mrs. Forbeck..who is in hospital at Niagara Falls. Ooforth 'Auxiliary February meefln The FebruaryMeeting lnig Qf the Goforth Evening ,Auxiliary w• as " held in the . upper room 9f. Stt.; ,Andrew's Chuxch Tuesday of last week, .with the president,. <° Mrs. E. Beardwin the chair, The program: committee hr. eluded Mrs. Ken Leitch., Mrs.' 1. Day, Mrs, Parker Campbell, Mrs. Tim Willis Mrs, Stewart, Scott and Mrs. Robert Brooks. The. Scripture lesson was read' by Mrs. Willis, with a meditation on Psalm 23 by Mrs, Leitch. Mrs. R. Brooks read;a• Japanese version of the Psalm, ''Mrs.. S. Scott led in prayer, and Mrs. P. Campbell dedicat- ed the offering. - Mr. J. Day introduced the study of the Koreans in Japan. Mrs. Campbell was the chair- man for the discussionand the other members of the commit- tee discussed„the .economic and industrial situation, education and evangelism in Japan. Miss Jane Day gave a piano solo, which was much enjoyed. The secretary, Mrs, R. Mac- Donald read the minutes and the business was conducted by Mrs. Beard. The allocation for the Presbyterial Supply was accepted, Mrs. R. Brooks closed the meeting with prayer and a social hour followed: • -Mr. and Mrs. Chester Casemore,' Mr, and Mrs. Ed Marsh, Mrs. Carman McDonald and Mrs. Ross Hayden attended the funeral of •the brother of Mr. Casemore and: Mrs. Marsh, Carl Casemore, at Forest on Tuesday of last ,week. OOPS 410 AD GP 411160 THERE GOES i ANOTHER FUSE • EVER .HAPPEN ATYOUR HOUSEt IT SHOULDN'T You see, when fuses blow or circuit- l breakers trip frequentlly, it Is a sym- ptom of inadequate wiring. It means that the electrical wiring in your home simply can't supply all your needs. ...your wiring needs -affeniion if LIGHTS FLICKER AND DIM WHEN APPLIANCES ARE TURNED ON. APPL1ANtES SUCH -AS TOASTERS AND IRONS HEAT UP TOO SLOWLY. FUSES BLOW OR CIRCUIT -BREAKERS a TRIP FREQUENTLY. TELEVISION PICTURE SHRINKS WHEN OTHER APPLIANCES GO. ON. YOU. DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SWITCHES AND OUTLETS . WHERE YOU NEED. THEM. YOU HAVE MULTIPLE ("OCTOPUS') OUTLETS WITH .CORDS STRUNG ALL OVER. Don't Take Chances With Your Home And Family • UR vI--tucrRicr►L caNttunciLon OR THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WINGHAM1 ONTARIO Fa WINNERS AND runners-up in the•elemen- "tary school division of the Legion's public speaking contest are seen with Tom Rus- sell • who presented one of the °trophies. Left is Betty. Ann - Brown, second in the senior class; centre front, DarleneACoultes, second in junior; Marilyn Irwin, senior .,.inner and right, Linda Langendoen, junior, winner. •--Adyance,Ticnes Photo. N $ 6N11IN/sN ,NN*N1M,t.N11e,NNNaNNY6NNN6NN6slNNMNN6WHssamis NeII/ iisesa1HMMNNNMM neliMNM��N�NN ' a Eight- ladies afitend .MS meeting at Emerson hams. *WHITECHURCH--Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson welcomed the , members of Chalmers Presby- terian W.M.S. to her home last week for,the February meet. ing. The president, Mrs. Wal- lace ,Conn, gave the call to worship and led » in the opening prayer. Responsive .Scripture . reading was led by. Mrs., Conn. 'Lie meditation was given by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin who,said, "If, people would learn to mind their own business and learn to be quiet, there would be_ fewer heart attacks." People use their energy »in secondary things, such as a housewife making radish rosebuds when she could better put that time and energy to use 'by writing'a letter to cheek a ],only •soul. , ; • , jlh . E�,. e on vergadi, whit encu d °Mei Bibi , a• Missionary Book, All Things to All Men, and Four Kinds of • People in Every. Church. The minutes were ,read by' Mrs. Conn. Arrangements were made for the» World Day of Prayer and to send a dele- gate to the »Synodical. A letter was read in'regard to the supply allocation which is to be in by September 30. • Eight people answered roll , call and the offering was re- ceived and dedicated by Mrs. Conn. Mrs. Dawson Craig gave the topic on Martha. - She lived on the southeast side of the. Mount .of Olives. In her home Christ was welcome. 'It is beleived that Martha,, her sister Mary and brother Lazarus were weal- thy. Martha looked after the physical needs of the home while Mary was keener on the' spiritual needs. Women must sometimes be» reminded that they should stress the spiritual needs as well as the physical. - Mrs. Bill Evans gave the reading. "When Lights Are Low: Mrs. Earl Caslick read "Faith" and Mrs. Conn read "What Is Faith?" Mrs. Dawson Craig conducted a Bible quiz. MNIN6MNNNN6somemN.mmasNNN6N6N6N6N6Niesese N The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H.D. MacDonald. - Mrs. Conn also presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting which 'followed., Discussion centred ort the needs at the manse. The collection was received and after the closing prayer, the hostess served lunch. . Miss Laura Collar' will be speaker at Day of 'Prayer svliss:'Laura Coilar,�, n arivari fa lou°80L,wl1i.11g ihe,f1 speaker on.Friday. afternoon when the World Day of Prayer will be held in St. Paul's Ang 1ica , Church at three ',o'clock. Miss Collar returned home last - June, .afte>� serving in Jordan for a peiod of four years. The theme of,this year's world-wide service will be, Bear one another's burdens",, prepared by „ M rGs , Ra .t h ins Selkaratnam of Ceylon; chair- man of the Asian Church Wom- en's Conference. Representatives• of women's organizations from .the host church, St. Andrew's Presby- terian, Sacred Heart Roman • Catholic, The Salvation Army and Wingham United°churches - will take an active part in the - service. • Mrs. Thomas Bell of the Salvation Army will be the soloist. • The collection received at - Day of Prayer services is ,used for Christian literature and. educational purposes around the world, distributed through the Women's Inter -Church, Council. All women of the co m - munity are invited' to attend World Day of Prayer at St.- Paul's on Friday. meseiliiitimusHowevestuastiommisoussasseissa Mrs. H. "Wright choirs meeting BELMORE--The United - Church Women of Mcfntosh met last Wednesday afternoon in the basement of the Church., The president, Mrs. Harvey Wright, conducted the meeting opening with the •thought for . the day. Mrs, Bruce Harkness was in charge of devotions. - Mrs. Robert Harkness and Mrs. David Harper had -the study period. A:. feature was given by Mrs'. Jack Ferguson. Pans were made for the Wod» Day of Mayer- service - to be held on March 1, in - the McIntosh .Church. The ladies. were reminded of the Bruce` Presbyterial. in Walkerton on February 27. Mrs. Wright closed the . - meeting with kprayer. Lunch was served by » Mrs. Harvey Wright, Mrs. Gordon -Wright and Mrs. ►Iddon Renick, , • Guild visits local industry Mrs. Robert Jones, vice- president of St. Paul'•s Even- ing Guild, presided for the regular meeting in the parish hall. on Tuesday of last week. The president, Mrs. p o n Kennedy. is a patient in a Montreal hospital following a skiing accident. - Mrs. Jones gave the.opening prayer and Mrs. C. Wilkinson - read Scripture. The members then enjoyed a visit to Century . Dip Strip where the proprietor, James Currie, explained the ' new precedure and gave a very . convincing demonstration on what beautiful wood .carving is sometimes hidden by a lot of old paint. The ladies asked Many questions about the .fasci- nating process. Mrs. Wilkinson thanked Mr.. Currie for his ,demonstration. The member s returned to the church to . complete- t h,e business at hand and lunch 'was served by Mrs.. Wilkinson and Mrs. Jack. King. JOHN ' tom, President of the Royal Canadian Legion, 180 is soon 'with the► two winners in the secondary school division of the public speaking , Contest held at the public School last Saturday, sponsored by the Branch. Contra is Dor- othy Elliott of Brussels, winner in the senior class, and Linda' Wilson, also of Brussels, junior winner. --Advance:Times Photo. 414 womiNs • ivy* aka ,ie,,.,,._.., ,.r1„ fiaturis from <>The World of Wo fl Belgrave Personals Mir. and- Mfrs. Frank Work- man of Brussels visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mark Armstrong. on Sunday, Miss Marilyn Taylor of Kit- chener spent the week -end at the home of her :patents, Mr. .and Mrs, Jack Taylor, o ° Mrs. ".pert Grasby and Mrs. Ada. Smith of Brussels spent a couple Of days at the annual convention of the -Ontario Agri- 'culture Society which was held at the King Edward Hotel, Tor- onto, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins spent a couple of days.at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pat- - tiaon,, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Hamilton visited over the week -end with Mrs. Dave Arm- strong and Mr. and Mrs.. - Robert Grasby. Mr., Carl Procter is a patient in Wingham anA Dirtrict.Hospit- al. . <, Mr Davi Walsh was a - � stu- dent dent teacher at Howick Central School last week. Miss Margaret Higgins of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Higgins. Mrs. Walter Kerr of Brussels - visited one day last week with her aunt; Mrs. Herb . Wheeler. Miss Hilda Lane of Belleville spent the _week -end with her aunt, Mrs, Mid Laybou nn, at the home of Mrs. Robert Pur- don,' She also visited with Mrs, Uerb Wheeler, M r, and Mrs, Alex Styles of Mimico spent Sunday with her aunt.; Mrs. Cora McGill', 14, and Mrs.. Gordon Eos- man'visited with Rev. Hugh C.. and, Ma Wesson, of Exeter, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.,- Donald ,Camp0, bell and family of Belatnont visited With, Mr,, and.»Mrs. Mac Scott over the weekend' and also visited other Belgirave friends,. and'.Mrs«,Leslie Shaw and, family and Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson and family of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Macs. Jack .Manderson. Mr. and Mrs., Clarene a Han, nkarxl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patti- :son attended the Ontario Good Roads convention, held. in the Royal York Hotel.,, Toronto. The short course on "Needle-` craft" has been postponed to- March o-March 14 and 15, these days to be; confirmed. • Mr. and Mrs. Itwis'Stone- house spent the week-enrd with • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stone- house of London and on their return home called on Rev,, Hugh C. --and Mrs. Wilson of Exeter. Mrs. Lyle Hopper is'a -pa • tient in the Wingham and Dist;- rice %lospital„ N6 semief6NuNu. uH.I.,u ,UIP! i6NNNpt6,HN.NNMUUfl*,6NHN�NNN. V'isiis to s -hut -Ins -t� be reported at next meetin WHITECHURCH--The U.C. W. of Calvin -Brick Churchtksnet - last Wednesqlay at the home of Mrs. Roy Dwson.... There were "l tp'resent. Mrs. Roy Pattison gave the call to worship and Mrs. L. Currie led in prayer. Scripture was -read by Mrs. - Pat- tison, » assisted by Mrs. -Norman , Coates. Mrs. - Lawrence- Taylor; i •' Mrsonald ►C'oultesi wMrsi. --- -:.. Dawson and Mrs. Alex Robert- son. 'The offering was received by little Donna Dawson and dedic- ated ,by Mrs. Pattison. Mrs. John Jamieson gave a reading, "-For Patience Only", from Out- reach. - The Bible study, "Looking Ahead with Sincerety,, was given by .Mrs. Gordon McBurney and a lively discussion followed. , Mrs.. Dick Moore led in the mission study on Japan with the topic being "Three Young Jap- - ane,seBoys" . Several Japanese articles were on display. The president, MMrs. Alex - Robertson°, was in charge of the business. Minutes were read by Mis. Dawson and delegates to , the. Presbyterial at Seaforth, Mrs. Ken Mason, Mrs, Norman Coultes, Mrs. Gordon McBur- ney and Mrs. -A. Robertson re- ported. • MIs. Ronald Coultes will rent the hall in Wingham for the bake sale,on April 6. Flow- ers and Cards were sent to Mrs. George Coultes for her birthday on February 22. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Clar- ence Ghamney. World Day of - -Prayer will be• field at the home of Mrs. lJorman 'Coultes . on March I, ' wiith Mrs. J. G. Rob - ens as'speaker. `The.;Easier meeting will be April 11. ' Next month's toll call .will. be to name the shut-ins .or sick persons visited, or to whom cards are sent during the month.. Mrs, Ken Mason's groupheld ay binhday,tea.and bozos:`, --Mr. and Mrs. Lorne oorehead and - Mrs.. Jack Gou-. dy.. of Scarboro and Mrs. Hazel Lockridge of Hamilton spnt last week -end with .Mr. and Mrs.. Stan Campbell. -Mrs. Jim Carr spent last week in Port Elgin with her'son, Mr. land Mrs. David Carr and family. _ ▪ -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ro- binson of Francis Street visit .with his Mother, Mrs. J.C. Ro- binson in .Victoria Hospital on Sunday. ▪ -Mrs. Ross King, Scott - Street, , had the misfortune to fall and break the large bone in her left wrist. It is in a cast. . IV. A. IIAMILTON. OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM» FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 CUSTOM DESIGNED - HANOVER KITCHENS { Ladies! You spend most of your time in the kitch- en . . why not enjoy it! • Monthly Pry- S 9 AA marts as low as We are 10411°114: equipped to Wo !:ave a Lar' install your wall to . wail Neon °f ° Broadloom Nr .and FloorP Coverin s . Flavor . toSSA's aEi Coverings to choose .from • Via Stock ARMSTRONG VINYL ASBESTOS FtO-OR TILE zw:47. BEAVER 405 JOSSeHINE $T., WINGHAM.— 3012551 Open t its II, Man. to Pd.; $,to 12, Saturday